weapons expert

Chapter 590 The spy organization is inhumane!

Regardless of whether it was a real joke or a fake joke, after what he said, no one brought it up anyway, and the rest of the time was spent talking about some interesting things in high school between each other, but this topic came to Xu Ziling, probably In everyone's impression, there was nothing else except that he was the one who skipped the most classes.

After dinner, the program arranged was to go to sing. Xu Ziling and the others had no love for this, but they all came, so they didn’t refuse. The old lady would definitely not go to such a program, so I went to send her home first. , and then went to a ktv in the center of the county to gather.

Perhaps influenced by Xu Ziling's words of staying in a small black room for decades, Xie Bin never mentioned work matters again throughout the afternoon. Compared with other students, his smile was a little more absent-minded.

The other students, however, were not affected. Except that they stopped talking about Xu Ziling's work, they continued to do everything else. They held glasses of wine to find Xu Ziling and the others to drink and chat with them all afternoon.

It was like this until four o'clock. Seeing that it was getting late, Xu Ziling and Wang Jian proposed to leave. The reason was that some friends from other places came to entertain them tonight.

If something really happened, the others would not insist on keeping them, so they agreed to contact them when they had time, and let the four of them leave early.

Back in the city, it was already six o'clock, and several people didn't go home, so they called Nie Yunjie and asked them if they were in Tianhua, so they went directly to Tianhua.

Those who can become friends with Nie Yunjie and Liu Long have unusual identities. They are all sons and noble ladies. Nie Yunjie and the others will definitely not say the real identity of Xu Ziling. They only say that they are colleagues in their military factory. People recognized by Nie Yunjie, Liu Long, Fan Yu, and Liu Xin, these people naturally know that Xu Ziling and Wang Jian must have something special, and some of them know Yang Ruolan, and after introducing each other, the atmosphere is very harmonious , There is no phenomenon of looking down on newcomers at all.

There were thirteen people who came together, eight men and five women, ten of them are now in the capital, either in politics or business, only two are out of town, one of them is in Zhonghai, and the other is in Shenzhen.They sat down and chatted for a while, and then started dinner. Compared with the lively lunch at noon, the dinner at night seemed quieter. While eating and chatting, it didn't take long for Xu Ziling to figure out some basic information about these people.

It is true that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. Apart from him, Wang Jian and Shen You, the others are either the sons of generals or the daughters of ministers of such and such. Seeing everyone sitting around a table here, he can't help feeling a little disgusted. It's interesting to think, if so many people come and kidnap the people in this room, how much shock will the high-level people in this country have?

"What are you laughing at?" Nie Yunjie, who was sitting directly opposite Xu Ziling, looked up just in time to see the weird smile on his face, and asked across the table.

The voice was a little loud, and everyone at the table heard it, so everyone's eyes turned to Nie Yunjie, and when they realized that he was asking Xu Ziling, they turned their eyes to Xu Ziling.

"Ah..." Xu Ziling smiled, without hiding his thoughts, and said directly: "I wonder what the consequences will be if everyone in our house is kidnapped at the same time?"


Well, everyone has to admit that this idea is weird, and definitely something they have never considered.

So when Xu Ziling's words came out, everyone was stunned.

This idea is so bright.

A group of people arrived at noon, and got together crazy all afternoon, and did not arrange any activities in the evening, but planned to have a good rest for a night, and have a good day of fun the next day, so after dinner, everyone gathered at the hotel's coffee shop We chatted for more than an hour, and then it was over.

Back home, Xu Ziling asked the lion Xie Bin about the situation, and after learning that the other party did not immediately contact his upline because of today's party, he let the lion continue to monitor and didn't bother him any more.

After resting for one night, I went to entertain their friends with Nie Yunjie and the others the next morning. I thought they had arranged some program for them today, but only after meeting did I find out that it was to arrange for them to go to the shooting range of the military factory to shoot.

Xu Ziling was a little puzzled. With their identities, have they never played with guns?

"I have played it, but they are not soldiers, so they play less. Besides, the outdoor shooting range is more fun than the indoor shooting range they usually play, and we have a lot of bullets here, so we all want to have a good time. They asked for it. I What can be done?"

Nie Yunjie answered him.

"Okay, let's go!"

Since they asked for it, there is no such thing as poor hospitality, Xu Ziling nodded, and then asked Nie Yunjie to lead them there.

Although the military factory only produces two types of sniper rifles, in order to equip its own security personnel, various firearms are prepared in large quantities. As for bullets, each purchase of various calibers is calculated in tons. Playing with guns, even if they keep their finger on the trigger and don't release it, it is enough for them to consume.

