weapons expert

Chapter 770 Unimaginable Explosion Power

Xu Ziling was not surprised that no useful information was obtained from Xuanyuan. No matter what happened, it was definitely not a good thing. Since it was not a good thing, the person who did it must not be careless. It is not surprising, not to mention that he is no longer in charge of Middle East affairs.

There was a technology theft before, and for the sake of the overall situation, the guy who committed the crime is still at large.

If someone really got the tactical watch abroad this time, no matter what the reason, Xu Ziling vowed to kill this guy, even if he fled to the ends of the earth.

After hanging up the phone, Fan Yi's call came. He didn't say much, but just told Xu Ziling that the information he needed had been sent. Xu Ziling could hear the boundless anger from his words, so it was hard to say. What, said that he would check it out immediately, and then hung up the phone.

Thinking about it, I know that not to mention the importance of tactical watches, it is the equipment allocated to frontline personnel, and there are people who do it. Such a thing, whether it is a problem with the general assembly or a problem with the following units, as the minister of the general assembly, how can he Can you tolerate it?

If you get angry, it becomes a matter of course.

He didn't want to imagine how much impact this incident would cause. What Xu Ziling had to do now was to find out the whereabouts of the personnel involved in this operation.

Bamirla, it's not a good place now, if you're not careful, you may fall into a catastrophe.

Let the lion open the information passed by Fan Yi, and several people read it together.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem, I just went to get something..." Soon, after finishing the task briefing, Li Cheng said with relief.

Both he and Yang Kaiming are front-line personnel, and they know the dangers of overseas missions. It used to be one thing not to have a tactical watch, but with this thing, they were "lost" by someone, which greatly increased the danger of the operation. For them, it is an absolutely unforgivable thing.

So after knowing this, especially knowing the current situation of Bamira, as the frontline operators, they are of course worried about those colleagues.

Now that the difficulty of the task is not high, I feel relieved.

"Lion, check the location of these people."

Several people are yellow-skinned. In Bamirla, where there are many black-skinned people, even if the task level is not difficult, it is still dangerous. Mercenaries don’t care who you are. Too bad, after reading the briefing, Xu Ziling breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately let the lions start looking for them again.

The information passed by Fan Yi, photos and resumes are all clear, with such details, and the location of the mission target, it is easy to find, within a minute, the lion said:

"found it."

This time they were agents from the intelligence department. Normally, agents basically acted alone. Considering Bamira's situation this time, four people were dispatched.

Seeing on the big screen, four people dressed as mercenaries, swaggering and appearing on the street in the city, and they were already close to the target location, they were relieved.

"Those mercenaries are about to retreat, and they probably don't have the heart to find trouble, so they are so confident." Yang Kaiming looked at the car on the screen and said with a smile.

"Well, in this case, the more secretive you are, the more you will attract attention. It is indeed better to be open and generous."

"These are agents, they know this better than us..."

I have to admit that those who are good at frontal combat are not as good as the agents when facing this kind of scene behind the enemy lines. After all, the agents usually lurk behind the enemy lines for a long time, and they are very experienced in how to deal with such situations.

Looking at it like this, several people were worrying for nothing.

Soon, another half an hour passed, and the two drones arrived in the sky above the destination. The original plan was to launch an attack as soon as the planes arrived. The plane hovered in the air at high altitude, waiting for the time to attack.

After waiting for 10 minutes, the four agents successfully completed the task and left the city.

Xu Ziling, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately signaled the lion to start the bombing mission.

The mercenaries gathered here mainly for the consignment of weapons. After all, from Syria to Nikkor, they had to pass through many countries on the way, and it was impossible for them all to carry guns.

One block, two houses, this is their temporary gathering place.

In this situation, for Xu Ziling and the others, it was just right, one plane took care of one place, no more, no less.

The main purpose of this visit is bombing, so the magazines carry aerial bombs, special radar-guided bombs.

Compared with cruise missiles, the difference between this kind of bomb is that the range is only [-] kilometers, and the warhead it carries is several times larger than that of cruise missiles. There are also many kinds of fuzes, and there is no difference in the rest.

Same intelligence, same speed.

After receiving the order, the lion controlled the two drones to fly to the target location respectively. When they reached the sky above the target, the same action came: lowering the nose sharply, aiming at the ground target, and at a vertical angle, quickly the sprint.


