weapons expert

Chapter 517 Delivery?Check the water meter!

"What? Send it back? Are you talking about it?"

After hanging up the phone with Fan Yi, Xu Ziling immediately called Yang Kaiming and the others over. They were quite surprised when they heard that the negotiation took less than 48 hours.

"Yeah, we're done talking."

Xu Ziling nodded.

"How was the result?" Yang Kaiming asked from the side.

Xu Ziling was confused by this question. I just talked to Fan Yi, and I don’t know if it’s difficult to talk about it, or Fan Yi was so happy that he forgot, and didn’t talk about the benefits at all. This kind of negotiation must include sensitive topics. Yes, seeing that Fan Yi didn't mention it, he didn't ask.

"I don't know!" Xu Ziling spread his hands, expressing that he didn't know, "I didn't say it, and it's hard for me to ask!"

Like Yang Kaiming, Li Cheng and Xuanyuan were very concerned about this answer. They were disappointed when they heard Xu Ziling say that he didn't know either.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this issue. Let's send the plane back to them first. I said that I will send it back to them within an hour and a half. I have to be trustworthy!"


Be a reputable robber?How many people had fun!

The range of the rq-180 is not as good as that of the "Global Hawk", but it still has more than 5000 kilometers. When it was "robbed", it had just arrived at the camp, so the remaining fuel was enough for him to fly back. As for the cut off positioning Xu Ziling didn't want to connect the system power cord for them.

I asked in the channel and learned that Lu Feng was on duty at the runway today. Xu Ziling quickly asked him to lead someone to remove the camouflage of the plane and move the plane to the middle of the runway.

And he himself asked the lion to scan the condition of the plane.

"No problem, it can take off normally!" The lion quickly answered him.

Ten minutes later, Lu Feng sent a message saying that it had been done as he said. Xu Ziling scanned it with his tactical watch and saw that there was no problem with the plane's parking angle, so he asked Lu Feng to take his people away.

Fortunately, the rq-180, like the "Shadow Dragon", has achieved autonomous takeoff from the runway. Otherwise, he really has no choice but to get a mother plane or a catapult to send it into the sky.

The runway was cleared, the computer was used as the ground station, the drone was connected to the satellite, the system was started, the self-inspection was performed, the engine was started, and all preparations for takeoff were completed. Xu Ziling immediately handed over the control to the lion.

The lion took over the control and immediately controlled the rq-180 to start gliding on the runway. Mr. Li and the others are still very solid in their work. It's not as good as concrete, but it's not much worse. Apart from a little turbulence when the plane taxis, there are no other effects.

Soon the drone soared into the sky, and the people around the camp once again saw the plane flying over their heads at a very low altitude. With the landing gear retracted, Xu Ziling quickly took over the control and let the plane climb to an altitude of 5000 meters. , and then set the destination coordinates in the navigation system, and start the automatic cruise.

"Will the Americans see that the missiles above are gone, will they ask for them again?" In Nitan, there is no aircraft that can fly to an altitude of 5000 meters. Except for the problem of the plane itself, it is impossible for it to collide with other planes, and the problem of the plane itself is not within the scope of his responsibility, so he simply chatted with a few people.

"Didn't it mean they didn't mention it? Compared with drones, they probably think missiles are not a big deal!" Yang Kaiming took the conversation and laughed.

"Ha ha……"

Several people laughed, especially Li Cheng, did he know that something was in Xu Ziling's hands, even if it was the simplest thing, he would definitely be able to make something out of it, he didn't think it seemed trivial Small missiles will not be developed by Xu Ziling with high-end technology.

"Shouldn't you care about it?" Xu Ziling was also a little puzzled about this. If the Americans really cared about this thing, it would be impossible not to mention it during the negotiation, but Fan Yi told him that during the whole negotiation process, The Americans only mentioned drones, but did not mention the missiles inside the drones at all.

"It's possible that they took the drone too seriously, and thought it was unlikely that we would return it to them, so they deliberately didn't say it. This is also an extra sweetener for us!" There is no reasonable reason other than, "They miscalculated the importance of this thing to us. Think about it, if we got such an aircraft before, do you think we would return it to them? So, the electromagnetic missile , It should be something they left us without mentioning it on purpose."

Indeed, if there is no Xu Ziling, no military factory, no "Shadow Dragon", no "Global Hawk", even if a small-scale military war is launched, the higher-ups will not hesitate, and they will never let go of rq-189 Yes, it is the Americans who miscalculated the importance of rq-180 to the country, so they have the idea to throw out the technology of electromagnetic missiles to quickly promote the return of drones.

