(Seek collection, ask for red ticket)

The safe is divided into three compartments, the bottom one is full of US dollars, and the bottom one is full of US dollars. There are some cash in the middle and several boxes for diamonds. The top one is two exquisite boxes, which contain the two guns.

Xu Ziling didn't even look at the two lower floors. He took out the two boxes from the uppermost floor and looked around. There was a table in the room.Wipe off the dust on the table, and put the two boxes on the table when it is clean.

The boxes are all made of wood, and some simple patterns are carved on the lid. Xu Ziling doesn't know which era it belongs to.Opening a box, there is a piece of silver-white flannelette inside, and the golden desert eagle is placed flat on it.In the sight of the lion as if it were daytime, yellow and silver alternate, a beautiful scene.

Xu Ziling took the Desert Eagle in the box and stroked it gently.The golden gun body weighs two kilograms, which makes it just right for him who has been specially trained by the lion to hold it in his hand.Playing handsomely, he did a few shooting actions of the protagonist in the movie "007", and he couldn't put it down for a while.

The Desert Eagle is released by MRI, a firearm finalized by Israel Military Industries.As soon as it appeared, it became the object of crazy pursuit by collectors and gun enthusiasts.The one in Xu Ziling's hand is one of the 1986 gold collector's editions specially produced by mri company in 100.

Xu Ziling is a soldier, but also a firearms enthusiast. Seeing such a gun, how can there be any reason not to be happy?Someone was waiting for him outside, played with it in his hands, and then put it back into the box.And the other box is the silver p226. Although the p226 silver collector's edition is also a rare and good gun, Xu Ziling is less interested in it than the Desert Eagle.In addition, now is not the time to watch it to your heart's content, so I didn't open it to watch it again.

There was no bag in the room, so I pulled the dusty sheet off the bed and cleaned it up.I put the cash in the safe and some other non-breakable things on the bed sheet, and then I made the bed sheet into a burden after seeing that there was nothing to take.

I carried the burden on my back, and didn't pay attention to how much cash there would be, anyway, it was quite heavy.Holding a few pieces of porcelain that the lion said were antiques from the Celestial Dynasty, and some gold-plated utensils of an unknown country, he looked around the room again to ensure that there was no valuable thing.Only then did Xu Ziling turn around and enter the passage, and walked outside.

When they came to the entrance of the cave, Yang Kaiming and the others saw that he was carrying a big burden on his back and carefully holding some bottles and cans in his hands, which was a little funny.If it weren't for some of the things in his hands that were shining with golden light, the whole person would look tattered.

"Call a few more people up." Xu Ziling said to Yang Kaiming as soon as he got out of the passageway. "This thing should be worth a lot of money, so be careful with it." While speaking, he handed the bottles and jars in his hands to Yang Kaiming and the others who came to help him with the things.

Zhao Xueqin was a lover of antiques when she was young, and was influenced by her, so Yang Kaiming was the only one among these few people who had a little knowledge of antiques. "Let me take a look..." Yang Kaiming asked several people to take the objects from Xu Ziling's hands, while he picked up one of the blue and white jars and looked at it.

The others didn't understand, they could only look at his strange movements in their eyes.He looked inside the bottle against the light for a while, looked at the bottom of the bottle for a while, and finally looked at the pattern on the bottle body for a long time without moving his eyes.Xu Ziling got a little impatient waiting, and asked, "What is so beautiful that you can't even move your eyes. Isn't it just a broken jar?"

After hearing Xu Ziling's words, Yang Kaiming turned his head to face him, and said with a smile, "You know what a fart, if your Aunt Zhao heard you say that, it would be no wonder if you didn't knock your head off..."

As soon as he heard Yang Kaiming say this, Xu Ziling froze. He also knew the extent of Zhao Xueqin's obsession with antiques. If she found out that he was talking like this... a shudder shuddered in his heart, as if Zhao Xueqin was by his side, and shrank Shrinking his head, clasping his hands together as a gesture of forgiveness, he asked with a shy smile, "This is really a good thing? Then take it back and give it to Aunt Zhao."

The few people Yang Kaiming called to help were all specially trained by Xu Ziling. During the training, Xu Ziling always had a dark face like the king of Hades. Although he was smiling in private, he had never seen him before. like this?There was also gossip in the sword, knowing that Xu Ziling was Yang Kaiming's brother-in-law, several people couldn't help laughing when they saw Xu Ziling's appearance in front of Yang Kaiming.

Yang Kaiming was also amused by Xu Ziling's funny look, "I don't know much about antiques either. If I'm not mistaken, it should be a good thing. This thing doesn't belong to you either, you just gave it away if you can?"

"Isn't it our share? There's still a lot here, we just need this thing when the time comes, take it back and put it in Aunt Zhao's collection room!" Xu Ziling patted the burden on his back, and pointed to the other hands objects in .

Yang Kaiming was also a little moved, but he still pointed to a few other things and said: "I'm not sure about those things. But if the thing in my hand is real, the value is not low. At least it is worth more than 3000 million. You How can you get this one?"

A few people were dumbfounded when they heard that it was worth at least 3000 million.Just such a broken pot, can it be worth 3000 million?Xu Ziling did the math, the forty fighters, himself, Yang Kaiming, and Li Chengcai were only three fortieths, so how much spoils would it take to reach 3 million?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. I took the bag off my back, put it on the ground, opened it, and said to a few people: "Come on, let's see, how much is this fucking worth?" Things were taken apart, and the diamond boxes were opened one by one.

A jar worth 3000 million is enough to shock people, and then seeing Xu Ziling’s big baggage opened, there are hills of US dollars, several boxes of diamonds dazzling under the strong light, large pieces of gemstones of various colors, and various gold jewelry.All of a sudden, people's eyes are blurred.

Yang Kaiming and the others went on missions before and got a lot of spoils, but they have never seen as many as Xu Ziling.The results last time were enviable, but this time they were even more shocking.Yang Kaiming stammered: "This...you did it all by yourself?" While speaking, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.After he finished speaking, he also knew that his question was unnecessary, he was the only one in the cave, and if he wasn't the only one who searched, there would be someone else. "You kid is simply a bandit."

For the prince of the world's top [-] companies, the value of these things added up is not enough for others.Yang Kaiming just admired Xu Ziling's search ability so much, that's why he acted like this.Several other people were similarly shocked by Xu Ziling's search ability, and also shocked by the value of these things.Antique cultural relics can't be seen, but the pile of US dollars is the real thing, plus the few boxes of diamonds that look like soybeans at the smallest, as long as you are an individual, you will know how valuable these things are.

Xu Ziling looked at the foolishness of these people, he couldn't say that he had a lion, even if it was the size of an ant, as long as it was a valuable thing, he couldn't escape his hands. "Come and see, how much is this worth?"

Several people came to their senses, counting the cash counting the cash, counting the diamonds counting the diamonds, arranging the jewelry and arranging the jewelry. Xu Ziling also helped count the gems.Several people divided the work, and soon there was a result: US dollars, 1000 million.All are 100 denominations; diamonds, there are five in the size of pigeon eggs, and 45 in other sizes; gold jewelry, add up to fifty pieces in size, and weigh six kilograms; gemstones, rubies the size of a baby's fist - 15 yuan, sapphires 8 pieces; porcelain, six; other antiques, fifteen pieces.After cleaning up, everyone was really stupid. First, they were shocked by such a large number, and second, they found that everyone didn't know the value other than cash, and diamonds only knew a rough idea, let alone others.

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