weapons expert

Chapter 849 Core Members of the Temple Organization

Go quietly, go back quietly.

After the task was completed, the operatives did not return to their foothold, but drove directly to the beach, and then boarded a speedboat and sailed into the vast sea.

Ten minutes later, when they boarded the warship in the Malacca Strait, everyone in Xu Ziling was completely relieved.

Only then did the lion get the idea to send the data back and start checking it.

"There are useful materials for us, but the most important thing is to record them in passwords, but there is no corresponding code book in it. I need time to decrypt them." A few minutes later, the lion told everyone.

This time, the base is completely an intelligence organization, unlike the ones in Egypt and the Mediterranean, which have a lot of weapons and equipment. Hearing what the lion said, Xu Ziling and the others immediately realized two possibilities.

One is that the intelligence agency of the Temple organization was originally so strict.

Second, because of the affairs of Egypt and the Mediterranean base, this organization has become more careful.

But no matter what, they can't go in vain this time.

Let the lion pass an unencrypted data to each of them, and then let him speed up the decryption. It is not too easy to think about the data that can be recorded in this way on the computer.

"As long as it is a password, there must be a certain pattern. Don't worry, it will definitely be cracked. It's just a matter of time. It's a day at the earliest, and ten days at the latest. I will definitely get it done." Lion said confidently.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

For this kind of matter, Xu Ziling was most relieved to leave it to him, so he nodded immediately.


Sure enough, as the lion said, the information exists, but the most important thing is that it is encrypted. Xu Ziling spent several hours reading the unencrypted information, and did not get much useful things from it.

It only records some related actions in the past, but there are no specific things at all, and it doesn't have much effect on them.

If you want to infer other things based on these, it is better to wait for the lion to decipher the rest of the information.

Li Cheng was a little discouraged, and threw the tablet on the sofa, "It's completely useless, it seems that I can only wait for the lion."

Xu Ziling was a little surprised that these things were stored in such a strict place, and they were encrypted by an unknown method. Seeing Li Cheng's appearance, he smiled, "These materials are really not too much. Useful, but from what we have seen, it also proves that the remaining part must be very important, doesn't this prove the role of these materials..."

The words were a bit convoluted, Li Cheng was stunned for a moment before he figured it out, and smiled, "That's not bad, you said that, I'm looking forward to something in the encrypted part, the only bad thing is that you have to wait, It's not that you don't know, I hate waiting the most..."

"Ha ha……"

After hearing this, everyone laughed.

Not to mention him, but among everyone sitting, who likes to wait?

Unless lurking!

Since it takes time to decipher, there is no rush for this matter, and while waiting, another new matter comes.

The Ryukyu independence event announced the first referendum!

The specific matters of this matter have been handled domestically, but in order to ensure the stability after independence, the defense and security of the Ryukyu Islands will be handed over to Red Star.

So even though Xu Ziling and the others can't intervene now, when it comes to their future interests, they have to focus on it.

"How could it be so sudden? There was no news before." After receiving Fan Yi's call, Xu Ziling immediately told everyone the news.

There has always been a connection with Ryukyu, but they have never heard of this news, no wonder they are surprised.

Facing everyone's questions, Xu Ziling himself was at a loss. When Fan Yi contacted him, he was not discussing with him, but notifying him. He shook his head and said, "Mr. , He only said that it will be held in half a month. In order to ensure the smooth holding of the referendum, the Ryukyu Islands will hire our defense company to be responsible for the security this time. Let us prepare, and the other party will contact us soon."

"This is a good thing."

Nie Yunjie laughed.

According to the original agreement, the Red Star will officially debut after the Declaration of Independence is issued, and now it appears first, which is not a good thing for them.

It seems that the country has put a lot of effort into this matter.

"Well, it's really a good thing."

Red Star wants to have their influence and economic interests in the world, and the country needs to rectify the structure. In any case, it is best for them to extend their tentacles into the Ryukyu Islands as soon as possible.

"Then Lao Gu, hurry up and discuss with Smith, and prepare all the personnel and equipment."

After chatting for a while, Xu Ziling finally said to Gu Hongyuan.

"No problem, leave it to me. I promise that as soon as there is news from there, we can move here."

A referendum is a public vote by all the people.

