weapons expert

Chapter 699 The irresistible temptation

The United States has always advertised democracy and freedom, and the media chosen by the lion happened to be a company owned by a large consortium, and the party supported by this large consortium happened to be the opposition of the current president, so it dared to report such things. .With such an identity, with democracy and freedom clearing the way, although the US government is very angry, there is nothing it can do.

With the disclosure of the "Star Wars" plan on the first day, space-based weapons in space followed on the second day. Lion disclosed this matter as a staff member of a US secret agency, regardless of the evidence provided. Whether it is written materials or clear pictures of space-based weapons, they are all obtained from the computers of the US government, even if they are reporters from the other end of the network who contact the media.

The reporter had no doubts either.

Because these materials are too real, everything is well documented!

Because of this, the reporter decided to report the matter after receiving the information provided by the lion and after just two days of verification.

The report on the first day only proved the existence of the "Star Wars" project, which made the Chinese people react strongly, but in the report on the second day, it confirmed the existence of space-based weapons. It was people in their country who talked about it, but the whole world started talking about it.

There is no doubt about the deterrent effect of space-based weapons. Only Americans in the world have such weapons. What do other countries think?If the Americans use this thing to attack them, how should they fight back?

Once the quarrel broke out, no matter whether it was a country that was hostile to the United States or an ally of the United States, they couldn't help thinking about it one by one.

Xu Ziling and the others made this public, but they never thought of telling the higher authorities, so people in the country also thought that the Americans had leaked the information themselves. The next day after the incident, Fan Yi called Xu Ziling and asked him what he thought of it. .

Xu Ziling and the others had discussed it a long time ago. They would not admit that they did this matter, so in front of Fan Yi, Xu Ziling did not say that this matter was done by them. As for the opinion, he just let him go!

If the Americans want to use it to attack others, he will not take care of it. If it is used to attack them, then I am sorry, and he will seize control immediately.

"Then you have to monitor it all the time. It turns out that the Americans may need to keep it secret if they didn't use it, but now that it's made public, they don't have the problem of keeping it secret. It's impossible to say when they will attack you." Fan Yi's tone was quite serious.

"Well, I understand. Don't worry, this thing has been under our surveillance, as long as there is any movement, we will know immediately." Xu Ziling replied equally seriously.

He is right. Space-based weapons, as the only weapons known to the Americans that can threaten military factories, have always been under strict monitoring.

"Then be careful yourself, and notify me in time if there is any change." Seeing what Xu Ziling said, Fan Yi didn't say any more, and quickly hung up the phone.

The incident was exposed, and the international scene became more and more lively, and the limelight quickly overshadowed the island nation's lifting of the self-defense ban. Seeing this situation, Xu Ziling and the others were very happy, and immediately let the lion publicize this incident on the Internet. Make it known.

After this incident happened, the freighter did not have to worry. It traveled all the way through the Suez Canal, entered the Mediterranean Sea, and then reached the territorial waters of Syria, without receiving any attacks along the way.

On the third day after the exposure of the space-based weapons, the freighter arrived at the port, Assad and Smith finished the delivery, and their group stayed. One thing is that the technicians need time to help the Syrian people familiarize themselves with the operation of the weapons. The first thing is that Assad is going to hire dozens of people brought by Smith to help them fight.

I hadn't heard Assad say it before, but after hearing Smith's report, Xu Ziling and Yang Kaiming discussed it and agreed quickly.

As for recruits, they always need to see blood to make them really grow up. If there is such an opportunity, let them try it. Happy to do it?

The goods were delivered, and [-] million U.S. dollars was transferred to the account of the military factory. Half a month later, the technicians conducted the necessary training for the Syrian soldiers, and Xu Ziling immediately asked Smith to escort them back to Makula.

Smith is considered number one in the circle of the military factory. If the [-]-odd mercenaries are out in action, if he is required to lead the team, it would be too much talent. After receiving Xu Ziling's order, he took the military factory there Five people in the ten-man team escorted all the technicians back.

The other five elites left behind are asked to bring the No. 30 recruits to stay in Syria to help Assad and their government forces and fight against the opposition.

Half a month is not long or short, Xu Ziling and the others feel that it will pass in the blink of an eye, but for the island countries and the United States, this period of time may be a bit difficult.