Seeing his action, Xu Ziling remembered the scene he saw in a movie:

Bombing a building, but the missile cannot penetrate the concrete of the building, so the protagonist chooses the way of sprinting at high altitude to increase the inertia of the missile, so as to achieve the performance of the ground penetrating bomb.

Isn't the lion's behavior exactly the same now?

But it is indeed necessary to sit like that in the movie, but what about the current situation?

The target building is only six floors, and it's just an ordinary house without a basement. Is it necessary to make such a thrilling move?

The only conclusion is that the lion wants to be handsome again.

"This guy..." Li Cheng also saw the lion's intentions and gritted his teeth.

Although Yang Kaiming didn't say anything, he couldn't bear to look directly at his expression.

In the past, Xu Ziling teased lions, saying that he did not understand human beings, but seeing the scene in front of him, he had to say that now it is not that lions do not understand human beings, but that human beings cannot understand the thinking of lions.

md, an intelligent life, actually wants to be handsome in this situation, what's the reason?

Fortunately, this guy still knows the bottom line and didn't mess around. He descended vertically at an altitude of 2 meters, at a speed of Mach 15, and fired three aerial bombs in 100 seconds. Then, when the plane reached an altitude of [-] meters, he leveled the plane. Head, it’s not like in the movie, wait until the drone is only [-] meters above the ground before flying level.

In a quiet night, at an altitude of [-] meters, the sound of the drone could not be heard on the ground. The plane was flying flat, while the bombs launched before flew directly to the roof of the target building in a vertical manner.

Ignite, the rocket engine works, and the speed of the aerial bomb becomes faster.

"Boom boom boom..."

Three loud bangs were heard from the top of two buildings not far apart.

The building did not collapse, but three huge black holes appeared on the ceiling of each floor.

Those who were hit were dead and silent, and those who survived were crying and howling, while those who were not hit were close to the black hole, looking up and down, not knowing what happened.

The aerial bomb was inserted upside down on the first floor of the building, and several work indicator lights flashed rapidly. Even untrained mercenaries knew what it was by now.

Shouting in panic, he turned around and ran away...

It's a pity that time waits for no one. Those who fled hadn't run ten steps before the bomb exploded.

The aerial bomb is nearly four meters long and more than 400 millimeters in diameter, half of which is a warhead, which weighs more than 300 kilograms. One can imagine the power of such a big guy.

"Boom..." In two places, six bombs exploded at the same time, making people think there were only two.

The flames soared into the sky, the sound of the explosion was deafening, and the wreckage scattered and splashed...

"Md, the power of this thing is a bit too big..." Staring at the screen, with the explosion point as the center, a shock wave appeared in the surrounding 1000 meters, and the surrounding buildings collapsed one by one with the shock wave , The ground vehicle flew into the distance like a shell. Seeing this situation, Li Cheng said dumbfounded.

This batch of aerial bombs was not produced until after the year.

It was not Xu Ziling's handwriting, but the improvement of the technicians below. This matter was reported to Xu Ziling, but Xu Ziling believed in the capabilities of the people below, and there were other things at the time, so he didn't pay much attention to it, so he let them do it. , How about the power? This is also the first time he has seen it.

Seeing it with his own eyes, like Li Cheng, he was also taken aback.

Fortunately, there are no civilians around here. If there were any, wouldn't all the hundreds of meters around be dead if the bomb went down?

"Lion, you bastard, you know how powerful it is, but you still throw so much, you're doing demolition." Thinking that the lion must know about this, but didn't remind him, Xu Ziling couldn't help but cursed.

Facing his anger, the lion plausibly said: "I thought you knew!"


Knowing that the lion was making sophistry, Xu Ziling couldn't refute it.

It's really my fault for not being clear, but fortunately there are no civilians here.

But after knocking down so many houses, it must be difficult for Assad and the others to take the blame.

Anyway, although these houses are empty, they still have owners. Maybe no one has said anything now, but it is uncertain whether anyone will come to make trouble after the war.

Besides, this thing is so powerful, it will definitely attract the attention of others, if you want to justify yourself, then you have to think about it.

"Everyone think about how to talk to Assad." He said with a wry smile as he watched the scene where the dust fell to the ground and his eyes were full of desolation.

"What can I say? Just say that I accidentally dropped a few more bombs, otherwise what else can I say?" Li Cheng said disapprovingly.

In his opinion, this kind of thing is really nothing. Anyway, he has done it, so he can just find an excuse. Believe it or not, let outsiders go.

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