weapons expert

Chapter 323 Take Out 5 Million Dollars

Finally, after introducing the air defense missile base to Xu Ziling and the others, Xu Ziling realized that everything they saw before was fake.

Including the house they are in now, and the radar on the hill not far from the opposite side are just false targets they deliberately made.

The real air defense system is not here, but in the middle of the mountain on the northern hill.

When they came, they didn’t let the lions scan it, so they thought what they saw along the way was real. They said that this kind of protection was just under the nose of others, but they didn’t expect that it was just Assad. This guy made a false target to attract the enemy's attention.

The final debugging is actually to install the password command system required by the customer on the terminal of the launch system, and then test whether the system can operate normally.

It's not easy for people who don't know how to do these things, but for Xu Ziling, it's just a piece of cake.

Originally, for this kind of work, if the customer is domestic, he does not need to do it himself. The final system includes some core things, so for this kind of international customer, of course he will not call out the source code and let them do it by themselves. alley.

Ten sets of launch systems need to be debugged. Although each set does not take much time, Assad has scattered them in various places throughout the country, so each test set has to go to a place. The time is going to be more.

Not wanting to waste too much time on this matter, after chatting with Assad for more than half an hour, he proposed to debug the system.

Xu Ziling took the initiative to propose that Assad just wanted to, and took a few people to the real missile deployment site.


Entering the cave halfway up the mountain in the north, Xu Ziling saw that the missile launch vehicle was also inside, so he said to Assad:

"You park this thing here too. Once you find an enemy plane, will you still get it out temporarily?"

"The missiles that were only installed yesterday will be arranged outside after the system is debugged."


Xu Ziling was relieved after hearing Assad's answer.

He thought that Assad valued this thing too much, and he had to wait until the radar found an enemy plane before getting this thing out.

If this is the case, it will be fun. If the number of anti-aircraft missiles is arranged more, it will be passable if it is done like this.

But if they are small in number and dare to do this, then this air defense system will simply become a decoration, because although the radar can detect enemy aircraft hundreds of kilometers away, it is very difficult from the start of the missile launch vehicle to the stop at the launch position. It takes a certain amount of time.

And these people are also newbies, so it will take longer time. It is possible to wait until the enemy plane flies over their heads. If they are not ready, they will miss the timing of the missile launch in vain. .

If the air defense system is densely deployed and the radar scanning distance is increased, then the operator’s time will be increased. Even if this deployment point is not in time, then the next point can accurately launch missiles. In this case, even if it is waiting It is also too late to dispatch the missile launch vehicle after the enemy plane is discovered.

After entering the cave, everyone discovered that there was a hidden cave inside.

The inside is not only spacious, but also brightly lit. The ground and surrounding mountain walls are also reinforced with concrete, and the Patriot's launch system control terminal is placed in the very center of the cave.

Xu Ziling walked over and unceremoniously sat in front of the terminal.

The data transmission line has already been connected, and the power supply has already been prepared. Xu Ziling checked and found that there was nothing wrong, so he opened the terminal.

"Where do you place the radar?"

Seeing the long data transmission line behind the terminal system leading to the side of the cave, Xu Ziling asked Assad.

The terminal system is the combat central nervous system of the fire unit, responsible for command, control and communication, and fire control.It adopts a human-computer interaction method, which can be computer-assisted in target identification and prioritization, or can be fully autonomously controlled by the engagement control station and the computer.

As for the radar system, it provides early warning and tracking of incoming enemy aircraft, and at the same time provides ground-to-air communication with missiles in flight.

Therefore, all signals obtained by the radar must be processed by the terminal system before they can be calculated by the computer, and then feedback signals or issue correct commands to the transmitter.

There are two ways to exchange data among them, one is to link data through their own wireless communication, and the other is to link through data lines.

It was when Xu Ziling saw the corner of the data transmission line leading to the cave that he remembered to ask Assad where they placed the radar.

"On a hill over there."

Assad thought there was something wrong, so he quickly replied.

Actually, Xu Ziling didn't have any idea about where they placed the radar, but he just asked casually as he saw the data cable coming from the inside of the cave.

But hearing that Assad is so concerned, he doesn't mind saying a few more words:

"You'd better send a few more people to guard the radar. The necessary camouflage must be done well, so as not to be discovered. You must know that if this thing is gone, the missile will be useless."


