I am the carpenter king

Chapter 121 Laugh 4 Laugh

() Glancing at Luo Sigong and Wei Chao, Emperor Tianqi said indifferently: "This time the matter is still about Liaodong. There are two tasks, and you should handle them separately! I don't want to be like last time. This time I want to see Your achievements!" Emperor Tianqi's voice was very flat, and what he said was quite satisfactory, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Your Majesty has taken orders, and the minister will do his best and die!" Luo Sigong was so energetic at this time, he quickly knelt down on the ground, and looked at Wei Chao provocatively from time to time.

He was just a little surprised by Wei Chao's attitude. Not only was his old opponent not angry, he still had a smile on his face.

Luo Sigong didn't see it, but Emperor Tianqi saw it, and Wei Chao's eyes shone extremely hot.If a man is so cruel to himself, let's not talk about others, so these eunuchs are basically cruel people.

"Take a look at this notebook!" Emperor Tianqi handed the memorial to Chen Hong and said to the two of them.

After the two people finished reading, Emperor Tianqi continued: "This errand is divided into two parts, one is internal and the other is external, and I will leave it to you two to handle!"

Seeing the two people nodding, Emperor Tianqi also nodded in satisfaction, and said solemnly: "For the outside world, they are mainly spies from Houjin and Mongolia. These people must be found, caught, and killed! Because it is a matter of war, Jin Yiwei is in charge. Glancing at Luo Sigong, Emperor Tianqi said: "Luo Aiqing, you sent people to Liaodong to find Sun Chengzong, tell him this mission, and let him send troops to assist you if necessary!"

"Yes, I will definitely send the most capable people to Liaodong." Although the task is not easy, Luo Sigong is not too worried. This is his housekeeping skill. If he fails to do this, he will be ashamed as the commander of Jinyiwei. I'm working on it.

Turning his eyes to the Wei Dynasty, Emperor Tianqi said: "Wei Dynasty, the internal part will be handed over to your people in Dongchang. The main thing is to check the officials and generals for me. I am worried about those officials in Liaodong. I believe that many people will After the adultery, Jin, give me a thorough investigation, a bold investigation. Find all these people, and those smugglers, arrest them all and interrogate them. If the circumstances are serious, I will destroy their nine clans!" Emperor Tianqi said The words were full of murderous intent, and the expression on his face was also slightly grim. At this time, Emperor Tianqi had made up his mind to stabilize Liaodong even with blood.

If Liaodong is unstable, the capital will be unstable, and if the capital is unstable, the world will be unstable.Only when there is no threat from the Liaodong side, can Emperor Tianqi dare to implement the reforms in his heart, otherwise it is just empty talk.

Cautiously glanced at Wei Chao and Luo Sigong, Emperor Tianqi had no choice but to warn: "I will put my ugly words first, you two must not interfere with each other's affairs, and you must cooperate with each other in whatever matters. The most important point, you give me Remember, you must not interfere with the place." Turning his eyes to the Wei Dynasty, Emperor Tianqi said: "Your people have contact with Liaodong Governor Yang Lian, but you must not interfere with the governance. You must pay attention to this." Then his eyes fell on Luo Sigong, Emperor Tianqi continued: "As for the people you send, they cannot interfere with the affairs of the army. If the two of you make mistakes in this regard, it is not certain what I will do at that time."

Threats, naked threats, both Wei Chao and Luo Sigong's hearts tightened!In the previous missions, Emperor Tianqi mostly used lures and rewarded the two of them heavily.But this time is different, this is a threat!It seems that Emperor Apocalypse really cares about this matter.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if I should say something or not?" Luo Sigong looked at Emperor Tianqi with some hesitation, and his expression was also very complicated, as if he felt that it was inappropriate and he should say it.

"Speak!" Since Luo Sigong asked this question, what he was going to say must not be a trivial matter, and he must listen to it.

After pondering for a while, Luo Sigong said solemnly: "Your Majesty, many times we can't find out the facts, but we know that he did it. Is it possible at this time?"

Before Luo Sigong finished speaking, Emperor Tianqi understood that this was a matter of authority.People like Jin Yiwei and Dongchang are the best at weaving crimes, but it is impossible for Emperor Tianqi to let them do so.

Glancing at Luo Sigong, Emperor Tianqi's eyes flashed coldly, and he said expressionlessly: "If there is no evidence, different strategies should be adopted for different people. If it is a businessman, it is better to kill the wrong than let it go! If it is Officials and generals, go ask Yang Lian and Sun Chengzong for their opinions and see what they say."

"I got it, my lord." The two saluted Emperor Tianqi at the same time, and when Emperor Tianqi nodded, they retreated respectfully.

Dongchang yamen is still so gloomy, or it just feels gloomy, but just after he came out of the palace, Wei Chao's demeanor is completely different.His face was gloomy and terrifying, his eyes were flickering coldly, and his steps were very fast.

Sitting on his own seat, Wei Chao said to the little eunuch on the side: "Go, bring Xiao Sixiao to our family!" After speaking, Wei Chao sat there with a gloomy face, and the little eunuch naturally didn't dare Disobeying his orders, he quickly ran out.

Not long after, four people entered the lobby. These four people were not ordinary people at first glance, because they looked so special.Standing in the front is a burly man, nine feet tall, with broad shoulders, big shoulders and round waist, naked upper body, with a huge ghost head knife on his back.At this time, the big man was holding a huge lamb leg in his hand, and he took a few bites from time to time.

Immediately behind the big man was a dwarf, not only short in stature, but also very thin. He was as tall as Khan's knees, and he looked like a dwarf.

Behind the dwarf is a woman, wearing a big red robe, a small handkerchief pinned to her chest, and a very thick dress painted on her face. There is another place where such women are very common, that is, in brothels. This woman looks like Like a bustard!

The last of the four of them didn't know what their palms looked like, their bodies were neither tall nor short, and they were very well-proportioned, but their faces were covered with black scarves, and their whole bodies were wrapped in a huge black cloak.

Although the four people came to the main hall, everyone behaved differently. The big man sat on the ground and gnawed on the chicken leg, while the dwarf kept rolling his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.The woman was waving her handkerchief in boredom, only the man in pitch black saluted Wei Chao, and said flatly: "Smile four times and add Dugong!"

"Smile once, smile twice, laugh three times, laugh four times, you four brothers and sisters have been with our family for many years, you can be said to be a sharp weapon in our family's hands, and our family won't laugh four times at you if there is no serious matter. The second is life and death!" Wei Chao didn't care about the attitudes of the four people, but said lightly.

"Elder-in-law has any orders, I will follow them!" The expressions on the faces of the four remained unchanged, only the man in black replied respectfully.

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