weapons expert

Chapter 421 The Acquainted Agent

At nine o'clock in the evening, exactly one hour after Xu Ziling and the others received the news from Zhu Gang, a guest came to the safe house—the person they were waiting for arrived!

Before the person could speak, Xu Ziling knew that he was the person who contacted him on the phone, because just after seeing his face, he knew why he felt that the voice was a little familiar on the phone. He had seen him before. This person in front of them ----- is the person who provided equipment to them in San Francisco when they went to Silicon Valley last time!

"It turned out to be you (you)!"

As soon as they met, both of them were taken aback at the same time, and then said it in unison.

"..." I didn't expect the two parties to say something like this, they were taken aback for another moment, then they met each other and laughed, "Haha..."

"Before I answered the phone, I heard this voice and felt a little familiar, but I just couldn't remember where I saw it or what. I really didn't expect it to be you. By the way, my friends usually call me a knight."

Having seen it before, the visitor didn't feel the slightest sense of unfamiliarity, and told Xu Ziling and the others with a hearty smile.

When Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng saw him, they naturally thought of him. After hearing what he said, they said it was fate.

After entering the house, the knight put a box that he had been holding in his hand on the table in the living room, opened it, and said to several people: "I brought the things you want, you can see if you can, if not , so I can change it as soon as possible.”

Xu Ziling and the others were not secret agents. They were very curious when they came into contact with these things for the first time. They watched the knight take out one by one, and they lay down in front of the table and looked at each one.

"This is a human skin mask. The one with the wig is made according to the [-]D image you sent me. It has been compared with your face shape. As long as you put it on, it is guaranteed to be the same as your own. The error of the human hair will not exceed one micron. This is a contact lens, which has the function of taking pictures, and also stores the iris data of the target. It can definitely pass any iris verification system. This is a voice changer with a microchip inside. , has already stored the other party’s voice samples, just stick it on the throat when using it, he can completely turn your voice into a target, these are skin-changing potions, this is a fingerprint film, do you want to try it now?”

"Okay, give it a try." Of course, Xu Ziling is the operative. The most important thing to enter the base is to steal information, and he has the highest computer technology among several people. Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng first disagreed with him going in and taking risks. disagree.

Usually, when killing people, I shoot one at a time, and I don’t see any unbearable feeling in my heart, but when Xu Ziling held the human skin mask in his hand, although he knew it was fake, it felt the same as human skin, it was too real, It gave him a feeling of astonishment in his heart.

I don't know what material this thing is made of. Holding it on his head, Xu Ziling didn't feel any discomfort, so he put it on in two or three strokes. He touched his face and found that after all, there was still a layer of Things, if you don't use some strength, you won't feel anything on your face.

"How is it? Does it look like it?"

Pressing on his face with both hands, the mask sticks to the skin better, so he turned his head and asked Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng.

"It's weird, you can see for yourself." The two didn't answer him, Yang Kaiming simply gave him a mirror and asked him to see for himself.

Seeing the strange expressions of several people, Xu Ziling immediately took the mirror and looked into it.


Looking at the face in the mirror, Xu Ziling could swear that when he knew it was him, but saw another face in the mirror, the timid person would feel that he would faint from fright.

"It's okay, if you wear glasses, you'll be fine." Different from the expressions of several people, the knight has used it many times, and there is no strange feeling at all. Looking at Xu Ziling's face, he thinks it is not bad.

The first time he put this thing on his head, Xu Ziling always felt flustered in his heart. After checking that there was no problem, he immediately took it off his head, which made him feel much more comfortable.

Then he tried other things, but there were no problems, especially the tape-like voice changer, which even Xu Ziling became interested in. A small chip, pasted on the throat, can actually change a person's voice. The vocal cords are really high-tech. For this reason, he asked the lion to scan this thing, thinking about studying it when he has free time.

"Are these things domestic?"

These things seem simple, but the technical content is not simple. Xu Ziling was really curious and asked the knight with great interest.

Unexpectedly, the knight spread his hands and answered him directly, "I don't know either. I will use the ones given to me by the above. As long as it is easy to use, I don't care whether it is domestic or foreign."

After hearing his answer, Xu Ziling laughed uncontrollably. Thinking about it, he is just an agent. As long as someone provides it to them, they don't need to find out where it came from. After all, they are not technical like him, so there is no need care about this.

