weapons expert

Chapter 411 The Strategic Missile Under the Small Town

In order to have enough range, the UAV added two auxiliary fuel tanks this time, took off from Star City, climbed to an altitude of 5 meters, and completely exploded at a speed of Mach [-].

Crossed the east coast, flew over the East China Sea, and soon came to the sky over the Pacific Ocean. After refueling on the tanker that had already arrived at the designated location, the drone flew directly to the mainland of the United States.

Due to the time difference, when the drone reached the west coast of the United States, there was already a hazy light in the sky. For safety, Xu Ziling turned on the stealth system.Then he controlled the plane to circle around most of the United States, and returned quietly without any radar detection.

On the way back, I refueled on the tanker again, and then returned to Star City until the plane landed at the airport, exactly five hours before takeoff.

"Huh? Why is your image different from others?"

After dealing with the follow-up matters, I passed some of the captured materials to Staff Officer Peng. It was early in the morning, and the father and son didn't go back. Let the staff go to rest, and the two went to Xu Haoran's office to look at the materials. Xu Haoran took a look. I saw that the image left by Xu Ziling was completely different from the one sent up.

The "Eagle Eye" radar has the ability to penetrate all matter. At that time, it was considered that this ability was too shocking, so I never told anyone, whether it was on the "Shadow Dragon" or the "Fierce Dragon" Samples are limited by his making.

When the drone was dispatched this time, when the desert town was detected, he activated the function on the radar that had been unknown to outsiders, and conducted a comprehensive scan of the town's underground.When Xu Haoran got this picture, he immediately saw its abnormality.

"How should I put it, the main material of the 'Eagle Eye' radar is a new substance. It is impossible for everyone to study all of the functions of this substance thoroughly at once. It can scan the ground in depth. This is what I discovered by accident. One function, the technology is not yet mature, this time it is also experimental, so it has not been revealed." Facing his father, Xu Ziling told a white lie.

Some things just need time to be accepted by people. Now that the military factory has a certain scale, it is naturally time for some things to be released.

Looking at the clear [-]D image in his hand, Xu Haoran felt unbelievable, and immediately thought of something else, "If you use this thing to explore mineral deposits, wouldn't it be very simple?"

"Ah?" Xu Ziling looked at his father, a little unaccustomed to his jumping question, and was taken aback, "Don't even think about it, this thing can't be converted into a civilian product within at least 30 years."

"Yes, that's right!" After his son said this, he remembered that radar is a military technology product. According to this level of technology, the country must want to hide it. How could it be converted to the civilian field.

After finishing this topic, the two looked at the picture.

"What kind of place is this? Is it where the defector appeared? How could there be an intercontinental missile?"

In the picture scanned in depth, there is a huge underground project underground in the town. There is actually a five-storey building over several million square meters in the ground tens of meters deep. The underground passages to the outside also extend in all directions. Surrounding them, there were actually four large silos, in which lay missiles dozens of meters high.

Seeing the things on the picture, even though Xu Ziling had been prepared in his heart, it still exceeded his expectations. He had seen an underground project not once, but this was the first time he had seen such a large underground building. In terms of area, it is actually larger than the Sword Base, and it is also equipped with strategic intercontinental missiles. This is something that even the Sword Base only has two.

"M** Fang missile base."

Xu Ziling is also a little uncertain, because in order to blur the deep scanning technology, he did not scan as detailed as the lion scan, and he did not scan out the contents of the underground building. He did not know the specific situation inside, and it was difficult for him to make a judgment for a while. So the tone of the speech is a little uncertain.

"You go to sleep."

The two father and son were looking at the pictures there. It was Xu Ziling who realized that it was getting late, so Xu Haoran was asked to take a rest.

Xu Haoran is now in charge of the affairs of the military factory. Staying up late must have some impact on his work. After hearing what his son said, he yawned and told Xu Ziling to go to bed earlier, and went to sleep in the rest room in the office.

Xu Ziling was left alone looking at the pictures on the table. The more he looked, the more suspicious he became. The defector is considered a scientific researcher. Why is he here?If this is really a missile base, then it has nothing to do with him.

"Could it be..."

He suddenly remembered the "Temple" organization he had seen several times before. Isn't this organization shameful?Always like to engage in these underground projects or something?

