I am the carpenter king

Chapter 242 The Three Armies Advance Together

In the first year of Apocalypse, on May 27, it is advisable to marry and mourn, and avoid breaking ground and moving.

Today's weather doesn't seem to be very good, the whole sky is a little low, the wind on the grassland is still a little bleak, and the face of the person who blows is a little painful.Glancing at the Eight Banners disciples behind him, Huang Taiji sighed lightly. After this battle, he doesn't know how many people will come back with him.

Looking up at the dark sky, Huang Taiji felt unbalanced for the first time. The Jurchens roamed the grassland every day, always worrying about food.People in the Ming Dynasty lived on the most fertile land and enjoyed the best of everything, which is unfair.The Jurchens were brave, and the people of the Ming Dynasty were cowardly. The best people will belong to the bravest people.

Looking at the city wall not far away, Huang Taiji slowly pulled back the horse. Although the beacon fire had already been ignited there, Huang Taiji still watched with a smile on his face.In front of him was Da'ankou, and this was the first place Huang Taiji wanted to attack.

Looking back, seeing that the disciples of the Eight Banners had already sharpened their knives, Huang Taiji vigorously raised his right hand, pointing the knives in his hand to the sky, and shouted loudly: "The city ahead is the city of the Ming Dynasty. There are women from the Ming Dynasty, food from the Ming Dynasty, and money from the Ming Dynasty. Now I ask you, do you dare to rush in with me? Women, money, food, everything about them is ours, you dare to go in take it?"

"Dare! Dare! Dare!" I don't know if everyone heard it clearly, but the [-] cavalry behind Huang Taiji all raised their knives high and shouted loudly.

Waving the knife in his hand, Huang Taiji shouted loudly: "Go in! Everything belonging to the Ming Dynasty belongs to us!"

Dajin's cavalry brandished the scimitar in their hands and ran forward vigorously, but after running not far away, they all changed to bows and arrows.They didn't rush under the city wall, but kept cruising not far away.Shoot arrows at the Ming army on the city wall.Obviously such a tactic is useful. The Ming army on the city wall didn't even dare to show their faces, otherwise they would be shot to death.

After the round of arrow rain, a group of people suddenly appeared behind the Eight Banners disciples. There were not many people, only thirty or so people, and they were carrying a very long and thick log.He rushed towards the city gate.

Although the Ming army on the top of the city kept avoiding the feather arrows, they still saw this scene, and someone shouted loudly: "Jiannu is about to hit the city gate, stop it quickly!"

Looking at the panicked Ming army on the top of the city, Huang Taiji smiled lightly, there were only [-] Ming troops in Da'ankou.Because of these people's relationship with Lin Danhan of the Chahar Department, there have been very few battles here, and it is normal for the Ming army to be negligent in taking precautions.Moreover, corruption is serious in Ming Dynasty, if there are two thousand of the three thousand Ming army in Da'ankou, it is already something to be thankful for.The equipment was also poor, and Huang Taiji didn't take this place seriously at all.

Things did not go beyond Huang Taiji's expectations, and within half a day, the east gate of Da'ankou was knocked open.

Seeing the city gate smashed open, Huang Taiji smiled lightly, knowing that his first step was successful.Waving the knife in his hand, Huang Taiji shouted loudly: "Rush in!"

Dajin's Eight Banners disciples rushed in, and the first thing they did after entering the city was to kill people.Regardless of civilians or soldiers, in short, they will kill anyone they see.The battle lasted all day.At ten o'clock in the evening, the entire Da'ankou belonged to Huang Taiji.Clean up the people and bring what you should bring.After having a full meal in Da'ankou, Huang Taiji led his people to attack the next target early the next morning.

Not far from Da'ankou, there is also a fortress called Malanyu.This is Huang Taiji's next goal.Although after breaking through Da'ankou, Huang Taiji was able to advance as far as Zunhua, but Huang Taiji did not.Huang Taiji knew in his heart that he might not be able to come back if he made a mistake this time.Although Malanyu is in the west.Zunhua is in the east, but Huang Taiji decided to attack Malanyu first.

It took only one day for Huang Taiji to break through Malanyu, but he still did not go east to Zunhua, but went north to attack Malanguan.After resting in Malanyu for a whole day, Huang Taiji led people directly to attack Malanguan.Malanguan is located in the north of Malanyu, facing the grassland desert, and is in the same position as Da'ankou.Huang Taiji's attack on Malan Pass was actually heading back, but Huang Taiji still decided to take it away without leaving any worries.

On May 29, Malan Pass fell, and Huang Taiji rushed to Zunhua with his people.

The day before Huang Taiji attacked Da'ankou, the Longjing Pass in the east had already started.Because of the short distance, Manggus arrived outside Longjingguan one day earlier, and he didn't stop there, so he started attacking the city.Although the Mongols are good at siege, they have many methods left in the Genghis Khan era. Manggus took the Longjing Pass without much effort.

After resting overnight at Longjingguan, Manggus and his men rushed to Han'erzhuang, a frontier town second only to Longjingguan.What pleased Manggus was that as soon as he arrived at Hanerzhuang, he directly guarded the gate and surrendered.In this way, Manggus cleared the obstacles without a single soldier, and flew directly to Zunhua City.

