weapons expert

Chapter 574 Technical cooperation with northern military industry

What Xu Ziling didn't know was that Wu Zhonghui knew him a long time ago. In the northern military industry, Wu Zhonghui's internal division of labor was in charge of technology. He was the one who handled the material formula. From a young man who just graduated from the college entrance examination to the status he is today, Xu Ziling's change is undoubtedly a legend to Wu Zhonghui. He is very curious about all this , just because of each other's identities and no good opportunities, they have never met each other.

He received a call from the staff staying at the hotel, saying that it was the assistant of Xu Ziling, the chief engineer of the Red Star Army Factory, who wanted to meet him. He gave it to the deputy, and hurried back to the hotel, because for him, whether it was his own curiosity or Xu Ziling's identity, he couldn't refuse this meeting.

When he rushed back to the hotel, he immediately asked someone to contact Fan Yu. When he learned that Xu Ziling and the others were in the coffee shop, he had no intention of waiting, and directly proposed to meet them in the coffee shop.

Xu Ziling was somewhat surprised by Wu Zhonghui's urgency, but he didn't think too much about it. Although he had only an official identity as a member of the Swordsman, which was not as good as Wu Zhonghui's deputy, but from the level of contact, Wu Zhonghui came to see him. There was nothing embarrassing about him, Xu Ziling only thought that he might know something about himself, nodded to Fan Yu who asked for instructions, and agreed to meet in the coffee shop.

With Xu Ziling's approval, Fan Yu naturally replied to the other party that they are here waiting for Mr. Wu's arrival.

Chinese people are very particular about dealing with people. As a senior, Wu Zhonghui came to see Xu Ziling, a junior. In the eyes of outsiders, it was somewhat inappropriate and out of line. Of course Xu Ziling knew it.Although it was Wu Zhonghui's own request, he felt that there was still a proper attitude.

So, 2 minutes later, when Wu Zhonghui showed up at the door of the coffee shop with his assistant, Xu Ziling got up and left his seat, and greeted him proactively.

Wu Zhonghui was born as a technician. Although he has long been engaged in management work, his vision for technology is impeccable, which is why he became the vice president in charge of technology of the Northern Military Industry.

He has met many successful young people, and Xu Ziling was "so knowledgeable", and he felt a good impression in his heart. He shook hands and exchanged greetings, and introduced the people around him to each other. As soon as he sat down, he directly changed the topic.

"Mr. Xu is a very busy person. Usually, he is always in a hurry. He asked me to meet this time. Do you have any advice?"

Xu Ziling smiled lightly. According to the information, Wu Zhonghui is now in a high position, but he has the same personality as when he was a technician before. I came to ask Mr. Wu for advice."

As long as the j-10 matter does not involve any confidentiality, Xu Ziling believes that Wu Zhonghui will not hide it. When the topic is opened, he directly brings up the reason why he proposed to meet.

On the way back, Wu Zhonghui considered many reasons why Xu Ziling met him, but he never thought that it would be because of j-10's participation in the exhibition. This matter was equally strange to him, because this decision was not theirs. The fighter jet that originally participated in this exhibition was another model, but shortly before their departure, they were given an order to change the original model to J-10, but did not say any reason.

However, such a result is not bad for them, because the J-10 model has a huge market for many countries in Central Asia, West Asia, and Africa, and they can relax export restrictions, which gives them The idea of ​​making a fortune.

But for Xu Ziling's problems, he can only help him.

"This problem, I really can only say sorry." Wu Zhonghui looked at Xu Ziling seriously and said, "J-10's participation in the exhibition was decided by the higher authorities, and we were notified temporarily, and none of us at Beigong knew about it."

After finishing speaking, as if he was afraid that Xu Ziling would not believe it, he paused and continued: "Originally, what we planned to participate in the exhibition was not the j-10, but another model. We only received the news about the j-10 two days before our departure. Yes, fortunately, we have already prepared the export model of j-10, otherwise there is no actual machine this time.”

"Oh..." Xu Ziling nodded thoughtfully. He didn't think Wu Zhonghui would lie to him, because if this kind of thing involves confidentiality or he doesn't want to talk about it, as long as he comes up with the secrecy regulations, he can completely stop it. His own mouth, he doesn't need to find such an excuse, so what he said must be true, but just by saying this, he knows that the higher-ups made a hasty decision on this matter, otherwise he wouldn't communicate with the northern military workers .

