weapons expert

Chapter 584 Xu Ziling loses his temper for the first time

Xu Ziling didn't have much to say. As the first large-scale private military industrial group in China, the military factory paid special attention to it. Liu Xin, the nominal liaison officer, fulfilled her duties and reported to the general assembly every day. Each day's progress during the airshow.

She even reported about Xu Ziling cheating Americans, so Fan Yi didn't know anything.

"How do you feel?" Fan Yi was obviously not very busy today, because he had time to chat with Xu Ziling.

The second half of the trip was a bit busy, but for Xu Ziling, it was a completely novel experience. Instead of being busy with his own experiments and calculations every day, he chatted with people and argued for a small condition. It's good to come here once.

"It's okay, it's just a little bit busy!"

"It's good if you're busy. This time you have a big harvest. Have you calculated how much you can buy in the end?" Before he could say a few words, Fan Yi brought the topic to the air show.

Of course Xu Ziling understands, big shot, where do you really have so much free time to chat with you?

This kind of thing, the movement is too big, and you can't hide it if you want to. Besides, there is no need to hide it between them, so Xu Ziling told him the answer very straightforwardly, "Now we can be sure that there will be 150 and seven of them. Most of them are armed planes, and there are less than [-] transport planes, but overall the harvest is not bad.” At this point, he changed the subject and complained to Fan Yi, “I said Mr. Fan, isn’t the tariff a bit It’s too much, I didn’t calculate it before, but today I’m bored and calculated it, to make these orders, the taxes alone have to be paid nearly tens of billions, how much is this?”

Military products do not belong to the ranks of goods that are subject to export tax rebates, and not only will they not receive tax rebates, but they will be charged more than ordinary goods. Xu Ziling has the calculations. After completing the order of more than 100 aircraft, they will have to pay a tax of almost 100 billion Chinese coins , Thinking of the exhaustion of the factory, so much less for nothing, I feel somewhat unwilling.

Unexpectedly, Fan Yi didn't care about his complaints at all. He smiled and said to him: "Why didn't you see that you collected more taxes in those orders you made before?"


Xu Ziling was speechless. Fan Yi's words refer to "patriots". How many times can they be compared with this time?That thing is a "black" order, and the country arranges the delivery every time. Of course he is willing to pay more taxes, but this is a normal trade, and there is no need to hide it, but such a heavy tax is still charged. Of course, the idea is It's different.

But this kind of thought can only be thought in one's own mind, and you can't take it out and say to Fan Yi, "Okay! Pretend I didn't say it." Xu Ziling said bitterly.

That's all he said. As the first private military industrial group in China, the tax was decided after countless departments and meetings. Did he know that Fan Yi did not have the right to change it at will.

"Okay, I'm looking for you today. If this matter is settled, it's not impossible to reduce some taxes for you."

"Huh? Is there such a good thing?" Xu Ziling's first reaction was that this was a bit impossible. According to the performance of the military factory, if it was reduced by a few percentage points, the country would lose hundreds of millions or billions in taxes a year. What is worth doing? Those people above give up such a ratio of income?

"For you, I don't know if it's a good thing." Fan Yi said slowly on the other end of the phone. Just as the words came out of his mouth, Xu Ziling felt a chill in his heart, thinking that he must not say anything. Moth, he doesn't want the military factory to be tossed around.

Fortunately, Fan Yi's next words reassured him a little: "The higher-ups hope that AVIC Import and Export Company will represent your 'Fierce Dragon' helicopter."

"Don't tell me the global scope." "Fierce Dragon" caused a storm at the air show, Xu Ziling had such a premonition at the time, the national conditions of this country are like this, people always need to adapt, of course, as long as the military factory is in other places After being compensated, Xu Ziling doesn't mind giving up part of the profits, but if the military factory is to give up the entire market operation, he is definitely not willing.

"If this is the case, then to be honest, I would rather not do this in the future." AVIC Technology Import and Export Corporation is one of the earliest companies in China that has the right to import and export military products, and has more than 100 offices around the world , and the military factory, except for the establishment of less than ten offices within two years, only the Smith team. If they really give AVIC the agency rights worldwide, then they might as well just produce and let AVIC be in charge of sales. Compared with having a complete sales channel, ten offices are still doing business.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling, who has always been tolerant, felt tempered for the first time. Does this mean that the military factory is making money?You just got some grades, and you're about to share the pie?

