weapons expert

Chapter 844

In the country of Brunei, 50.00% of its total output value is oil.

It can be said that oil is their economic lifeline. No matter in terms of force or commercial strength, Red Star is something that no country can underestimate. To have such a powerful partner...

Especially in the current situation, they only have surprises.

Lang has love and concubine intentions.

Both parties are willing to cooperate, and things will be easy to handle.

The following things developed extremely quickly. In just two days, the two parties officially announced their cooperation intention. With such a result, one can imagine what others will think.

Like the Philippines, they have been entangled with the Chinese government on the South China Sea issue for so many years. Isn’t the interest the most important thing? They have “worked hard” for so many years, but finally got such a result, but Brunei, not only did not get it Red Star's "attack" has actually obtained the right to exploit oil in the ocean.

It's just...

If I knew this earlier, how good would it be to just give up honestly and simply?

Anyway, their country can't resist Red Star's space-based weapons, so it's better to get the right to exploit oil.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

They think so, but some countries don't.

For example, Vietnam.

Xu Ziling was teaching some of his students that day when he suddenly received a call from Gu Hongyuan.

"What did you say? They have such guts?" On the phone, he asked Gu Hongyuan in amazement. He felt that the Yue people were really not afraid of death, and they dared to do such a thing in the current situation.

"Yes, since our drilling ship arrived at the exploration position yesterday, they have made small moves, but they were not serious at that time, so they didn't inform you."

Gu Hongyuan was also very surprised, he didn't understand where the Yue people had such courage.

Red Star's tough attitude on the South China Sea issue can be seen by everyone. For this matter, they did not hesitate to bring in the aircraft carrier formation, and they are still in the South China Sea. Under such circumstances, the Vietnamese dare to come out to stop the drilling Ship work?

What confidence do they have?

So afraid of death?

How can I say that Xu Ziling is also a figure at the level of a boss. It is normal not to inform him of some trivial matters, so he was not angry when he didn't know about it at the first time. After thinking about it, he asked: "Where is the lion? Is there any problem?"

Gu Hongyuan naturally knew what he meant, and immediately replied: "No, the matter is very simple. The people who dispatched are their government agents, and they are completely led by their government."


Vietnam is also a wonderful country. At that time, the relationship between my country and Lao Maozi deteriorated. In order to contain my country, Lao Maozi signed a relevant treaty with Vietnam, which caused Vietnam to make some unreasonable demands on my country on issues such as territory and territorial waters, which eventually led to The Sino-Vietnamese War broke out.

In this war, our army fought all the way to their capital, but in the end, due to some reasons, the army was withdrawn from the territory of Yue State, otherwise, the current Yue State would only be a province of the Celestial Dynasty.

However, it is precisely because of this that the conflict between the two countries has not been resolved.

For ordinary people, Yue is a clown, and there is not much hatred.

But the Yue people are different. Under their government's deliberate distortion of the facts, they believe that the Chinese people were the ones who once invaded their country, and there are historical contradictions that cannot be reconciled.

After contemplating for a while, Xu Ziling thought about a lot, and the most important thing he thought of was how to face this matter now.

A gentler approach, or a thunderous blow?

"Okay, I see, let everyone get together and discuss how to solve this matter."

After thinking for a while, I still couldn't think of a suitable way, so I said it to Gu Hongyuan.



Half an hour later, inside the command center.

The high-level members of the military factory and the members of the newly established strategy department gathered together.

"Old Gu, please introduce the situation to everyone." When all the staff arrived, Xu Ziling looked around, and then signaled to Gu Hongyuan.

Gu Hongyuan was in charge of this matter. No one knew what happened better than him. After hearing what Xu Ziling said, he immediately stood up and began to introduce it to everyone.

"The thing is like this, since yesterday..."

The whole incident was very simple to say, and he explained it in detail in less than 5 minutes.

Like Xu Ziling, everyone who knew about this found it inconceivable.

Do you think the Yue people are crazy? Are they not afraid of their aircraft carrier formations and space-based weapons?

Are they so nationalistic?

"They are typically not afraid of death. Maybe they think we can't do anything to them?" Just as Gu Hongyuan finished speaking, Li Cheng's puzzled voice sounded.

"It's really courageous." Yang Kaiming nodded, "They actually used underwater frogmen to stop the operation of the drilling ship, and they used serious agents. Did they get kicked in the head?"

