weapons expert

Chapter 470 Something Unexpected

Back at the military factory, Nie Yunjie hadn't come back yet. He was probably still with Aka and his party. Xu Ziling had already done what he should do. He didn't have anything to do for a while, so he just went back to the laboratory.

The helicopter demonstration made a deep impression on A-Ka and his group. Only then did they feel that the news they had received before was true. When they returned to the hotel, they were eager to discuss related issues, and Nie Yunjie also understood that "Fierce Dragon" must It gave them a lot of shock, knowing that they must not be in the mood to play, so they told them very interestingly about giving them a wind at night, and then left.

After Nie Yunjie left, Aka immediately invited the following people to his room.As for what they said, no one knows, but according to the cleaning staff, the five stayed in the room for several hours before coming out.

That night, Nie Yunjie and several people from the marketing department held a welcome banquet for Aka and his party on behalf of the military factory. Xu Ziling and the others did not go. Nie Yunjie called him to tell him the specific situation after the show. Tout a few words, talk about romantic affairs, without mentioning any work-related matters.

In the morning of the next day, Aka formally put forward a request for negotiation, and the military factory just wanted it. The more eager they were, the better the negotiation would be for the military factory.

Negotiation is nothing more than a matter of you retreating and I retreating or I retreating and you advancing. What Aka and the others hope most is to lower the price, while the military factory is for the idea of ​​​​the port, and it is impossible to let go of it at will. For this reason, After two days of negotiations between the two parties, the military factory still did not let go in terms of price, but only gave the other party some discounts in terms of technical support, maintenance and spare parts.

Xu Ziling did not participate in the negotiation, but he knew the specific situation immediately. According to his idea, he could delay it for a few days before making a request for the construction of the port. In this way, Then let go of some discounts on the order, which is easier for the other party to accept.

But when he came home at night and saw a piece of news, he immediately changed his mind and immediately called Nie Yunjie to ask him to bring up the port issue in the next day's negotiations.

It is Xu Ziling's habit to pay attention to international news every day. Yang Ruolan went back to his home today. After dinner, his mother cleaned up in the kitchen, while he and Xu Haoran, father and son, sat in the living room and watched TV.

"International news, at one o'clock in the afternoon local time, residents of a small town on the border of Nitan clashed with the rice army stationed in its neighboring country, resulting in the death of three civilians..."

Hearing this, Xu Ziling's head turned. It was one o'clock in the afternoon local time, and now it was seven o'clock in the evening. Since Nitan and my country were separated by five time zones, it meant that this incident happened an hour ago.

Such things, in the eyes of ordinary people, seem to be small things, but in the eyes of those who are interested, they know that this may be caused by the Americans, and they are preparing for their next step. After all, Nitan is small, but It is also a sovereign country. If there is no reason, Americans would not dare to do it for no reason.

He can understand this kind of thing, and the people of Nanitan know it better. Presumably Aka and the others should know the news by now, but the incident happened after the termination of today's negotiations, otherwise there will definitely be changes.

Because the country is almost gone, who cares about the price?Therefore, as soon as the negotiation starts tomorrow, the other party will agree to the military factory's quotation. If the port is not mentioned first, there is probably no chance. Of course Xu Ziling does not want to give up on something so important to the military factory and the country, so That's why Nie Yunjie brought it up first.

"Is there such a thing? I'm still outside. If you didn't see it, something really went wrong." Nie Yunjie's phone was a little noisy, and he didn't know where he was going. "By the way, when you said that, I remembered , since something like this happened, will the other party come to me right away?"

I have to say that this possibility is also possible. Although it is only one night, who knows if the other party will be so eager?

"Probably not!" Xu Ziling was really only thinking about the other party's reaction tomorrow. He didn't expect to mention it tonight. Well, you just turn off your phone, if they can't find you, it's okay."

"..." This method is indeed quite lazy, and Nie Yunjie was completely "stunned", "Okay, whoever talks to you about business is really unlucky for eight lifetimes."

This is not an ordinary business activity. Whether it is reception or negotiation, Nie Yunjie is personally responsible for it. He did not hand it over to the people below, nor did he arrange a special contact person, so Aka and the others really only have his contact information. If his mobile phone is turned off, what the other party thinks can only be said tomorrow.

