weapons expert

Chapter 391 "Shadow Dragon" Special Missile

In fact, even if there is no satellite tracking and synchronization, the drone's own "Eagle Eye" radar system can completely replace the satellite and display the flight attitude of the drone from another angle.

During the last test, Xu Ziling asked the lion afterwards, and found that even in the invisible state, he could not escape the radar scan.

And "Eagle Eye" itself was born out of a lion, which means it can also be scanned by radar systems.

But there are some things that can not be said, so he will not say them, no one will ask, and he will not talk nonsense everywhere.

There are not many people who can go to the hall, but they are not too few. Facing the drone, it can be said that everyone has something to ask.

Xu Ziling wanted to face the problems of many people, so he was a little annoyed, but he didn't expect that with Lin Jianbin around, most of the firepower would be attracted by him.

He is happy to hear such things, and he wishes that everyone would ask him.

Because he himself is really not a qualified commentator, too many people asked him, but he really couldn't handle it.

Controlling the drone to enter the fixed-speed cruise, he answered some questions from Zhu Gang and other team leaders, and the rest were completely handed over to Lin Jianbin.

In order to get the plane to the base as soon as possible, after answering, he manually controlled the drone again, and immediately raised it to a speed of Mach 5.

Everyone is naturally very concerned about the invisibility ability mentioned by Lin Jianbin. Facing everyone present, there is no need to pay attention to secrecy. Xu Ziling also intends to demonstrate it.

When entering the Great Gobi, he controlled the plane to start flying at low altitude, and turned on the stealth system.

Since there is no satellite picture, the stealth system is turned on, but the radar picture of the drone itself does not show the fuselage of the plane, but shows the situation on the ground and in the air from the perspective of the drone, so everyone did not realize that there is no one at this time. The machine has entered an invisible state, and it has no idea that the stealth system has been activated.

It wasn't until entering the safe identification area of ​​the base that the equipment deployed everywhere in the base, whether it was an infrared camera device or a radar system, could not see the drone on it, and everyone discovered the abnormality.

"Did you see it? This is invisibility! When I drove the 'Fierce Dragon' last time, you already saw it in the video surveillance equipment, but can you still find it this time?"

At this time, Lin Jianbin shouted bullishly. He still remembered the last time he drove the "Fierce Dragon", even though he flew over at a super low altitude, he did not escape the video probes arranged on the ground.

"I don't know how the researcher's head came out. Last time I tried it with infrared, but it didn't alarm. If I want to warn this guy, I think I can catch it with a sound alarm device, but even if I find it It doesn't do much, and the missiles can't lock on to it."


In this regard, everyone was shocked besides being shocked, and just thought it was too incredible.

Infrared is useless, radar can't scan it, and it can't be seen by the naked eye. Think about it, except for the sound of its flight, manual anti-aircraft guns, or anti-aircraft machine guns. These traditional anti-aircraft weapons may pose some threats to it. Technical manual is actually useless.

For such an unmanned attack aircraft, everyone thought that if it was not from their own country, they would be a little scared.

But thinking that it was at the time of the research and development in our own country, everyone present knew the drone's action this time, and they were looking forward to this action for a while.

Flying recklessly over the Gobi Desert, they soon arrived not far from the base.

Xu Ziling had never seen the stealth effect of a drone at close range. After thinking about it, he was going to see what the stealth effect would be like when the plane landed, so he didn't turn off the stealth system and flew directly to the runway of the flight team.

Soon after entering the sky above the small canyon, the runway of the flying brigade and the camouflaged door of the hangar on the mountain wall can already be seen in the picture.

However, the monitoring equipment around the airport still did not find the shadow of the drone.

Seeing that it was about to enter the range of the runway, Xu Ziling immediately controlled the opening of the landing gear hatch under the belly of the aircraft and lowered the landing gear.

As the landing gear was lowered from under the belly, the airport's monitoring equipment saw a plane's landing gear appearing in the sky, but the fuselage of the plane was still missing.

This scene makes people look so weird.

While everyone was so shocked that they opened their mouths wide without knowing it, they thought more about excitement. With such a sharp weapon, why worry about the country not being strong?

Seeing that the effect was pretty good, Xu Ziling turned off the stealth system.

As the stealth system was turned off, there was a sudden flash in mid-air in the screen, and the black figure of the drone appeared in front of everyone.

"Go, go to the flying brigade."

I was controlling the drone to prepare to land, and I don't know who yelled such a sentence, and immediately a group of people left the command hall.