"Giving up the small ones to keep the big ones?" Li Cheng chuckled, "If they knew we didn't want this thing at all, they would probably be pissed off?"

"Hehe..." Xuanyuan was amused by his words, smiled, and then said, "Not necessarily, the main reason is that they have no choice. Think about it, taking it back by force must not be considered, unless there is a large-scale war, then only The use of force to destroy the corpses and traces of the drones, and the more days the planes are in our hands, the more they will worry about it, so it is impossible to use ground tactics. Only air strikes are in their interests—the fastest way to let the drones Out of our grasp, so as not to leak the technology! But we have the radar that can detect their drones, and the two destroyers are parked here, not to mention that the target cannot be determined at once, and it is impossible to carry out large-scale bombing here, and it is possible Before the plane came over, it was locked by the warship's missiles, so it is impossible to use force all the way."

"The technology of the previous rq-170 was leaked, so they stepped up the research and development of rq-180, but the rq-180 just entered service and fell into our hands again. No, they must get it back as soon as possible, you know, even if we don’t need it, but Russia, or other countries don’t? They have no choice.”

What Xuanyuan said is very reasonable. What Americans are facing now is a dead end. Either the RQ-180 will be retired in the future, and the technology will be leaked, so that the Celestial Dynasty and even many countries can obtain related technologies, or they can negotiate and redeem it as soon as possible. Other than that , without any options.

"Hmm! That's right, it should be like this." Xu Ziling nodded, agreeing with what Xuanyuan said, "It's just that you are different, you are better at analysis than us, we don't see it as clearly as you. "


It is rare for Xu Ziling to praise someone so solemnly, and Xuanyuan is that kind of shy person, and only with acquaintances can he talk a little more. After such a compliment, his face immediately turned red, obviously very dissatisfied Get used to it, don't even know what to say.

When Li Cheng and Yang Kaiming saw this, they both laughed kindly, patted him on the shoulder, and teased him how a man could be so thin-skinned, and then he chased him down in anger, making a fuss in the tent jump.

Talking, laughing, and playing around, the plane quickly crossed the southern border of Nitan and entered the airspace of Swellan. Seeing this, the few people stopped laughing and became serious, staring at the screen.

After crossing the border, it is only more than 100 kilometers away from the air force base of the Mi Army. At the speed of Mach [-], the plane approached at an extremely fast speed. The radar of the Mi army base found him immediately.

At the same time, in the control system, he opened a port to connect the ground station of the Mi Army to the drone, but only allowed them to observe various data and materials, as well as flight attitude, without control authority.

"Report, Colonel Anderson, fifty kilometers to the northeast, found our drone, and our ground station can also reconnect to him, but there is no control!"

Anderson and Davis were notified that the drone would be delivered within an hour and a half. They sat in the office and waited. They were not sure that Xu Ziling could fully control the drone, so they were thinking I thought it would be sent back within an hour and a half, what method would have such a fast speed, I thought it would be sent back by a transport plane, but when I was guessing, a soldier rushed to report.

"What?" The two stood up from their chairs at the same time, and asked at the same time, obviously very surprised by this result.

"Someone is controlling the drone and flying towards the base!"

The soldier replied again.

Anderson and Davis glanced at each other, not knowing what they were thinking, and ran away at the same time.

Running to the control room of the ground station at an extraordinary speed, the two really saw the drone flying towards the base from the screen, and looked at the blank-faced staff, both of them were full of bitterness in their hearts: People from the Celestial Dynasty Totally mastered their drones!

Inside the camp, Li Cheng saw the plane getting closer and closer to the Mi Army base, and suddenly got a bad idea, and said to Xu Ziling, "Do you want to say hello to them?"

Several people are lively masters, and their eyes lit up when they heard his idea.

"You can have this! Hehe..." Yang Kaiming smiled, looking like he was enjoying the show.

As for Xuanyuan, although he didn't speak, he nodded fiercely from the side, presumably because he had never encountered such a relief, his face was full of excitement.

"Okay, then say hello to them."

Xu Ziling smiled, and started to move his hands, but stopped immediately after moving, and turned to ask a few people, "What should I say?"

"What are you talking about..." Li Cheng was taken aback, and immediately said to Yang Kaiming and Xuanyuan, "Think about it quickly."

A few people thought about it, but they didn't think of what to say, but Xu Ziling's heart moved at last, and he said to them: "Why don't you just say that the courier has arrived?"


A few people immediately petrified, and the delivery of express delivery is not a good word on the one hand.

"You might as well just say check the water meter!"

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