weapons expert

Chapter 311 Final goal

Seeing that Yang Kaiming agreed with his solution, Xu Ziling immediately called Assad in the channel, without saying anything else, directly told him the coordinates, and asked him to order the tank to fire.

From Xu Ziling's tone, he knew that the matter was urgent, so Assad didn't hesitate, and immediately contacted their tanks, passed the coordinates over, and asked them to fire.

The tanks stopped firing when Yang Kaiming and the others arrived at the position to exchange fire, but under Assad's instructions, they never slacked off, but were ready to fire at any time.

After receiving Assad's order, the rear gun operators of several tanks immediately adjusted the shooting direction of the barrels according to the coordinates transmitted, and the shells were loaded into the chambers.

"Bang... bang... bang"

Several tanks fired shells almost at the same time, and the flames ejected from the gun barrels were extraordinarily bright at night.

After Xu Ziling's words were passed on to Assad, he still had a little worry in his heart. He was not worried that Assad would not implement it, but was a little worried about the accuracy of those guns.

If the first round of shelling fails, it will definitely speed up the escape of those people. Once they are allowed to escape, it will be difficult to kill them at that time.

Although he has lions, he can find them at any time within dozens of kilometers, but if they are going to a place controlled by the opposition forces, even if they know where they are, it will be a troublesome thing.

He also has some understanding of the quality of the government army. Syria is not specialized in armored tanks, so there are very few officers with relevant specialties in the government army.

There are few senior officers, so needless to say the soldiers below, general professional training is impossible, and it would be nice if someone could demonstrate it to them once.

For them, if they can figure out the movements of those operations, they can go to the battlefield.

So it is conceivable that how accurate such artillery can be, we can only pray to God to open his eyes and let them hit it.

"Be sure to hit me!"

Xu Ziling kept shouting in his heart.

The speed of the government army was really fast, just as Xu Ziling was muttering to himself, several tanks howled angrily.

Perhaps it was the artilleryman who performed supernormally this time, but it is also possible that Xu Ziling's prayer to God worked. Two of the shells fired by several tanks hit the target house.

Although it didn't hit the bull's-eye, it was there.

The leader of the armed opposition knew that there was nothing to be done, and he just wanted to take a few deputies, pack up his belongings and prepare to escape, but he didn't expect that a group of them just opened the door and were about to go out when they saw several loud noises in the courtyard outside.

Got shelled!

After all, they had been on the battlefield for many days. Seeing this, they knew it was shells fired by tanks.

Afraid that the next shell would hit again, a group of people immediately closed the door of the house again and retreated into the house.

"Keep firing!"

Seeing this situation, Xu Ziling asked Assad to fire again on the channel.

As long as they blocked their footsteps, looking at Yang Kaiming's advancing speed, he reckoned that they only needed to block them for a few more minutes, and with his help, they would definitely be able to get there.

Hearing Xu Ziling's words, Assad knew that the few shots just now had an effect, so he immediately ordered the tanks to continue firing loudly in the government army's communication channel.

After the first round of shelling, Yang Kaiming and others also entered a distance of 200 meters from the village. There were still sporadic rebels hiding in every corner of the village under the cover of night.

Now on the battlefields of both sides, apart from the firing of government tanks, the firearms have stopped, and almost all the buildings in the opposition village have been shelled before, and there is nothing left to burn.

Except for the fire of cannons and explosions during the shelling, the positions of both sides were pitch black at this time.Yang Kaiming and the others were equipped with night vision devices. The night had no effect on them, but it brought a lot of trouble to those in the opposition.

The little ones of the opposition were also planning to run away, but they did not expect to be bombarded by the government army again, so they hid one by one, thinking that someone would definitely attack their village. Although they were afraid, they were still alone. Another took up the gun.

"There are two inside the fortification on the left side of the village entrance!"

Seeing that Yang Kaiming and the others were not far from the entrance of the village, Xu Ziling, who had been paying attention to the situation in the village, reminded them.

The two fortifications at the entrance of the village were originally equipped with two heavy machine guns, which were equipped with a fireman and a bomb supply man. The one on the right was "coincidentally" killed when Xu Ziling fired the heavy machine gun, while the one in the left fortification The two of them were intact.

Xu Ziling hit their heavy machine guns, and they knew that there was a sniper aiming at them where they couldn't see, so the two never came out of the bunker, but hid inside with their guns.

