weapons expert

Chapter 973 The Plan to Subvert the Island Country

"But even if our guess is correct, there is a restricted area for planes and ships, how can we be sure?" Yang Kaiming said to the two.

"It seems to be true." With his reminder, Xu Ziling and Li Cheng realized that there was such an important issue.

The reason why Bermuda is called the devil's land is because as long as the planes and ships pass by there, the possibility of accidents is very high, and once it enters the center, there is basically no life. It's useless to use the machine.

"Forget it, let's ignore these things for now." There was really nothing to do at once, and the few people had no choice but to give up.

"Lion, you still keep an eye on it. If our guess is correct, then there must be abnormalities in these two days."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you even if you don't tell me."

Ignoring it for the time being does not mean giving up. If Bermuda is the last home of the Temple organization, judging from all the signs over the years, whether it is Earth people controlling this place or alien life, this place will not let him take it too seriously. , because they have been hidden from the eyes of the world since they were discovered until now, which means that there are various restrictions here, and there is not enough ability, otherwise, they would have emerged to dominate the world long ago.

The most important thing right now is to get rid of their influence in various countries. As for the old nest, it is the same to find a way later.

"What's the reaction from those countries?" Not long after the discussion, Yang Haisheng called, and they immediately asked about the situation in each country.

Yang Haisheng sighed, his tone was both helpless and dignified, "The Americans are smart and have already controlled all the temple members in their government agencies, but Russia and the United Kingdom are still waiting to see..."

This was expected, but when things came to an end, a few people couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. They didn't have the great morality of compassion, but they didn't want to see the world fall into chaos, but since those countries didn't believe it, they still to do something.

"Is there any decision up there?"

"There is no final decision, but since yesterday, some countries have begun to evacuate their citizens."

"Is this how you see things happen?"

"There is no proper way now, but there are ways to think about it, and we will certainly not turn a blind eye."


Yang Haisheng didn't want to talk too much about this matter, so he talked to a few people, quickly changed the subject, warned them about some things, and said some people's opinions above, and then hung up the phone.

"Now we are basically sure that this organization wants to dominate the world, but dominating the world also needs a reason, political ambition or...according to our previous guess, if their leaders are really aliens or alien intelligence, then why would they want to Dominate the earth? Loot resources?" Several people were silent for a while, and Xu Ziling suddenly said in a deep voice.

Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng looked at each other and smiled wryly.

"Unless we catch this mysterious leader or all members of the council, see if we can get some information from them."

Xu Ziling smiled wryly now, and said that if the leader of the temple organization cannot be caught, they will not know the reason, "Then I will not talk about it, but I think this matter is also a big problem for the country. Chance."

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Kaiming and Li Chengcheng understood what he meant.

"The above must have considered it. According to my guess, it is definitely not enough to rely on our country alone. It is estimated that we need to find an ally, and the biggest possibility of this ally is the United States."

"Well, no choice."

In fact, Russia has always had disputes with the country on the territorial issue. Of course, this is only one aspect. The main thing is that this formerly huge country has not been able to recover after the split. In this feast of the century, he is definitely a good ally.

One day passed quickly. In such a long time, among the dozens of countries involved in this matter, only a few countries such as the United States, Pakistan, and others believed this matter and responded accordingly.

After getting the news from Yang Haisheng, Xu Ziling and the others realized that the world might be in chaos.

"How about the evacuation work?"

"The time is too short, we can only do our best." Yang Haisheng sighed.

There are tens of millions of overseas Chinese in China around the world. With such a large base, it is simply impossible to withdraw them in just a few days, let alone ask them to return to China for no reason.

"Not to mention far away, where are the Asian countries?"

"Considering the reactions of various countries before, the evacuation of overseas Chinese is mainly voluntary, so there is no achievement. It is estimated that there are nearly one million people in South Korea and Southeast Asian countries. Fortunately, fewer people have gone to island countries in the past two years. Otherwise, We have more headaches."

The island country is the only developed country in Asia, so many citizens went to the island country to make a living before. Of course, those who intend to obtain the citizenship of the island country are not excluded. Electronics and other industries are gradually getting rid of their dependence on island countries, and the good momentum of domestic development has made most people abandon island countries and return to China.

Xu Ziling remembered that he had read the figures five years ago. At that time, there were 70 domestic expatriates in the island country. This did not include those who had obtained the citizenship of the island country. If the number is still the same now, then think about how serious the consequences will be. ?You must know that the island country is the hardest hit area in Asia this time.