The terminal system quickly passed the self-test, tried to connect to the radar, and everything was normal, and then tried the communication with the launch vehicle. After getting normal results, he started the debugging of the entire system.

In order to be able to use this set of tools smoothly, Assad arranged a lot of people to stand behind Xu Ziling one by one while he was working, learning how to use this set of tools.

The training of these people is also what Xu Ziling has to do, so after debugging the entire system and getting the results that the system is completely normal, Xu Ziling will seriously tell these people how to use this thing.

Assad also spent a lot of money this time, and all the people he arranged were highly educated talents, not only proficient in English, but also able to speak the language of the Chinese Dynasty casually.

Except for English, Xu Ziling's foreign language is not very good, but these people are familiar with the language of the Celestial Dynasty, so he is not afraid of language communication difficulties. After explaining the operation to them in a few words, he let them do it by themselves.

He did it by himself, and if he did it incorrectly, he pointed out later. In this way, they mastered it quickly. After a few rounds of operation, each of them was familiar with what they were going to do.

In order to fulfill his responsibilities, Xu Ziling asked everyone to perform another act after everyone was familiar with the operation of the whole system, and the work was considered to be over after satisfactory results were obtained.

After finishing all the work at the first deployment point, Xu Ziling proposed to Assad to debug two sets of systems every day.

The reason for this was not that he had any business, but that he felt that he had been out for a long time, and he should rush back as soon as possible. To be honest, he was really homesick.

The deployment points of each system are hundreds of kilometers apart. Assad thought that this would be a bit rushed, but seeing Xu Ziling's determination, it didn't matter much, and agreed to his decision.

But seeing Xu Ziling rushing so fast, he thought he was doing something, and asked if he wanted to send a helicopter over so that he could travel between the various deployment points.

Xu Ziling, Yang Kaiming, and Li Cheng firmly rejected such a suggestion.

Just kidding, not to mention that the helicopters that Assad and the others have are all old guys, even if there is Apache, they dare not sit on this land.

Who knows, did the rebels everywhere get a set or two of anti-aircraft weapons?

What the hell, if something bad happens, they get hit by a missile, and there is no place to reason if they die, they don't want to make fun of their own lives, they are willing to drive around in a car, it's tiring, but at least it's safe a little.

Ten sets of equipment, two sets per day, took exactly five days to complete, and the distance of six to seven hundred kilometers a day did not feel too tired.

During this period, Assad not only arranged drivers for Xu Ziling and the others, but also acted with them himself. During these five days, he traveled all over Syria from north to south.

On the last day, after Xu Ziling debugged the last launch system, it represented the formal completion of this transaction.

There was no good manners with Assad, Xu Ziling proposed to leave after work was finished.

After that, the three separated from Assad and returned directly to Aleppo.

On Smith's side, after delivering Lao Zhang, he told the team members about the rest. In these days, those team members have also dealt with the affairs here, and then returned to China in batches.

But Smith himself did not leave, staying in Aleppo waiting for Xu Ziling and the others to return together.

After debugging the last system, it was already in the afternoon. After driving overnight, several people did not return to Aleppo until the next morning.

They had told Xuanyuan and the others that they were going back soon, so when Xu Ziling and the others returned to Aleppo and proposed to return to China, Xuanyuan and the ostrich were not too surprised.

Just to say goodbye to the country, I helped Xu Ziling and the others put their things in the car, and then sent them away.

When they came, they came empty-handed, and they didn’t take the normal way. When they went back, they had information about the underground base of the Temple organization in Egypt and antiques from the pyramids. These are destined to make them unable to go back. To return in a fair and honest way, I can only go sneakily like when I came.

I have been here twice, so I am familiar with the road, and there is Assad, an old fritter, so there is nothing to worry about when I go back.

It's just that they have to pass through several countries along the way, and there are no flights to take, so they can only drive, so it took several days on the road before they reached the border.

Chapter 320 Three

After crossing the border, and not long after waiting at the predetermined location, Li Jian, who had received the news before, sent a helicopter to pick them up.

This time, the technician was an old acquaintance. The helicopter slowly lowered its altitude, and it was still tens of centimeters above the ground.