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, for clarifying the confusion. It seems that there are considerations from above." The answer was not very ideal, but it also made Xu Ziling see something. Thank you for what should be thanked, so Xu Ziling thanked Wu Zhonghui.

"You're welcome!" Wu Zhonghui shook his head with a smile, quickly changed the subject, and asked Xu Ziling tentatively, "Mr. Xu, our two companies are old partners. I wonder if we can strengthen our cooperation with each other? "

"Oh..." Xu Ziling was taken aback for a moment. He never expected Wu Zhonghui to be so straightforward. Is this his personal intention or the northern military industry's intention?Xu Ziling was a little confused, "For example?"

"I have to congratulate your factory. Your products can be included in the procurement list of kj002." Wu Zhonghui did not directly answer Xu Ziling's question, but said something that made outsiders sound endless.

jk002, this is the project code for the Air Force's major refit. Wu Zhonghui knows this, and Xu Ziling is not surprised. After all, he is the vice president of the largest military industry group in China. It would be really strange if he didn't know this.But when she said that, Xu Ziling knew what he meant.

That's a great idea!Xu Ziling thought to himself.

It's a pity that "Flying Eagle", as the most advanced multi-purpose fighter in front of the military factory, involves thousands of new technologies, and he will not use it to cooperate with anyone.

So facing Wu Zhonghui's temptation, he shook his head resolutely: "If what Mr. Wu wants to say is this, I can only say sorry to you. Whether this product can be sold or not, we will not sell it for the time being." Work with any company."

Even if there is a large order, the military factory already has a complete production chain, which is fully able to handle it, and it is also within the prohibition of export, which means that for a considerable period of time, there is only one customer, the domestic army. If other people cooperate, it is equivalent to raising a high-end military technology that competes with yourself, and it is not in the civilian field. If everyone cooperates together, it can improve the industrial level, but requires a high degree of confidentiality. As long as you are not a fool, no matter who it is, Nor will it use the "Flying Eagle" technology to cooperate with other military factories.

Xu Ziling said so resolutely, Wu Zhonghui was not very surprised, because if it were him, he would do the same, but he asked tentatively, it was just a one-in-a-million hope in his heart.

"Then, can we, Beigong, buy some related technologies from you?" This method didn't work, so he immediately turned to the second question about a single technology.

Xu Ziling is somewhat interested in this plan. The military factory has a lot of single technology. He thinks that instead of putting it in the computer, it is feasible to take it out and authorize it to related domestic companies. First, it can improve the overall domestic technology. Second, You can also charge a large technical fee.

Thinking about it this way, I said, "To be honest, although our laboratory has only been around for a little over two years, we have quite a lot of technology. Many of the technologies that are useless to us may not be useless to you. We can transfer this part of the technology to you, but we can only authorize you to use the technology of this product, and it depends on what technology you want, and some things cannot be given.”

For any enterprise, technology is the foundation of everything, especially for military enterprises, they are all confidential to each other, top-secret level things. There will never be any technology exchange or technology transfer. Wu Zhonghui and Xu Ziling also have a try mentality when it comes to technology. He believes that even if Xu Ziling agrees, he will only come up with a few items that do not belong to The core stuff comes out.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ziling said that as long as they are useless, they can be transferred, and he also admitted that they have a lot of skills, which really surprised him.

Of course, what surprised him the most was not these, but that part of the technology of the "product" they just mentioned can also be licensed to them.

They have no right to know what is going on with "Flying Eagle", but this does not mean that they cannot obtain such things. As the largest military enterprise in the country, they naturally have their channels. Not long after selecting the purchase list for the Air Force's major facelift, they got some data about the "Flying Eagle". Although it was not complete, looking at some of the above numbers was enough to make them startled.

As long as part of the technology can be obtained, the people in Northern Military Industry believe that they will use it as a basis to develop better fighter jets, and the senior management of the group has also held meetings in this regard and discussed the matter of contacting Red Star. It's just that it hasn't been implemented yet.

It was an opportunity for Wu Zhonghui to get Xu Ziling's meeting request this time. This is why he agreed so readily and met so urgently. He took this opportunity to raise the issues they had discussed before, and got With such an answer, how can you not make him happy?

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