It seems that there are strategic missiles this time, not some organization, but the military, but from the small islands in the Mediterranean Sea, there are patriots over there. Is it impossible for them to have strategic weapons?

Thinking about it this way, Xu Ziling really felt that this was very possible, but at the same time he became worried. The defector must be familiar with the military factory, and he must know about the "Fierce Dragon" project. Brought to America?

Drones, "Eagle Eye" system, this guy doesn't know all about it, it's a lot of fun now, Xu Ziling feels helpless when he thinks that all his stuff has been told to others.

Thinking of the consequences of the incident, he couldn't care what time it was, so he immediately picked up the phone and dialed Mao Zhengqi's number at Thirteen Offices.


Mao Zhengqi was used to being vigilant at all times. As soon as the phone rang, he immediately woke up. Looking at an unfamiliar number on it, he connected and asked.

"It's me, Brother Mao, help me find out if Xiong Zhiwen has any contact with the 'Hawkeye' radar and 'Shadow Dragon' projects, this is very important."

Xiong Zhiwen was the one who defected, and Xu Ziling didn't see any reports on this in the information obtained from the Thirteenth Office, so he had to ask Mao Zhengqi to investigate.

Seeing that it was still five o'clock in the morning, Mao Zhengqi knew that the matter must be urgent, otherwise Xu Ziling would not have called him at this time, so he responded immediately:

"Okay, I'll have someone check it out right away, and I'll contact you later."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Ziling only felt a little weak in his body. He was also negligent before. He only considered that the other party got the technical information of the engine, but he didn't think about the "Eagle Eye" radar and the drone. The drone is fine. The stealth function, the biggest killer feature, is not known to many people, and will never be known to outsiders, but if "Eagle Eye" is known by him, and then tells the Americans, or the "Temple" organization, one can imagine the consequences. How serious will it be.

If the other party really came into contact with such an important thing as the "Eagle Eye" radar, the other party may not need other technologies and bring the information to the United States at the cost of early exposure. This can also explain what he suspected before. out of place.

With such a judgment, the only thing he hopes now is that Xiong Zhiwen only knows about the existence of "Hawkeye" and has no access to the technical data of "Hawkeye". , anyway, it is impossible for them to know its specific function.

Quietly waiting in the office, two hours passed quickly, and the military factory began to be lively. Standing at the window, Xu Ziling could see the staff appearing one after another, some running, and some going to the cafeteria for breakfast .

The sun was rising, and it was a rare sunny day in this period of time, but his heart was the opposite of the weather, it was gloomy.

"what happened?"

Xu Haoran came out of the lounge, saw his son standing at the window, didn't even notice the sound of his own footsteps, and sensed his abnormality, so he went to him and asked.

"Things are probably a bit troublesome." Xu Ziling told his father what he guessed, of course he would not mention the "Temple" organization, but said that the other party should be Mi Fang.

"It's inevitable. Someone will know about it one day. What are you worried about? Besides, the 'Eagle Eye' has been handed over to the country. The country will definitely have a solution. The Americans will never send spies to us. "

For this, Xu Haoran has a more thorough understanding than Xu Ziling, and thinks that this is not a big deal.

Xu Ziling is not the case, he knows much more than Xu Haoran, if Mi Fang is okay, Xu Ziling won't be so worried, he is mainly afraid of this "temple" organization, but he can't tell Xu Haoran about it The existence of the organization, compared to the military, this organization must be much crazier, and I have confronted them not once, who knows if they will find out their identity in the military factory, and then attack the people around them?

"Let's go, I feel like going to wash up, go to have breakfast, and then take a rest, don't think too much."

Feeling the weight in his son's heart, Xu Haoran didn't think too much about it, he just thought it was too serious and asked him to pack up his things and go to rest quickly, after all he didn't close his eyes last night.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

From the moment he stepped into the sharp sword, he could only bear some things by himself. Knowing his father's good intentions, he couldn't refuse. After sorting out the pictures on the table, he went downstairs with Xu Haoran.

But on the way, he received a call from Mao Zhengqi, so he separated from Xu Haoran and went to the nearby laboratory instead.

When Mao Zhengqi received Xu Ziling's call, he immediately mobilized his staff. After about three hours, he finally found out what Xu Ziling wanted. As soon as he received the report, he immediately contacted Xu Ziling.

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