"What's going on in the island country?" With a twitch in his heart, he instantly had an idea.

Yang Haisheng wasn't sure what he was asking about, "He's so rampant even if he's short, he didn't think what we said was true at all. At the second meeting, he said that their intelligence department had already checked, and we The news is completely false, and they keep slapping them in the face, but in terms of evacuating overseas Chinese, these guys did not stop them, but gave the green light."

Xu Ziling really didn't know about these things, but he knew from Yang Haisheng's tone that this matter must have made the higher-ups not very happy. "Should some domestic institutions have connections with the Red Army?"

Yang Haisheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant. He pondered for a moment, "This time the matter is different from the previous ones. It is not easy for the country to come forward."

Xu Ziling was delighted, "Then why don't I ask someone to try it?"

Yang Haisheng pondered again, and after getting old for a while, he said: "It's okay to get in touch first, anyway, it's an old rule, and this matter has nothing to do with the country."

"Well, if there is any progress, I will tell you."

The Japanese Red Army was once classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department. In the eyes of the world, it is a heinous organization that does all kinds of evil.But the reality is different. This is a group formed by a group of people from island countries who believe in independence. They oppose the rule of the emperor and fascism. Just like the two domestic parties back then, there is no terrorist organization at all.

This was only made by the island countries wagging their tails behind the United States, and the United States made it for this dog with their domineering.

You must know that the Red Army organization is based on Mao Taizu, the founding leader of the country, as the spiritual leader, so the Red Army organization has a deep connection with the country.

Ordinary people only know that this organization was disbanded with the arrest of their leader at the beginning of the century. In fact, it is not the case at all. Until now, this organization still exists, but the news is strictly blocked in the island country, and the Red Army organization is low-key. , which disappeared from the eyes of the public.

When Xu Ziling had just gone to Syria, he met their people once on the battlefield, and Smith was very familiar with the head of their branch in the Middle East. It is not difficult to contact them now.

"You want the Red Army to mess with the pond of the island country?" Li Cheng and Yang Kaiming said in surprise when he thought of such a trick.

"Hmm!" Xu Ziling nodded heavily, "There are many factions in the island country's government. In fact, many people oppose the current ruling party and do not agree with their ruling program. Especially in the past two years, our development has led to the island country's economic collapse. If the Red Army takes this opportunity to enter the party, it may not be impossible to have a seat. At that time..."

"This time the island nation is the place where the Temple has invested the most power in Asia. If they really have nothing to do, chaos will definitely happen. If the power of those parties is weakened in this matter, and some people's support is added, It is not surprising that the Red Army has a position, and it is very likely that they will reach the top." Li Cheng clapped his hands and said in surprise.

Yang Kaiming also nodded: "If you talk about an opportunity, this may be a once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity. If the Red Army can really get into that position, hehe... why did you think of this!"

Xu Ziling chuckled, "A light flashed in my head, and I suddenly thought of it."

After making a phone call to Smith, he told Xu Ziling that the matter in Treasure Island was completely under control, and the subsequent affairs were also taken care of. He was going to return to the country with those who left the Ryukyu.

"It's okay to come back. Kane and the others are in Markkula now, or are they in Syria?"

Smith didn't know why Xu Ziling asked about Kane and the others, but he quickly answered him: "Kane and Steve are in Markkula, and the other two are in Syria."

"Oh, have you been in touch with the Red Army recently? Are they still in the Middle East?"

"Ah, the Red Army organization. I met their current chief once in Turkey about half a month ago. He said he hired me to save the old woman. I didn't agree. What's wrong?"

The old woman, Xu Ziling was stunned for a moment before realizing that the old woman Smith mentioned was the former leader of the Red Army organization called Aso House. She was arrested in the island country at the beginning of the century and sentenced to 20 years in prison ten years ago. Locked in a secret prison, or executed in secret.

With the changes in the international situation back then, it was obvious that the Red Army's revolution would fail, but as long as the incident happened one day later, the global situation would change drastically, and the situation at that time should be more suitable for their organization.

"Can they be sure that Aso's house was not secreted and executed by the island government?"

"Hey, how is it possible? The old woman is a public figure. Since the island government has caught her, they dare not kill her casually."

Well, Xu Ziling really didn't expect this level.

"Then you promise them that you will return to your country immediately. There should be people in their country. There are still nearly [-] hours for you to arrange."


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