The two are soldiers. Although they have been exposed to more business activities in the past two years, they have not changed. They still pay attention to military things. When they talk, they also come from a military perspective.

But Nie Yunjie and the others were different. After hearing Gu Hongyuan's introduction, they immediately thought of the motives of the Yue people.

"This country does not have the ability to extract oil, but they have the largest interests in the South China Sea through bidding. Now that they have such a move, they are obviously unwilling to lose this huge interest..."

Nie Yunjie frowned and said.

"That's right..." Liu Long next to him took over the conversation, "If we don't handle this matter well, they will do it like this every day, and our work here will really be difficult to carry out."

"Well." Of course Xu Ziling knows the importance of this matter. If it is not handled well, it is possible that several other countries will come to the same place. "The reason why we called everyone is to solve this problem. For us, the South China Sea issue It must be dealt with properly, for the Yue country, whether it is from the text or the military, we need to discuss it."

He was right. For them, the solution to this matter was nothing more than these two methods.

It will help the corporate image to some extent, but in this way, the matter may have to be resolved slowly.

To a certain extent, those who came to Wuxi made people think of Red Star's domineering style, but this method was the fastest to work, and for an arms company like them, this method was also the most handy.

How to choose?

"I think it's better to just fuck them hard once." It was Li Cheng who spoke.

"Yeah, these ungrateful guys, I don't like them for a long time. It must be because we don't do anything in the Philippines this time, they have become bolder." Yang Kaiming now has an angry youthful look on his face. Just hit them hard once, and see if they dare to stab them in the future..."

The opinions of the two are very clear, that is to fight.

However, Xu Ziling and Nie Yunjie thought more about it, and instead of agreeing immediately, they thought about various possibilities.

Seeing that they didn't speak, the two felt a little anxious, especially Li Cheng, who said to Xu Ziling, "What else are you thinking about? It's not like you can't beat them..."

Xu Ziling smiled wryly. He wanted to fight himself, but as the largest shareholder of the military factory, he had to consider the image of the company. Didn’t you see that the world’s major arms companies would not directly participate in the war?

They will promote the birth of a battlefield behind the scenes, but they will definitely not send people directly to participate in the battle.

Arms companies are a special industry that is quite controversial. If they really call for beatings here and there, unless they don't want to lose face...

Facing two militants, he had to explain his concerns.

"That's right, because of our particularity, we need to pay more attention." As soon as he said it, Nie Yunjie immediately agreed with him, "We are the most powerful, and it is impossible for us to fight against the countries of the whole world. Come on, there are many people who are not afraid of death."

Yang Kaiming and the others are not stupid, it's just that they don't think much about business matters. Xu Ziling and Nie Yunjie's words are so clear. Looking at the expressions of Liu Long and the others, they immediately realized that they didn't think carefully. place.

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Li Cheng glanced at Yang Kaiming, and said embarrassedly: "It's true that we didn't think carefully, but even so, we just watch them go wild like this?" After talking about it, he became serious , "Now we have settled the Philippine country, but it is not safe. If the matter of Yue country is delayed for a long time, it is not guaranteed that they will go back on their word..."

In a word!

Although Li Cheng is usually careless, his mind is extremely careful. What he said is what they need to consider most now.

If things drag on for too long, things that were originally settled may change.

In this way, the originally good situation suddenly turned bad.

At that time, they may have no other choice but to fight.

Although relevant agreements have been signed with the Philippines, what are these agreements in the context of huge benefits?

But it can be torn at any time.

"This is indeed what I am most worried about now." Xu Ziling smiled wryly again, "If you want to resolve this matter gently, it will definitely not be resolved in three or two days, and things will change later..."

"Do you want Nitan to come forward?"

Liu Long said suddenly.

"Nitan?" Everyone looked at him, and Xu Ziling did the same. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that the aircraft carrier formation also borrowed Nitan's name.

In this case, the troubles of reputation can indeed be solved to a certain extent.

Although many people know that the aircraft carrier formation belongs to Red Star, the aircraft carrier belongs to Nitan in name, and Red Star is now an enterprise of Nitan.

Americans don't often do this?

"This is indeed feasible. Although it can't be used much, and it may not be very clever, but it is the best way now. I think Nitan should come out and make a statement first. If the Yue people are still like this, then let's worry about it." Xu Ziling slightly After thinking about it, he finally said.

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