weapons expert

Chapter 897

"Besides, if the space-based weapons fail, isn't there a laser anti-missile vehicle..." Xu Ziling couldn't figure out what Fan Yi was thinking, but he clearly stated what he was thinking.

In his view, guided missiles are really stress-free in front of space-based weapons and laser anti-missile vehicles.

After hearing what he said, Fan Yi on the other end of the phone didn't speak for a long time. If it wasn't for the soft breathing sound from the microphone, Xu Ziling would have thought he was gone.

Half a minute later, "Are you 100% sure you can intercept?"

But this is what I'm worried about!

Xu Ziling understood in his heart.

I have 100% confidence in space-based weapons and laser anti-missile vehicles, but this does not mean that others also have this confidence.

It's no wonder that the laser anti-missile vehicle is fine. After all, there has been an actual combat, but space-based weapons have never intercepted missiles and missiles in actual combat.

"No problem. If there is an accident, if you don't want to speak, I will screw my head off," this was not the time to be polite, and he swore a poisonous oath to express his confidence.

After saying such cruel words, Fan Yi can't say much more. As long as they can be sure that they can handle the worst situation, there will be no problem. The most important thing right now is to report the news to the higher-ups immediately and discuss these matters. possible impact.

He continued to ask a few more questions, learned some other information, and hung up the phone hastily.

Regardless of the reaction from above, Xu Ziling felt that what he should do had already been done, and the next step was to wait for how things would develop.

Of course, you have to be prepared before that.

Space-based weapons have always been controlled by the lion, and there is no problem talking to the lion, but laser anti-missile vehicles do not have red stars in China, and they all belong to the country, so we need to communicate in this regard.

To say that the batch of laser anti-missile vehicles in China was donated by Red Star at the beginning, just after the independence of Ryukyu. It was originally meant to be arranged at the Naha Naval Base, but later Fan Yi and him mentioned the country’s missiles and missiles. As for the defense plan, Xu Ziling felt that sending two or three units was a gift, and it didn't matter if there were a few more.

Therefore, a total of twenty units were provided and arranged along the entire east coast, forming a small missile defense.

Due to geographical relations, most of these anti-missile vehicles are under the control of the navy. They have a relationship with the East China Sea Fleet. In addition, I have said hello to Fan Yi. It is no problem to communicate with them and let them stand by. .

This kind of thing can be said to be a crisis or an opportunity. If it happens, if they succeed in intercepting it, it will be a time to become famous.

Crisis and opportunity coexist, and with the guarantee of space-based weapons, the people above have thought about it. Once Xu Ziling communicated with the East China Sea Fleet, the other party quickly made a decision.

Cooperate with space-based weapons to deal with what may happen this time.

Seeing that the New Year is coming, Xu Ziling has a lot of things on hand, but after this incident, he didn't have much time to look at those documents, and put most of his thoughts on the information center.

The rice army moved very quickly. When the special squad entered the desert base, the strength of the three battalions was also assembled.

More than 1000 people in the three battalions did not seem to be many, but they began to gather on the mainland. Even if they were mobilized in the name of exercises, the movements of the personnel inevitably spread.

The Temple Organization is not an organization like Al Qaeda. With the defection incident of Area 51 personnel, strangers appeared around the town of the desert base, and now there is a large-scale army gathering. Combine these situations, how can they I wonder if their base might have been exposed?

As Xu Ziling had guessed before, although the Temple organization knew that their base had weapons of mass destruction, it would definitely be unrealistic to formally confront the national army.

Determined that the Mi Army was going to attack them, they immediately began to refuel the strategic missiles, trying to put all their eggs in one basket.

Over the past few days, it has been determined that this desert town has an underground base of the Temple Organization. The military satellites of the Mi Army have been staring at this place. The Temple organization began to refuel the strategic missiles in the silos. The satellite was discovered immediately.


At a certain base in the Nevada desert, the monitoring system suddenly sounded harsh sirens, waking up the sleepy duty personnel.

Looking at the satellite pictures intercepted by the monitoring system on the screen, the blood-red code kept flashing on the screen, and the attendant suddenly fell asleep, because he understood the meaning of the code.

Strategic missiles!

How can it be?

How could there be strategic missiles in this place?

With trembling hands, he immediately picked up the phone on the emergency line, "Report, the target location has appeared..."