"Oh, by the way, those who acted together are also your friends?" Xu Ziling remembered the matter of the tactical watch, so he talked to him, "I thought I was going to have a big fight with you this time, so I gave it to you." You prepared a new piece of equipment, but you didn’t expect that things would change, but the item is still for you, after all, you don’t know when you will encounter such a thing, and maybe it can help you a little bit if you bring it with you.”

Agents like them may have the most high-tech equipment. Xu Ziling said vaguely, and the knight didn't have much reaction when he heard it, but he also knew that Xu Ziling could think of them. This is a kind of friendship. This feeling made him happier than getting new equipment.

"Thank you very much!" He didn't care about the equipment, but he was absolutely grateful to Xu Ziling and the others for their kindness, and thanked them very earnestly. Then he looked at the watch-like thing that Xu Ziling took out from his pocket, and he was dumbfounded and didn't look at it at all. Knowing what this thing actually does, "What is this?"

"Hey..." Seeing his confused look, Li Cheng smiled, "This is a good thing. With this thing, cats have nine lives, so you have ten lives." After receiving one in his hand, he pulled the knight and prepared to demonstrate it to him.

"Wait..." Xu Ziling saw that he was about to turn on the machine, and immediately stopped him. These are specially made by him, and they are different from the ones used by them. The steps to start up must be correct, otherwise the system will be locked. Until the self-destruct device was activated and the miniature bomb inside exploded, he didn't want to be injured by something he made.

"What's wrong?" Hearing Xu Ziling's shout, Li Cheng immediately stopped his hands and looked at Xu Ziling blankly.

"Don't move. I made this thing specially. It's different from ours. There is a bomb inside. If you open it randomly, you will be in trouble if it is triggered later." Xu Ziling quickly took it over and explained to him. .

"Damn, when did you become so insidious?" Hearing what he said, Li Cheng broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of his actions just now. He only knew that Xu Ziling had installed a self-destruct device on these people, but he didn't know. He will also load a bomb in it.

"Hey..." Xu Ziling gave a sinister smile, and did not answer his words, but let the knight see clearly how he turned on the machine.

The knight first watched him take out such a thing, and he didn't think so, but he didn't expect Li Cheng to tell him that with this thing, he would have ten lives, and then he heard that all the bombs in it were loaded, so he knew this It must not be an ordinary thing, so he immediately became interested. When Xu Ziling demonstrated it to him, he stared at it without blinking, for fear of missing something.

"Click here twice first, then click here once, and it will start up. You must pay attention to it. This is something I made for you privately. It is a top-secret stuff, so I have made very strict confidentiality procedures. Once you make three wrong operations, unless you can throw him out within a second, you will wait for him to explode." Xu Ziling explained to the knight while demonstrating.

When the tactical watch is turned on, a verification screen is displayed first, "Put one of your fingers on it, this is a fingerprint lock, yes, any finger is fine, as long as you remember it, um, okay, the next step is For the second verification, keep your eyes on the screen, um, it’s ok, this is the retina scan, and then the third verification, this is the password, you set one yourself.”

After a few steps, the tactical watch finally entered the standby state. Xu Ziling told him again: "This needs to be charged. Every time it is fully charged, it can be used for one month. If you use the functions inside continuously, you can use it for ten days. It looks like, every time you turn it off and then turn it on again, if you are the user, it will automatically scan the first two verification procedures, and you only need to enter the password, but if someone else uses it, it will be the same as the current procedure.”

"The most important point is that you must not reveal the functions of this thing in front of outsiders. Once outsiders find out, then I advise you to kill people and silence them. Of course, if the matter is urgent, such as you being killed If you are a prisoner, then you just turn off the phone, as long as you don’t say it, no one can open this thing, if you cooperate with others, then it’s as if I didn’t say anything.” At the end of the talk, Xu Ziling didn’t forget to make a joke.

"Okay, I see, this thing must be very important, and you can't lose it if you lose your life." Although he knew that Xu Ziling was joking, but after hearing what was said before, the knight also knew its importance, nodded, very happy It is a prudent response.

"Okay." Xu Ziling saw that he was serious, and was really worried that he would lose his mind, "I'm just kidding, as long as you pay attention at ordinary times, if you are really afraid of this, I won't show it to you. As for some functions, let us Let them introduce it to you, and I will be lazy."

[Thank you book friend Feifei for your reward and understanding, time, t9000, wefzah's monthly pass!Thank you brothers for your support! 】

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