I am the carpenter king

Chapter 206 Early Dynasty Poetry

( ) waved his hand lightly, motioning for Chen Hong to excuse himself, Emperor Tianqi gently sat on the rocking chair, Liu Zhaoyi, who was standing aside, had already walked over, gently pinching his shoulders for Emperor Tianqi.

Pick up the Badamu that has been peeled off the table, and put one in his mouth. Recently, Emperor Tianqi is very fond of this kind of thing that has just been tributed.It tasted very good, but Emperor Tianqi didn't expect that he could eat it well in this era.

After putting a badam wood into Liu Zhaoyi's mouth, Emperor Tianqi said to Chen Hong standing behind him, "How is it going? Did things go well?".

"Going back to Your Majesty, it's going well! The Fang family has already agreed to the conditions proposed by the minister, and the minister told them to wait. The specific matters of the company will have to wait for a few days." Chen Hong saluted respectfully, and said with a smile.

Nodding in satisfaction, Emperor Tianqi smiled and said, "I've worked hard on you recently. Haven't had lunch yet? A batch of tributes just arrived recently. There are some high-quality blood swallows and ginseng in them. Go and get some and go back to make good use of them." It's my reward for you!" Waving to Chen Hong, it can be seen that Emperor Tianqi is in a very good mood.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Kowtowing to Emperor Tianqi, and seeing Emperor Tianqi waving, Chen Hong bowed and retreated.

In the first year of Tianqi, March [-]th, it is suitable for marriage and funeral, and it is forbidden to move and break ground.

Accompanied by the sound of the Jingyang bell, the ministers who hadn't been to the court for a long time filed in one after another. All of them lowered their heads and no one talked to each other.Everyone knew that something would happen in the morning court today, and the official who was planning to continue the case of Zhang Juzheng made up his mind not to speak this time.

A few days ago, the entire city of Beijing was boiling with the arrival of teams of escort vehicles.The news spread slowly that these people were discovered during the Shenyang Great Victory, and some of them were collaborating with the enemy and traitorous to the country.Some even want to open Shenyang City and dedicate Shenyang City to Jiannu.For a while, the crowd was excited, and countless literati gathered at the tea pavilion to write poems and essays to praise the emperor.On the other hand, I hope that the emperor will severely punish these rebellious officials and thieves, and restore the world to a clear future.This has allowed countless scholars, whether it is Taixue or Guozijian, to sign a letter.Many students even went to Kou Que at the Meridian Gate to ask for orders, and for a while, the city of Beijing was in a turmoil.As for Zhang Juzheng's case earlier, no one cares about it anymore!

At this time, naturally no one dared to take a step beyond the threshold. As long as someone stood up and had a different opinion, he would definitely be notorious.Even if he just questioned whether he had arrested the wrong person, he would definitely be mobbed and attacked, and soon he would be equated with Qin Hui!

All the ministers lowered their heads, for fear of being discovered and said.Only those hereditary nobles are much better, still talking and laughing.British Duke Zhang Weiying pulled Cheng Guogong, and the two walked in talking and laughing. The British Duke said gloatingly: "Look, look at those people, they usually look like a gentleman, look at now, a Looks like a drowned chicken. People like me are always called rude people and gentlemen who don’t understand. But we know how to write the character loyalty. Unlike some people, they are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality. The way of Confucius and Mencius. But in private, he is full of male robbers and female prostitutes, and then cooperates with the enemy and betrays the country. I really don’t know if all the words of the sage have been read into the dog’s stomach.”

Nodding vigorously, Cheng Guogong said in a serious manner: "That's right. That's right. Fortunately, the emperor is wise enough to let these people have nowhere to hide. I don't know what's going on in the heart of the saint when these people talk about the saint." I thought about it. Anyway, I think if I am a saint, I will die of depression."

With his mouth curled and his hand waved, the Duke of England continued: "How can you say that? The saint has been dead for many years, and they talk about it every day. This saint must have died with regret. Maybe he is cursing at the King of Hades, It makes people feel uncomfortable after death, I really don’t know what these people think.”

These two people seemed to be whispering, but the voice did not mean whispering at all. All the civil servants who passed by the two of them hid far away.For such hob meat, civil officials also have a set of methods, that is, a gentleman will not seek favor from a villain.

"The emperor is here!" It was still a familiar person, and it was still a familiar voice. Accompanied by Chen Hong's shout, Emperor Tianqi walked into the hall slowly.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Emperor Tianqi accepted the visits from the ministers and looked down with a smile on his face.After pondering for a while, Emperor Tianqi said in a brisk tone: "It's been a long time since I ascended the throne, and it's like a passing time! Many figures when I ascended the throne are no longer seen in this court, and I feel a lot of emotion in my heart!"

The ministers below looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that it would be the wrath of thunder, but they did not expect Emperor Tianqi to still have such a gentle attitude.However, some people knew in their hearts that this was the calm before the storm. The kinder Emperor Tianqi smiled, the angrier he felt.

