weapons expert

Chapter 570 Shen Fei Group

The Shenfei Group under AVIC is also one of the earliest aircraft manufacturing bases established in my country. It just failed to compete in the fourth-generation aircraft. In recent years, it has not developed a model that has made them famous. Compared with Chengfei under the Northern Military Industry , it seems a little unknown, but fortunately, in the past two years, a J-15 carrier-based aircraft has been produced, which has made this old aircraft manufacturer shameless.

Shen Fei's headquarters is responsible for the research and development of this large aircraft project. It is located in the Northeast Province of my country, about [-] kilometers away from Star City. Xu Ziling and Yang Kaiming got on the plane and took off from the runway soon.

With the auxiliary fuel tank loaded, they don't need to change the scene. The J-10 is not like their own drone. After the two climbed to 8000 meters, they stabilized the altitude, and then set the automatic cruise to cruise at Mach [-]. speed to the destination.

As an aircraft manufacturing base, of course it has its own airport. In a little more than an hour, Yang Kaiming and Xu Ziling arrived at Shen Fei.

I don't know what Fan Yi told Shen Fei's people. As soon as their plane stopped, Shen Fei dispatched a large group including the general manager to receive them.

For the j-15 matter, Xu Ziling also learned about Shen Fei's situation. He was quite surprised when he got off the fighter plane and saw the general manager Zheng Wenzhong.

"Welcome Mr. Xu, come to Shen Fei to guide our work." Zheng Wenzhong obviously knew something about Xu Ziling, and his words were very polite, and he never neglected him because of his young age.

"Hello Mr. Zheng, I don't have the ability to talk about guidance. I should be here to learn." The other party took the initiative to speak, and was so polite, Xu Ziling quickly shook hands with him, and at the same time he was polite.

Xu Ziling and the others are just two people, easy to introduce, the other party came seven or eight, either the vice president, or the person in charge of some department, the introduction is really long-winded enough, what Xu Ziling usually dislikes the most is this kind of fanfare reception behavior, but he Knowing that this was Shen Fei's expression of his importance to them, he didn't show any impatience, and ended the greetings with a smile on his face all the time.

As for whether you can still remember the names of these people when you turn your back, only God knows.

Because everyone chatted for a long time during the military industry, and then flew to Shen Fei, so it was noon after arriving, and they walked with Mr. Zheng. Yi once mentioned Xu Ziling's work style. When eating, Mr. Zheng was a little more casual. He did not sit next to Xu Ziling, but arranged for two technicians. The two of them asked about something.

Exactly the same as what Fan Yi said, Xu Ziling asked them both, and also obtained the results of repeated calculations and checks for each part, all of them were normal, but when it came to simulated flight, when the flight time was 5000 hours, it still would The result of the problem.

This made him puzzled. According to them, it should be impossible for such a problem to exist?What is the negligence in the end?

This question made him too curious. After eating hastily and without taking a break, he asked Manager Zheng to take him to see the prototype.

In the past six months since the problem was discovered, Zheng, as the top leader, has always been unable to eat well and sleep well. The entire project has been directly allocated tens of billions of dollars by the state. If the problem cannot be solved, it is not enough to just give up his current position. There are more serious consequences waiting for him. Shen Fei, as the deputy department level unit, the boss, of course, his authority is not low. Although he doesn't know everything about Xu Ziling, he also knows that he is very good at technology. Xu Ziling made this request , he just couldn't wait.

The car drove to a hangar at an airport, and Xu Ziling saw the milky white c919 that had been tested for many times.

"This is our c919..." When he walked to the side of the plane, a staff member immediately explained the parameters of the plane to him.

Turning around the plane, Xu Ziling found that the C919 was surprisingly similar to the Boeing 737 he had been on. Except for some differences in the nose, he could not find any difference in appearance , Go up from the gangway, and look inside the engine room and cockpit.

When he arrived in the cockpit, he asked Mr. Zheng who accompanied him: "Can you start the system? If possible, let's go up and fly for a while, and give me another computer and related data transmission lines. I want to see some of the flying conditions." internal data."

Mr. Zheng is not in charge of these trivial matters, so he quickly turned his head and asked the technician next to him. After getting affirmation, he immediately replied to Xu Ziling, "Yes, I will arrange it now." Then he greeted a entourage next to him.

The reason why Xu Ziling did this was mainly because he wanted to experience what the plane was like. If he really wanted to solve the problem, he only needed to let the lion scan it and it would be ok. Why bother?

