weapons expert

Chapter 697 Five Mi Army Bases Paralyzed

Nitan goes north and passes through the Gulf of Aden. There must be escorts on board. Originally, civilian ships were not allowed to carry armed personnel, but the security company under the military factory has a formal license issued by the Nitan government, regardless of whether the Americans recognize it or not. However, they have the right to carry weapons and equipment to be escorted with the ship.

From the previous two "Fierce Dragons", it can be seen that the Americans are related to some pirates in the Gulf of Aden. The military bases along the road are restrained by Assad, and there may be no time to deal with them, but There is no one to contain the pirates, and they must be prevented.

So when the freighter set off, Xu Ziling asked Smith to bring a team of 30 people who had been trained by him for several months, fully armed, on the freighter, which was their first mission.Of course, in order to prevent them from being confused, the military factory also sent an elite team of ten people, even if it was to suppress the mercenaries of such beginners, there was also the idea of ​​surveillance.

Xu Ziling and the others were in the military factory, while they had to pay attention to the movement of the freighter, and at the same time they had to pay attention to the movement of Assad. They didn't have much time to do other things after the whole day, but on the third day of the freighter's departure, Smith called and told Xu Ziling that they encountered pirates for the first time when they arrived in the Arabian Sea.

It just seemed that this pirate team was just wandering soldiers. After the mercenary snipers hit the opponent's speedboat across a sea mile, the opponent's three speedboats fled.

Such pirates seem to know that they just ran into their ship by chance, otherwise they would not have escaped without any entanglement, but it is not sure whether they were sent to test them. It was to tell Smith to be careful.

Another day later, February [-]th, a romantic holiday.

But for everyone in Xu Ziling, this day has nothing to do with romance, because this day is the day when Assad decides to act.

Early in the morning, he contacted Smith again and learned that they had entered the Gulf of Aden and could enter the Red Sea before sunset today. Xu Ziling informed Assad that he could act.

An hour later, Smith called. They were attacked by a large group of pirates. After the warning was ineffective, they let the snipers open fire first, but there were too many people on the other side, and the pirates fired a rocket. Fortunately, , when the rocket was launched, the pirates were also hit, which caused the rocket's aim to deviate a little and failed to hit their freighter. Otherwise, although it would not be overhauled, minor repairs at the nearest port would be inevitable. .

Xu Ziling and the others couldn’t help but feel a little lucky when they heard the news, but they reminded Smith once again to be careful. Everyone in the world calls for pirates, and they don’t need to be held accountable if they are killed. Let them open fire when they see it. It doesn’t matter if they warn or not. Yes, as long as they are determined to be pirates, they can be attacked.

Smith has been a mercenary for so many years, so he is naturally not a good person. It's just that in the past few years, he has been hanging out with Xu Ziling and the others, and he has begun to pay attention to some rules. Now that Xu Ziling has said so, he has no psychological burden. There are a lot of people on hand, it is impossible to have no innocent people, even if you kill a few wrong people, it is not a big deal.

And just after the two of them finished talking on the phone, Xu Ziling set up the monitoring level of ten bombs, and one of them lost the signal, and the last place where the signal was lost was the Mi Army's air force base in Oman.

A few people were sitting in the command center, and when they heard the siren, Xu Ziling immediately asked the lion to turn on the satellite and start searching for images of the air force base.

When Smith selected the target, he really put a lot of effort into it.In the information he handed over to Xu Ziling, the ground facilities of each military base were marked, and at the same time, which building or buildings were to be bombed, as well as the strength of the materials for each building and the thickness of the walls, etc. The news is very detailed.

Xu Ziling can get these things casually, but with ready-made ones, of course he will not go to one action many times. When modifying the bomb, he followed the information provided by Assad. Now that there is an explosion, the result is predictable. And know.

The Mi Army has three military bases in Oman, and the one where the explosion occurred is the largest air force base located on an island in the southeast of Oman.

Here, the 335th Expeditionary Brigade of the US Air Force is stationed, mainly equipped with military aircraft such as KC-135R, C-130, AC-130U, and MC-130E. This base is the US Army Airlift Center and the forward base of the B-1 bomber.In the war against Afghanistan, the Mi Army transported their special soldiers from here to fight in Afghanistan.

