weapons expert

Chapter 515 Planning is not as fast as change

"What? Auction? Are you going to auction this drone?"

After talking with Fan Yi, Xu Ziling got out of the tent, came to Yang Kaiming and the others, and told them about his idea. The three of them were startled by his bold idea.

"Are you crazy? You finally got it, and you actually sold it to someone else."

None of them could understand why Xu Ziling thought so.

"This drone is of no use to us. Why stay here?" They didn't understand some technical aspects, so Xu Ziling had to explain it to them. Of course, it would not be as detailed as what General Fan Yi said. , but enough to make them understand the truth.

"What if the American people become angry and play tricks on the economy?" After hearing his explanation, several people were silent for a while, thinking that what he said was indeed right, but Yang Kaiming mentioned other issues.

"It won't have too much impact!" Xu Ziling shook his head. He also thought about this. You must know that China is now the largest creditor country for Americans. Selling their national debt, although it is a lose-lose thing, but a country like the United States that claims to be a democracy can't afford it more than our country. Their "free" people will not let the US authorities dare to take such a risk. It's just a disgusting little trick. In order to express the country's position and attitude, some small troubles are worth it.

"I told General Fan Yi, but I don't know whether the higher-ups agree or not. Just wait for the news!"

Between the two countries, economic interests depend on each other, and no one can unilaterally cut off trade ties. Neither the Celestial Dynasty nor the Americans dare. Xu Ziling's plan is implemented, and the face is twitched, but the relative consequences are also unpredictable, so It is said that the higher authorities absolutely need to find a balance point, and it is best not to allow the consequences to expand to the economic field.

In other words, his plan may not necessarily be approved by the above, but judging from the increasing means of the American people, it may be agreed, because the country needs to show its tough attitude, otherwise the American people will only get worse. Getting bigger and bigger.

However, when talking with General Fan Yi, Xu Ziling also came up with an idea: although the port is a military base in name, it did not say that it was limited to military use, but it could also be used for civilian use, and in the contract with Nitan, It is also invested and cooperated by private companies, so the auction can be held in the name of private companies in military factories.

The big deal is that everyone knows that the private company that undertook the construction of the port is behind a private arms group.

Although the military factory may be hostile by some people and boycotted by some companies in the future, but with fame and good things, are you afraid that the products will not be sold?After all, the countries in this world are not all huddled together. They each have their own positions. It is not because the Americans say that they are not allowed to buy, so they dare not buy.

It's just that the result depends on the decision made above.

"Then wait for the news!"

Although such an idea is a bit scary, Yang Kaiming and the others have to admit that it is very exciting to be able to slap the American people in the face, and they are happy to see it come true.

"Well, wait a minute. There will be news in a day or two. It's okay for us to be careful not to leak the news for a day or two." Xu Ziling nodded, and then changed the subject, "Why? The Americans didn't send any more investigations Is the plane coming?"

"No!" Yang Kaiming shook his head, with a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

"No?" Now Xu Ziling was also puzzled. He had chatted with Fan Yi for at least half an hour. Logically speaking, there should be some movement at this time. Could it be that the other party felt something was wrong?

Considering that my invasion did not attack their ground station, and the whole process did not disturb them at all, and neither the camp nor the two warships made any attacks, the other party should think that they were attacked and lost contact yes.

Could it be that they are related to the "Global Hawk" incident last time?

It shouldn't be possible. It was in the territory of the earth country at that time, and it was thousands of kilometers away from the celestial dynasty.

For a moment, he wondered what the problem was.

After waiting for another half an hour, there was still no abnormality found on the radar system. Yang Kaiming couldn't bear it any longer, and urged Xu Ziling to use his privilege to look at the Mi Army's base. He had no choice but to turn on the system again and investigate again. over again.

"No movement!" First, I scanned the sky and found no fighter planes, and then checked the Mi Army base. There was no reconnaissance plane about to take off on the runway, and there was no "Predator" in the hangar that was about to dispatch. sign.

"What about satellites? They should use satellites! Can this thing see satellites in the sky?"

Seeing that there was no abnormality in the base, Li Cheng thought about it and reminded Xu Ziling and the others.

"It's possible!" Xu Ziling nodded, and immediately began to check the satellites in space, near the equator and above their heads in the scanning system.

The result is displayed in animation, the earth is in the middle, the satellites are displayed with flashing light spots, and the orbits are marked with dotted lines, which makes it clear at a glance. There are many low-orbit and high-orbit satellites in the sky. After a few minutes, hundreds of satellites are screened out. After that, there are only a few left.

