weapons expert

Chapter 309

Li Cheng turned around and left the team, quietly touched the direction of the dark whistle, and soon disappeared into the night.

The gunshots on the southern line kept going, and most of the secret whistle's attention was attracted, allowing Li Cheng to get behind him very smoothly.

The Huya that Xu Ziling gave him was already in his hand. Seeing Anshao stretched out his head from a dark place to look towards the south line, Li Cheng made a decisive stride and stepped behind him, stretched out his left hand to hold Anshao's mouth, Hold the tiger tooth in the right hand and wipe it accurately on the neck.


Huya left Anshao's body, and the neck was like turning on a faucet. It sprayed out suddenly, and part of it entered Anshao's throat from the inside, making a weird sound.

Hearing this sound, Li Cheng released his hand holding his mouth, and Anshao fell to the ground, holding his neck desperately with both hands. Unfortunately, the tiger teeth are extremely sharp, and his aorta and larynx were completely damaged by the knife. Being broken, his actions like this are completely useless.

Seeing that the corpses on the ground gradually became silent, Li Cheng said lightly in the channel:

"Target cleared!"

"Keep going."

After receiving the message, Yang Kaiming led the team immediately and started to move on again.

The fighting on the southern front was extremely fierce. Except for the secret sentry that was just cleared, there was no one left on the eastern front. This must have something to do with the fact that the other party has not received professional training, but it is more likely to be They didn't know the existence of Xu Ziling and his group. Judging from the firepower of the government army, they believed that all the people of the government army were on the southern front, and there should be no one on the eastern front.

No matter what happened, this situation was a good thing for Yang Kaiming and his group. There was no secret sentry ahead, and they moved faster, and they soon reached the front position not far from the opponent's southern front.

There are no more obstacles ahead, Xu Ziling said in the channel, and focused on the heavy firepower.

The exchange of fire became more and more intense, and the artillery fire of the government army also changed its attack target. It no longer attacked the opponent's village, but changed to attack the opponent's position.

As a result, the pressure on the opposition increased sharply, so the armed pickup truck that the opponent had been hiding all along finally appeared in the wide area of ​​the village.

Pickup trucks are much easier to hit than tanks. Aim at the fuel tank on the side, and a single shot will cause a big explosion, just like killing a target.

After three shots, the three armed pickups turned into three balls of flames. This situation finally made the opposition realize that on the battlefield, there was an anti-equipment sniper rifle aimed at them in some corner.

Realizing this, the remaining two pickups immediately fled in panic, backed behind layers of buildings, and were no longer in Xu Ziling's sight.

Xu Ziling didn't take this kind of action seriously. While hiding, they couldn't fire the cannon, which was equivalent to nothing. Since they couldn't come out, Xu Ziling certainly didn't take it to heart.

Through the lion, Xu Ziling saw that the two pickups were motionless, thinking that they would definitely not come out in a short time, so he adjusted the muzzle and aimed at the several heavy machine guns installed in the village.

The heavy machine guns in the village are the last line of defense for the opposition. Due to the long distance, they have no effect on the southern positions of the government troops, but they pose a fatal threat to Yang Kaiming and the others.

This is why Xu Ziling did not choose to shoot the heavy machine guns on the front line first, but chose to destroy the heavy machine guns in the village.

There are two low buildings on the left and right sides of the entrance of the village, which look like they were built temporarily, and the two heavy machine guns are installed in these two temporary fortifications.

Let the lion scan it, and you can see that the concrete walls of the house are quite thick, and it looks like it can completely withstand the blow of a 105mm shell.

Although Tiger's special bullets are quite powerful, it is still quite difficult for this high-strength concrete wall. It must take more than two bullets to hit the same place to penetrate.

But the good thing is that the two machine guns probably exposed a section of the barrel from the shooting hole to the outside in order to have a wider shooting angle.

Xu Ziling didn't think that he must kill the people inside, so he aimed his gun directly at the barrel of the heavy machine gun.

Aiming at the protruding barrel, he pulled the trigger violently. Without waiting for the result, he immediately moved the muzzle of the gun, aiming at the exposed barrel of the heavy machine gun on the other side, and fired again.

After firing two shots, I had time to see the results:

"Lion, send the picture to see."

As soon as the words fell, the lion immediately showed the situation inside one of the fortifications, but Xu Ziling was stunned by the situation inside, because what he saw in his eyes was so weird.