Seeing the nimble movements of these people, Lao Bai didn't bother to land again. He hovered for a while and saw that several people had come up. He immediately operated the helicopter to re-launch and flew towards the base.

This time, Smith was accompanying him. Considering that it was not appropriate for Smith to come into contact with Sharp Sword's base, the helicopter did not return directly to the base. Instead, it flew to a small garrison airport hundreds of kilometers away from the base but not far from Lancheng.

These days, they got along quite well with Smith. Originally, such an arrangement made it hard for Xu Ziling and the others to say it.

However, Smith has been with Xu Ziling and the others for a long time, and in daily communication, he also knows that the country of the Celestial Dynasty has very strict regulations on the military.

On the way, he knew that so many things had happened during this period, Xu Ziling and the others must return to their base, so when he was still abroad, he proposed that he would go home when he returned to China, and let Xu Ziling They help arrange it.

Although everyone knew that this was an excuse, some things needed to be dealt with in this way, so when he said it, Yang Kaiming immediately arranged for him to take a flight back from Lancheng.

That's why the helicopter stopped at the military airport in Lancheng.

In the near future, as long as there is no urgent matter, Yang Kaiming and the others will definitely have a vacation for a while, so on the way, Xu Ziling and the others will have the best of luck with Smith, and invite their family to Xingcheng to play after a while.

Smith and the others have come to China to settle down for a while, but their work has not changed much. During this time, they have been staying in the Middle East and have little time to spend with their families. When they heard that Xu Ziling and the others invited them to play, they naturally readily agreed. .

The helicopter landed at the airport, and a soldier waiting at the airport sent Smith's ID card and ticket, and told everyone that he would send Smith to the plane.

Seeing that everything was arranged, Xu Ziling and the others who rushed back to report did not say that they would send him off. They talked to him at the airport and watched him leave in the car driven by the soldier. up.

As soon as Smith left, the three of Xu Ziling and the others boarded the helicopter again, and Lao Bai then steered the plane to fly directly to the base.

Smith was missing from the helicopter that took off again, and Lao Bai didn't have any scruples when he spoke. He talked about the recent situation of the base and everyone, and then happily talked about the performance of "Fierce Dragon" with Xu Ziling and the others.

After Nanyun's mission to fight drug dealers, "Fierce Dragon" participated in a mission against terrorists, but at this time Xu Ziling and the others had already gone to Syria, and did not see "Fierce Dragon" in person again.

However, from Lao Bai's exciting and vivid description, several people can fully imagine the scene of the "Fierce Dragon" showing its power at that time.


During the one-hour voyage, almost all of them were listening to Lao Bai talking about "Fierce Dragon".

And Xu Ziling and the others who have been listening are not bored, just like Lao Bai, they only have happiness and pride in their hearts.

After the helicopter landed at the base, the three of Xu Ziling and Lao Bai hurriedly bid farewell. Even the little bird who came out after seeing the movement, they just said a few words casually, and then went to the office of the team leader Zhu Gang.

In the office, after seeing Zhu Gang, after a few daily greetings, Yang Kaiming talked about the big and small things that happened in the Middle East during this trip.

This trip to the Middle East lasted more than a month, and many things happened during the period, such as the underground base of the Temple Organization, the shelling of the embassy, ​​the transaction of the Patriots, etc...

It took several hours to explain the important things in detail, and to mention the unimportant ones.

In the end, Yang Kaiming told about the intelligence results that Xu Ziling got from Ahmed, and handed over the hard drive that copied the data in the base to Zhu Gang, and finally he said everything about this trip to the Middle East.

Originally, the reason why Zhu Gang asked the three of them to go to the Middle East this time was to let them investigate the temple organization, but he didn't expect that these guys would make so many things after they got there.

Going to be a mercenary, exterminating the militants in the embassy bombardment incident, everything is wonderful, although they have notified him of everything and got his approval, but they are so noisy that he, the captain, can't help it. I don't know how to say it.

Although there is not much to investigate about the temple organization, the use of underground bases by the country has not only benefited the country of Egypt, but also has good overall benefits in the entire Middle East. of.

Furthermore, in the patriot incident, the country has obtained certain benefits from Syria, so counting, Xu Ziling and the others have made great contributions this time.