According to normal procedures, within a certain period of time, such an activity can only be done once, that is to say, whether Ryukyu can become independent depends on this referendum.

If the number of people in favor cannot exceed half, then the independent business is over, and it will not be possible to initiate a vote again for a considerable period of time.

One can imagine how important this referendum is.

I don't understand why it happened so suddenly, but due to the importance of this matter, the country and the Ryukyu royal family must have made sufficient preparations, otherwise it wouldn't have happened, so Xu Ziling and the others didn't think much about it.

Following the order, Gu Hongyuan quickly made preparations, and the next day, as Fan Yi said, people from Ryukyu contacted Red Star and formally requested security.

According to normal procedures, when a region is not yet independent, it does not have the right to recruit armed forces, but the current situation is different.

Firstly, with Red Star’s attack on the port of Yokosuka, an island country, and secondly, the Ryukyu Islands have always been under the trusteeship of the United States. Because of the presence of Red Star, the United States has basically given up on related plans in Asia, and there are no more obstacles at all. Red Star action.

Of course, what is more important is the current strength of Red Star.

With the power to solve the South China Sea issue, who would dare to stop it?

Three days later, Shen Fei, a large passenger plane and a transport plane, started its first commercial voyage, and the destination was Markkula.

Markkula's airport had considered the arrival of heavy-duty transport aircraft at the beginning. When it was established, it was built according to the highest standards. Of course, large-scale aircraft with a load of several hundred tons are no problem.

When the two planes landed on the runway smoothly, the people on the Red Star side had already gathered and the logistics were ready.

In the first half of the year, Shenfei has carried out far and near tests on transport planes and large passenger planes, and now they can be put into normal use. The first use object is Red Star, which of course has its meaning.

Simple maintenance and inspection, all equipment began to be loaded on the transport plane, and then 500 people began to board the plane.

The start of the referendum was less than one month away, which was really tight. After all the personnel arrived, there was not much rest time, and the assignment of tasks began immediately, as well as familiarization with the task situation.

The importance of this matter is self-evident. After they arrived, Lu Feng and Smith, who were in charge of leading the team, immediately obtained the referendum site from the Ryukyu side. After a short rest, they let the team members start Sent to the scene.

This mission is different from the previous Syrian war. It is a typical security mission. Among the people in the military factory, Smith has the most experience in this field, so even though he is the principal of the training school, Xu Ziling and the others still let him take this role. The person in charge of this mission, and Lu Feng, who is good at combat, is his deputy.

The two have known each other for several years, so there is naturally no problem in cooperating.


Security work is not just about standing there and guarding. There are countless details that need to be noticed. Fortunately, Smith is an expert in this field. Seeing that his arrangements are well organized, Xu Ziling and the others did not intervene. up.

Ten days passed in a flash, and when the people on the Ryukyu side had fully entered the state, the lion's side also had results.

"Come out?" Everyone in Xu Ziling immediately gathered in the command center after receiving the lion's notice.

"That's right, all of them have been cracked. Apart from the list of members in Southeast Asia, there is another unexpected surprise." Lion didn't intend to keep it secret, "It records one of their online, American, I just checked his Identity, guaranteed to surprise you..."

The information that can surprise the lion is definitely not simple.

When he said this, everyone put aside other materials and asked about the American.

It's no wonder that being able to become an upline of a branch is definitely a core member of the organization. If they can get the temple organization out of this person, that's what they would like to see the most.

"Oh, let's talk about this person first, what is his identity? It must not be simple."

"Well, it's not easy, you see." Lion put the information on the big screen, "This is the current identity of this person, Deputy Director of CIA Asia Branch."


CIA, an intelligence agency, has its tentacles all over the world. According to what Xu Ziling and the others know, this intelligence agency has a branch in every state except the mainland. That is to say, except for the director and deputy director of the headquarters, the heads of all continents are the most powerful. up.

As the deputy director of an intercontinental branch, one can imagine that this is definitely a man with all-hands and eyes.

No wonder the Lions said it would be surprising.

He is only a core member of the temple organization, and according to previous understanding, this status should not be too high, but in reality he is actually a senior official of CIA.

If the identity of this organization is more important, what kind of identity will it be in reality?

Is it possible that the president of the United States of that term may be a member of this organization?

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