weapons expert

Chapter 355 Accident

They just came to have a look, and they didn't sit for long before they left from the bar.

If you want to get familiar with the entire aircraft carrier, you can’t do it all at once. After leaving the bar, Xu Ziling and the three went to several other places under the leadership of Lao Gao. Get down to business.

When you come to the aircraft carrier, the first task is to see if you can solve the problem of J-15. Another thing is to promote the "Fierce Dragon". The matter of J-15 is not urgent now, so you should put the "Fierce Dragon" thing Go do it.

When Xu Ziling and the others came, Gao Xianxian saw the new type of armed helicopter they drove over. As soon as he saw the shape, he knew that this helicopter was the "Fierce Dragon" that had recently become famous on the Internet.

He was actually very curious in his heart, but he was not very clear about the origins of Xu Ziling and the others. He only knew that the secrecy level of the troops they were in must be very high, so he thought that this new type of helicopter might also be classified as secret, so he kept going. Hold back and don't ask.

When Xu Ziling proposed that this new helicopter needs to be promoted and went to see Captain Zhang, Gao Xianxian realized that what he had thought before was wrong, and regretted it in his heart. If he knew this was the case, he should have asked sooner of.

"Don't worry, I'll go and have a look first. And tell me, is this the 'Fierce Dragon' mentioned on the Internet?"

Apparently Xu Ziling underestimated Gao Xianxian's curiosity about "Fierce Dragon", and he turned a blind eye to the words of going to see Captain Zhang, but pulled a few people and ran into the hangar on one side, saying that he would let him go first. Just get acquainted.

Xu Ziling and the others had no choice but to trot along with him while answering his questions:

"That's right, this is the 'Fierce Dragon', one of the two is a land-based aircraft, and the other is a carrier-based aircraft."

"Didn't it mean that it is still in the experimental stage? It seems that the information is not accurate. By the way, what is the relationship between you and that military factory? Of course, if you can't tell, I didn't ask."

Gao Xianxian is now more and more curious about these people, and feels that the more he understands them, the more mysterious they are.

According to the news on the Internet, it has only been a few months since the project was approved for "Fierce Dragon", so how come it is ready for delivery?

You know, in any country, to develop a helicopter project, even if it is a private model, from the beginning of the project to the maturity of the product, which one does not take a few years?

This is not a toy, but something that really needs to be on the battlefield, performance, stability, any of which requires multiple test flights and thousands of experiments to succeed. How about launching a product in a few months?

In terms of quality, can it pass the test?

"The news on the Internet is not necessarily the case. In fact, the early research and development and preparations for this helicopter have been done long ago, but it was not until this year that the project was established. If we talk about our relationship with that military factory, it is no different to you. It’s easy to say, we can decide some things by talking in the military factory.”

As for Gao Xianxian, Xu Ziling knew a little bit about him. He knew that he was not the kind of talkative person. Besides, he was a close friend of Tang Jiannian, the commander of the South China Sea Fleet. come out.

And what he said was the truth. He did have the "Fierce Dragon" plan a long time ago, but it was only perfected after the establishment of the project. It is true that all three of them can decide some things about the military factory. Shareholders, Yang Kaiming is a shareholder of the "Haitian" Group, and Li Cheng is coming back this time. Xu Ziling considered it, because he also has some savings over the years, let him be thrown in the military factory, and he is considered a small shareholder. The documents have not yet been completed.

What does it mean to be able to decide something?Does that mean they are the bosses behind the scenes?

"Hiss..." Hearing what Xu Ziling said, Lao Gao completely ignored the first half of what he said, let out a strange sound, stopped trotting forward, and looked back at the few people With a glance, he sighed: "Often things really seem to be unpredictable."

I have to say that it was confirmed that the helicopter that Xu Ziling and the others drove over was the "Fierce Dragon". It was not as shocking as the news that the three young people in front of us were the bosses behind the scenes of the military factory.

He had no doubts about their military identities. When hearing Xu Ziling's intentions, he had also wondered in his heart what their relationship was with the military factory.

I thought about it a lot, but I never imagined that the three people who had a military status like him and had gone to sea with him a few times, would actually be the production of heavy-duty armed helicopter military factories that have been hyped up on the Internet during this period of time. The boss behind the scenes.

Intersect with friends, in Cheng!Having said this this time, Xu Ziling didn't plan to hide it from Gao Xianxian, so he pushed him who had stopped, and continued:

"Let's go, so I didn't tell you this, it's because of our identity, it's really hard to say, as for our army's secrecy, I won't say it, the military factory is built by ourselves, and the higher-ups know about it. "

After Xu Ziling's reminder, Gao Xianxian raised his footsteps again and listened to Xu Ziling's words.

Although what Xu Ziling said was very vague, he knew that this was the maximum that others could say, but just hearing such a little bit caused a huge wave in his heart.

