weapons expert

Chapter 671 The Fundamentals of Modern Warfare

Due to the existence of the Chinese military base in Nitan, this war has attracted people's attention.

The decision to go to war in the United States was only passed by the domestic Congress. As for the United Nations and other international organizations, perhaps stimulated by Oprah's provocation, they finally showed their original ugly face, and there was no notification at all.

Even after the emergency meeting held by the United Nations, they only sent a representative to perfunctory, and they had no intention of obeying the ceasefire request issued by the United Nations.

Perhaps it is related to the military base. China’s reaction this time was very “intense”, and issued a statement: China will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but once its own base is in “danger” of being attacked, China will immediately launch corresponding defense and attack.

There are not many people in the sea area in the northeast of Nitan. Many people don't know that the military factory is also under the attack of the Americans, but some people know it.The military factory is not far from the military base of the Celestial Dynasty, only a few kilometers away. From this distance, it is difficult for the Chinese army to judge whether their base is in danger.

But such a statement made it clear that the base was not in danger, so they would not use force, and they would not intervene in this matter because the military factory was in the Markkula area, which caught some people by surprise.

This made it completely confusing for those who suspected that the transfer of the military factory from China to Nitan was just a trick between the Red Star Military Factory and China.

Is it not as imagined, the Celestial Dynasty and the Red Star Military Factory really broke?

And until the end of the first round of fighting, some smart people seemed to understand something.

In the past few days since the United States issued the decision to go to war, the Chinese army in the country has not made any movements, and the garrison at the port of Makula is only on guard, and there is no sign of taking action at all.In the first round of the war between Nitan and the Mi Army, the Mi Army’s two aircraft carrier formations lost their combat effectiveness and mobility. This is entirely the capability of the Red Star Military Factory.

The Red Star Military Factory has such capabilities, and still needs the help of the Celestial Army?

Obviously not needed.

Those smart people immediately thought of it, and they still need to communicate with the Celestial Dynasty in some aspects in the future.Although it is still uncertain whether there is a break between the Red Star Military Factory and the Celestial Dynasty, or whether it is a secret, but some small remarks such as goodwill will not be harmful. What's more, the Celestial Dynasty is a big country, so why not do it? ?

After this battle, regardless of the final result, the reputation of the Americans is inevitable, and it is inevitable for those countries that do not deal with the United States to find ways to purchase weapons from the Red Star Military Factory. With these weapons, the Americans will no longer be able to Just like before, you can fight whoever you want. In this way, it can be said that the world structure may change. It is necessary to make good friends with big countries.

For the third world countries and those peace-loving countries, a country like China, compared with the United States in terms of reputation, one is the sky and the other is the earth. This is what they should do. If the time comes because Such a move, and with the support of the Red Star Military Factory, how good would it be that our country can purchase the latest weapons from there first?

Compared with the gloating of some countries, Americans are quite sad now.

From the beginning of the construction of the Markkula Military Factory, Xu Ziling and the others used the "Eagle Eye" radar to shield the important places. The layout of five square kilometers was less than half in the reconnaissance satellite image of the Mi Army. I thought there was something there. The American people were not too worried when other companies entered here. Of course, it was useless for them to want to know the details, because the entire area of ​​Markkula was under military martial law at this time, and their intelligence personnel had no way to approach here.

As for buying local civilians, they will always be cleared out at the first time. After several times, the matter was publicized by Markkula's people, and those local people never accepted their employment again. This made the intelligence agencies of the United States very Annoyed, but also very helpless.

So much so that in the end, they could only use the photos taken by the reconnaissance satellite as a source of intelligence for the Markkula area.

But what people did not expect was that the Red Star Military Factory would suddenly send out the news that the military factory would be transferred to Markkula, which made Americans immediately think that the building that Markkula built in recent months was the factory area of ​​the Red Star Military Factory , and by the looks of it, they had this idea a few months ago.

Because considering that they could buy armed helicopters from the military factory with money before, and considering that the Red Star Military Factory might really break with China, the Americans did not take measures to attack immediately. When Prince Oprah publicly said that he would When they went to the military factory to participate in the opening ceremony, they didn't expect that the military factory would "specially" dislike them, so they just sent agents to keep an eye on Oprah.

But an accident happened. During the tracking process, another agent who discovered the armed leader of the Syrian government found that the target had also arrived at the Red Star Military Factory. Recalling the fact that Syria wanted the Red Star Military Factory to buy cruise missiles a few months ago, Americans Immediately knew that their ideas were wrong, and the Red Star Military Factory was not a member of their line at all.

