I am the carpenter king

Chapter 215 Zhao Lijiao

() The news that Emperor Yaoqi ordered a retrial of Zhang Juzheng's case quickly spread throughout the capital. After being surprised, most people were delighted.Many rotten Confucians who were clamoring on weekdays are not talking at this time.

The news spread quickly, but the trial of the case was very low-key, as if everything was going on quietly.In the next few days, Emperor Yaoqi did not issue any new imperial edicts, and the city of Beijing seemed to be quiet again, returning to its previous state.It's just that many people understand that silence is short-lived. When the two cases are completed, the entire capital will once again set off a storm. However, with what happened last time, no one should be too surprised this time.

Everything in Beijing is calm, and there seems to be nothing serious in Liaodong. Sun Chengzong has been staying in Shenyang Zhongwei for three days.During the three days, Sun Chengzong conducted a comprehensive inspection of this place, and found that the people here are rich, the soldiers are elite, and the military discipline is strict. Wu Xiang is indeed a talented person.

"Daru, the lower officials are back!" Coming to Sun Chengzong's side, Xiong Tingbi cupped his fists at Sun Chengzong and said in a deep voice.

Nodding slowly, Sun Chengzong said with a smile: "Feibai has worked hard, come, sit down and drink tea!"

"Thank you Daru!" Xiong Tingbi said with a smile after receiving the tea from Sun Chengzong.

After pondering for a while, Sun Chengzong asked quite seriously: "How is it? Have you found out the matter?"

"Go back to Dajin, check it out! There are about [-] people here. Because the guard Wu Xiang is talented and the soldiers are also elite, so there are very few harassment and robberies here. The people here can rest assured. The annual harvest is very good, and the life of the people is very rich. The people here will use half of their annual income to pay taxes, and some even pay more. Except for the imperial court, the rest are all used as military rations. It's just that the military rations are not used so much, and the rest of the rations were sold by Wu Xiang, and all of them were exchanged for money to buy the armor and weapons of the soldiers." Xiong Tingbi's expression also changed, and he said in a deep voice .

Nodding his head slowly, Sun Chengzong sighed softly, and said in a deep voice: "I have already guessed that this is the case, and the people in Liaodong also want to live a stable life. For this goal, they are willing to pay more things .By the way, who did Wu Xiang sell his food to? Who did he buy it from?"

"Back to Daru, it's Liu Che, the governor of Jiliao! Wu Xiang usually trades grain with him, and if you hand over the grain here, he'll distribute the stuff there." Xiong Tingbi sighed deeply, rather Said helplessly.

Sighing softly, Sun Chengzong said rather helplessly: "That's how it harmed the Ming Dynasty! Don't spread this matter, and we will pretend that we don't know about it! It's not easy for Wu Xiang, so let's be considerate." !"

"Yes, Daru, I understand the humble job!" Xiong Tingbi said with a smile as he clasped his fists at Sun Chengzong.

After thinking about it with his hands behind his back, Sun Chengzong said in a deep voice: "We have stayed here for three days, go say hello to Wu Xiang! Let's leave here and go to the next place!"

When Sun Chengzong was about to leave, a man came from He Shixian in Shenyang City. The arrival of this man made the bored He Shixian finally find something to do!

"General, there is someone outside who wants to see the general!" The soldier clasped his fist at He Shixian and said loudly.

He frowned slightly, since Sun Chengzong and the others left Shenyang City, He Shixian has been unhappy in his heart.He actually refused to let him go to such a thing, saying that he should be in Shenyang City because of his virtue and prestige. He Shixian just couldn't get angry when he thought of this.Hearing that someone wants to see him, Xiong Tingbi frowned immediately, and said a little unhappy: "Who is it?"

"Back to the general, it's a general who claims to be Zhao rate teacher!" The soldier clasped his fists and said loudly.

He Shixian frowned when he heard this name. He had heard of this person before, but the two people were not from the same faction.Before Sun Chengzong came to Liaodong, the Liaodong army was roughly divided into three factions. There were two factions in Shenyang, one led by Yang Yuan.This faction relies on smuggling and collaborating with the enemy to obtain a lot of money. The quality of the army's officers is low, and the combat effectiveness is naturally not to mention.The second faction is the faction led by He Shixian. This faction is full of upright generals who dare to fight and fight, and are not afraid of death.But they are always excluded, and their equipment is extremely poor, but their combat effectiveness is the highest.

The last faction is the faction led by Yuan Yingtai, the former governor of Liaodong. Yuan Yingtai is a good official, but he doesn't know anything about military affairs.But here in Liaodong, if you don't control a little military power, you have no right to speak.In order to have the right to speak, Yuan Yingtai also recruited some generals, but he didn't understand military affairs, so someone gave him advice!This Zhao leader is Yuan Yingtai's number one adviser. He was originally a general, but because he ran away before the battle, he became the general.In fact, according to the Law of the Ming Dynasty, the charges of Zhao Liaojiao are enough to beheaded, but I don't know who he found and saved his life.

