I am the carpenter king

Chapter 220 Surging

() Sun Chengzong, the governor of Liaodong, did not know anything about Shenyang Qianwei. At this time, Sun Chengzong was on his way, and his next destination was Zuotun.

Sitting on the shaky carriage, Sun Chengzong didn't flip through his military book, but kept thinking about the situation in Liaodong at this time.On the west side of Shenyang, there is Shenyang Zhongwei. If Shenyang Qianwei can be taken down, then the three cities will form horns with each other and it will be difficult to be attacked.Shenyang's current strategic position is the most advanced. On the side of Shenyang facing south and close to the capital, there are two parallel cities, one is Guangning, and the other is Zuotun.Zuotun is close to the sea, so its geographical location is very important, and another very important role of Zuotun is to protect Guangning.

Compared with Zuotun, Guangning's position is very important, and here is the Jinzhou of later generations.Liaodong has always been known as a closed gate, and this pass naturally refers to the Shanhaiguan Pass. Everyone knows that if you want to go to the capital, you must pass through the Shanhaiguan Pass.Sun Chengzong knew that Jiannu wanted to attack Shanhaiguan, but he could only attack Guangning first.The importance of Guangning is self-evident. As Zuotun, which forms a horn with Guangning, it is naturally very important.

However, the reason why Sun Chengzong chose to go to Zuotun instead of Guangning first was one person, that is, Zuo Liangyu, the guerrilla general of Zuotun recommended by Xiong Tingbi like Sun Chengzong.

Sun Chengzong had never heard of Zuo Liangyu, let alone seen him.However, Xiong Tingbi seemed to take this person very seriously and insisted on asking Sun Chengzong to come and see him.From Sun Chengzong's point of view, he was watching wherever he went on this tour, and it didn't matter if he went to Zuotun first.

There was nothing to say along the way, this afternoon a group of people came to Zuo Tun. Compared with Shenyang Zhongwei, the city wall of Zuo Tun is higher and much thicker.Standing under the city, you can also see the artillery on the city. It seems that this is a strong city.

It is different from the central defender in Shenyang Station.Although there are frequent wars in Liaodong, it is basically impossible to fight here. There are Shenyang and Shenyang Zhongwei in front of them. Naturally, the people of the city wall will not doubt the identity of Sun Chengzong and others.All that was left was that after the Governor of Liaodong arrived, the soldiers on the city ran to the city quickly!

Not long after, the city gate of Zuo Tun opened.A troop of cavalry quickly ran out, kicking up a cloud of dust.Sun Chengzong, who had just got out of the car, was stunned when he saw this scene. He really didn't expect that there were cavalry here.

The leader ran to the front of the team and stopped the horse. After getting off the horse, this person stood there and shouted loudly: "Where is the commander? Zuo Liangyu is here!"

Looking at the man in his 30s standing on the ground, Sun Chengzong was a little surprised, he really didn't expect Zuo Liangyu to be like this.After coming to Liaodong, Sun Chengzong met many generals.But no one looks more like a general than Zuo Liangyu.

Zuo Liangyu is eight feet tall, with broad shoulders, thick back, big arms and round waist, and a very strong figure.His face was like a heavy jujube, and his face was full of beards. He spoke in a low voice, and with his heavy armor, he could tell he was a fierce general.He Shixian has always been known for his brutality and savagery.In Sun Chengzong's view, this man was even more brutal than He Shixian.

Sun Chengzong has not spoken yet.Xiong Tingbi on the side had already rode over and came over, and said with a sullen face, "Zuo Liangyu, have you not been hit by a board again? Is your butt itchy? Believe it or not, I'll have someone pull you out and beat you right now?"

Seeing Xiong Tingbi approaching on horseback, Zuo Liangyu burst out laughing, and said loudly: "Master Jinglue, you are here too! You should have said it earlier! I will prepare a few girls for you! Last time, from Deyilou Miss Hua'er, but she has a deep affection for Mr. Jinglue!"

Xiong Tingbi didn't expect Zuo Liangyu to talk about this matter, and he felt a little embarrassed in public, and said with a blushing face, "Zuo Liangyu, you still dare to say it. If you didn't frame me last time, how could I Go to that kind of place? Believe it or not, I will tell you about you to your wife? Don’t even think about sleeping in bed for half a year!"

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Zuo Liangyu bowed to Xiong Tingbi, and said with a smile on his face: "My lord, please forgive me soon! You did this last time, and I haven't been in bed for more than half a year! Now Still sleeping in the study! If you are talking about something, I guess I will sleep in the study for the rest of my life!"

