weapons expert

Chapter 743 Take down Nicole

Markkula has invested so much in money, manpower, and material resources, and of course everyone will not allow the surroundings to threaten their survival.

The news of the meeting came out, and a group of people arrived soon. Xu Ziling has never been a procrastinator. When everyone sat down, he told what Gu Hongyuan had discovered in Nikol and his suggestion to send troops.

"This thing can be done, but how to implement it needs to be carefully considered."

After Xu Ziling finished speaking, after a few minutes of silence, Yang Kaiming spoke first.

"What do you think?" Xu Ziling was noncommittal, but looked at Nie Yunjie and Liu Long.

"This is not a commercial war, but a real war. I don't know very well." Seeing Xu Ziling looking at him, Nie Yunjie looked at Liu Long and said, "But in my opinion, we have wasted so much effort here , cannot be destroyed by others.”

"Yeah, these thousands of people are already our limit. We can't really raise 1 to [-] armed men. If we really have to face so many people attacking us, we will be troubled by then. I think It’s better to act early. It’s better to kill others than ours.” Following closely behind Nie Yunjie, Liu Long stated his opinion more bluntly.


Xu Ziling looked around at the people who expressed their opinions, and patted the table lightly, "Everyone agrees to send troops, so let's discuss how to act next, let's talk about ideas if you have ideas, and opinions if you have opinions."

Suoguo has always been a place of right and wrong. The Americans once wanted to get involved here, but unfortunately the final result was a halberd. Not only did the action fail, but it also attracted the eyes of many countries around the world.

Although their goal this time is only a province, it must be planned.

Winning, or armed suppression, must be carefully considered.

Previously, Gu Hongyuan's idea was that they would support a leader, and then incorporate them by force, so that the entire Nikol's armed forces would become a group.

But if this happens, there will definitely be turmoil and wars. In order to win, Xu Ziling and the others must not provide equipment. If they provide equipment, then those countries headed by the United States will definitely provide weapons to pirates as an excuse. Come make trouble.

As a result, even if they take down Nikkor, the future will not be easy. It will make people think that the military factory has aggressive intentions. At that time, the weak and weak countries in Africa will be afraid, and the military factory will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, finding a suitable opportunity and title is a problem for them to consider now.

To have a good excuse is not to say that there is one, unless you are like the American people, there are countless excuses to find, but this way of doing things is obviously not the result that Xu Ziling and the others want. After discussing for a while, they finally failed. Think fit.

Nie Yunjie, Liu Long, Wang Jian and others all have their own things to do, so it is impossible to think about this matter specifically. Besides, these are not their expertise. Xu Ziling decided to dissolve the meeting when he was a child. As for the problems they are facing now, Think about it slowly.

"If you don't have to worry about the reputation of the military factory, there is no such trouble. You can fight if you want. Anyway, the government of Suoguo is the same as no government." After the meeting, Nie Yunjie and the others went back to their own affairs. But he couldn't walk away, but moved to the command center to continue the topic.

Listening to Yang Kaiming's babble, Xu Ziling smiled wryly. It was because of the military factory that they needed to control Nikkor in their own hands. If there was no military factory, it would be useless to have such a place.

After thinking for a while, he said to Gu Hongyuan: "Isn't Yang Qianshan's original company located on the border between Uganda and Nikol? Nikol and the others should be familiar with it. Let their team go there for a few days to see if they can get anything useful." information."

"I've thought about it before, so I'll notify them later." Gu Hongyuan nodded and replied.

"By the way, I remember that there was a smart guy among the mercenaries captured by us... the one who went to Markkula and hid when he saw something was wrong. In the end, only their team didn't have any casualties on that mercenary. Captain, seems to belong to Nicole? Is he still there?" Xu Ziling suddenly remembered what happened almost two years ago, so he asked Gu Hongyuan.

"Efuya, that person's name is Efuya. They belong to Nicole. After we caught them, we knew that there was a commission for them. They were very honest. I sent them to be responsible for the peripheral security of Markkula before, but they were later pulled by Smith to him. I went there." On that night two years ago, dozens of mercenary teams, large and small, came, but only one of them had no casualties. Gu Hongyuan was also impressed by this incident. As soon as Xu Ziling said it, he immediately remembered up.

If you really want to support a spokesperson, obedience is the most important thing.A person like Evera is a person who judges the situation. He will never resist until he knows that he does not have the ability. However, there is another point. Such a smart person often has great ambitions. Just jumped up.

