weapons expert

Chapter 438 Waiting to Watch Domestic Violence

Reduce the speed, open the landing gear, reverse the turbofan, adjust the direction of the nozzle, and adjust the direction of the tail nozzle. The aircraft began to hover. According to the operation method during the simulation training, the two cooperated to quickly hover the aircraft in the air above the runway.

"Start lowering reverse thrust!"

Seeing that the two had hovered the plane, Xu Ziling took the communicator and began to assist the two to land.

The vertical take-off and landing technology has been proposed for many years, and many foreign countries have developed corresponding fighters, but this is the first case in China. The "Flying Eagle" fighter has been tested many times, but it has always been carried out in secret. I have seen "Flying Eagle" in the sky many times, but I only know that there are new fighters off the assembly line, and I don't know the specific details. Everyone was dumbfounded.

Under Xu Ziling's command, the "Flying Eagle" landed slowly until the landing gear touched the ground, and the plane landed on the runway smoothly. Whoever greeted them rushed to the runway in a swarm, presumably because they really wanted to see the new domestic vertical take-off and landing fighter.

Of course Director Cao and the person in charge of the airport were still a little reserved and didn't go down, but Xu Ziling looked at the expressions of the two of them and knew that they were very curious, so he called Yang Ruolan and Liu Xin and invited them to get off the tower together.

For a military base like the launch base, it is very difficult not to attract people's attention. I am afraid that there will be satellites staring at the sky. As soon as the "Flying Eagle" stopped on the runway, a tractor drove over, and Lin Jianbin and the old man were not allowed to Wang came down and was pulled directly to the hangar.

"You still play handsome, don't you? Tell you to play handsome!" When he came to the hangar, Xu Ziling twitched at Lin Jianbin. When he saw this guy actually landed vertically, he was really upset. Now seeing him He couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately gave him a full martial arts.

"Hey..." The two have long been used to fighting, Lin Jianbin was not angry at all, and ran behind Yang Ruolan smartly, hiding from Xu Ziling, while smiling at him, "I came here to save fuel. , did not take off vertically, and now they are all on the ground, of course we have to try something new.”

"Old Wang!" Too lazy to talk to him, Xu Ziling stopped looking at him, turned his head and greeted Old Wang who was standing aside, and took the things he needed from him.

"It's much better than my helicopter." Old Wang said with a smile to Xu Ziling, making Xu Ziling feel that this honest man has turned bad now.

"Ha ha……"

Fighters that have not been officially launched must be classified as confidential. Xu Ziling does not prohibit people at the airport from watching them, but he still communicated with the person in charge of the airport and put a seal on the vertical take-off and landing, although the exposure will be a matter of time , but it can be kept secret for a day, after all, it can only be said that the prototype test has been completed, and mass production will take some time.

When the things arrived, the few people didn't stay long at the airport and returned to the base soon.

When I received the news, it was only five days before the launch of the satellite, and it took one day on the road. Today, it took another half day, that is to say, there are only three and a half days left for him to install the "Eagle Eye" on it. It's not difficult, but it needs to debug the system, which will take some time. After the things are delivered, he doesn't have much time to accompany Lao Wang and Lin Jianbin, so Director Cao arranged for someone to accompany them with Yang Ruolan and Liu Xin Continuing to visit the base, he went to the place Director Cao arranged for him alone and got busy.

Of course, he is not the only one doing things. There is also a team arranged by the above. These people are responsible for the research and development of satellites. When they came to the base, they were ready to solve problems that might arise at any time, but they did not expect to receive an order from their superiors suddenly. , Let them assist an unknown person to install equipment on the satellite.

Although it was not very pleasant, they had to complete the orders from their superiors, so after receiving the order, they waited at the place arranged by Director Cao.

"Professor Xie, hello, I will trouble you and your colleagues this time!"

When Director Cao introduced the leader of the other party, Xu Ziling hurriedly shook hands with that Professor Xie modestly.

Although there was an order from above, Xu Ziling could imagine that they would not be very happy to let them lay hands on him like this. Moreover, what he touched was someone else's stuff, so the necessary politeness must be required.

Seeing him so "on the road", Professor Xie and the others who were really not in a happy mood immediately got better, and their faces turned cloudy. Although there was no enthusiasm, it was not good to keep a cold face. There was also a stiff smile on the professor's face, "You're welcome, they are all doing things for the country, there is nothing troublesome."

