I am the carpenter king

Chapter 269 Nurhachi's Ambition

The sky is green and the fields are vast.

In July, the grass grows and the eagles fly. Everyone on the grassland knows that the hunting season has entered since July.Hunting can begin in July, although the best hunting season is in September to stockpile for the winter.But this year's year is very bad. As soon as July entered, the herdsmen on the grassland had already started hunting, because they were so hungry.

Many old herdsmen looked at the sky and sighed, hunting like this since July, what are they hunting in September?The rivers have dried up, the pastures have dried up, isn't Changshengtian not allowing people to live?

At such a time, the tribes living on the grassland have to prepare for the winter. If the preparation is not sufficient, many people will definitely die in the winter.Whether it is the largest Chahar tribe, Horqin tribe, or smaller tribes, they are all thinking of ways.

In such a situation before, Lin Danhan of the Chahar tribe would order the tribes below to contribute, but this year is obviously impossible.The alliance between several Horqin tribes and the Dajin Jurchen, and many small tribes also participated, made Jinxian impossible.

For Lin Dan Khan of the Chahar Department, whether it is to survive this winter or to declare his status as a great sweat, this battle is inevitable.Although he has formed an alliance with the Ming Dynasty, Lin Danhan also knows that the Ming Dynasty may not be able to help this time. The Ming Dynasty itself is also in a mess, and it is very difficult for Liaodong to do anything.Even if they want to send troops to attack Kaiyuan and Tieling, it seems to be a problem.At this time, Lin Danhan decided not to rely on anyone, he had 15 cavalry, and this time he must get rid of all these people.

On the Horqin Grassland, Lin Danhan's 15 cavalry set up camp opposite the Dajin Eight Banners and the Mongolian coalition forces. The two armies have been confronting each other for several days.Clashes have occurred from time to time in the past few days, although there has not been a large-scale killing of tens of thousands of people.But now, small-scale conflicts continue.

In the barracks of the Allied Forces of the Great Golden Banners and the Mongolian tribes, Nurhachi sat in the commander's tent, and Nuoyan and Taiji from the Mongolian tribes were below.Now there is the commander of the Eight Banners, the son of Huang Taiji, and the main general of Dajin.

Glancing around everyone's faces, Dajin Destiny Khan Nurhachi said in a deep voice: "Now that the two armies are facing each other, I don't know what you want to say?"

After hearing Nurhachi's words, the people below looked at each other in blank dismay.They looked at each other and no one spoke.Obanoyan from the Horqin Department looked around, seemed to feel that the scene was a little awkward, and smiled at the crowd, Obanoyan said quite seriously: "We are all looking forward to the destiny Khan, why did the Destiny Khan tell us to do it?" How to do it, as for this idea, I think it's too bad, so let's ask Tianming Khan to get it!"

After scanning the crowd, Destiny Khan Nurhachi said with a serious expression, "Does everyone think so?"

"Of course. I'll listen to whatever Da Khan says!"

"Yes, what ability do we have? The Great Khan has roamed the grasslands and deserts for so many years, and we all follow the example of the Great Khan."

Looking at the people scrambling to show their loyalty below, Nurhachi smiled playfully. After a while, Nurhachi laughed and said: "Since everyone believes in Ben Khan so much, Ben Khan has nothing to say, everyone, please come back! Wait for Ben Khan to figure out the plan." After that, I will naturally notify you all!"

None of the people below thought that Nurhachi would actually say that.It is estimated that these people just said that, but Nurhachi actually agreed to it.Everyone looked at each other.Although the thoughts in my heart are different, but the words have been said here, so naturally I can't go back on my word.After a long silence, everyone stood up and walked outside.

After everyone left, Da Bei Le Dai Shan came to Huang Taiji's side, and looked out worriedly.He said with some hesitation: Father Khan, isn't it a little bad to let these people go like this?It's easy to lose people's hearts. Do you want to win over these people at this time? "

Looking up at Dabeile Daishan, Nurhachi said in a deep voice: "You have to remember, whether we Jurchens or Mongols, they are all wolves on the grassland, treacherous, cunning, cruel and cruel. When we were strong, these people were all With such an attitude, once we lose our strength, they will definitely have another attitude. The most important thing to treat these people is not our attitude, but to have strong strength and sufficient interests. Otherwise, even if you treat them again Well, these people will come back and bite you, including Obanoyan from the Horqin Department and Ama from your Zalut Department.”

Giving a salute to Nurhachi, Dabeile Daishan respectfully said: "Father Khan, Daishan remembers."