The lion shows the fortification on the left side of the village entrance. Xu Ziling has seen the situation inside before. In addition to the heavy machine gun, there are two militants inside, one fireman and one bomb supplyer. Both of them are next to the heavy machine gun. , ready to fire at any time.

But what he sees now is: not only are the scrapped heavy machine guns scattered on the ground, but even the two people who were alive before turned into corpses and fell to the ground, and the walls and ground in the fortification are also covered everywhere. bloodstained.

"How is this going?"

Seeing this weird situation, Xu Ziling couldn't figure out why the two people inside were dead because he was hitting the gun barrel, so he couldn't help asking the lion.

"This incident is a bit dramatic. You hit the barrel, causing the gun body to move, but the force was a little stronger, so that the back of the gun hit the fireman's chest. The violent impact killed him, and the other one Unfortunately, during the destruction of the gun body, the primer of a bullet on the belt was accidentally activated, and the 12.7mm bullet head accidentally flew to someone, so the result is what you see gone."

"That's fine too!"

Knowing the reason, Xu Ziling couldn't help feeling that it was really a coincidence.

But now that he was still in the middle of the war, he didn't have much to say. He quickly asked the lion to scan another fortification. After confirming that the two heavy machine guns were completely useless, he immediately adjusted the guns to point to the south line, ready to support them. up.

"The remaining two 105s are hiding!"

While adjusting the muzzle of the gun, Xu Ziling notified Yang Kaiming of his results, because Yang Kaiming and the others had to wait for him to complete the task of striking heavy firepower before launching their attack.

After a series of blows, Xu Ziling achieved outstanding results. He shot very quickly, so it was only a few minutes before the battle started.

After the previous panic, the opposition finally gathered their personnel and arrived at the front position on the southern front to start a counterattack.

Before, Yang Kaiming considered that they would directly attack the village and eliminate the people in the village to cut off the rear of the militants on the southern front, but he thought that although the village was not big, the number of people in their team would not be able to wipe out the people in the village at the same time. .

In this case, as soon as the people in the village send out a signal, the people on the southern front may turn around and join forces with the people in the village to attack them. plan.

Instead, they raided from the eastern front to the southern front, wiped out all the people in the southern front, and then attacked the village.

When receiving the signal from Xu Ziling, Yang Kaiming and his team were already lurking at a distance of less than 30 meters from the southern position. Assad's actions completely confused the opposition, and all of them only focused on the opposite side. The government army's position did not notice that Yang Kaiming's team had reached their side at all.

Hearing Xu Ziling's words in the headset, Yang Kaiming immediately gave the team members the order to attack.


Everyone in the team was already ready to attack. Hearing Yang Kaiming's order, they didn't shoot immediately. Instead, they took off the grenades they were carrying from their tactical uniforms, pulled off the pull tabs, and then slammed into the area with all their might. Throw it to the place where the gunshots are the most in the opponent's position.

The nine members of Smith's team plus Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng made their team 11 people, and each of the [-] people had a grenade, which was [-] grenades.

Everyone is well-trained, and at a distance of 30 meters, it is impossible to miss, so eleven grenades fell from the sky and were accurately thrown into the crowd in the opponent's position.

Part of the grenade was provided by Assad, and part was prepared by Kevins before. Although the models are different, they are all trigger fuzes, and there is a two-second delay after hitting the trigger fuze.

Eleven grenades were thrown out by them, and some of them fell directly on the armed opposition personnel, or beside them. They were startled by something falling from the sky. When they saw the flames of bullets fired from the mouth, they suddenly discovered that what fell from the sky was actually a grenade.


Seeing this thing, several militants who found it yelled, ready to run as soon as they dropped their guns.

But the delay of the grenade is only a few seconds, which is doomed to their tragedy: as soon as the shout came out, the person just stood up from the attacking position, and the grenade exploded.


Eleven grenades exploded one after another. Since the time interval between the throws was not long, the sound of the explosion sounded like there was only one, and it was impossible to hear how many grenades there were.

The militants of the opposition, after all, were only a small number of people who were hit by grenades, but there were many more who did not find grenades. When they heard someone shouting "there are grenades", it was too late, and they hadn't responded yet. It just exploded.

Those who were close were directly killed by the blast, and those who were a little farther away were also hit by shrapnel and blood flowed across their bodies. Of course, some were lucky. They hid better and escaped the explosion of the grenade, but even That's right, they were also frightened by the thunderstorm.

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