I am the carpenter king

Chapter 146 Preparation

() Li Yongfang smiled flatteringly at the contemplative grandma Ha Chi, and then said: "Don't worry about the sweat, there is no wise commander in Liaodong at this time, and taking Shenyang and Liaoyang is just a matter of time. Since Saarhu, I, the Eight Banners, have always won every battle, and Da Ming has lost every battle. But look at every battle, our Eight Banners are in the plains, and it is very easy to win. Every time we attack the city of Daming, it will take time effort."

Frowning and pondering for a while, Grandma Hachi said in a deep voice: "My Eight Banners disciples are good at riding horses and killing, and they don't have strong siege methods. The army of the Ming Dynasty is mostly infantry, with tall walls and firearms. It's not easy to conquer!"

"Khan, the villain just said that the Ming Dynasty has no wise commander in Liaodong at this time. We can lure the defenders of the Ming army out of the city, and then surround and wipe them out. Even if this plan fails, we can also make a siege of Shenyang. The appearance of the city tempts Liaoyang and other Ming troops to reinforce Shenyang." Pointing to the map, Li Yongfang continued: "Khan, look here. The vicinity of Shenyang City is an endless plain, which is very beneficial to the Eight Banners. Mercedes-Benz, but the infantry of the Ming army does not have the advantage. Once the Ming army leaves the city, with the bravery of the Eight Banners, the Chinese army can be wiped out within three drums." After finishing speaking, Li Yongfang looked at ** ha red.

"Very good, the forehead's strategy is very good. Ben Khan will be in a hurry to discuss the affairs of the Baylors and settle the matter of dispatching troops, so as not to have long nights and dreams! If you can successfully take Shenyang and Liaoyang this time, Ben Khan will do it for you." Make it a credit!" Laughing a few times, ** Ha Chi said to Li Yongfang appreciatively.

Although the distance between Houjin and Shenyang City was not far, it was impossible for the Ming Dynasty to know what Houjin was doing inside.But at this time, Sun Chengzong was also looking at the map, and the one standing behind Sun Chengzong was the Xiong Manzi that Grandpa Hachi was talking about.

"Feibai, take a look, the situation is not optimistic!" Sighing lightly, Sun Chengzong glanced at Xiong Tingbi behind him,

"Since the fall of Kaiyuan and Tieling, the Tartars have attacked the Mongolian tribes that are friendly to us, and married the Mongolian tribes that are hostile to us. Although there is still a Lindan Khan, it is too difficult to be restrained by the Mongolian tribes. From the map , Jianzhou Jurchen, Kaiyuan, Tieling, and Mongolian tribes have already surrounded Shenyang City." Xiong Tingbi smiled softly, stretched out his hand and pointed on the map, and said calmly.

Seeing Xiong Tingbi's appearance, Sun Chengzong couldn't help but asked curiously: "Feibai seems to have a plan in mind? Do you have any good ideas?"

Gently shaking his head, Xiong Tingbi smiled and said: "I don't have any good ideas, but I think it's the best idea to keep Shenyang!" As he spoke, he glanced at Sun Chengzong and saw a smile on the corner of Sun Chengzong's mouth. Xiong Tingbi He couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Your Majesty is wise, and the junior official admires it very much. It seems that it is reasonable for Your Majesty to appoint you as the supervisor of Liaodong."

"Hehe, Feibai, the old man values ​​your talent, stop talking about these things, and talk about your thoughts!" Sun Chengzong patted Xiong Tingbi with a smile, and Sun Chengzong said with a smile.

"Then I'll make a fool of myself." As he spoke, he pointed to the map and said with a serious face: "The catastrophe of the Houjin disaster and the shortage of food, then looting is an inevitable choice. Although Shenyang City is surrounded on three sides , but this also means that **Hachi is the only one who can plunder us, Daming. At this time, the weather is cold, the snow outside has not melted, and there is nothing, so **Hachi has only one place to loot."

Putting their hands on the map, Sun Chengzong and Xiong Tingbi said together: "Shenyang!" The two laughed at the same time.

"I just don't understand a little bit. The city of Shenyang is tall and thick, the moat is wide and swift, and trenches have been dug outside. There is enough food and grass in the city, and there are [-] troops. I just can't figure it out. How did the Hou Jin attack Shenyang?" Looking at the map, Sun Chengzong pondered slowly, this is a very serious question, the way to win is to predict the enemy's opportunity first!

"My lord, Hou Jin is good at cavalry combat. It is an indisputable fact that [-] Hou Jin cavalry can defeat [-] Ming troops in field battles. But if we defend the city, Hou Jin is not good at attacking the city. There is no way. But there is one thing, the lower officials are very worried. Back then when Jin captured Kaiyuan and Tieling, apart from our own guards going out of the city to fight in the field without authorization, there is another point that is also the key!" Xiong Tingbi's expression was quite serious, and he frowned. Frowning slightly, he sighed softly!

Seeing that Xiong Tingbi's mood was not high, Sun Chengzong said with a smile: "Feibai, what do you have to say! Don't look like that."

"My lord, when Kaiyuan and Tieling fell, there were people who caused disturbances in the city, set fires at the top of the city, and opened the city gates. Otherwise, the cities and defenders of Tieling and Kaiyuan would not have been captured so easily. The officials believe that there must be a lot of fine works of late gold in Shenyang City, but they are hidden very deeply, many of them are local merchants, it is difficult to find, and there is no one who is good at it in the army!" Sighing softly, Xiong Tingbi was a little bit Reluctantly said.

After hearing Xiong Tingbi's words, Sun Chengzong was stunned, and then laughed heartily.

"My lord, what's the matter, my lord?" Xiong Tingbi was taken aback immediately, and quickly asked with concern.

Pointing to Xiong Tingbi, Sun Chengzong said with some self-deprecation: "I and you are stupid! You are still worrying about these things here, do you remember those people who came that day? What do they do? Your majesty is wise! Everything is expected to go ahead, it really makes the old man ashamed!"

Xiong Tingbi was also stunned, and said in disbelief: "Your Excellency, those people are not only investigating the internal affairs, but also?"

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think His Majesty sent them here? Your Majesty is so insightful!" After complimenting Emperor Tianqi, Sun Chengzong said again: "But in my opinion, it is not enough to just keep it. Take it back with Tieling, interrupt the alliance between Mongolia and Houjin, and wipe out the Mongolian tribes that are inclined to Houjin. The number of Houjin is not large, even if they are all armed, there are not 10 people. But Mongolia is different. If it is annexed by Houjin Mongolia, that is hundreds of thousands of cavalry, will be in big trouble, so this line must be cut off!"

He nodded approvingly, Xiong Tingbi thought the same, but he frowned and said: "My lord, but now our army is more than enough to defend the city, if we want to go out to attack fortified areas, we still can't do it!"

"Oh, this is indeed a problem!" Sun Chengzong nodded, and slowly fell into deep thought.

Regarding the matter of Liaodong, although Emperor Tianqi had expected it, he didn't know it clearly.At this time, Emperor Tianqi was summoning a person, and this person was Xu Guangqi.

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