weapons expert

Chapter 656 Official Relocation of Military Factory

With the help of people from all walks of life, on this day, the small mountain village is naturally very lively, and the local leaders are not short of well-informed people. There are many young masters and ladies in the capital and other places, and some of their friends are The well-known rich and the like appeared here. After making inquiries, many people knew that there was such a resort in this small mountain village.

The Xu family's military industry has sprung up in just a few years, and it is well-known at home and abroad. People in the province and city are of course aware of it. What's more, the taxation of the military factory is completed in Xingcheng Province. After all, it takes less than a year. There may not be many large taxpayers counting billions or billions in a single province.

Knowing that the resort belongs to Xu's family, even though they don't have much contact with each other, the provincial and municipal governments still came to participate in the opening ceremony, which is considered to be enough face for Xu's family.

It is rare for such a group of people to travel together. Xu Ziling and the others did not rush back, but stayed in the countryside for three days. We met each other and knew each other, not to mention that he is the owner of this place.

Although the resort is small, the Lion Mountain is not small. Some beautiful places on the mountain or on the mountainside have been developed, such as strange rocks, thousand-year-old trees, mountain streams, mountain springs and waterfalls. Although these scenery are not as good as Those famous scenic spots, but they are quiet and artistic, can make people sweep away the fatigue of the city.

Of course, for some people, it is the shooting range and hunting ground that are more attractive to them.The indoor shooting range is built on the side of the valley, but considering the noise caused by the gunshots, the outdoor shooting range is built on the other side of the valley, adjacent to the hunting ground, and there is such a distance across the mountain scenic area, which will not give tourists who like quiet affect.

Hunting, if you have nothing to do, go to the top of the mountain to see the scenery, or go to the mountain stream to drink the sweet spring, or catch fish in the mountain stream, and look for small crabs under the rocks. Such days are really comfortable, but it is a pity, These people are not the kind of idlers and wild cranes who don't care about worldly affairs.

Time is the most beautiful, there will always be time to pass, the military factory is rushing to deliver goods as soon as possible, there is no holiday, Yang Ruolan and the others cannot leave for too long, and Yang Haisheng also has other things, after three days, they had to return, but from other places The friends who came here this time are for the invitation of Xu Ziling and the others, and the other is to have fun. After all, last year, many of them knew that such a resort was about to open, and the news had already spread in their circle. Rumors spread that taking this opportunity, of course they wanted to have a good vacation, so they didn't return with Xu Ziling and the others, but stayed here.

There are guns, hunting, or climbing mountains to see the scenery, and picking wild fruits in the mountains. I don’t want to climb mountains. There are professional fitness rooms, chess and card rooms, badminton courts, courts, etc. in the villa. Such days are very difficult for them who have been living in the city. It is really a great temptation for people, of course they will not leave after only playing for three days.

They had a good time. For Xu Jiang, he had a good time earning. Xu Ziling didn't ask specifically how much his turnover was in the past few days, but he also saw that besides acquaintances, many people learned about it from advertisements. , I found it by myself, and looking at Xu Jiang's grin from ear to ear, I know that his performance in the past few days will not be bad.

An investment of [-] million yuan is really not much in his eyes. To him, it doesn't matter whether he earns or loses. What he values ​​is that his uncle Xu Jiang can do what he wants to do. When he leaves, he looks at him. I was too busy, so I didn't say much, chatted a few words casually, and then said goodbye to my grandparents, and the group drove into the car and left the village.

Returning to the concrete and steel city means being busy. The helicopter order will be completed soon, and some things that can be transferred will be packed and checked. Xu Ziling will not be as relaxed as before. He has been busy with trivial things for a whole month. In the first ten days of the month, the delivery of the aircraft order was finally completed, so the military factory entered the countdown to the transfer.

The military factory now has two lines for "Fierce Dragon", three lines for "Flying Eagle", and one line for transport aircraft. Originally, Xu Ziling planned to move all the production lines to Makula, but after Yang Ruolan reminded him, I realized that if I ordered domestically, it would be too troublesome to ship it back from Makula, so I only took away one line of "Flying Eagle" and repurchased the rest.

On the issue of procurement, some troubles were caused by the interference of the Americans: some equipment was only available in Western countries, but they united and refused to sell it to military factories.