Because the base is equipped with large aircraft, the base has two cross-shaped two-way circular runways, two terminal buildings, and numerous hangars. Instead of the military barracks, two of the hangars and two terminal buildings with the most aircraft parked were chosen.

In an airport, the most important thing is the terminal building and the aircraft. Without the terminal building, the aircraft will have no ground command. If there is an accident of a plane collision and there are no planes, then it goes without saying. What kind of base is an air force military base without planes?

It's better to call it an abandoned airport.

When the satellite image was turned on, the first thing that came into view was the thick smoke rising from several places in the airport. Xu Ziling took a glance and saw that these places were the places he had determined to attack before, so he asked the lion to point the screen at one of the hangars Zooming in, and analyzing it with three-dimensional images, they saw that all the aircraft in the hangar were destroyed, and the roof of the hangar was completely gone, and the surrounding walls were only less than one meter above the ground. It stood there intact, and the rest were scattered around by the powerful shock wave of the bomb.

Looking at the other hangar, the same is true. Not only the hangar was completely destroyed, but all the planes parked in it exploded. As for the terminal building, two buildings collapsed, and broken cement blocks filled the surrounding area. On the runway, looking at it like this, if you want to recover, it will not be completed in three or two days.

Seeing this, Xu Ziling and the others unabashedly applauded loudly.

The Americans have repeatedly targeted the Celestial Empire, and this time there is an obvious act of attacking the military factory. Of course Xu Ziling and the others are willing to see this situation, otherwise, they will not help Assad in this way.

There are only four explosion points, which are really not many for a huge base, but the explosion site is the most important of their base. It can be said that this base will not be able to carry out large-scale activities in the next three to five months.

It has not been two months since the destruction of the Diego Garcia base, and now there is another bomb attack. When the United States received news, it was immediately believed that Nitan did it.

An emergency meeting was held in a hurry, but before they could say anything, someone came to report that their Salem Air Force Base was attacked again. The attack method was the same as before, and the bomb attack was also used. It may have been brought into the base by their "insiders".

After receiving such news, the American people were dumbfounded, but they also realized that this should not be done by the Nitan people.

But what is this for?

But they couldn't guess it at all, because in the land of the Middle East, there were too many people who were hostile to them. Every name flashed in his mind, and he thought it was possible.

However, their nightmare was more than that. In the next 10 minutes, they received three reports from the Middle East: three other military bases in the Middle East were also attacked in the same way, and each base exploded. All places are important areas of the base, that is to say, these attacked military bases are completely paralyzed.

Xu Ziling and the others were right in guessing that the cruise missiles sold to Syria had long been targeted by the Americans. Although their people could not infiltrate Makula, they were very clear about the ship departing from Makula. When the freighter set off from the port to the Arabian Sea, it was spotted by them.

This is how the previous pirates' temptations and attacks came about. Originally they planned to use pirates to attack ships and then take away the missiles, but they didn't expect that there were many powerful snipers on the freighter, and the pirates with the strongest firepower only had bazookas at all. inaccessible.

The personnel in charge of this matter, after receiving the report from the pirates at the first time, they decided to use a backup plan: dispatch a naval ship disguised by the Mi Army, board the ship in the name of inspection, and then destroy or remove the missile.

The plan was that they were going to dispatch the navy at the Oman base. Unfortunately, shortly after the news was reported, their base was attacked. Although their ships were not affected, what happened? Still have the energy to manage the freighter?

"Sixteen bombs paralyzed five bases, which is better than bombing by bombers."

Markkula, Nie Yunjie and Liu Long came to the command center just after finishing their work, watching the scene in the satellite image, the two of them couldn't stop feeling emotional.

"Hey..." Li Cheng smiled and echoed, "Not only is it effective, but it's also economical. It's much cheaper than a missile or an aerial bomb."

The cost of the "diamond" bomb is indeed not high, but it is a little troublesome to synthesize. Xu Ziling has also told everyone about these things, but because it is too disguised, he didn't want to show the formula, and everyone understood his thoughts.

The economic value that this thing can cause is indeed not low, but the destructiveness it brings is even more terrifying. Just as this thing is about to flood, the world is really in chaos.

Without any instruments and means to detect it, wouldn't it be possible to bomb wherever you want?

They wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

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