weapons expert

Chapter 917 Like a Dog

When such a big move was involved, no one dared to be negligent. After receiving the news from Xu Ziling, all the high-level executives immediately put down their work no matter what they were doing and held a video conference overnight.

"The most important issue now is the dispute over the Kashmir region, and this issue also involves the establishment of pipelines in the future. Are you sure to solve this issue?" Zhao Xueqin said first.

As a shareholder of Red Star, she is also Xu Ziling's mother-in-law, so she is not like other people in some matters, and needs to consider the tone of her speech, so she asked the most pointed questions as soon as she opened her mouth.

In fact, matters involving oil transportation channels should be considered by the country, but from the standpoint of Red Star, as long as they can intervene in the country's refined oil market, they have to consider this issue.

As for entering the domestic refined oil market, this issue is not a problem. Like Zhao Xueqin, everyone is now considering whether the dispute in the Kashmir region can be resolved. After Zhao Xueqin's opening, everyone is paying attention to this issue.

"Sure?" Xu Ziling and Nie Yunjie next to him smiled, "Our certainty is nothing more than fighting, and fighting so that Ah San is honest. Because of the situation in Pakistan, they really want to find an ally now, but because We can completely intervene in what happened in the morning, and of course there is no need to confront it head-on, just now we thought about it a few times, and raised the port request with Pakistan in the name of arms aid."

"In this way, we can kill two birds with one stone. It solves the problem of the Kashmir region and the port. Of course, the more important thing is to let everyone know that since someone has offended us, they have to pay a corresponding price."

"The importance of building a port here, whether it is for the country or our Red Star, I don't think I need to say more. I just contacted the above. The above means that as long as we can ensure that the port can be established, other None of that is a problem.”

They all know that the Red Star Group and the military industry are basically not profitable. It’s not that they don’t make money, but that Xu Ziling has invested too much in research and development over the years. He sold missiles and helicopters a few times. All of them have been sent to the research and development department, and the real money for the group is oil, diamond mines, and steel, which are not important areas.

In order for the military industry to develop better, it is necessary to make profits. Once the port is established, it will indeed bring them good benefits, let alone consider this matter from the height of the country.

With the approval from above and Xu Ziling's self-confidence, everyone basically had no doubts, and within half an hour, the decision was made.

"That's it. You should first see the reaction of the Pakistani government. If it is feasible, the headquarters will act immediately."

"Okay, that's it."

With the consent of all shareholders, the work on Baguo's side began.

Of course, this kind of thing should not be too urgent, because if it is too hasty, Pakistan will take the initiative and they will be passive. The next day's itinerary is still a few meetings. He made an excuse not to go, but asked Nie Yunjie to take someone with him.

During the meeting, the Pakistani side still maintained their enthusiasm for inquiring about yesterday's events, and kept asking about Red Star's attitude from Nie Yunjie himself and his assistants. Naturally, they would not show their words now after they had discussed it, but just pretended The deaf and dumb did not understand what the Pakistani staff said.

However, it was such a coincidence that on the third day, Lao Mi dispatched fighter planes three times to bomb four targets in Pakistan on the grounds of fighting terrorists.

In the past week, the Mi Army has indeed dispatched several times, but this is the first time that it has dispatched three times in one day like this day. Such a situation made the Pakistani government panic and use force against Mi?They have neither the guts nor the ability.

But they are also a sovereign country, so it is impossible for people to mess around on their own territory, right?That would be ridiculed by other countries.

Therefore, they wanted to drag Hongxing into the water even more. At the banquet that night, people from the Pakistani side even bluntly asked Nie Yunjie if he could help them.

Knowing this situation, Xu Ziling was also a little stunned.

This old rice is too powerful, as if I let them do this.

Now that they have made it clear, there is no need for them to be reserved. On the fourth day, after the foundation stone laying ceremony of the fighter factory located tens of kilometers east of Rambo, Nie Yunjie and the Pakistani Prime Minister who attended the ceremony started to discuss another cooperation. up.

The Pakistani side wants to make an ally so that the Americans will not be so rampant, and the facts of the past two years have proved that Red Star is the best choice. As for Red Star, they want to get the complete autonomy of Gwadar Port. Let's talk about it, and soon there is a preliminary cooperation intention.

Red Star does not participate in the war directly, but leases fighter planes and satellites to Pakistan, and also provides a certain amount of missiles and other weapons and ammunition, intelligence and other resources to promote Pakistan's overall victory in the Kashmir region. This is definitely a fatal for Pakistan. temptation.