Looking at the two people who were bickering, Sun Chengzong kept smiling calmly. He could see that the relationship between the two people was very good, and he could also feel Zuo Liangyu's trust in Xiong Tingbi.Although it is a piece of paper and a piece of martial arts, but these two people can achieve a heart-to-heart friendship, which makes Sun Chengzong feel very good.

"By the way, the commander-in-chief is still over there, come see me!" Patting his forehead, Xiong Tingbi knew that he had lost his composure, and quickly got off his horse, pulling Zuo Liangyu and walking towards He Shixian.

When he came to Sun Chengzong's side, Xiong Tingbi quickly saluted Sun Chengzong, and said respectfully: "My lord, I'm going to salute you! Please forgive me, my lord!"

Gently patted Xiong Tingbi's shoulder, Sun Chengzong said in a deep voice: "Feibai! Although we haven't known each other for a long time, the old man appreciates you very much. You are not young anymore, otherwise the old man really wants to take you Treat him like a nephew!"

"My lord, Fei Bai will keep it in my heart! My lord's character and talent, Fei Bai admires him. It is my honor to be your nephew." Xiong Tingbi said solemnly as he clasped his fist at Sun Chengzong.

"Okay, let's not be polite here!" Sun Chengzong smiled indifferently, turned his gaze to the bored Zuo Liangyu, and said rather playfully.

Xiong Tingbi also seemed to feel that something was wrong, turned his gaze to Zuo Liangyu, and said in a deep voice: "This is the commander in chief, hurry up and pay homage!"

After hearing Xiong Tingbi's words, Zuo Liangyu tidied himself up, then lifted up his shirt and knelt on the ground, and said loudly: "The humble Zuotun guerrilla Zuo Liangyu has seen the commander!"

Taking a step forward, Sun Chengzong helped Zuo Liangyu up, and said with a smile: "Get up! What a hero!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Commander. This is not a place to talk, Commander, please enter the city!" The group did not delay, and accompanied by Zuo Liangyu, the group walked into Zuotun City.

When he came to the city, Sun Chengzong rejected Zuo Liangyu's invitation to treat him to a meal, and went directly to the Jiaojun Field instead.Looking at the soldiers who were training, Sun Chengzong nodded in satisfaction. Although there were only [-] defenders in Zuo Tun, they all seemed to be very capable of fighting.

Smiling at Zuo Liangyu, Sun Chengzong said in a deep voice: "General Zuo, Feibai told me a lot about you. He said that your martial arts are very high, especially the bow and arrow shooting is very good. Since you are here today , I wonder if I can open the old man's eyes?"

"The commander-in-chief has a life, and the humble job will naturally do it!" Zuo Liangyu was not pretentious, he clasped his fist at Sun Chengzong, turned around, and strode towards the martial arts field not far away.

Looking at Zuo Liangyu with a smile.Sun Chengzong said to Xiong Tingbi who was beside him: "The old man also opened his eyes today to see what kind of ability he has, which makes Fei Bai so highly valued."

When Sun Chengzong was looking at Zuo Liangyu, a group of people came from outside Liaoyang City, about 500 people, looking a little embarrassed.The armor on his body was stained with blood, and the horse was constantly breathing white gas, and he knew that he had just run a long way.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers on the city immediately became nervous.They are stationed in Liaoyang and always fight. They are more sensitive and know how to take precautions.A soldier guarding the city shouted: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Do you still know me? I'm He Shixian, the commander-in-chief of Shenyang!" Looking at the people on the tower, He Shixian raised his head and shouted loudly.This time is different from last time, last time he had Sun Chengzong's secret letter, but this time he can only rely on himself.

He Shixian didn't expect that the man from the city wall actually knew him.The man smiled and said loudly: "He Zongbing! Wait a moment. We will report to you right away."

Not long after, the gate of Liaoyang City was opened, and He Shixian and others entered Liaoyang City. ,

"What did you say?" Looking at He Shixian in front of him, Yang Lian said with a face full of disbelief, his voice sounded very surprised.

"My lord, this is indeed true. I have just come from Shenyang Qianwei, and we have regained Shenyang Qianwei. It's just that Marshal Sun is not here, and Shenyang City is short of troops. I hope that Your Excellency can send a team to Liaoyang City to garrison Shenyang Qianwei. Shenyang Qianwei's geographical location is special. Now that you get it back, you can't lose it! Please send troops there as soon as possible!" He Shixian didn't hide anything, and told the whole story, then clasped his fist at Yang Lian, and said in a deep voice .

Pacing slowly in the room, Yang Lian frowned slightly. It's not that he didn't believe He Shixian.It's just that Sun Chengzong is not here. Will there be any problems with such a large-scale mobilization of troops?This is not just a question of occupying a city, but a question of how to defend it.