For others, it is difficult to control such a person, but for Xu Ziling, he thinks it is really not a problem. When he has his own satellite, let the lion monitor him 24 hours a day, what tricks can he play?

Therefore, Xu Ziling considered whether to meet this person, and if it was suitable, he didn't mind giving this Evera a fortune.

"How is this man?"

"I am very active in doing things. I will never discount your orders. If you let him kill someone, you will kill him without blinking an eye. But this guy is too smart and ambitious. If you let him have that ability, he will definitely kill you." He's the kind of person who turns his face right away."

"It's good to be ambitious." Yang Kaiming laughed beside him, "People who are ambitious will work harder than ordinary people. As long as they control it well, it will definitely be a great help."

"It's not good to be too smart. Such a person will play tricks whenever he has the opportunity." Seeing Xu Ziling's question, everyone guessed what he meant, and Li Cheng also expressed his opinion.

"So we need to control it well. Anyway, there is a lion, so we are afraid of what tricks he will play behind his back?" Hearing what Li Cheng said, Yang Kaiming reminded him with a smile.

"Oh... that's true."

"Then why don't you let this guy bring some people over there to mess up Nicole first? It might be very difficult for us to send troops in a proper way, so let this guy fight for it, and then we send Yang Qianshan and the others over, anyway. Yang Qianshan and the others are mercenaries in the first place, no one knows that they have joined us, when Evya can’t do it, let Yang Qianshan and the others come to occupy the mountain as king?” Gu Hongyuan tends to this method in his heart, he thinks that it is justifiable to occupy Nick It doesn't have much to do with Er and secretly controlling this place.

Different routes lead to the same goal, as long as the result is the same, there is no need to have a name for everything.

To be honest, Xu Ziling is too accustomed to acting in an upright manner, and he pays attention to a name that can be justified by anyone.Just like before, in order to get Markkula here, they insisted on using the name of the country. Although this did not have much impact on them, it limited their development to a certain extent.

This also reflects the limitations of his thinking.

After listening to Gu Hongyuan's words, he knew that he was tending to let people gather Nickel's armed forces. Thinking about the formal attack he considered, the final result was the same.

After thinking about it for a while, he didn't express his opinion immediately, but looked at Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng.

"I think it's okay to avoid trouble. We don't provide any equipment. Besides, as long as things don't make a big fuss, no one will pay attention to these things. There are too many firefights between warlords. Who has Take care of it with such a leisurely mind."

"Yeah, at most, the people who are attacking will notice that this has no effect on us. If we really want to send troops head-on, even if we defeat it at that time, we will not be able to occupy it openly, unless Like Markkula here, we cooperate with the Somali government, and things will be much more troublesome if we do that."

Seeing Xu Ziling's eyes, the two immediately expressed their opinions.

Although it is good to act in an upright manner, it is really troublesome, and Xu Ziling is also aware of this at this moment.

I understand that I can't think about standing on the top of righteousness in everything, but need to be flexible and changeable.

Without thinking about it, he said to Gu Hongyuan: "Let Yang Qianshan and the others try it out first, and then talk to that Evera, and try to take this place for me within three to five months."

"By the way, find someone to buy a batch of AKs. When the time comes, they will be typed. If they need to be included, how much does it cost? Just go to the finance department and tell them. But remember to use an anonymous account."

"Okay, no problem, I'll go and talk to Yang Qianshan right now."

When things are settled, Gu Hongyuan will leave immediately.

Xu Ziling, Yang Kaiming, and Li Cheng haven't got up yet.

"If you say that I'm really not suitable for conspiracy and tricks, I want to do everything in an upright manner." Gu Hongyuan left, and the three brothers don't have to shy away from each other, Xu Ziling said with a self-mockery.

"What kind of conspiracy is this?" Li Cheng was the first to laugh, "It's just that you got into the horns for a while..."

"Yes." Yang Kaiming patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder, "Don't think about it, there are still ten days to get engaged, you should consider this issue."

Time flies so fast, from the time of the decision, there were still two months left, in the middle I was busy with diamonds for a while, here I was busy with tanks for a while, and in the blink of an eye, I was away from my engagement day There are only ten days left.

Mentioning this, Xu Ziling felt inexplicably nervous.

I was nervous, and the self-deprecating thoughts just now flew to the sky, "Don't mention this, when it comes to this, I am always nervous for no reason. For the past two days, I have been dreaming about this every night... "

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