For such people, He Shixian looked down upon them, it can be said that he was very bored.Since Sun Chengzong came to Liaodong, He Shixian was impressed by Sun Chengzong's ability and quality, and He Shixian's faction naturally became Sun Chengzong's faction.Yuan Yingtai's faction was mainly concentrated in Liaoyang, so it was naturally taken over by the new governor of Liaodong, Yang Lian.But Yang Lian seemed to feel that he didn't need to make such an entry, so he naturally handed over the entry to Sun Chengzong.In the army, the most admired are those who are capable, and Sun Chengzong has become Zhuge Wuhou alive.Those soldiers and generals were all extremely admired, so naturally they had no other thoughts.

As for Yang Yuan's faction, most of the officers were arrested, and more than 1 officers were laid off, and the rest were merged into He Shixian's side.At this time, there are no factions in Liaodong, and all the people belong to Sun Chengzong's faction.

Many people in the army look down on people like Zhao Ratejiao. They don't know what they are doing here at this time. After thinking for a while, He Shixian still decides to let him in, since he is bored anyway!Glancing at the soldiers, He Shixian said in a deep voice, "Let him in!"

"Yes, General!" The pro-jun replied, then turned and walked out.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps was heard outside, and with the flickering of the shadows, one by one walked in quickly.The person who walked in was a middle-aged man in his 40s, not very tall or burly, wearing a Ming Dynasty military uniform with a knife on his waist.

He Shixian was slightly taken aback when he saw Zhao Shujiao walking in, Zhao Shujiao seemed to be different from before.Before that, He Shixian had also met Zhao Ratejiao. At that time, Zhao Ratejiao always had a smile on his face, but it was the usual superficial smile.According to He Shixian, he once suspected that Zhao Ratejiao was not a general, and such a person looked like a sinister scholar no matter how he looked.

After learning that Zhao Lijiao was a Wu Jinshi in the 29th year of Wanli, He Shixian couldn't believe it.How did such a cowardly, literary guy get admitted to Wu Jinshi?In He Shixian's mind, there is only one answer, that is, Zhao Srate has cheated, which is another reason why He Shixian looks down on Zhao Srate.

However, the man who appeared in front of He Shixian at this time was different. He was dressed in military uniform, without that kind of smile on his face, but looked a little more chilling.Pressing the handle of the knife with his right hand, he walked very steadily, and the look in his eyes was different. It was a kind of indifference, an indifference that has always put life and death aside.At this moment, He Shixian knew that he was wrong about many things. There must be a reason for Zhao Srate's previous appearance. The current Zhao Srate is the real Zhao Srate.

"Low-ranking Zhao Liaojiao, I have met General He!" Although Zhao Lizejiao was about the same age as He Shixian, and maybe a few years older than He Shixian, the official positions of the two were quite different.In the past, Zhao Lengjiao was a general, and He Shixian was the commander in chief. Now Zhao Lengjiao has become a general, and He Shixian has become a loyal and brave uncle. The difference is getting bigger and bigger!

Nodding his head slowly, He Shixian said in a deep voice: "General Zhao, excuse me! We are old friends too, so there is no need to be so polite!"

"General, you are too polite. I can't afford to be called a general. Now I am just a general!" The expression on his face did not change at all, Zhao Ledjiao said in a deep voice.

Smiling calmly, He Shixian said in a deep voice: "How can I not have to recite words in this life, and I will get better in the future, sit down!"

After Zhao Ratejiao sat down, He Shixian pondered for a while, and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Zhao, don't hurry up, my brother's words are not pleasant to listen to. Although we knew each other before, we were not familiar with each other. My brother just said it directly, no Do you know what brother Zhao is going to do this time?" No matter who is older, He Shixian is determined to occupy the position of brother.

Facing He Shixian, Zhao Lijiao clasped his fists, and said in a deep voice: "I'll tell you the truth, brother, this time Zhao Lijiao is here to beg my brother! I hope my brother can help me, although we didn't have a deep friendship before, but we have After several encounters, I can only come to the general in Liaodong's humble position!"

After pondering for a while, He Shixian hesitated and said: "Brother, I asked something that shouldn't be asked. My brother followed Yuan Yingtai and Yuan Daru. Why did you come here? Didn't Yuan Yingtai and Yuan Daru prepare a way for my virtuous brother?"

"Brother, I'm not going to hide it from you, Yuan Darui did find a job for the humble post, but the humble post didn't go, it's the imperial guards of the capital!" Sighing lightly, Zhao Ledjiao said in a deep voice.

"The imperial guards in the capital is a good place. I wonder why brother Zhao didn't go?" Looking at Zhao Liaojiao rather puzzled, he asked in a deep voice.In his opinion, people like Zhao Ratejiao should go back to the capital, just to be able to look after their twilight years!

Facing He Shixian's insecurity, Zhao Ledjiao said in a deep voice: "General, if the emperor transfers you to the capital, would you be willing?"

Without even thinking about it, He Shixian shook his head. He worked hard in Liaodong, even if he was shrouded in horse leather, his life would be straight!

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