After a long time, Yang Lian shook his head with a wry smile, and said in a deep voice, "If that's the case, then! Liaoyang still has [-] defenders. I'll give you [-] infantry and [-] cavalry. I wonder if this is enough?"

When he saw Yang Lian's appearance just now, He Shixian even thought it would be troublesome, but he didn't expect such a result in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help showing joy, and said gratefully: "Master Yang, you are so benevolent and righteous, I will repay you for your kindness later! "

Facing He Shixian, Yang Lian clasped his fists, and said in a deep voice: "General He is serious, it's all for the country and the people, it's my duty to do it!"

He Shixian left with the soldiers and horses borrowed from Yang Lian. With these people and horses, He Shixian had confidence in his heart.Without delay, He Shixian led his people to Shenyang Qianwei.After handing over Shenyang Qianwei to these people, He Shixian returned to Shenyang with his army and the excited Zhao rate teacher.As for other things, they are beyond their control. Everything has to wait for Sun Chengzong to come back.

Jianzhou, Baylor Mansion, a small courtyard of the back house.

The yard is not very big, and there is only one room in the house. At this time, the smell of tea wafts from the room from time to time, obviously there are two people in the room.

Among the two people, one is a young guy, not very old, but the clothes on his body are very luxurious, and his status looks very unusual.

On the opposite side of the young man was a middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a long gown, a square scarf on his head, and dressed like a literati.At this time, the middle-aged man was boiling water and making tea, every movement was meticulous, there was no trace of anxiety in his eyes, and he was very calm.

"Drinking tea should be done calmly, Lord Belle, you seem to have something on your mind today, and it seems that you are not just here to drink tea with me." The old man said calmly while setting the teacup.

Nodding his head slowly, the young man stood up slowly, and said in a deep voice: "Sir, Shenyang Qianwei is lost. He Shixian led 6000 people to attack Shenyang Qianwei at night. After a fierce battle all night, Shenyang Qianwei was lost. Five thousand and eight banners My son, only a few hundred people came back, Zheng Huang Qixie led Se Ketu and died in battle, and Se Ketu's younger brother Se Sa also died in battle."

Slightly cold, the middle-aged man still smiled indifferently, and said in a deep voice: "The superiors pay attention to the fact that Mount Tai collapses before and the color remains unchanged, and Lord Baylor's skill in nourishing Qi has become more refined." The man put a cup of tea on the opposite side.

Slowly picked up the teacup, put it under his nose and smelled it, the young Lord Baylor smiled and said: "Mister's craftsmanship is still so good, it seems that nothing can affect him."

"Of course not. There are many things in this world that can touch people's hearts. No one can be detached. It depends on whether you have found the right thing!" After taking a sip of tea lightly, the man smiled and said, "Lord Baylor, If you have anything to say, just tell me! You don’t have to trouble yourself by asking me to come over and make you tea!”

"Sir, the last big defeat in Shenyang didn't hurt the foundation of Dajin, but it also lost a lot of people. Now that the smuggling route has been cut off, and there is a catastrophe in Liaodong, do you have a good plan to solve this crisis?" The young man Baylor looked at the middle-aged man expectantly and asked anxiously.

Without saying a word, the man smiled calmly, pondered for a while before opening his mouth and said, "Master Baylor, I'm asking something that shouldn't be asked, how is Da Khan's injury?"

"Although Father Khan was seriously injured, he is much better now. I believe he will be fine in another month!" The young Baylor was slightly taken aback, although he didn't understand why, he still said truthfully.After pondering for a while, the young man said slowly: "Sir, do you agree with this statement?"

Shaking his head lightly, the man said seriously: "Since Da Khan's injury is not serious, then my words are a little redundant, so I won't say anything. As for the way to solve the crisis that Baylor said, there is no lack of it." , but you need to take a little risk!"

"Sir, just say, if it's a good idea, I, Huang Taiji, will recommend Mr. Father Khan!" Huang Taiji looked at the middle-aged man eagerly, and hurriedly asked.

Shaking his head again, the man said in a deep voice: "I went to see Li Yongfang yesterday, and I can't move half of my body, and I need someone to feed me when I eat. People are doing it, and the sky is watching. Maybe this world really has retribution I, Fan Wencheng, don't know what will happen to me in the future, and I wonder if it will be worse than Li Yongfang?"

"Where did you say that, sir, tomorrow I will find a shaman to pray for you, what are these things!" Huang Taiji said impatiently, his face full of anxiety. (To be continued..)

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