weapons expert

Chapter 493 Professional Arms Dealer

One of the reasons why Xu Ziling and the others took over this matter this time is that it seems that this place is not very stable, and they all have their own skills, so they are not afraid of such a situation happening. Of course, the most important thing is that Xu Ziling wants to determine the location of the port himself, because They have tactical watches, and with a scan of this thing, it is clear at a glance where there is a suitable deep-water channel, which is much more reliable than those so-called professional equipment.

After a night's rest, he contacted the company they entrusted the next day. He never thought about meeting them. Xu Ziling asked the other party to send the information to his mailbox on the phone, saying that he would give them the exact information in a few days. s answer.

Customers are gods. Although the other party was a little surprised that they didn't need them to accompany them, they didn't ask too much. They only thought that Xu Ziling and the others were accompanied by professional personnel, so they passed the information over. They can be contacted anytime.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Ziling immediately asked Smith for a computer, connected to the Internet, entered the mailbox, and downloaded the data.

The other party chose four places. Looking at the map, numbers [-] to [-] were lined up from north to south along the coastline of Nitan.Their investigations were very detailed. If a port was established, how many people would need to be relocated, the approximate amount of investment required, whether the transportation would be convenient, etc., there were detailed reports. After reading it for a while, he roughly understood the advantages of these places.

They consider it from a commercial point of view, but Xu Ziling is different. He is more concerned with the role of the military. The data on the paper is detailed, which makes it clear at a glance, but some things need to be seen with one's own eyes. After looking at it for a while, he asked Smith to prepare the car and take a stroll to the places marked on the information.

The country of Nitan is in the northern part of the Mosang Strait, and the northernmost point is also the northern entrance of the strait. Felix is ​​located in the middle of Nitan. According to the data, the No. [-] position is in the north of Nitan, which is nearly [-] kilometers away from here. Looking at this Not too far away, Xu Ziling decided to start from here.

When Smith heard Xu Ziling say to go out, he immediately entered the room, and came out after a while, with an extra bag in his hand, nodded to the few people, and explained to the team members, and went out with Xu Ziling and the others. go.

When he came to the car outside, Smith first took out a few pistols from the bag in his hand and handed them to them, "It's not very peaceful here, maybe there will be robbers, this thing is for self-defense."

Of course, a few people would not reject this thing, took it over and checked it, and then put it away. Xu Ziling sat in front, but saw that there were other "goods" in the bag in Smith's hand, so he took it over and looked. I saw a few AK assault rifles and a few magazines inside.

"We're not fighting, what are you doing with so many guns!"

Xu Ziling said with a smile, and then handed it to Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng who were sitting behind.

"Be prepared!" Smith replied as he started the car, "I've been here before, places like Felix are okay, but if you go to other places, especially on roads with few people, there might be robberies, those People even have bazookas."

Several people have never been here before, so they don't know that the law and order here is so chaotic, but there are not too many surprises. Once people become poor, they dare to do anything, let alone these tough black faces. Think about it Wasn't it the same when I went to Syria?There are robbers with guns everywhere, all of them are very courageous, and sometimes they dare to attack the army vehicles that are alone.

Here in Africa, the perennial civil war has made life difficult for the people in this land. Coupled with the proliferation of weapons, it is not surprising that some robbery gangs have spawned.

The car left the manor without going through the urban area, but went straight north. After a section of bumpy road, it came to the only expressway in Nitan. This expressway is located in the east of Nitan and runs through the entire country from south to north. , Xu Ziling and the others are going north, this is probably the best and fastest way.

"Smith, have you ever thought about quitting being a mercenary?"

When the establishment of the port was confirmed, Xu Ziling had the idea of ​​letting Smith not only establish their lair in Nitan, but also let him become an agent of a military factory. The country valued them only because of the news channels and relationships they had. As for whether to be a mercenary, it doesn't matter. Even if you focus on arms trading in the future, those channels can also be maintained without any impact at all.

Due to the dominance of Western countries, Xu Ziling also had to admit that in such matters, the faces of Westerners are more popular than their Easterners on some occasions, just like the "Patriots" last time, precisely because Aka knew that Smith was hired A westerner who is a soldier would place a deposit without even seeing the goods. If his contact person was Xu Ziling, he probably wouldn't be so forthright.Yu Guoyu private, such a change will have no effect, Xu Ziling also raised this issue with General Fan Yi.