As a soldier, he knew how capable it would be for a person with military status to be in charge of a private military factory in a unit with a secret number.

Think about the "Eagle Eye" before, think about 051, the commander gave Xu Ziling full power to take charge, think about Xu Ziling's tough attitude when he found rc-135 when he asked for instructions.

Then there is the courage of a few people in the "Seawolf-class" submarine incident. At this time, everything has the answer.

People have confidence!

"Old Gao, don't think that we are the second generation of those newspapers, we only rely on our family, all of this is what we fought for."

Yang Kaiming, who was walking aside, saw that Gao Xianxian was just walking with his head down and didn't speak, so he joked with a smile.

Yang Kaiming's tone interrupted Gao Xianxian's thoughts, and at the same time he was amused by his tone.

"What's wrong with the second generation? Are you the second generation and not my brothers?"

When people get along with each other, they have their own standards. After getting along with Xu Ziling and the others several times, Gao Xianxian never felt the aura of dandyism from them. This is the reason why he got along well with them.

Therefore, if Yang Kaiming was joking, he also answered in a joking tone.

"That's fine."

The media and newspapers often report some incidents of the second generation, making the term "second generation" notorious, so whether in the army or outside, Yang Kaiming rarely talks about his family background, just because he doesn't want people to think that he is a Relying on the family to get to where it is today.

When I said such things to Gao Xianxian, although the tone was joking, the words were true.

He was relieved when he heard Gao Xianxian's answer. It didn't mean that he was particularly concerned about what others said about him, but that he was very concerned about a friend like Gao Xianxian, and he didn't want him to be misunderstood just because he was a second generation.

"Tell me, what's going on with 'Fierce Dragon'?"

Back to the original point, Gao Xianxian asked about the helicopter again.

"How about what? Performance?"


"It's really hard to say. The data sounds good, but it's better to come to the real thing. I'll take you to the sky to see it later. Anyway, this thing has gone through actual combat, and it's much better than 'Apache' gone."

"Huh?... Have you ever actually fought? The overall performance is better than 'Apache'?"

"The relevant data and actual combat effects of our tests are better than 'Apache', but we don't know the specifics. After all, the two models have not competed head-on, but I believe they will beat 'Apache'. I don’t know if you’ve heard about the extermination of drug lords in Myanmar two months ago. That was the first battle of the ‘Fierce Dragon’. There was another actual battle that was a special operation. Stop talking."

"Fierce Dragon" has indeed gone through two actual battles, one is of course a mission to cooperate with Nanyun Province to eliminate drug lords, and the other is a sharp sword raid on terrorists.

In these two missions, its performance was very perfect, that's why Lao Bai protected the "Fierce Dragon" like a baby, and didn't let anyone touch it.

"Ah...Of course I've heard of it. I didn't go to sea at that time, and I saw internal information in the Fleet Command. It did mention the important role of armed helicopters, but I really didn't expect that the helicopter mentioned in it was" Xiaolong'."

"That was the first aircraft equipped to the army, and it was still a prototype. Due to the issue of confidentiality, it was not mentioned in the internal bulletin. It is not surprising that you don't know."

"Then I really want to see it. Take me up to try it out later. Isn't there a shipboard model? If the performance is as you said, we must purchase it."

"Okay then, I'll let you see it later."

What Gao Xianxian said was a pleasant surprise to Xu Ziling. Before he came, he only considered that carrier-based aircraft would be needed on the aircraft carrier. machine.

The more Xu Ziling and the others talked, the more Gao Xianxian looked forward to "Fierce Dragon", and he couldn't help but speed up again.

When Yang Haisheng contacted, he didn't say that Xu Ziling and the others came here to promote "Fierce Dragon", so their plane landed and was parked in the hangar, although many people had their own guesses about the origin of the two helicopters , but did not come to ask Xu Ziling and them.

There was no training mission on the aircraft carrier today, so many people were resting. At that time, several ground crews parked the two helicopters in the hangar. Curious about the two unknown helicopters, they looked around the aircraft.

When they saw that the inside of the cockpit was completely different from the helicopters they had seen before, they were even more interested, and they couldn't figure it out, so they called other people to look at it.

In this way, person-to-person, person-to-person, a lot of ground crew and some pilots came to the hangar, and finally the two "Fierce Dragon" were surrounded by people.

The three of them, Xu Ziling, got off the plane, followed Captain Zhang to the reception banquet, and then followed Gao Xianxian to wander around the aircraft carrier.

These people surrounding "Fierce Dragon" each have thousands of questions, and they don't know Xu Ziling well, and they can't find anyone to ask, so they can only stay in the hangar, thinking that they will always get those pilots come here.

Therefore, when the three of Xu Ziling and the others walked into the hangar under the leadership of Gao Xianxian, they found a group of people surrounded by the two "Fierce Dragons".

"How is this going?"

Several people walked into the hangar and found that it was so lively inside that they couldn't figure out what happened.

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