weapons expert

Chapter 620 The Americans Are So Promising

It is impossible for the two superpowers to have a large-scale war. The decision to dispatch the "Flying Eagle" and "Shadow Dragon" this time is nothing more than a way of displaying advanced weapons at this juncture of increasingly tense situations. To deter the United States and those small countries that are jumping on the beam, we cannot make the other party completely give up their provocations, but at least make them reconsider the consequences of blindly being tough.

For economic reasons, it is impossible for the country to go to war directly with the Americans, which will bring economic collapse to the people, so that people will have the idea of ​​​​avoiding wars, and the Americans have always been tyrannical, and they fight some small countries whenever they want, but Facing the Celestial Dynasty, they obviously don't have the ability to go to war head-on, because once the two sides officially go to war, their country will also get the same result due to the collapse of our country's economy.

Their national conditions are different from ours. They think they are democratic and the people have a higher degree of freedom. If they really want to collapse the national economy, people in the whole country will probably oppose it.

Everyone, including Xu Ziling, knows that no matter how tough the American people are, they can only hide behind and order others to make trouble. Because of this, as long as they stand up with enough strength, the clowns standing in front and dancing happily will be scared. Yes, the situation in the South China Sea may not be completely resolved, but it can definitely be eased to a certain extent.

The Celestial Dynasty is so powerful, they will not beat you Americans, but if you really want to open up to us, will you Americans really send troops to support us?

Filipinos are not stupid, so they must be able to think of such a truth.

As long as such thoughts breed, it will be like a spark, and it will be out of control.

At that time, everything will be solved easily.

As long as the Celestial Dynasty is given a buffer time of three to five years, Xu Ziling's three major industry plans will be implemented, and there will be no fear of war at that time.

The x-47b was locked, but "Shadow Dragon No. [-]" was still not found on its radar. When the commander got the news, he didn't let their drone terminate the mission immediately, but continued to fly, trying to find it. What is the fighter plane against the Celestial People like?

Seeing such a scene on the satellite screen, Xu Ziling immediately knew their intentions. It was not the time to expose the true appearance of the drone, so he definitely couldn't let the Americans get what they wanted. Within a distance of [-] kilometers, the opponent's The radar could not detect "Shadow Dragon One", so he simply kept the lion at this distance from the opponent, insisting that they would not be able to scan it.

Next is the performance time of "Flying Eagle".

Among them, Lin Jianbin is the most senior "Flying Eagle" fighter pilot. During the few months in the East China Sea, he and Xiaoniao personally checked with the American F-35 for a while. That time was only because of confidentiality issues. They didn't get too close, and used the radar to lock each other, causing the f-35 to flee in embarrassment. This time, the opinions of the above and Xu Ziling were to let the "Flying Eagle" officially show up, so he didn't have such scruples.

Before reaching the distance of [-] kilometers between the two sides, he was very relaxed, turned on the stealth system, and kept flying in a straight line at normal speed, not taking the Americans seriously at all.

"No. 2, this is No. 1. Please answer if you receive it. It's over." Seeing that the distance between the two sides on the radar was almost [-] kilometers, he, the temporary formation leader, contacted another "Flying Eagle" on the right.

"Received on the 2nd, please tell me on the 1st, it's over."

The clear voice of the No. 2 pilot quickly came from the communicator.

"The two sides entered a distance of 45 kilometers and immediately locked on to each other. Then move forward quickly until the opponent finds us."


Both the "Flying Eagle" and the f-35 are the most advanced carrier-based aircraft. Xu Ziling still doesn't know how strong their stealth capabilities are in actual combat. Needing to be "exposed" in the eyes of Americans, he decided to expose "Flying Eagle".

One is that the higher authorities have this need, and the other is that he really wants to see, in the actual combat of a frontal collision, what kind of distance does the f-35 need to reach before the F-[-] can find the "Flying Eagle".

With his instruction, Lin Jianbin, who was in the flight formation this time, had such an order with aircraft No. 2.

The areas of the exchange exercise are divided. The UAVs of the Americans are separated from the flight lines of the F-35 by dozens of kilometers. On Xu Ziling's side, when the "Yinglong No. 35" attacked, Lin Jianbin's two "Flying Eagles" "Also changed the course, facing the two F-[-]s head-on.

The battle between x-47b and "Shadow Dragon" is over, but x-47b still did not give up, flying in the exercise area, but Lin Jianbin and the others thought so much. After flying for a certain distance, two unmanned In the area where the aircraft flies, carefully avoid the X-47B being scanned, and then go straight to the F-35.

45 kilometers, locked!

The Americans this time held the idea that they must see the fighters of the Chinese. After being locked, the two F-35s and X-47Bs responded the same. They did not want to end the exercise at all, but accelerated Speed, flying towards us.

With Xu Ziling's order, Lin Jianbin and the others were of course not afraid of being exposed. The two planes also accelerated again and headed towards the f-35.