Seeing his subordinates leaving in a hurry, Zhu Gang and the leaders hesitated for a few seconds, looked at each other, stood up immediately, and walked outside.

All of a sudden, only Xu Ziling and Lin Jianbin were left in the entire command hall.

"A bunch of bumpkins with no knowledge at all."

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Lin Jianbin came to Xu Ziling's side, chattering.

Hearing this, Xu Ziling really wanted to laugh, but he was controlling the drone to land, so he held back.

Think about when the drone was being tested, when this guy saw "Shadow Dragon One" for the first time from the tanker, his reaction at that time was much better than that of some people now?

He quickly controlled the plane to land on the runway, let it taxi to the end of the runway, entered the hangar that had already opened the door, then turned off the engine, turned off the avionics system, and cut off the control connection with the plane.

Finally, he closed the control terminal in his hand, and then said to Lin Jianbin:

"Just blow it here, I remember you were just like them at the time."

"How is it possible? Obviously better than them?"

Lin Jianbin obviously disagreed with Xu Ziling's evaluation and retorted, but his tone was not very confident.

"Okay, you are better than them, let's go, let's go too."

Xu Ziling didn't bother to talk to him about this issue, so he asked him to go to the flight team together.

After the two left the command center, Xu Ziling immediately got into a car and drove Lin Jianbin to the flight team.

When they arrived, the door of the hangar had already been closed, and the inside was brightly lit, and the drone was surrounded by people, even behind the fuselage.

Xu Ziling looked at it, and really admired those people around there. The drone had just landed, and the nozzle behind the fuselage was still very hot, so he was not afraid of the heat at all.

After struggling to squeeze into the crowd, he came to the side of the drone and did not greet others for a while. Xu Ziling first acted as a ground crew and checked the status of the drone.

And the people around, including Zhu Gang and the commanders, watched him doing business at this time, and didn't talk or discuss it, so as not to disturb him.

After checking that there was no abnormality in the fuselage, he put the control terminal that he had been holding in his hand on the ground and opened it.

To reconnect the UAV system, he first opened several magazine magazines under the wings and belly.

Because of the stealth problem of "Shadow Dragon", its magazines are all hidden. When the magazine cover is opened, everyone's eyes are focused on it.

The two magazine magazines in the middle of the belly are the largest, but they are ready to load ground penetrating bombs, so they are empty at this time.

The other few are full of warehouses, and the telescopic multi-point pylons are filled with missiles.

To connect the system, Xu Ziling pressed a button on the terminal control, only to hear the sound of electric machinery turning, and the pylons full of missiles stretched out from the magazine.

Looking at this appearance, it was just like the scene when the missile was about to be launched, which shocked everyone who was watching intently.

"Lion, scan these missiles for me."

This time the mission came suddenly, so when these missiles came out, they didn't go through a test firing. Xu Ziling was still a little worried. After all, he would definitely need to use them in the mission, and if something went wrong, it would be a big trouble. Let the lion be sure for the first time.

"no problem."

Soon the lion gave the scan results, which made him completely relieved.

Due to space constraints, the missiles loaded on the concealed magazine are different from those used in other aircraft hardpoints.

The biggest difference is that the space of the hidden magazine is relatively small, and the hardpoint inside it is also loaded with multiple missiles, unlike ordinary hardpoints, which only load one missile.

In order to realize how multiple missiles can be loaded in the double narrow space, this is the difference between the two missiles.

As we all know, every medium-range and short-range guided missile needs wings, and in order to realize that multiple missiles can be loaded in one magazine, the drone is designed to hang up like a multi-barreled machine gun. Hanging points, and at the same time changed the wings of the missiles into movable ones.

The pylon is electric, the center is a main shaft, and multiple hanging points are arranged on it, and the missile wings are all hidden in the missile body.

When you want to launch a missile, you can select the number of missiles on the pylon in the weapon system. Once selected in the system, the system will control the pylon to rotate automatically through instructions, and select the one you want to launch. missiles.

When the target is locked and the launch button is pressed, the missile will be activated from the hanging point, thereby detaching from it, automatically opening the wings in the air, and starting to ignite and fly until it hits the locked target.

Because these are unique domestic technologies, there are no ready-made missiles that can be carried on drones, and all of them are newly refitted by the military factory itself.

Due to the rush of time, all the missiles in the drone magazine are now without any markings. The people in the hangar look at these missiles and have no idea what type they are.

[Thank you book friend wefzah for the monthly pass! 】

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