In the eyes of people who don't know, the communication satellite is a whole, but it is not. In fact, it is divided into two parts, one part is the body of the satellite, and the other part is the communication relay equipment.Its body does not only carry communication equipment, but after some adjustments, it can also carry equipment with other functions, such as reconnaissance equipment. Once those long-distance cameras are installed, it becomes a reconnaissance satellite.

So the first thing Xu Ziling has to do is to understand the system connection between the satellite itself and the communication equipment. He has already learned about it from the lion, but in order to cover up, he can't say what he already knows, otherwise If they say it, it will make people misunderstand that their project has been leaked, which will be a trouble for themselves.

With an attitude of learning, he asked Professor Xie for advice, and Professor Xie saw that he was not ashamed to ask, and his perception changed a lot. He dutifully showed Xu Ziling the technical documents. The key points, Also explain a few words from time to time.

Xu Ziling was just pretending, and quickly figured out what was in it, so he asked Professor Xie and the others to install "Eagle Eye" on the satellite without affecting the original equipment, and he started to work on the system .

It is not difficult to convert the microwave signal and the laser communication signal. Xu Ziling has already done experiments on the "Fierce Dragon", and now he has some experience in doing it. His hands are flying on the keyboard, and there is a lion in his mind. Help, that night, he got the conversion system out.

After the system is built, the next step is to test compatibility and whether it can work. The satellite also needs to be tested before launch. Now it is just a signal conversion test, which is undoubtedly a very simple matter. For the sake of confidentiality, Xu Ziling is testing At the time, he did not display the screen, but checked it in the form of data. After finding that it was very successful, he handed over the remaining compatibility test items to Professor Xie and the others, and he accompanied Yang Ruolan They wandered off.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Jianbin and Lao Wang did not return to Star City in the past few days, but also stayed at the base, playing around with Yang Ruolan and Liu Xin every day. Xu Ziling is the kind who can forget everything when he gets busy When he finished his work and came out to find Yang Ruolan, he realized that the two of them hadn't gone back yet.

"Hey, why haven't you guys gone back yet?" Xu Ziling asked immediately after seeing Old Wang.

Faced with Xu Ziling's question, Old Wang smiled strangely, held back his mouth to Lin Jianbin who was not far away, and motioned Xu Ziling to take a look, "Isn't this kid crazy! I was going back early this morning. He suddenly called back, saying that you still have something to do, and he refused to go back."

Following Lao Wang's instructions, Xu Ziling looked forward and saw Yang Ruolan and Liu Xin strolling together arm in arm, while Lin Jianbin followed behind them, nodding and bowing, talking about something.

Seeing this appearance, he immediately thought of something, and said in a voiceless voice: "No way, you say this kid..."

"Why not? It's what you think, otherwise why would he refuse to go back?"

Old Wang said with a sure face, smiling.

what is this?love at first sight?

Seeing his unmanly appearance, Xu Ziling knew who he was trying to curry favor with. As for Yang Ruolan, he hadn't thought about it at all, because Lin Jianbin had known Yang Ruolan for so long, so he just said anything, no It might be Yang Ruolan, then this person is Liu Xin, but the two of them have only known each other for a day, so why should he do this?

Considering these, Xu Ziling immediately thought of the love between men and women.

Lin Jianbin has never found a girlfriend. Usually, when he meets with Xu Ziling and Yang Kaiming, he always has a lot of opinions. He doesn’t have a girlfriend. They kiss me in front of him, it’s a blow to him, but No matter how you look at it, Liu Xin is a good girl. It is very possible that Lin Jianbin, who has always been troubled by this aspect, has thoughts on her.

"What an unlucky kid." Thinking of what might happen in the future, Xu Ziling was really worried for Lin Jianbin.

Not to mention judging from the past few days of contact, Liu Xin is a very assertive girl, and she will not easily accept a person in love, even if the two finally get together, I don't know if she will still treat her. What about his brother's violence?

"Why?" Seeing Xu Ziling's expression, Old Wang asked curiously.

The relationship between the two of them is so good, and this is not a bad word for others. When Lao Wang asked, Xu Ziling told him about Liu Xin's "feat".

"This Liu Xin has a lot of personality. If Jianbin wants to catch up with her, he will have to suffer a lot. Even if they are together, Liu Xin will eat him to death."

When Xu Ziling said this, he thought that Lao Wang would have a surprised expression, but he didn't expect that after he finished speaking, Lao Wang was not unusual at all, he didn't say that it was inappropriate, and he didn't worry about Lin Jianbin. Appearance: "This has nothing to do with us, but I should call Liu Long later and tell him that he will soon be out of the sea of ​​suffering."


"Ha ha……"

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