weapons expert

Chapter 466 "Fierce Dragon" Export Order

Because of the previous test with Lion at the northern satellite launch base, it is more appropriate to use the method of "verification" on the aircraft carrier this time.

The operating system is for use. In order to be perfect, Xu Ziling proposed that this experimental version will remain on the aircraft carrier, so that those who use it can find out what needs to be improved.

For this, he just raised the nature of secrecy with Captain Zhang, and did not let the people in the radar room go away. How can Captain Zhang refuse to agree to get new equipment? password, and then let them pay attention to observe Xu Ziling's operation, saying that if there is anything they don't understand, please ask for advice.

Of course Xu Ziling knew what he was thinking, and he would not point it out. He smiled and said to everyone: "I will stay for two days, so you only have two days to learn, but this thing is not difficult, so there should be no problem. "

The test started, took out the terminal equipment, instructed several people to connect several computers in the radar room with data cables, and explained some precautions, and waited for everyone to understand before opening the terminal.

It is said to be a terminal, but it is actually just a custom-made special computer. It is thicker than ordinary laptops and has more buttons. Of course, the system after booting is an information sharing platform, not an operating system of ordinary computers.

The system was perfected from the initial system he created. For the sake of simplicity and professionalism, the system naturally uses the Chinese characters. Unlike imported equipment, which costs a lot of money, it is still written in other countries.

Entering the system interface is the login interface. Considering the importance of security, fingerprints, face scans, passwords, and account numbers are all indispensable. These security measures will be handed over to Captain Zhang for consideration, and Xu Ziling will not make a single action many times. Everyone explained in detail, and directly entered their account number and password.

"This system can only connect to one satellite temporarily, so after landing, it will automatically connect to this satellite." Xu Ziling smiled knowingly while looking at the screen while explaining.

Although this is an experimental version, Professor Xie and his team have put in a lot of hard work. Just like the current connection interface, the art is also very good. I don’t know whose idea it is. Images of spaceships flying in the beautiful sky, surrounded by planets large and small, look majestic and invigorating.

In less than ten seconds, the screen flashed, indicating that the satellite connection was successful, and then entered the system operation interface. Different from the gorgeous background screen in front, this interface is very simple in design, with black characters on a white background, and several menus appear in the middle Buttons are easy to understand at a glance.

"Because it is experimental, the equipment on the satellite can only communicate with a range of more than 1000 kilometers. Before using it, you must adjust the angle of the equipment. Before you use it, take a look here to see if the position has been adjusted, because I may also use this thing, but I may not remember to adjust it back for you when the time comes." The system was turned on, and Xu Ziling was talking to everyone while operating it.

Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng knew that there was such a thing, but they had never seen it in a military factory, and it was the first time they saw it. They were very curious, and they squeezed to the side to watch, and the people on the "Liaoning" didn't have to worry about it. Having said that, this is something closely related to them, how could they not be serious?So even Captain Zhang, like the people in the radar room, carefully watched the movements of Xu Ziling's hands without blinking his eyes, for fear that something might be missed.

After setting the orientation of Hawkeye, the next step is to tell them how to use each function in the system, but now there is only one subsystem like them, and it is difficult to find a reference. In the end, Xu Ziling called the military factory and asked Professor Xie After a bit of cooperation over there, the functions were demonstrated to the people in the radar room.

"These are the functions. Due to the problem of the communication satellite, the current limitation is relatively large, but I will connect this system to the current communication system later, so that the practicality will be much stronger. Your task in the future is to familiarize yourself with this system." system, and find out whether there is any inconvenient operation of the system, and all possible problems.”

The system was quickly explained, and Xu Ziling stated the purpose of this trip to ask them to give comments to the system.

The most important function of this system is the underwater communication and information sharing platform. Now only the aircraft carrier has such a thing, and its function is really not reflected. Let me explain it again. Seeing that everyone has no problem, Xu Ziling is very happy. He simply left, handed over the equipment to the people in the radar room and let them fiddle with it themselves.

The two days passed quickly, and the people in the radar room were completely familiar with the system in these two days. Their trip was not an important matter, and Li Cheng was going to get married these days, so he didn't I stayed on the aircraft carrier for a long time, and in the early morning of the third day, I greeted Captain Zhang, boarded the helicopter arranged for them, and left the "Liaoning".