When I came to the military factory, everyone, regardless of gender, showed their fascination with guns. Among them, there was a girl who was even more surprised. She was interested in 12.7mm sniper rifles and kept pestering Liu Xin to hand her over. Play with sniper guns.

Although they have all played with guns and have some experience, they are all distinguished. Xu Ziling dare not let them have any problems. In the end, he simply called more than a dozen security personnel on duty and assigned one to each of them. While being a coach, you must also watch them so that they don't go off the rails.

All morning, the whole shooting range was full of "bang bang" gunshots. Xu Ziling was surprised to see them all excited. Why didn't they feel sore hands? For professionally trained people, the recoil should make them uncomfortable after shooting for a long time.

At noon, he specifically asked Nie Yunjie about it, and only then did he learn that these people, regardless of gender, had participated in training organized by an outdoor organization in their circle. Although they don't know how to fight, they still have no problem shooting guns. Yes, this made him let go of his worries, lest they complain of hand pain and have to be sent to the hospital.

Compared with the legendary nobles, they are not very picky. Speaking of playing in the afternoon, they didn’t go to the city to eat at noon, but ate in the canteen of the military factory. In the afternoon, they took them to visit the military factory Some non-secret areas, and then continue to play guns.

Several male compatriots shot dead targets all morning, and each consumed nearly a thousand bullets. It was inevitable that they felt a little boring, so they suggested shooting moving targets. Hunting, when mentioning this, Xu Ziling naturally thought of his uncle's holiday villa, and just about to mention it, by the way, he advertised in advance, Liu Long rushed to mention it in front of him.

Hearing that there is such a good place, a group of people became excited. Although it is a pity that it has not been established yet, they all said that they will definitely come to play when it is finished.

The afternoon passed quickly, and in the evening, they retired and returned to the city. After dinner, they took a group of people to see Night Star City, which is famous for its entertainment industry. The next morning, Send them on the plane.

On the way back to the city from the airport, Yang Ruolan said that he wanted Xu Ziling to go shopping with him. Xu Ziling thought that he was fine, so he was about to agree, but he didn't expect the lion to appear.

There is a GPS in the car, and the lion can easily invade. Yang Ruolan knew it after Xu Ziling's explanation when she came back from the county the day before yesterday. When the lion came out and said there was something new, she understood that he was talking about Xu Ziling's classmate. Before Xu Ziling could ask, she asked first: "What's new?"

"Xie Bin just returned to school, and contacted his upline on the Internet in a bar, and reported the party, but I found a situation, he asked to contact his sister, so I judged It is possible that his sister was controlled by someone, and this is the way to go, so I checked his online, and found that it was a foreign ip. I scanned the image of the other party through satellites, and then invaded several countries After cross-comparing the appearance of each department, there is no secret file of this person, so I judge that this person's information should be kept in paper documents, otherwise I won't be able to find it."

"What kind of race is the other party?" Hearing that Xie Bin might be forced to take this path, he felt a little better, but he didn't confirm this with the lion, but asked about his upline.

"Typical Westerner, now in France."

"Oh, how did he answer what he said to Xie Bin?"

"His sister will naturally contact him when she says it's time to contact him, and at the same time order him to have a good relationship with you and Wang Jian."

"It means that Xie Bin must be doing this because of his sister?"

Xie Bin is from the outskirts of the county. There is a younger sister in his family. Xu Ziling has also heard of it, but he doesn't know when his younger sister left the country. Thinking, he asked the lion to find out which country her sister had gone to.

"I went to the United States to study abroad. The information in the school said that she had gone through the formalities of suspending school half a year ago, and it was her parents who went there, not herself. The time coincides with the abnormal time of Xie Bin's funds, so it seems to be correct. The other party threatened him with his sister." The lion quickly gave him the answer he wanted.

If Xie Bin was voluntary, Xu Ziling would not care about him, but he was really forced, so he had to help. In the end, he encountered such a thing because he was a classmate with himself and Wang Jian. After thinking about it , He said to the lion: "His sister has gone abroad, so there must be a visa. You can take a photo from it and use satellite to find someone to see if she is still there..."

He didn't say what he said next. With Xie Bin's knowledge, if he just wanted to contact his sister, the other party had countless ways to deal with it. What Xu Ziling was worried about now was that his sister was no longer alive.The school's information can prove that these people are absolutely strict in their work. The suspension of school by the parents proves that the other party must have an oriental presence, so they can pretend to be Xie Bin's family members. Even such things have been considered, and Xie Bin He is another person who is easy to control, no one can guarantee that the other party has killed his sister long ago, and now he is just using some means to deal with Xie Bin.

He doesn't believe how much humanity the spy organization can have!

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