weapons expert

Chapter 986

To this question, Xu Ziling just smiled confidently.

When designing destroyers, more consideration was given to single-ship combat performance, that is to say, its performance is comprehensive, rather than considering becoming a member of a fleet formation.

Therefore, no matter its attack performance or protection ability, there is no doubt about it.

A fully automatic short-range defense system, let alone a Mach 5 missile at the end, is estimated to be a Mach 10 missile, so you have to kneel.

And when others saw his smile, they knew the answer.

"Then... do it?" Li Cheng was a little excited.

Do it?

The eyes of Yang Kaiming and the others were also aimed at Xu Ziling, and their eagerness to try clearly expressed their thoughts.

This time the destroyer is equipped with double standard personnel, and the extra people are naturally people from the Turkic side. When buying and selling weapons, it is necessary to teach the party who buys them to use them. It was officially delivered, or taught them to use after delivery, but in this situation, there is not much time to do these things.

Therefore, after negotiation between the two parties, the training of personnel this time was put on the way of delivery of the destroyer.

In this way, time is saved, and people from Turkey can complete the training faster.

If it was only his own people, Xu Ziling wouldn't think too much about it, but now that there are people from the Tu Kingdom, he has to think about the impact.

The new type of destroyer has gradually become the main battleship in China. Even though there are considerable differences between the self-use type and the foreign trade type, they have something in common in terms of tactics. There is no permanent friend between countries. Now the country has something to ask for at home, and the natural relationship Not bad, but what if one day they turn against each other?

After thinking about it, he laughed at himself again...

I really think too much, isn't it just to prevent others from turning against me?

With the current development trend of Red Star, if there is a country behind it, will there be this opportunity?

Thinking of this, he nodded, "Let them play."

"That's fun." Seeing him nodding his head in agreement, Li Cheng and the others got excited immediately, and hurriedly discussed how to play.

As for the melee strength of destroyers, Xu Ziling has never seen it with his own eyes. Now that he has the opportunity, he naturally wants to witness it. Unfortunately, when several people were discussing, the lion contacted him.

"What's the matter?" Now the lion has been staring at Bermuda, and he will never look for him if there is nothing wrong, so he asked hastily.

"Hurry up and come back, I thought of an idea, I should be able to visit Bermuda." The lion said with an excited tone.

This is really good news.

Until now, he hasn't figured out the real foundation of the Temple organization, guessing that Bermuda is related to the Temple organization, but all along, he and the lion can't think of any way to figure out Bermuda. Now that he has such an opportunity, how could he still Can you stand it?

He quickly replied, "Wait, I'll be right back."

After speaking, he greeted Li Cheng and Yang Kaiming, and immediately left the command center.


"Tell me, what did you think of?"

As soon as he got back to the office, he immediately closed the door and asked.

The surrounding curtains were automatically lowered, so that the outside could not see the inside, and the lion appeared on the big curtain on the wall. Seeing him, he called up a picture, "What is the biggest problem we encounter right now? That is the electronic Components will be seriously disturbed. I thought about deciphering the interference signal here before. After a period of research, I finally came up with an anti-interference method. Although it cannot be completely eliminated, it still has a certain effect. "

Looking at the instrument on the picture, Xu Ziling knew that it was something the lion made to resist interference. Although he couldn't understand it at once, it didn't hinder his excitement.

"How capable is the 'must' you mentioned?"

"Although I haven't tried it yet, according to my calculations, it should allow us to approach the center within 5 kilometers."

"Five kilometers?" Xu Ziling was a little disappointed with this statistic, "Then there's still nothing we can do?"

The lion glanced at him disdainfully, "Who said nothing can be done? Bermuda has lost so many ships over the years. If our guess is correct, it proves that there is a certain degree of aggressiveness here. Now that we can enter the center, then Find out what's in here."

"What's more, I still have a way to apply this anti-jamming technology to missiles. Once we confirm the situation here, we can use missiles to launch reconnaissance instruments to further detect the situation at the center. How can we say that we can't do much?" ?”

When the lion said this, Xu Ziling immediately understood.

If it can go further, it is one step closer to solving the mystery. According to the idea of ​​the lion, maybe it can really figure out what exists in Bermuda.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"First of all, we have to find out what attack means the other party has, so I want to send a ship or submarine to test the water first, but in order to reduce possible losses, we'd better not use personnel, use unmanned submarines and the like of."

"We do have unmanned submarines, but the loss is quite big." Xu Ziling immediately thought of the unmanned submarines of Jiangnan Factory.

The Jiangnan factory started this project a few years ago, and just last year, the first prototype boat had been launched and completed sea trials. However, for the sake of confidentiality, they kept it secret, so it has never been known to outsiders.

Unmanned submarines are countless times more complicated than drones and man-machines, so the time and money spent are also countless times. If there is an accident with the use of unmanned submarines, the loss will be really big.

"We can't use our own, but we can borrow it." The lion said immediately.

"Borrow?" Xu Ziling didn't expect that Red Star would have an unmanned submarine.

"You're stupid, we're just testing, not going to war, must we use armed submarines?"

Armed submarine?submarine?

After being reminded by the lion, Xu Ziling immediately realized that the unmanned submarines were not only their armed submarines, but also small unmanned submarines used for scientific research.

"No problem, I'm going to borrow an unmanned submarine, but it still needs to be remodeled."

"The transformation is not a problem. I will plan it. You should contact the submarine as soon as possible."


Xu Ziling had no acquaintance with scientific research submarines. He picked up the phone and thought about it, but in the end he could only call Fan Yi.


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