As the news spread, the temporary headquarters of the Mi Army's operation immediately seemed to be on fire.

There is no way, the news is really scary. Even if Beibangzi or Liangyi discovered strategic missiles, they did not react so violently, but this is their homeland.

How is it possible to discover an intercontinental strategic missile that is not under the control of the country?

Thinking how many people would die if this exploded in their country's cities? How much impact would it have on their country?

Thinking of this, every officer who was temporarily assembled in the headquarters was frightened into a cold sweat.

This is the biggest homeland security crisis in the United States in recent decades. Even the Cuban missile incident back then was not as serious as this time.

The supreme commander of the headquarters didn't care that it was early morning, and immediately called the Minister of National Defense and reported the frightening news.

The minister, the vice president, the president... For a moment, all the top leaders of the US government were shocked.


At this time, it happened to be the time for Red Star to leave work. Xu Ziling, Yang Kaiming, Li Cheng, and Luo Zhen, the person in charge of the security department, had no intention of leaving get off work. They all gathered in the information center and watched the development of the situation closely.

"It's very lively now. Guess what the Americans will do? Send a special team to infiltrate or..." Li Cheng looked at the picture on the screen and said gloatingly.

"Americans like this. They always think that their special forces are omnipotent. They should be dispatched first." Although Yang Kaiming's words sounded like interrogative sentences, his tone was very certain.

Luo Zhen came to this position after Xu Ziling and the others went to Markkula. He didn't get along with them too much, so he couldn't let go of his words. Speaking, just nodded slightly, expressing his approval.

But Xu Ziling didn't care much about this. He knew that no matter what the Mi Army would do in advance, it would definitely fail in the end.

I looked at the time, "What's the matter, we'll just wait and see the result, anyway, we'll know soon, but it's getting late now, and it looks like we might have to stay up all night tonight, so we'll call home Greetings, and Lao Luo, send someone to bring some meals, we will just make do with it here today."

With his reminder, several people realized that it was time to get off work. Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng called Liu Yiyi and Tang Jing, who were about to get off work, respectively. Luo Zhen answered "yes" and went to make food himself.

At this time, they were not the only ones who were prepared to stay up all night. General Staff Fan Yi's office, the East China Sea Fleet Headquarters... and many other places showed no signs of going off work on weekdays, but there was a tense atmosphere.

Before Luo Zhen's food was brought, Xu Ziling, who was sitting in the information center, received a call from Fan Yi.

"Are you ready?" Fan Yi's tone was not as casual as before, but was unusually serious and serious.

At this time, Xu Ziling certainly wouldn't be foolish, and replied equally seriously: "I'm ready, just wait for the development of the situation."

"Okay, pay attention to the situation at all times." Fan Yi didn't say much, and quickly hung up the phone.

In the past few days, there were only a few of them in the information center. Soon after dinner, the sky was completely dark. An hour later, the Mi Jun's action plan came out.

It was no different from what Li Cheng guessed, it was still the old routine of the Mi Army: dispatch four special forces teams to conduct surprise raids on the four silos respectively, in order to destroy the missile launch system.

"The Mi Army still has 20 hours to operate. If you say that this group of special forces fails, what will they do?" Li Cheng began to predict with relish again.

The big screen is divided into four screens, which are the advance screens of the four special teams. Seeing these people, without exception, in full armor and sitting in a helicopter, it is predetermined that they will fail soon. It is no wonder that Li Cheng said so if.

They are not like the Mi Army. They don’t have specific information about this desert base. They have strategic missiles and bombs, and they don’t have an air defense system.

If you are smart, you can stop and walk over more than ten kilometers away, and you can last for a few more hours, but if you get closer, then you can watch the big fireworks.

"In this case, bombing is definitely impossible, because they still don't know what type of strategic missile the other party is..." Xu Ziling shook his head, "From fueling to launch, there are at most 20 hours, after this failure, the time left for them is not to mention, the large troops behind will definitely not be able to gather here in ten hours, so the biggest possibility is that they will use their space-based weapons. "

"The Temple organization also has space-based weapons, so they don't have the means to counter it?" Yang Kaiming thought of what he saw at the desert base a few years ago.

Xu Ziling was taken aback for a moment, realizing that there was something he hadn't considered.

"This base definitely doesn't have it, but since they have this thing, they are not sure if the base we don't know has such a method. It seems that this is another variable."


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