weapons expert

Chapter 772 Elite Mercenaries

Involving high-level officials with higher titles than Fan Yi?Xu Ziling was really taken aback.

When did the army start to rot?Last year, several incidents like this were discovered, and now another one has been discovered, and it is also related to armaments.

Armaments, this is the most intolerable thing. This is something for soldiers to save their lives, and some people actually think about it!

Damn it, sin deserves death!

Equipment, that is the bottom line of soldiers.

Xu Ziling couldn't understand what these crazy people were thinking. After listening to what Wu Hong said, there was anger in his heart, but it was more heavy. It is true that no one is perfect, and there are so many "bad guys" in the army It is understandable, but since the anti-corruption campaign in the past two years, why are they all high-ranking officials?

He didn't ask who was responsible for the tactical watch, nor did he ask who the "senior" was, so he silently hung up the phone.

Affected by this incident, he was not in the mood for a whole day. Yang Kaiming was startled when he saw him listless in the afternoon, and asked him what happened.

As a soldier, when such a thing happened to the senior generals of the army, it was inevitable that he felt a little "losing face". Hearing the whole story from Xu Ziling, Yang Kaiming didn't know what to say.

And while the two of them were discussing this matter, Nie Yunjie and Liu Long also got news from their families and went to Xu Ziling's office to tell them, only then did they know that they had heard about this matter.

They are not soldiers, and they feel different from Xu Ziling and the others, but they are also very sorry for what happened to the high-level military.

The last time I asked the lion to check all the activated tactical watches, I knew that the "lost" batch hadn't been opened yet. With the influence of this mess, Xu Ziling didn't bother with this matter at all, and told Nie Yunjie and the others , just let them watch it, anyway, no matter what the situation is, the country will definitely have a result.

Getting upset about this matter, Xu Ziling wanted to vent his thoughts on other things. In this way, Yang Qianshan and Evera in Nicole were targeted.

Most of the things in the military factory are projects, but these projects have been scheduled for a long time, and urging them now may cause the opposite effect.

This is not the case with Nicole, whether it is tight or loose, it all depends on one thought...

As a result, the two guys Yang Qianshan and Efuya were unlucky.

But the most unlucky one was Yang Qianshan. Because Efuya was an outsider, Xu Ziling didn't talk to him directly, but let Gu Hongyuan stare at him, ask them once a day, and let them move from time to time.

But Yang Qianshan is not so lucky. All he has to face is Xu Ziling himself. On the surface, Yang Qianshan is careless, but facing his parents, he is still a little afraid. When he sees Xu Ziling talking to him every day, he knows that he is Got caught by the boss.

Poor him, he thought he had done something wrong. Although he was not panicked, it was inevitable that he felt uneasy.

Fortunately, Xu Ziling's "temper" came and went quickly, and after tossing the two of them for three to five days, he stopped.

He is not a person who doesn't care about anything when he has a temper. He knows that sometimes "presumptuousness" can be enough. If you really want to be serious, it is definitely not a good thing. For a few days, vent your depression in your heart. Naturally, you have to accept it. hands up.

In other words, although he vented his temper, no matter what decision he made, he did not lose his heart and did not mess around. The two teams, Yang Qianshan and Evera, were really underwhelmed during the few days when he "directed blindly". He became ruthless, assassinated, exterminated, wooed, and suppressed... Doing everything he could, he took down several towns in a few days.

Great results.

This can be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

"See, these guys actually have great potential. As long as you suppress them, they will fully display their combat effectiveness..." After venting, his mood will naturally improve. Xu Ziling looked at the progress of the past few days Reported, laughed and joked with Yang Kaiming and others.

After getting along for a few years, Yang Kaiming and the others had never seen him play with his temper. Seeing him so "nonsense" this time was just seeing what a young man should look like, so they didn't stop him at all.

In their eyes, since they knew him at the age of 19, they hadn't seen him "excited" for so many years. They thought he was too young and mature, and didn't have the "vigor" that young people should have. Subconsciously, they thought he was a little abnormal.

Seeing such a scene this time, everyone thought that this was the real Xu Ziling.

Technically, he is a monstrosity. He has not received any formal training before, but he can draw a tie with the elite of the sword, or even slightly better, and he does not have much temper. Such a person is too "perfect", which makes people feel uncomfortable. It feels too real.

Well now, at least it proves that he is still a mortal.