Looking at the ministers below, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "My dear friends, I haven't been to the morning court for a long time. I don't know if you have any urgent matters?"

Although Emperor Tianqi was very kind, the ministers all knew in their hearts that if anyone wanted to stand up at this time, there would definitely be no good fruit to eat.They are not afraid of being hit with the imperial staff by Emperor Tianqi, but if they are involved in other matters by Emperor Tianqi, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Smiling calmly, Emperor Tianqi nodded lightly, and said with emotion: "Since all my loves have nothing to say, then I will talk about it. All my loves, look at the sky outside, it's just dawn Ah! Many common people and merchants are sleeping at home, but all the lovers are standing in the court hall, accompanying me to the morning court."

Sweeping around the faces of the ministers below, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "I don't know if all my lovers are tired of this kind of life?"

Seeing that the ministers below were silent, Emperor Tianqi smiled indifferently, and said in a deep voice: "I heard an early court poem yesterday, which was written by a minister named Qian Zai in the time of Taizu. Today, I will tell all my lovers. This poem reads like this: "Through drums and drums, I put on my clothes, and it is too late to meet at the Meridian Gate. Why don't you enjoy the countryside and sleep until the food is cooked in the world.""

Looking at the ministers below, Emperor Tianqi said with emotion: "When I heard this poem, I was also quite emotional. Being an official is indeed very hard work. I get up earlier than others every day, and go to bed earlier than others. Others are late, and the court's salary is not high. Don't talk about the life of rich clothes and good food, even if the family has a little more people, it may be hungry."

The ministers below were all blindfolded. They knew this poem and could recite it, but what did Emperor Tianqi mean by saying this?

Seeing the ministers below looking at each other, Emperor Tianqi's face suddenly became serious, and said in a deep voice: "The Taizu expelled Meng Yuan, drove away the Tartars, and established the Ming Dynasty with great hardships. After Taizu ascended the throne, he should have enjoyed The resting Emperor Taizu didn't, and he still got up at four o'clock every day to read and review the memorials. At that time, Taizu had no time to spare and restless nights, just like this, Emperor Taizu also felt happy."

"My dear friends, do you know what this is for?" Looking at the ministers below, Emperor Tianqi asked with a sullen face.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Emperor Tianqi looked at Yang He below, and asked with a sullen face: "Yang Aiqing, tell me why?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Emperor Taizu went north to Mongolia and Yuan, overcame thorns and thorns, and went through a lot of hardships to achieve the foundation of the Ming Dynasty. Taizu knew that the world is not easy and the people's life is hard, so Taizu is conscientious, industrious and self-denial!" Yang He said to The Emperor Tianqi gave a salute and said respectfully.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "I have been reflecting on these past few days. Taizu's business was difficult and dangerous. I should always remind myself not to forget how this world came about."

"The emperor is holy!" All the ministers knelt on the ground and said loudly.

Slowly nodded, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "I am here today to ask my dear friends, do you want to get up early and live a pastoral life? Then you stand up today, and I will help you. It's too hard, everyone has their own ambitions, I will never force you to stay!"

Everyone was kneeling on the ground, but no one spoke. Some people's foreheads were already sweating, and their bodies were trembling uncontrollably.

Sweeping his eyes around all of them, the Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "All my dear ones, get up!"

When all the heat stood up, Emperor Tianqi's face straightened, and he said in a deep voice: "Wei Chao, what happened to the matter I asked you to investigate? Stand up and say it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Ever since receiving His Majesty's decree, Dongchang has not dared to slack off in the slightest. Today, it is investigating a place in Liaodong, embezzling military pay, and falsely receiving money and food. Three prefects, seven prefects, and small officials at all levels of the government have been investigated. All the officials in the department were the executors of the embezzlement campaign. Among the Liaoyang defenders, there were two generals, four guerrillas, and 26 officers below the guerrillas. The house was ransacked, and the total value of the items confiscated was 500 taels, not counting the property and houses. After the factory officials followed the vines, they found out that Jiliao Governor Liu Che, Jizhou General Zhang Biao, Baoding General Li Jin and his subordinates were all participants in this case. Factory officials According to the order, the property was confiscated, and the total value of the items confiscated was 900 million taels, not counting the land property and houses!" Wei Chao strode forward, bowed to Emperor Tianqi, and said loudly.

Ignoring the surprised gazes of the ministers, Emperor Tianqi nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Luo Sigong, you can tell me too!"

"It's Your Majesty, I'm ordered to investigate the case of colluding with the enemy and betraying the country in Liaodong. After investigating the Shenyang garrison, the generals Lu Lin and Zhang Feng were the leaders, and the number of generals involved in the case amounted to 32. The chief envoy was Yang Yuan, the governor of Liaodong. Yuan brought him back to the capital, and ransacked his home. In Shenyang City, the total value of the items confiscated by the minister was 300 million taels, and the property and land were worthless!"

After listening to the two people's words, there was a sound of air-conditioning in the room. No one thought that there would be so many people involved in the case and so much money. (To be continued. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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