Needless to say in the United States, the destruction of the Diego Garcia base years ago and the intrusion of the capital by warplanes are not over yet. The five major army bases in the Arab region were bombed, and then they were bombed again. Out of the "Star Wars" program and space-based weapons thing.

For a time, their government not only had to suffer protests from the families of the soldiers who died in the base attack, but also had to accept questions from many countries, including allies, on space-based weapons.

As for the island country, the matter of lifting the ban for the right of self-defense is also quite unsatisfactory.

You must know that not everyone in their country is militaristic, and not everyone likes war.Whether it is the South China Sea issue or the Diaoyu Islands issue, if the island country government really passes the self-defense right to lift the ban, the war is obvious, and it is just a matter of time.

Once a war breaks out, whether it is a local battle or a foreign war, the dead are certain. Those who are unwilling to fight certainly do not want to see this situation, because when the time comes, among the people who will die on the battlefield, there will be their sons or grandsons .

Therefore, in the past half month, thousands to tens of thousands of people have been protesting in front of the government building of the island country every day.

In the era of advanced information, this kind of behavior is seen by the world. The island government cannot expel it by force, but it has to continue with this matter. It is a dilemma, and it also makes them, like the US government, a headache every day.

Seeing such a situation, Xu Ziling and the others were quite excited. Apart from the things to be done every day, the rest was to sit together and watch the satellite images as a live broadcast, and then give pointers to the country. They never tired of it every day.

On this day, while Xu Ziling and the others were still discussing whether the islanders would pass the bill, they received another call from Assad.

Thinking that this guy was busy, Xu Ziling answered the phone right away, but what Yang Kaiming and the others didn't expect was that the two of them talked for more than half an hour.

This time Xu Ziling didn't use the speakerphone, and most of the time, he was listening. The people sitting next to him didn't know what he and Assad said, but when watching the conversation, Xu Ziling's face changed many times , a few people were very curious.

After seeing Xu Ziling hang up the phone, he immediately asked him, "What did Assad tell you?"

"This guy is going to attack the military base of the Americans again, and their government forces are going to launch a major counterattack against the opposition in the next one to two years. He asked if we can provide them with some artillery." Xu Ziling replied with a strange face. everyone.

What?Still want to attack the military base of the Mi Army?Want to launch a general offensive against the opposition?

Several large bases of the Mi Army in the Arab region were taken care of in this operation, and the rest are small bases with less than [-] personnel. Are they unwilling to let these small bases go?

Even if this doesn't mean whether he is necessary, but to launch a general offensive against the opposition, what kind of confidence do they have to make such a decision?You must know that behind the opposition is not only the support of Americans, but also the support of Britain, France and other countries.

Not to mention weapons, but in terms of intelligence, they are sometimes inferior to the opposition. Otherwise, they would not be able to defeat the opposition for a period of time. Where did they get the confidence to launch a general attack on the opposition? ?

"Is their government army crazy?" Li Cheng's eyes widened and he muttered.

"Not crazy!" Xu Ziling was sure, "Assad put forward the condition that we will provide weapons, intelligence, and personnel, and the relative reward for us is that after the matter is completed, we can participate in their domestic reconstruction project and Allow us to build military bases, and give us about 30.00% of their oil fields in the country."


Everyone took a deep breath in unison.

Shocked, but also ecstatic.

Not to mention how much profit domestic reconstruction projects can make, nor how much money they can get in exchange for 30.00% of domestic oilfield exploitation rights, just saying that they are allowed to build military bases can bring them enough temptation.

This is a military base, and it's still a military base in the Middle East.

From a global perspective, the oil in the Middle East is the most important, especially for a country like China that relies mostly on imports, it is even more important. Once a military base can be established in Syria, the strategic resource of oil It is possible to know what kind of effect it will play.

And the most important point is that the largest domestic terrorist organization "dt" has its headquarters in the Middle East. Before Xu Ziling came into contact with the sword, it was difficult for the sword to deal with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East in real time and effectively. If a military base can be established in Syria, what effect will this have on the future attack on the "dt" organization?

[Thank you for the monthly pass of Xiaozhong and Time!By the way, Comrade Time, did you hang up?I heard you have a high fever?Don't burn out the little brother! 】

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