So after Zhu Gang finished their report, although he hinted that they should not be so noisy when they go out in the future, he still praised them well, affirmed their achievements this time, and told them that the higher-ups were considering giving them a promotion.

Although a few of them didn't think about becoming generals or anything, they were still a little interested in being able to go up the ranks, so after hearing Zhu Gang's words, they quickly expressed that they would make persistent efforts in the future.

"Okay, you bastards, stop pretending to say such empty words in front of me! Do you think I'm a politician?"

Zhu Gang scolded them with a smile.

Not to mention the relationship with Yang Haisheng, Xu Ziling and the three of them in Zhu Gang's eyes, privately treat them more as brothers and friends, so of course they don't like the polite words of them.

"Ha ha……"

Don't talk about business, they naturally relaxed, facing Zhu Gang, they all smiled.

"Oh, by the way, I have one more thing to report."

After a few people laughed, Xu Ziling remembered those antiques. No matter when he was in the Middle East, or Yang Kaiming's report just now, Xu Ziling's digging of the pyramid was just mentioned in one word.

Thinking of the great value of the things that came out of it, although it was his own personal behavior, he remembered that it would be better to explain it in detail.

He didn't want to cause any trouble in the future because of this matter.

Besides, when Smith handed over the billions of dollars to him, he had an idea in his mind, and now he just took this opportunity to say it.

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

Yang Kaiming had said everything before, but now when Xu Ziling wanted to say something, Zhu Gang thought it was something he wanted to say personally, so he waved his hand and asked him to speak directly.

"That's right. Didn't Brother Kaiming say that I visited a pyramid before, but what he didn't say in detail is that I made a lot of things out of it this time..."

Xu Ziling didn't go into details, he just said that he accidentally discovered the secret of the pyramid, and then he focused on the value of those things.


When he heard that Xu Ziling kept the good things he said, sold some that he didn't like, and got billions of dollars, Zhu Gang was so surprised that he opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak for a long time.

"You really are... I really don't know what to say about you, isn't this lucky?"

After a while, Zhu just calmed down and said this to Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling was very happy with Zhu Gang's reaction, because no matter from Zhu Gang's words or his expression, he didn't feel that he had any other thoughts.

He knew that if he ran into a boss who was not easy to talk to, his first reaction might be to ask him to hand in his things instead of answering him in such a tone.

It was Zhu Gang's reaction that strengthened his thoughts.

After sorting out the words in his mind, Xu Ziling spoke again:

"Captain, this is what I think. I can get such a windfall this time. To be honest, it's a bit hot for me to hold, so I want to take out part of it and give it to the team."

Having said that, seeing what Zhu Gang wanted to say, Xu Ziling interrupted what he wanted to say, and continued:

"Listen to me first. This is what I think. You also know that compared with other troops, our team's annual funding is relatively high, but compared with those in Western countries, it is still very low. of."

"Don't talk about training expenses, what I want to talk about is the treatment of comrades-in-arms. I don't think there will be any objections to those of us who are alive with a monthly allowance, but I don't know if you have thought about it. During the year, how many comrades in our team were disabled and sacrificed?"

"Those comrades-in-arms who died may be the head of the family, or the only son of the family. After they die, what will happen to the family's life? Just rely on the little pension we issued? Those severely disabled comrades may die in the future. If you can't work, you may need someone to take care of your actions, so you will spend half your life on those pensions for the rest of your life?"

Speaking of this topic, the atmosphere suddenly became very heavy. Everyone stopped talking and listened to Xu Ziling quietly.

When participating in the second mission of Lijian, several comrades in arms were sacrificed that time. When chatting with people later, Xu Ziling knew the amount of pensions given by the state to those comrades who died.

Although it is not small, but for a family that has lost its pillar, this amount of money is really nothing.

It's just that although he wasn't poor at that time, he was definitely not a rich man. Although he had some ideas in his heart, he couldn't realize it at that time.

But now that he had such an opportunity, of course he raised it.

"So, this time, I want to take out [-] million dollars of it to the team. Of course, how to use this money, I hope everyone can discuss it together."

In the end, Xu Ziling told the amount of the money.

As soon as his words came out, not only Zhu Gang was shocked, but Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng were also shocked.

They were very surprised, they had never heard Xu Ziling mention this matter before, why did they suddenly bring it up now?

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