Located in the middle is Sangga from the Jarut tribe. He and Huang Taiji launched the attack on the same day, and it took only one day to capture the Hongshan Pass.After resting at Hongshan Pass for a day, Sangga rushed to his next goal, which was Luo Wenyu.The attack on Luo Wenyu was unexpectedly smooth, and here, like Han'erzhuang, opened the city gate and surrendered.In this way, Sangga also began to rush towards Zunhua.

On the morning of May [-]th in the first year of Tianqi, Mangu Staiji of the Horqin tribe led [-] cavalry to the foot of Zunhua City and set up camp in the east of Zunhua City.The [-] defenders of Zunhua City did not go out of the city, waiting for help.

On the afternoon of May [-]th in the first year of Tianqi, Sanggataiji of the Zhalute tribe led [-] elite cavalry to the foot of Zunhua City, and set up camp in Xi'an, Zunhua City, echoing Mangustaiji of the Horqin tribe in the east city.However, neither of the two men and horses moved, they were all waiting quietly.

On the morning of the first day of June in the first year of Tianqi, Emperor Taiji led [-] cavalry to Zunhua city and stationed in the north of the city.The three parties formed a tendency to unite the entire Zunhua City, but the south of the city was not surrounded. Obviously, it was Huang Taiji's strategy to encircle the three parties.

In Zunhua City, the magistrate's yamen and the hall of the back house.

The prefect of Zunhua is Lu Feng, a Jinshi, a middle-aged man in his 40s.At this time, Zhifu Lu was behind the caged birds, with a smile on his face.

Not far away, a person was sitting there exasperatedly, this person was wearing

The armor of an officer of the Ming Dynasty, with a sword hanging from his waist.Looking at the dress, he should be a general soldier. Sitting here at this moment, it is naturally Chen Liangyu, the general soldier of Zunhua.

Seeing that the magistrate was still fighting birds, Chen Liangyu smiled helplessly, this time he was really convinced.Everyone said that he was a rough martial artist, and he was still unconvinced before, but now it seems that it is true.Although I have read a few books, but the kung fu of nourishing Qi is not enough, compared with Lu Zhifu, the gap is too big.

Seemingly feeling that it was almost done, Prefect Lu signaled the people around him to take down the birdcage, and slowly came to Chen Liangyu's side, and said with a smile, "General Chen, for such an expression?"

"My lord, slave soldiers are coming to the city outside. We should prepare the army for war. Isn't it too leisurely?" Chen Liangyu has approached Lu Feng several times, but this Lord Lu has always been calm and calm. There is no sense of urgency, as if it is not Zunhua City that is besieged.

Smiling calmly, Prefect Lu glanced at the maid not far away, and said in a gentle voice: "Go and take out the tea leaves I treasured. If you don't drink it now, you don't know if you will have a chance to drink it in the future. Now our General Chen The anger is so big, just take it out to defeat him!"

Seeing that Prefect Lu made fun of him, Chen Liangyu was also a little embarrassed. He clasped his fist at Prefect Lu, and said in a deep voice, "My lord, Mr. Chen is rude, my lord, don't blame him!"

Shaking his head lightly, Prefect Lu said calmly: "We have known each other for many years. Although we are not considered close friends, we have been quite close for so many years. There is nothing to blame. Besides, we don't know that we can If you can’t survive tomorrow, what are you talking about at this time?”

"My lord, we are here in Zunhua City, so we naturally have to stand firm and wait for help. How long can we last like this?" It seemed that he was really anxious, and Chen Liangyu's tone of speech was not so kind.

"Okay! If that's the case, then I will ask General Chen a few questions. If the general still insists on his own opinion after I finish asking these questions, I will go to the city wall with you." Prefect Lu knew what General Chen was going to do. So one sentence came out.

Nodding his head vigorously, Chen Liangyu said loudly: "Okay, it's a deal!" Although he is the commander-in-chief of Zunhua, he can't coordinate many things, and he still needs prefect Lu to do it, otherwise Chen Liangyu won't I have to come to prefect Lu.

"Has the [-]-mile urgent report to the capital already been delivered?" Chen Liangyu said calmly with a smile.

"Yes, my lord, it was already sent out yesterday!" Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Lu Zhifu's gourd, Chen Liangyu still nodded and replied.

Nodding slowly, Prefect Lu smiled and asked again: "Then what should we do next?"

"Returning to your lord, you are standing firm and waiting for help!" Chen Liangyu looked at Lu Feng's calm expression, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and said loudly.

At this moment, the maid on the side had already brought the tea, and Zhifu Lu stopped talking, motioning for Chen Liangyu to drink tea.

Although he was very impatient in his heart, Chen Liangyu still took a sip of the tea, but just after drinking the tea, he felt a little dizzy, as if he was about to fall down.I saw that Lu Zhifu stood up slowly, came to Chen Liangyu's side, and said calmly, "What we have to do at this time is not to stand firm and wait for help, but to open the city and surrender!" (To be continued. .)

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