Of course, they would not let the helicopter go all the way to Star City, but to an airport on the outskirts of Zhonghai, a seaside city. After getting off the plane here, they immediately took a taxi to the station, and took the express bus directly to Star City at Zhonghai Railway Station. The train returned to the military factory on the same day.

Asking Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng to go back first, Xu Ziling went back to his office, and he didn't know where Nie Yunjie got the news of his return. As soon as he sat down, the phone rang.

"Old Nie, your news is very fast. You will know as soon as you come back."

Picking up the phone, Xu Ziling talked to Nie Yunjie with a smile on the phone.

"I was just standing in front of the window on the phone and saw you coming in. I hung up the phone and called you." Nie Yunjie explained, and immediately asked in a serious tone: "Is there anything wrong? Come over to me for a while .Otherwise, I can come to your place, and I have something to tell you."

Cherishing the way people do things, Xu Ziling also understands. Hearing what he said, he knew that there must be something important, otherwise he would not have said it on the phone. Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, he replied to Nie Yunjie: "It's okay, just wait a moment, I'll be there right away."

Before the stool was hot, he got up and left the office again. He came to Mr. Zhang's office and asked if there was anything during the past two days. Go to the office building in front.

"what's up?"

Nie Yunjie's office is on the seventh floor. Xu Ziling took the elevator up. As soon as he entered the door, he saw him looking at a document in front of the desk. He knocked on the door to remind him of his arrival, and he asked what was the matter directly.

"This morning, an international trading company in Africa called me, saying that they intend to buy our 'Fierce Dragon' helicopter. This is the letter of intent sent by the other party. Take a look." He closed the document and handed it to Xu Ziling who walked to the desk.

Nie Yunjie is the person in charge of sales. Xu Ziling is not surprised that this information is in his hands, but he is a little surprised how the other party knows that "Fierce Dragon" has an export model. You must know that although this news has not been kept secret, it has always been kept. Not publicly announced.

"Did you say which country or force it is?"

Xu Ziling took the document, sat on a chair to read it, and asked a question at the same time.

"The country, the other party said that it is a weapon purchaser authorized by the African country of Nitan. I also checked, and there is indeed this company, and this country happens to be..."

Xu Ziling read the documents while listening to Nie Yunjie, and when he heard him say this, he immediately interrupted him with a wave of his hand, because he already knew what was going on, "Old Nie, needless to say, I know about this matter Well, in the final analysis, it’s the wind from me, but I didn’t expect that it’s been almost a month before there’s any news.”

"It turned out to be the wind you let out. I thought where they got the news. I was wondering if someone from above said it, but I didn't see anyone saying hello to us. I was wondering." Nie Yunjie suddenly realized, " "Fierce Dragon" helicopter was launched in a full year, and the export version was finalized only a few years ago. Seeing that the other party got the news so quickly, he thought there was something powerful about it, but then It turned out that Xu Ziling let out the wind, so it can be explained clearly.

"About a month ago, during the time of the patriots, people let them out." Knowing that Ni Tan wanted it, Xu Ziling didn't read the document at all, threw it on the table, and watched Nie Yunjie explain, "At that time, I wanted to Because of the shortage of funds, I asked a trustworthy friend to spread the word, I didn't expect it to take so long to get the news."

"You're sitting and talking without back pain." Nie Yunjie laughed softly when he heard Xu Ziling say this, "I'm considering buying 5 sets in the first batch, and if I'm satisfied, I will continue to buy 5 more sets. This is not a toy worth 50 yuan. Aircraft, people have to think about it, I think if it weren't for the tense situation in this country, people may not be able to approve the purchase intention in three to five months."

"Oh, by the way, the other party asked if the price could be lowered. I was wondering if we didn't offer a price. Why did the other party just ask this question and haven't answered yet? How much did you say?" Nie Yunjie remembered another thing , So I asked Xu Ziling.

"6000 million US dollars, with a full set of weapon systems, with a 500-kilometer fire control radar, which scans once every three seconds, can determine, distinguish and display 32 targets at the same time, and can screen out [-] first attack targets. This information is transmitted to other fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, as well as ground combat units."

"Haha...I'm dying of laughter." Nie Yunjie laughed wildly when he heard Xu Ziling say that, "Are you not fighting 'Apache'?"

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