Although Smith and the others are not under the control of General Fan Yi, he can relay Xu Ziling’s opinions to relevant departments, and Xu Ziling also said that Smith can not only represent the products of military factories, but also represent any weapons and equipment that can be exported by the country. Yi is also a little tempted. He is the Minister of General Assembly. Export and import are all under his jurisdiction. The country has not achieved much in export and export. It is a multi-faceted problem. Using Smith can indeed reduce some troubles, so he contacted Xu Ziling didn't know the process of the negotiation, but just a few days later, he received a call from General Fan Yi, saying that the higher-ups agreed with his approach, but it was up to Smith and the others. I agreed, so there was Xu Ziling's questioning.

"Give it up?" To be honest, when Smith and his team were dealt with by Xu Ziling alone in Afghanistan, they resigned themselves to their fate, thinking that they would never be able to escape the control of this country in their entire lives. During this period, they encountered a lot of things. Xu Ziling and the others never forced them to do anything embarrassing, and they didn't treat them badly when it came to money. The resistance slowly disappeared, and they truly accepted their new identities, and they did what they should do wholeheartedly. I thought that the status of this mercenary in this life would not be removed within ten years at least, but I didn't expect Xu Ziling to ask such a question suddenly, making him think he heard it wrong.

When I was a mercenary in the past, firstly, I was not used to the life of ordinary people; secondly, it was because of the money. The life of a mercenary was dangerous, but the money came fast enough to allow their families to live a superior life.But in the past year or so, with Xu Ziling wandering around the Middle East a few times, in the time of Guangai, Smith was allocated hundreds of millions of dollars, and each team member was divided into tens of millions of dollars, all of them were mercenaries. The entire income in their careers has been several times, which makes them less interested in the remuneration for taking on tasks. A team of people once sat together and joked, saying when to quit, buy some stocks, make some investments, How good it is to be at home with my wife and children every day.

Of course, this is just a joke. Although they get along well with the "Dongjia" and Xu Ziling, they can understand their role. It is definitely impossible to stop doing it now, but it is undeniable that this Ideas sprouted in the hearts of each of them, thinking in their hearts, not to mention quitting this business at all, it would be better to stay at home for more time.

Xu Ziling's question was like a poke into Smith's heart. With enough money, the desire in his heart would be less. They knew that Xu Ziling gave all of this, but they still couldn't help but hope that they could spend more time with their families. Together, the team members had a thought, and Smith was the same. After realizing that Xu Ziling was not joking, he quickly turned his head and asked:

"What's the arrangement?"

He is not stupid. On the bright side, Xu Ziling regards them as his own, but there is a limit. It is not Xu Ziling who can make the decision if they want to get rid of their current life. If they quit being mercenaries, then it must be With other arrangements, it is impossible for them to enjoy their lives in peace.

"What are you mainly doing here, and then you will do this from now on!" Xu Ziling also turned his head and said to him: "From now on, you can just keep your relationship, and you can stay in the country when you have nothing to do, and spend more time with you family."

"???" Hearing it on the first day of junior high school, Smith also figured out what Xu Ziling wanted him to do. After realizing that he came to Nitan mainly for the "patriots", he understood that this was to let them be in charge of arms sales in the future. He was overjoyed and at the same time hesitant. Holding the doubt in his heart, he was silent for a while and asked, "Is this your personal opinion or..."

"I've communicated with the higher-ups." Xu Ziling immediately understood his worry, and told him bluntly, "If you agree, you won't have to go back to the Middle East in the future. Get ready here first, and you have If you want to complete the task, don’t lose all the relationships. If there is a suitable one, I will ask you to hand it over. After finishing, let everyone take a vacation for a while. When the port starts to be built, you have to help me take care of it for a while The security work, when I have all the staff, then you can do your work."

"Yes, you will have time to stay in China in the future."

Xu Ziling also talked about this matter with Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng. At this time, Xu Ziling and Smith were talking about it, and the two sitting in the back also interrupted.

"It's a good thing, you can spend more time with your family, and you can play with us when you have nothing to do."

Confirmed from Xu Ziling's mouth, Smith still has a feeling of disbelief. They have thought about these things before, and they think that the biggest possibility is to grant them more vacations and opportunities to return to China, but they really did not expect to be so relaxed. treatment.

"Okay, I'll contact them right away and let them finish the task at hand as soon as possible."

With Xu Ziling's words, and Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng talking beside him, he immediately responded with a smile, and picked up the phone to contact his teammates in the Middle East.

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