At that time, Xu Ziling, who received the news, was furious, and decided to do it himself, organized manpower, cracked all their existing production line equipment, and after making changes, he sent some domestic related companies at a very low cost. Authorized to allow their own people to carry out production.

For this matter, he was quite angry. In the time since then, he has been thinking about when he has a chance, he must make a good use of these countries.

After a month, all the preparations were finally done. On November [-]st, the Red Star Military Factory sent out a news that attracted the attention of the whole world: Since the military factory is a private enterprise, in order to maintain its free trade Due to the lack of sex and independence, the Red Star Military Factory decided to move its headquarters to the Makula area of ​​Nitan State.

At the same time, Prince Oprah, the actual controller of the Nitan government, issued a global statement. On behalf of Nitan, he welcomed the entry of the Red Star Military Factory.

Fighter planes, helicopters, and cruise missiles have made the name of the military factory known to everyone. The two messages were sent out less than 10 minutes apart without any warning, which stunned people all over the world who pay attention to military news.

Especially the governments of Western countries headed by the United States, they were completely stunned by this trick.

Is this really true?Or are the military factories and the Celestial Dynasty secretly keeping their positions?

If it is true, is it possible to win over?The two helicopters that were "bought" last time, although they failed to crack anything useful from them, these technologies are absolutely high-end. Once they can win them over, wouldn't they not have to worry about advanced equipment that will only Sold to another country?

But what if this is just their trick?Is that to be severely suppressed?

Some people say that the dirtiest thing in these western democracies is not prostitutes, but politicians. Especially in countries like the United States, every person who can become a congressman or president has an interest group behind him. Some government personnel It may indeed be for the sake of the country, but politicians, more often than not, consider the interests of the group behind them.

Most of the famous arms companies in the world are located in the United States, and these arms giants are deeply rooted. They either support the president, the vice president, members of Congress and the like. At home in the Celestial Dynasty, because of the national conditions of this country, it cannot have too much influence on them for the time being, but once they leave this country, it will be difficult to say in the future.

After receiving such news, they immediately sensed the crisis. In recent decades, the United States has been making troubles and launching wars all over the world, mainly for oil, but why is it that they are not behind it?

But once the Red Star Military Factory is really developed, won't their interests be greatly affected?

Threats are always uprooted in the bud as well!

In their view, the current military factories, although the high-end technology makes them envious, but on the international stage, they have just sprouted, just when they can be snuffed out, but it is undeniable that some of the technologies used in their products High-end technology is really what they want. If they can get it, then...

As a result, a group of leaders of arms companies immediately got together and urgently discussed countermeasures.

But Xu Ziling and the others didn't know so much, because when the news was released, they were already on the plane, and all the equipment and other things that needed to be transferred had also left the harbor a few days ago.

As for the staff who were going to go, the past few months had already passed, and the ones who flew with them this time were already the last batch.

In other words, when their last batch of personnel and equipment passed by, Markkula's military factory could officially enter the normal track.

There were more than 100 people who went there this time, so Xu Ziling once again chartered a large passenger plane from the airline company. Because there are so many people, the cost of buying a group ticket and taking the plane and their charter flight is really indispensable, not to mention What's more, judging from the financial strength of the military factory, it doesn't care about these small companies.

The first-class seats are occupied by Nie Yunjie and the others. This time they are officially stationed in Markkula. When they are bored, they talk about the customs and customs there. Last time they went to the villa that Smith bought. After a visit, I inevitably talked about the place where I lived.

Considering that he is in a foreign land this time, Xu Ziling spent a lot of money on resettlement. The military factory area is nearly five square kilometers, but this does not include the accommodation area. Their accommodation area is on the northernmost edge of the factory area. There is also a beach two kilometers away.

In addition to the garden-style apartments where ordinary employees live, each of them, the managers, has an independent two-story villa. There is a small hill to the north of the villa, which can block most seasonal typhoons, and the beach is in front of the house. You can play in the water or sunbathe.

However, these were all done in the past few months after Nie Yunjie and the others returned from Makula last time. They did not see it with their own eyes, but only saw it from the photos sent back by Gu Hongyuan and the others. Living by the sea, they fell asleep listening to the sound of the waves at night. They were really excited, especially the girls, who couldn't stop talking about it.

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