Compared with their request for a certain degree of militarization of Gwadar Port, as well as the subsequent port construction and oil pipeline construction, these are really not too big a problem. After all, the contract signed with China before involves a large part of this place. The problem is that Red Star raised a little bit more this time.

Autonomy, what is this? When American companies came here, they demanded the right to police patrols, and they could independently decide to take various security and defense measures, even independent of Pakistan's high-tech communication network.

This kind of agreement, which is equivalent to betraying the country, was signed and drafted at the beginning. Can't Red Star agree to such a request?

Ever since, the Pakistani side immediately held an emergency meeting of the president, and in the shortest possible time, reached a consensus among the high-level officials, and launched cooperation negotiations with Red Star at an unprecedented speed.

At this time, the outside world has long been attracted by the red star, and there are many rumors and speculations among countries.

The reason for this is of course the previous incident in which the Asan missile locked on the Red Star airliner.

The strength of Red Star in the past two years has been seen by everyone. What is going on with this Ah San, to use missiles to target their president's private plane?

Is it intentional or unintentional?Do you want to shoot down the Red Star plane?Or do you just want to disgust Red Star?

What makes people feel even more weird is that Red Star just issued an announcement in a bland manner, without even a word of condemnation. What is going on?

Isn't that how they act?

Could it be that a bigger storm is brewing under this calm?

What's more, the whole incident was so weird that they didn't know this. The other party involved in the incident: Ah San, unexpectedly, did not make any movement, not even a little excuse?

What the hell is going on?

Regardless of outsiders' guesses, Xu Ziling and his team moved quickly with Pakistan. On the sixth day when he, Yang Kaiming, and Li Cheng took a few women to play around Lambo, Nie Yunjie, who was negotiating with Pakistan, heard the news good news.

"Basically, the negotiation has been concluded. The only thing that has not been confirmed yet is that they want to make the news of the cooperation between the two parties public, but I am planning to delay it for a while according to your wishes." Yang Kaiming told Xu Ziling this way on the phone.

Xu Ziling thought for a while, "What is their reason for doing this?"

"It can put pressure on Lao Mi as soon as possible. Do you think we should say hello to Lao Mi and let them take it easy?"

"Lao Mi, I've learned about it in the past few days. The targets of their sky raids are indeed not good people, so it's not easy for us to show up." Xu Ziling pondered for a while, "I think so, Ba Fang will do this. The main reason is that Lao Mi didn’t inform them formally, so he felt a little embarrassed, so why don’t we come forward and let them sign an agreement similar to cooperation in anti-terrorism, so that they won’t feel ashamed.”


What he said was too blunt, which made Nie Yunjie somewhat unacceptable, what a shame, shame, how could this happen to a majestic South Asian country?

One day later, the negotiations between the two parties were completed. In order to take action as soon as possible, Pakistan could not wait to sign a cooperation agreement with Red Star in the afternoon.

At this point, Xu Ziling's trip to Pakistan was successfully concluded, so on the second day, their plane took off from the Lambo Military Airport and returned to China.

Something like that happened on the way here. To be on the safe side when returning home, the plane activated the stealth function when it was close to the Kashmir area, and it was not turned off until it flew over the border and entered the domestic airspace.

The relevant conditions promised by Red Star are actually the result of asking the country for instructions. There is no way, some things must be nodded, such as the lease of fighter jets to Pakistan.

The lease of this fighter plane includes pilots, pilots, logistics and other personnel. Red Star has fighter jets, but they have no one. If you want to lend it to Pakistan, you can only come from the country.

After returning to Star City, under the leadership of Teacher Lin, a group of flight crew members transferred from the Air Force came to Red Star. "Haha... good boy, you made a big fuss again this time."

When Mr. Lin saw Xu Ziling, he laughed and said.

Xu Ziling smiled wryly, greeted casually, arranged the pilots and others first, and then spoke seriously with Mr. Lin.

"It's not that I want to cause trouble, it's that Ah San has gone crazy. If that's the case, we don't want to express it. We're sorry, aren't we?"

An old soldier like Mr. Lin knows Ah San's virtues. He stopped laughing and said seriously: "For such a guy, we should let them suffer, otherwise he really doesn't have a long memory. Look at the 60s , Although we won the battle, the result is the same as if we lost the battle. It is because of this that they are rampant. Decades ago, the British asked them to do whatever they wanted, like a dog."


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