Changing the image to three-dimensional, Xu Ziling checked the satellites immediately, and found that one of them was a low-orbit reconnaissance satellite of the Mi Army. This satellite was orbiting and was about to reach the sky over the African continent.

"No wonder they didn't send a reconnaissance plane over. It turns out that the satellite will arrive soon."

Xu Ziling pointed to the orbit map of the satellite on the screen and said to several people, "It will reach us soon."

"Ah. Then they will definitely not send a reconnaissance plane!"

I heard that this is the case. Yang Kaiming, Li Cheng, and Xuanyuan were all a little disappointed. They must have felt that they could not be seen as "fireworks". You must know that Xu Ziling had said before that if Mi Jun sent a manned reconnaissance plane or that If a "Predator" comes, it will definitely be dealt with by missiles, not by means of invasion.

Afterwards, everyone was a little bit less interested, but thinking that it is also possible that after the satellite reconnaissance, a reconnaissance plane will be sent, and several people will guard in front of the "Eagle Eye" system for several hours, and even the Chinese food is delivered by someone. They kept watch until the afternoon, and they completely lost hope before seeing the shadow of the reconnaissance plane.

"Come on! It seems that we should honestly wait for the news from above!" Xu Ziling was also a little disappointed before the scout plane arrived, and talked to several people while walking out of the tent.

"That's the only way to go." Xuanyuan said with a smile as he looked at the unhappy faces of the few people.


Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng nodded in the same way. Although they were dissatisfied with the result, they could only accept it. After all, they couldn't go to the Mi Army base and shout loudly, asking them to send a reconnaissance plane over.

"I still have to go to the airport to take a look at the drones, can't you make it through?"

Before rushing to cut off the power supply of the positioning system, he did not take the lion with him, and the electromagnetic missile he liked the most was still in the magazine, so he must have the lion to scan it, such a sharp killer, of course Don't miss it, this thing is used well, it is much easier to use than nuclear bombs, and it is also sufficiently deterrent.

"go together!"

The three looked at each other, then nodded.But Li Cheng took the lead, walked to the car parked aside, got into the cab, pulled Xu Ziling and the others towards the runway.

There wasn't much to do. I watched the drone at the airport, chatted with Gu Hongyuan and the others, and then they went back to the camp, and returned to their tents shortly after dinner at night.

As for Xu Ziling, after they left, he and the lion immediately started discussing electromagnetic missiles. It wasn't until midnight that he was really sleepy that he interrupted the conversation and fell into a deep sleep.

It is true that the plan never changes quickly, and Xu Ziling quickly realized it.

Just when he had just slept for two hours, he was awakened by the vibration from the tactical watch and felt a special vibration frequency. He knew that there was a communication coming in. He sat up from the bed with a grunt, raised his hand At first glance, it turned out to be a personal phone call from General Fan Yi.

Looking at the time displayed on the corner of the screen, I realized that it was only three o'clock in the morning, but it was exactly eight o'clock in the morning in China, and it was not time to go to work. What was the rush to notify myself?Is there any news?

So he got on the phone right away.

"The Americans have just officially sent us a diplomatic note, saying that one of their unmanned reconnaissance planes strayed into the Makula area due to a problem with the navigation system. The system malfunctioned and they lost contact. I hope we can allow and assist them in investigating the crashed plane. Where to go." As soon as the call was connected, before Xu Ziling could speak, Fan Yi said such a paragraph over there.

"Ha..." Xu Ziling was taken aback when he heard this, and soon burst into laughter in his heart, "What is this? Give up? Don't they worry that we will swallow this piece of meat?"

He reacted so quickly, it seems that his plan will not work, but Xu Ziling is not sorry, because the Americans took the initiative to bring up this matter, and the initiative is in their own hands, which also shows that they are very concerned about this plane. It is very important to look at it, otherwise the plane will not be recovered in this way.

The means of controlling the drones is silent, but the whole plan is actually flawed: it's the makeshift runway!If it is not repaired sooner or later, such a runway will be built after the appearance of rq-180. Combined with the sudden loss of contact, the Americans will definitely find something wrong with this place if they think about it carefully.Now they have all made this move. It seems that they discovered this loophole and determined that the plane has fallen into the hands of the camp.

I thought that I should be able to hide it from them for a few days, but I didn't expect that they would figure it out after only twenty hours.

"Is there any benefit? If the benefit is big enough, it's no problem to return it to them." Xu Ziling said with a smile.

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