After a while, the person who had just left came over, accompanied by the Liangmin pilots, who said that arrangements had been made and they were ready to fly.It was Xu Ziling's request for the plane to fly in the sky. After listening to Mr. Zheng, he turned his attention to Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling was not polite, and immediately ordered the ground crew to make preparations first, while he himself took the computer brought by the staff next to him, connected to the central computer of the military factory through his tactical watch, and downloaded a test to fool people from it. software.

When doing things, Xu Ziling didn't like having too many people around. Before the plane took off, he only let Yang Kaiming and a few technicians from Shen Fei stay on board, while the other vice presidents, department heads, etc. Please get off the plane politely.

He asked for work just after eating, and now he proposes to do the flight test himself. Regardless of whether the problem can be solved in the end, Mr. Zheng is still very grateful to Xu Ziling. In his opinion, Xu Ziling has nothing to do with them, and he can actively help They, this is amazing, I admire them very much, so I asked to accompany them on the plane.

"Mr. Zheng, if you are busy, you don't need to accompany me. It's enough to have these people help me." Most of the time, Xu Ziling didn't care how much he was valued by others. Seeing that Mr. Zheng would accompany him on the plane, Pointing at Shen Fei's several technicians, they said to him with a smile.

"I'm fine. For our sake, you came all the way here, even if there is anything that is not as important as you." Mr. Zheng said politely.

"Too polite."

Xu Ziling laughed.In the short time we spent together, he could see that Mr. Zheng is still very good at being a man. He doesn't know how to be a man, but he will never make you feel uncomfortable in daily communication. It's just that A person may also be a fierce tiger hiding in the dark. Once there is any conflict, he may show his fangs. He belongs to the kind of person who needs to be careful in dealing with people.

The preparations were quickly completed, and the aircraft began to be pulled out of the hangar by the tractor and entered the scheduled runway. Xu Ziling, led by several technicians, directly entered the bilge, because there was a scheduled test interface here.

After connecting the computer with a data cable, Xu Ziling turned on the software, put the computer into recording mode, and then asked two technicians to look at the computer, then he left the bottom cabin and stayed with Yang Kaiming and Mr. Zheng on the top.

This was just for show, and he wouldn't do it if he had to stay by the computer all the time.

After sitting still, the plane quickly began taxiing and then took off. The feeling of the whole process was not too different from that of a mainline plane. That is to say, the related technologies of the c919 have reached the synchronization level of a mainline plane.

The reason why he wants to experience it for himself this time is that Xu Ziling is still thinking about buying it. After the plane stabilizes, he thinks that the c919 is enough for ordinary commercial airliners, but it is used for Business machines still need considerable improvement, not to mention other things, there is a need for improvement in terms of quietness.

Sitting in the seat, Xu Ziling smiled and said to Mr. Zheng, "Mr. Zheng, can you think of it? The reason why we came to you today is to order a plane for your c919. It’s for the company’s business jet.”

The sudden mention of such a thing made Mr. Zheng stunned. He had received a notice from the head office saying that Xu Ziling would come over to take a look. He thought someone from above had invited him here, but he didn't expect it to be such a reason. As for the purchase of an aircraft, he has no doubt that an aircraft is nothing to a military factory. Considering this, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "It seems that we have lost another order?"

"That's not necessarily true." Xu Ziling smiled, "I didn't know the parameters of the c919 before, but I thought it was very suitable, but now that I know, even if there is no problem, I will reconsider, because as a business machine, the c919 is The noise is really not up to my requirements, and this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the range of the c919 is too short, only [-] kilometers."

I know about my own affairs, although c919 was researched and developed by the top domestic experts, but it is indeed lacking as a business machine. Xu Ziling said it so bluntly, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

A little embarrassed, he didn't know what to say, thinking about how to answer this topic, suddenly his heart lit up: Xu Ziling is not a person who doesn't know anything, why would he say this embarrassing question?Is there any purpose?

Thinking about it this way, the more he felt that his thinking was correct, he quickly looked at Xu Ziling, just in time to see the smile on Xu Ziling's face, he felt certain, and said, "Mr. Xu, can you give me some advice?"

"Hehe..." Seeing Mr. Zheng's appearance, he knew that he had other meanings when he said this, Xu Ziling smiled lightly, "I don't dare to give advice, but we have an idea, and we just want to share it with our colleagues. "

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