Nodding in satisfaction, Nurhaci has always been very satisfied with his son.After pondering for a while, Nurhachi continued: "Many tribes have come over now, no matter how big or small they all call themselves Nuoyantaiji. I don't know how many are really important. If there is a real fight, these people may not be able to help at all. , Maybe it will be a disservice! Besides, there are mixed fish and eyes now, and we can't predict who is on our side. There may be people from the Chahar Department among these people. At this time, it is better to win people's hearts. , the more important thing is to protect ourselves.”

Regarding Daishan, Nurhachi has always taught by precept and example, and Nurhachi has always trained Daishan as his successor.

Saluting Nurhachi again, Daishan said respectfully, "Daishan understands! I wonder what Father Khan plans to do next?"

Standing up slowly, Nurhachi walked back and forth in the tent a few times. After pondering for a while, Nurhachi said quite seriously: "No matter when, no matter what kind of battle we are fighting, we must ensure the unity of our side. Only in this way can it be punched like a punch and exert its greatest power. We Jurchens are few, whether compared with the Mongols with many tribes or the Ming Dynasty with a large population and a vast territory, our Jurchens They are very few. But why have we women been able to subdue Mongolia for so many years? The Ming Dynasty, which was able to fight, could not fight back in Liaodong? It is because we are united. Whether it is the tribes of Mongolia or the court of the Ming Dynasty, it is all because of disunity .”

Seeing Daishan nod slowly, Nurhachi smiled quite satisfied. After Daishan figured it out, Nurhachi continued: "The current situation is very complicated. We seem to have gathered a lot of troops, but in fact the combat power is very strong. It is difficult to predict. We only have 5 people, and the Mongolian tribes we can trust are the Horqin tribe and the Zalut tribe. As for the five tribes of Nekarka and other tribes, Ben Khan cannot trust them for the time being. And the Horqin tribe Although the Zharut Department is united with us in dealing with Lindan Khan, it is not necessarily the case in other matters. While we are using them, we must keep an eye on them, so Ben Khan decided to send you to the Zharut Department , you have to help Ben Khan keep an eye on them."

"Yes, Father Khan! Daishan must do a good job!" Although Daishan is not as thorough as Nurhachi, he can clearly understand the seriousness of the matter now. Hearing Nurhachi's explanation at this time, he naturally nodded solemnly in agreement.

"As for the Horqin tribe, Ben Khan will keep an eye on him personally. The five tribes of Nekarka Ben Khan haven't figured it out yet. But unless it's a last resort, their people can't be placed in important positions, otherwise if something unexpected happens, things will be easy. Get out of our control." Nurhachi looked at Daishan and said in a deep voice, his face was very serious, and strange eyes kept flashing in his eyes.

Nurhachi's thirteen pairs of armored cavalry have traveled across the grasslands and deserts for many years. They have experienced life and death countless times, and they can calmly deal with any challenge.However, the defeat of Shenyang City last time completely brought Nurhachi back to reality.He is not the emperor of a powerful empire, he is still the leader of the Jurchen tribe, a figure who may be wiped out at any time.

It can't go on like this. If it goes on like this, Dajin might really be finished. Thinking of this, Nurhachi's whole body is full of fear.After getting Huang Taiji's plan, Nurhachi prepared to do so without too much hesitation. He knew that if he didn't gamble, the Jurchens would be wiped out sooner or later.If this bet is lost, the Jurchens will just be wiped out, and they will lose a few years of lingering life.If he wins the bet this time, he will be able to meet the wind and the clouds and soar into the heavens.

Nurhachi has gambled countless times, losing not many times but winning big every time.In his heart, Nurhachi has always believed that there will be no exception this time, and he will definitely win the bet.

Looking at Nurhachi's expression, Daishan suddenly felt that he would definitely win this time, just like his father before.

After pondering for a long time, Nurhachi sighed softly, and then said with a firm expression: "This time, we must win no matter what. Father Khan is most worried about Zhuo Liketuhunbatulu of the five divisions of Nekarka. This People's ambitions are not small, not even below Horqin's Obanoyan. The five tribes of Nekarka are also very powerful. Although they are no match for the joint efforts of Horqin and Zarut tribes, none of the tribes alone is Nekarka Opponent of the Kabuk Ministry. Ben Khan did not expect Zhuolik Tuhunbatulu to participate in this meeting. Our Dajin has always had a bad relationship with him. But Lin Dan Khan has a bad relationship with him, Lin Dan Khan I have always wanted to be Genghis Khan, and I definitely look down on people like Zhuoli Ketuhunbatulu who want to become kings. But they have not reached the point of breaking up. At this time, this old guy appears here, and Ben Khan is quite upset. Worry!"

As for the relationship between Dajin and Mongolian tribes, Daishan naturally understood that they used each other and depended on each other.Once Lin Danhan falls, we still don't know what will happen on this Mongolian grassland. Now it seems that the future is bleak! (To be continued..)

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