Forty kilometers!

35 km!

Thirty kilometers!

Xu Ziling, who had been paying attention to the satellite images, found that the other party was still unresponsive.

Are these people not afraid of the siren blaring?

Xu Ziling thought.

Lin Jianbin and the others have locked the two F-35s since they locked them, but they haven't let them go. They don't even need to think about it. At this time, the cabins of the two F-35s are full of locking alarms.

The plane continued to fly and soon reached twenty kilometers.

"Report to the eagle, the distance between the two sides is [-] kilometers, do you want to continue flying in stealth?" Lin Jianbin's report sounded in the command hall.

The technical problem was decided by Xu Ziling. When the report sounded, Tang Jiannian and Captain Zhang looked at him.

He has thought about this problem a long time ago. Twenty kilometers away. Looking at the good weather today, if the pilot has good vision, he can almost see the plane with the naked eye. In this case, it doesn't make much sense to be invisible , so he didn't think too much, and said directly to the two: "No need, the two sides are flying head-on, and it is estimated that even if the other party cannot be detected by radar after a few kilometers, you can see it with your eyes. Turn off the stealth function and measure it in front of them." Just come back."

In the dignified exercise, there are many countries staring at it. It is impossible for the Americans to do anything, such as hitting our plane with a faulty interface, so Xu Ziling is very relieved, let alone close combat, "Flying Eagle "Not afraid of f-35.

Under the order of Tang Jiannian, Lin Jianbin and his two "Flying Eagles" immediately turned off the stealth system, so they immediately appeared on the f-35's radar.

From 45 kilometers to 35 kilometers, less than [-] kilometers in between, the time is also a flash, but for the pilots on the f-[-], it is really a great torment. Finding the other party's signal on the radar, there is no need to worry about it. Unexpectedly, the distance between the two sides is only more than ten kilometers, and there is a feeling of relaxation in my heart.

"It's good to find out!"

They didn't have the heart to think that this would have died in actual combat.


Slowing down, Lin Jianbin and his two "Flying Eagles" waited for the F-35 to come over. The two sides were at the same height and passed by hundreds of meters apart, so that the other party could see their fighter planes clearly and turned back.

At the same time, "Shadow Dragon One" ended its hide-and-seek with x-47b, and also began to return.

"Okay! A distance of [-] kilometers won't let the opponent find out. This is enough to make us invincible."

In the command center, seeing the three planes returning, Tang Jiannian laughed out loud.


"The number is not comparable, but one of ours is enough to pick ten of them."


For a while, the room became very lively, and each of them said what was in their hearts.

They can't help being unhappy. Air power is the most maneuverable. In large-scale wars, they are indispensable. There are not enough domestic aircraft carriers and fighters, but when encountering an aircraft carrier formation, both fighters are definitely capable of fighting. In terms of the amount of ammunition carried, once the enemy plane is locked, there is no possibility of escape. One "Flying Eagle" really has no problem dealing with ten F-35s.

"How? You didn't expect such a result, did you?" After joking, Tang Jiannian turned to look at Xu Ziling who was standing aside.

did not expect!I really didn't expect it!

Xu Ziling answered truthfully.

He has the complete information of f-22 in his hand. Based on these technical information, he judged that the airborne radar of the Americans wanted to find the "Flying Eagle", which should be at a distance of 35 kilometers to [-] kilometers. But the fact is that at a distance of [-] kilometers, the opponent's f-[-] cannot be scanned on the radar.

I have to say, this was definitely a surprise!

If it is Shadow Dragon, in the state of incomplete stealth, it is estimated that the other party can detect it except for the instrument in the underground base of Area 51, so it can only be detected by the naked eye!

He thought so in his heart.

The next thing was nothing to write home about. The Americans were not discouraged by the complete defeat of the air power confrontation, and soon proposed the next precision strike competition.

This project is also what Xu Ziling and the others are willing to do. It happens to be able to test their xh-01 cruise missile. Anyway, the Americans don't propose it, and they want to test it themselves.

Regardless of the South China Sea or the South Pacific, there are too many uninhabited reefs. For their respective goals, both sides unanimously chose uninhabited reefs on the satellite map.

The two sides agreed on a range of [-] kilometers before, so each other's goals are within this range.

Xu Ziling and the others were more kind and chose a reef nearly [-] nautical miles south of them as the target of the Americans. This target was less than [-] nautical miles away from the location of the Mi Army's exercise.

But the American people are more ghostly. They probably want to win the game. The target chosen for Xu Ziling and the others is the Pacific Ocean, a small island in the northeast sea of ​​the Philippines. The range is 980 kilometers from Xu Ziling and the others. It was originally agreed The scope of the investigation is only about [-] kilometers.

"It seems that the Americans are only promising like this."

No one was angry, some just dismissed it.

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