"It's true that your potential has been squeezed out by you, but if you go on like this, it won't be long before you squeeze out everyone." Li Cheng said with a smile.

His words are not wrong. In the past few days, under the command of Xu Ziling, Yang Qianshan and the others have been fighting 24 hours a day, 18 hours a day. Just crossed.

"Ha ha……"

Everyone laughed.

After a few laughs, Xu Ziling became serious and asked the lion to display the area they controlled on the screen.

"Okay, stop joking. Let's think about what to do next." Pointing to the picture made by the lion on the screen, let a few of them pay attention, "After these few months, Nicole has almost half of his The place has fallen into our hands, but looking at the places we control, we know that half of it is really worthless. In the past two days, I found that the Americans have shown signs of activity again. We should speed up the pace of attack .”

"Huh? The Americans are making moves again?"

Because of the small number of people, whether it was Yang Qianshan or Evra, when they first went, they chose the small towns around Nicole to settle down, and then began to expand to the city.

A few months later, the two of them did occupy half of Nichol's territory, but these towns were not that important. Looking at the power control map on the screen, Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng certainly knew this situation.

But what they didn't know was that the Americans had made another move. When Xu Ziling said it, they were really surprised.

Half a month ago, the targeted bombing in Syria made the Americans guess that it was done by a military factory, so after the bombing, there was a rumor that the bomb used in this bombing came from a military factory.

Rumors are rumors, and no one will take the stage to say something without evidence. In the end, it did not cause much reaction. The Americans did not take any action after that, and the mercenaries in several other places also stopped. A movement towards Nicole.

Unexpectedly, after half a month, they made another move.

It is often said to strike while the iron is hot. If the American people really have a tough mind, they shouldn't stop their actions for so long, and now they pop up again. Have they changed their strategy?

"What action?" Yang Kaiming asked.

"There are elite mercenaries appearing."

Xu Ziling only discovered this situation yesterday.

If there were only three or two people, he wouldn't say it out loud, but what he discovered was that the first batch of people had at least 50 people, and according to the fact that the lions monitored their communications, there would be more people arriving one after another. It may reach more than 500.

500 well-equipped veterans may not be able to show much effect on a large-scale battlefield, but in such a small place as Nikkor, such power is somewhat amazing.

Yang Qianshan and the others, except for a small number of elites, are all mobs. How can they stop those elites?

"How many?"

"There are about 50 people arriving now, and there will be more coming later. From the intelligence point of view, it is estimated that the number of people coming will not be less than 500."

"Five hundred elites? In such a small place, five hundred elites are dispatched? Do you know how powerful these people are?" Nickel's place has many mercenaries, pirates, and local armed forces, but most of them are low-level Good thing, mercenaries are okay, there are some powerful characters, but those pirates or local armed forces are completely peasants with guns, they have not received any training at all, and their power is measured by the number of people.

Under such circumstances, Xu Ziling and the others have not mobilized too many elites on their side, but the Americans are 500 when they come, which is really a ruthless move.

"In terms of combat effectiveness, a large part of them don't want to go up and down with Yang Qianshan, and the rest may need to be investigated."

"Hiss..." Li Cheng gritted his teeth, no matter how you look at it, his teeth are sore, "If you really want to let them come over, it won't be fun, let's increase the manpower and get some equipment, otherwise Yang Qianshan They can't stop it."

"Passive defense is not our style." Yang Kaiming glanced at him and said, "There will definitely be more people, but instead of blocking them, it's best to find an opportunity to kill these people."

"It's definitely going to be killed. The bombing didn't make them stop. It seems that they can't be scared." Xu Ziling pondered for a while, and said to several people, "Now I'm thinking about who will lead the team and how many People pass by, how to fight after passing..."

It is normal for mercenaries to be killed or injured, but Xu Ziling regards the people he brought from China very seriously, and he does not want to see a single casualty. The opponent's combat effectiveness is not low, and they cannot casually launch air support. How can we fight well? This "war" is not a simple matter.

Moreover, Nickel's place is full of soldiers. It is definitely not advisable to go deep into the enemy's rear. They can only fight frontally, which makes their actions even more difficult.

It is really difficult to find the right course of action all at once.

[Thanks to Yi Shuiqingxin, tho Pie Ari, Iron Arm Judge, and Xiao Zhongzhong. Monthly pass for dennissee, mochi, and qxg! 】

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