"Kevins, you go around the back of the village; Eagle, you go to the east, Lion, you keep an eye on the situation of the village."

Almost at the entrance of the village, Yang Kaiming stopped and asked Kevins and Li Cheng to take a part to the other two directions of the village.



Kevins and Li Cheng agreed respectively, and each took a few people to touch the place they were in charge of.


Xu Ziling also agreed. Although the remaining militants were hiding in places where he couldn't shoot, it was easy to pay attention to their movements.

Kevins and Li Cheng left, Yang Kaiming and the rest of them did not act immediately, but stood where they were, waiting for the two of them to arrive.

On the outskirts of the village, except for the two militants in the fortification at the entrance of the village, the rest of the people had already retreated into the village after the shelling, so Li Cheng and his two groups did not encounter any resistance and quickly reached the designated location.

Yang Kaiming received the signal of their arrival, and immediately told Assad to stop the shelling.

On the outskirts of the village, there is still some distance from the coordinates given by Xu Ziling. As long as the government soldiers don't fight too much, they are not afraid of being accidentally injured by the 125mm smoothbore gun on the tank.

But now that the three groups of people have formed a siege around the village, they are not afraid of those militants running away. If a gunner of the government army gets cramped and misses their guns and accidentally injures them, it is not worthwhile, so now they are not afraid of the militants escaping. Of course, Yang Kaiming immediately stopped the tanks from firing.


The night was full of dreams, and Yang Kaiming didn't think about taking it slow. When the other two parties reached the designated positions, he immediately gave the order to move, waved to the team members following him, and ran towards the entrance of the village.

As soon as the tanks stopped firing, the village was completely plunged into darkness. They were wearing night vision goggles, and their feet were on the ground. The two guys in the fortification were nervously holding their guns and looking out from the firing holes. But nothing can be seen.

Less than 20 meters away from the fortification, Yang Kaiming raised his hand to stop the team members from advancing, while he lay on the ground alone and began to crawl towards the fortification.

There were bomb craters or scorched earth all over the ground, and his movements were very gentle, without making any sound along the way, ten meters... five meters... until the edge of the fortification.

But at this time, the two guys inside the fortification didn't even notice that death was already beckoning to them, and they were still staring outside through the shooting holes.

Yang Kaiming climbed to the bottom of the shooting hole of the fortification, sat down against the wall, put the gun in his hand on the ground, took off a grenade that was not used up from his body, pulled off the safety ring, and threw his hand into the shooting hole above his head. .

The ground inside the fortification must also be concrete. When the grenade was thrown into the fortification, there was a very obvious sound of metal colliding.


The voice was immediately discovered by the people inside the fortification, and there was no light inside. The two guys couldn't figure out what it was coming from, and they were talking about something, but Yang Kaiming couldn't understand it, and didn't understand it. Thinking about what they said, I ran to the other side with a gun.

At this time, Yang Kaiming didn't hide his whereabouts any more. The sound of footsteps made the two people in the fortification realize that something was wrong, but before they could react, the grenade exploded.


The grenade sounded dully inside the fortification, and there was no further movement after that.

Hearing the sound of the explosion, the team members who had just stopped advancing did not need Yang Kaiming to speak, they immediately started running into the village, and started searching the village in pairs.

At the same time, Kevins and Li Cheng on the other two sides, like Yang Kaiming and the others, formed a group of two and started to act.

Xu Ziling didn't move, because only the mound he was on was the tallest in the surrounding area.

Although there are lions, he knows the location of any of the militants, but he can't tell. There are many places in the village that he can't see.

Without long-distance thermal imaging, without satellites, without unmanned reconnaissance drones, how could these people be possible with the naked eye of a person?

Fortunately, the people who entered the village were all well-trained soldiers with rich experience in actual combat, so they didn't have much problem dealing with the opposition militants.

A group of two, or a few small teams together, covered each other, and the troops in three directions quickly advanced tens of meters into the village, but within this distance, there were not many militants. They only met a few, and they shot them to death one by one.

"Target found!"

Kevins' voice suddenly came from the channel.

It turned out that after the shelling stopped, the opposition leader thought it was time for them to escape, so he took his squad leaders out of the house and fled to the north of the village - because this direction used to be the territory controlled by the opposition , as long as you go less than five kilometers from this direction, there is a village like theirs here.

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