But it was too late to take any action at this time. They could only issue a secret order to the agents, giving them a chance to kill Oprah and Assad, and then give the fakes to the Red Star Military Factory.

It's a pity that their agents were arrested before entering the factory. If so, a series of things happened, and finally turned into two aircraft carrier formations being disabled.

It’s okay if they all sink, they’re dead, they lost two aircraft carrier battle groups, anyway, they still have ballistic missiles, they can attack from submarines or from the mainland, or use their secret weapons, but now there are two aircraft carrier formations It's just that I can't move, and more than 1 people are still on it, how to deal with this?

In their eyes, the Red Star Military Factory and Nitan are now terrorists. They have never thought of negotiating with terrorists, but the lives of more than 1 people are at stake. It is estimated that the family members will fall out in the country, what should we do?

Such a situation has caused the US government to suffer an unprecedented blow.

Oprah issued a statement that the situation of more than 1 people was made public, and they couldn’t hide it even if they wanted to. The president hurriedly held a meeting. It is said that the family members of more than 1 people began to contact each other, and there were signs of gathering.

How many family members of more than 1 people are there?They can't calculate it accurately for a while, but fools also know that it must be not small. At that time, coupled with the promotion of those who oppose the war or human rights organizations, it is estimated that it will evolve into a nationwide protest. Such a thing Once it happens, even the president will not be able to bear it.

No way, the vice president, their staff and other people who participated in the meeting stopped arguing, and agreed to start negotiations with Nitan and stop all military operations!

They have no way to disagree with this resolution, because Mr. President said, whoever disagrees with the negotiation, let him resolve the demonstrations that will be formed by tens of thousands of family members.


At this time, who would dare to say to these tens of thousands of angry people: Sorry, we are not ready to negotiate.

Isn't this looking for death?

If others die, you can't die yourself!These politicians don't care about the lives of soldiers, but their own is very important. If they are asked to do these things, they will not go.

Tens of thousands of people, each with one punch, will probably be turned into mud.

If so, they can only agree to negotiate one by one.

Xu Ziling and the others got the news of the negotiation from the Nitan government. He happened to sort out the detailed report of the battle and sent it to Fan Yi, Tang Jiannian, Yang Haisheng, Master Lin and others.

This battle is concerned about the hearts of many people in the country. In order to reassure these people, before the war started, he used satellites to selectively broadcast the entire battle live with the country. The two aircraft carrier formations were all disabled. In fact, the country knew about it right away, but due to equipment limitations and Xu Ziling’s reservations, he only selectively transmitted the pictures to the country. Except for Yang Haisheng, no one else knew about the specific things. .

When the war ended, Fan Yi asked for a detailed summary report on the war. The text and video are always different. Xu Ziling didn't have much reservations about this, so he immediately asked the lion to make a copy and forwarded it to Fan Yi. , and all the people who know and care about this side.

In modern warfare, this time Xu Ziling and the others can be said to be the most advanced use of digital technology in global digital warfare, such as drones, defense systems, and xh cruise missile systems. These are all controlled by lions. So far, what has happened in the world In any war, which one can achieve such automation?

Outsiders don't know this, but domestic people know it.

The more technology develops, the higher the degree of automation of war. Xu Ziling and his military factory can be regarded as using this to the extreme, at least surpassing the United States, which considers itself to be the leader in the world, for decades. When it was in China, the intelligent system was remembered by Fan Yi. In my heart, but due to the uncertain factors mentioned by Xu Ziling and the country's own considerations, this aspect has not been used on a large scale. Only when Xu Ziling took the initiative to provide such a set of intelligent programs to Li Jian can it be regarded as being implemented in China.

For this reason, a special team was set up in China to evaluate this, but the time is still short, and no detailed results have been given yet. Seeing that Xu Ziling and the others can achieve such results in actual combat this time, how could it be possible for Fan Yi to return the favor? Can you bear it?

Of course, for Xu Ziling, promoting the digitalization of the army is something he would like to see. The reason why the domestic army is somewhat different from the Mi army is not in personal military quality, but in equipment. If the equipment can reach the same level as the Mi army Level, how can the Americans be so rampant in the South China Sea and the East China Sea?

The country needs these, of course he is happy.

Digitization and automation are the foundation of modern warfare!

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