So what he said was a little cold.

All along, what he dislikes the most is bureaucracy, so he keeps a low profile and doesn't have any contact with some big bosses above. Even if it's Mr. Yang's place, he tries to go as little as possible, just because he is afraid that they will make some such requests. At that time, it is not easy for oneself to refuse, which will cause mutual embarrassment.

Last time about the "Flying Eagle", he felt a little uncomfortable, but with Fan Yi and some people dealing with it, it was hard for him to say anything, but the issue of agency was raised again, of course he was a little unhappy, couldn't it be I can't establish a complete sales channel with such a large military factory, so I have to help from above?

Could it be that the country must step in when their business is getting better?

"Don't get excited." Hearing Xu Ziling's tone turn cold, Fan Yi became a little excited. You know, Xu Ziling looks easy to talk, but in fact he is a person with a strong personality. He didn't want Xu Ziling to misunderstand the higher-ups and lead to serious things, so he said quickly, "It's not what you think, it's just some special reasons, there are several The country contacted us directly to buy the 'Fierce Dragon', and the country wanted to exchange some of their products, so AVIC needs agency rights, so that we can export your helicopters in a legitimate way."


After hearing Fan Yi's explanation, Xu Ziling was a little embarrassed. He had heard him say that it might not be a good thing for them, and he thought it was some kind of problem. Satisfactory tone, but things are not what they thought, which means that they have misunderstood Fan Yi, and even spoke coldly to...

"Uh..." For a moment, he didn't know how to speak. He didn't know whether to apologize or pretend nothing happened, so the phone fell silent.

Fortunately, this awkward atmosphere didn't last long. Realizing that Xu Ziling was embarrassed, Fan Yi immediately relieved him, "There are some secret agreements involved, I can't tell you, but I have to make it clear that once our deal is exposed , will affect the reputation of your military factory in the future, so you need to think about it."

It must be a very important thing if Fan Yi is dispatched. Xu Ziling doesn't think he has any reason to refuse. Besides, he misunderstood Fan Yi just now, so it's even worse for him to refuse. Fortunately, the worst result will only affect The reputation of the military factory, so he agreed without much consideration, "It must be very important for you to come forward, okay, I agree, and I will have the relevant documents ready tomorrow. Just ask the people from AVIC to come and handle it.”

"Well, okay." Seeing that Xu Ziling admitted that he had misunderstood in a disguised form, Fan Yi didn't say anything else, so as not to embarrass Xu Ziling, "By the way, if it's suitable, you and AVIC can cooperate, after all, their channels are not comparable to yours. , Those places where you don’t have an office can be handed over to them for sale, and you can discuss the price, of course this is my personal opinion, and no one above has asked for it.”

Xu Ziling was willing to give up some places. It is absolutely not convenient for them as a private company to act in the name of the country. Besides, there will be more products in the future, and the global market is not something they can monopolize. It is absolutely impossible for any enterprise to have no distributors, but to rely solely on direct sales.

"It's okay." Speaking of this, Xu Ziling inevitably brought up the previous incident, "I thought I was a little excited because I wanted the sales rights in all regions. Of course, there is no problem with some of them. We didn't plan to sell them globally. Direct sales of our products, originally planned to recruit some agents after this period of time, it doesn’t matter if we negotiate with them now, anyway, it’s just a matter of time.”

"It's fine if you think about it this way. You can handle the specific matters yourself. I'll let someone from AVIC contact you."

Xu Ziling expressed his position in this way, and Fan Yi was a little happy in his heart, because the principle of "everyone has money" is very suitable for the national conditions of this country. The military factory can make a part of the profits, which can reduce some troubles that may be faced. It was a good deal, but he didn't say anything, because he was afraid that Xu Ziling would misunderstand him later, so after he finished speaking, he said a few other words, and then hung up the phone.

Xu Ziling had indeed considered the agent matter a long time ago. The main reason is that there were few products that could enter the international market before. If you get some agents, others will ignore it and make jokes. Certainly, so apart from arranging Smith and the others to be in charge of Africa, the Middle East, and West Asia, they have not paid attention to this matter.

But now that "Fierce Dragon" is so popular, the agent's affairs can indeed be added to the agenda, so after hanging up the phone with Fan Yi, he went directly to the office building, found Yang Ruolan and Nie Yunjie and talked about the agent's affairs matter.

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