If the other party is really looking for Nie Yunjie tonight, it is a bit rude to be unable to get in touch, but it can be said that there is always a place where the phone signal is not good, and compared to such an important matter as the port, being rude is better than losing That's good, so no matter how lazy this method is, Nie Yunjie finally accepted it.

"Do you think things will change?"

Xu Ziling and Nie Yunjie made a big phone call and did not leave the living room. Xu Haoran naturally heard it clearly. Seeing his son hang up the phone, he asked a question.

"Sure!" Xu Ziling put the phone on the coffee table and adjusted his sitting posture, "You have also seen the news just now, Americans like to come to this kind of thing, make trouble, and then stand on the side of righteousness, closely follow Let’s do it right away. The people in Nitan must also know that after such a thing happened, they will definitely not care about the price any more. The country is almost gone, so what’s the point of entangled in this? From the moment something happens to the action, there must be a buffer of three to five months before the official action, otherwise they don't even need to talk to us, just go back."

"The port matter is considered to be agreed by the other party, but with Americans here, can the port be built?"

Xu Haoran also knew about the port, and he was really worried when he saw that the Americans showed signs of doing something.

"It won't have much impact. This is a private investment. As long as this country is still a sovereign state, the Americans will not blatantly block it." Their port construction is a private investment, and Xu Ziling is not very worried about what will happen to the Americans. , "The 'Patriot' some time ago was also bought by this country. With the addition of the 'Fierce Dragon', as long as the Americans don't invest too much troops, they may not necessarily lose. Coupled with our intervention, it is impossible to fight. Getting up is still a problem."

"Ah..." Where did the Patriots order come from? Because General Fan Yi promised to deliver the goods, Xu Ziling never said anything about it. The military factory only produces. At this time, Xu Haoran was surprised to hear that it was also from this country. , For a while, I couldn't figure out why the two bills were from the same country, why they were almost a month apart.

"'Patriot' is a news spread by a friend, but he is not good at 'Fierce Dragon'. The news may have spread a bit late, which is why there is such a time difference. The other party does not know their 'Patriot' is We provide it here." Xu Ziling could see his father's doubts, and explained it to him.

"Oh." Xu Haoran was still about to say something, just in time to see Zhang Lan coming out of the kitchen, thinking that it was not an important question, nodded, and stopped talking.

Xu Haoran gradually understood what Xu Ziling had done in the past year. He knew what his son had done and he would not tell his wife so as not to worry her.Naturally, Xu Ziling would not tell his mother what dangerous things he had done.

Zhang Lan is not interested in these planes, guns, etc., that is, she knows from others that her son has such a military factory, which produces planes and the like. Except when Zhang Lan is away, she doesn't talk about work at home.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Lan came over, watched the two father and son talking vigorously before, sat down on the sofa, and asked casually.

"It's nothing. I'm talking about the news just now."

The family of three sat in the living room and chatted for a while, Zhang Lan got up and said that he was going to the study to prepare lessons, Xu Ziling also wanted to have a phone call with Yang Ruolan, and talked to Xu Haoran, leaving him alone, and went upstairs to his room .

People in love have their own interests, the two of them meet every day, talking on the phone is what they are interested in, they talked about kissing me for half an hour, and they made an appointment to pick up Yang Ruolan in the military area tomorrow morning, and then hung up the phone.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Xu Ziling went to the military area to pick up someone. The two had breakfast in the restaurant of the military factory, and then they parted ways, and each went back to his office to start a new day.

Concerned about the affairs of Nie Yunjie, Xu Ziling had no intention of doing anything, and it was time for the negotiation to start. When he arrived in the office, he didn't think about doing anything at all, and just sat there waiting for the result of the matter.

Not everyone can come in the military factory, even if Aka and the others are customers, they will not be allowed to come in, so of course the location of the negotiation will not be in the military factory, but rented a meeting room in Tianhua Hotel .

With Xu Ziling's reminder last night, Nie Yunjie has been thinking about this matter all night, thinking about the possibility of it all night, and he didn't know how to fall asleep. When he woke up, he found that he was about to arrive soon. It was time to start negotiations, so with dark circles under my eyes, I didn't have time to eat breakfast, so I gathered the people in charge of the negotiations and rushed to the hotel conference room.

Xu Ziling's prediction was correct. When they came to the conference room, Aka and his party had already arrived. Although there were not many abnormalities on their faces, Nie Yunjie could still see a trace of deep-hidden anxiety on their faces.

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