I am the carpenter king

Chapter 348 Reinforcement

Standing on the top of the city with his hands behind his back, Zhu Xieyuan looked down through the crenel. At this time, the city was already full of rebels.Seeing those people set up camp in an orderly manner, Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help feeling angry.If he had [-] soldiers and horses in his hand, Zhu Xieyuan would go out and attack him.

When the sky gradually darkened, Zhu Xieyuan found that the rebels outside had almost packed up. Obviously, these people had almost arrived.Zhu Xieyuan originally planned to observe the number of rebels through the number of camps, but now it seems that it is wishful thinking.

Zhu Xieyuan is no stranger to the rebellious She Chongming. He has been in Sichuan for so long, so he has heard of She Chongming.She Chongming's ancestors were awarded by the imperial court, and hereditary Yongning Xuanfu was in charge, and they held brave and skilled Yi soldiers in their hands.As the patriarch of the Yi nationality, She Chongming's status among the Yi nationality is naturally nothing to say.

People in Sichuan have always known that the soldiers of the Yi nationality in She Chongming are very capable of conquering and fighting.Zhu Xieyuan always thought so, but when he saw the rebels camping in Chongming, Zhu Xieyuan knew he was wrong.The camp was in disarray, wearing armor in a mess, and many people had no armor at all.

People wearing armor are also different, some are wearing a helmet, some are wearing armor, obviously these are to rob the Ming army.How can such an army be called an army?Perhaps it is because of their large number of people and their hunting skills.

At this time, Zhu Xieyuan felt extremely sad, and even had a feeling that the Ming Empire would let these people jump out.Obviously, as a Ming clanist, Zhu Xieyuan couldn't accept such a thing at all.

"My lord, it seems that the rebels outside the city are not planning to attack the city today!" A general came to Zhu Xieyuan's side and said respectfully.

Zhu Xieyuan, whose train of thought was interrupted, did not belong to anything, but nodded slightly.After pondering for a while, he said, "Let the soldiers be careful, and then take turns to rest!"

"Yes, my lord!" The boss replied respectfully, then turned and left.

Standing on the city wall for a long time, Zhu Xieyuan's heart was very complicated, and his thoughts kept flying away.Suddenly I felt like I was hungry.Zhu Xieyuan asked someone to bring some food.

Although the rebels outside were powerful, Zhu Xieyuan was not worried at all. If they wanted to break through the city of Chengdu, these rebels might not be able to do so.What Zhu Xieyuan had to do now was to wait until his reinforcements arrived. He knew in his heart that as long as he had troops in his hands, She Chongming would be nothing but a clown.

There was nothing to say all night, and everyone woke up very early the next morning.The soldiers sorted out their own equipment.The general patrolled the top of the city, while Zhu Xieyuan and others supervised from the top of the city.The inside of the city was also unusually quiet. Few people took to the streets, and groups of yamen servants and helpers patrolled the streets. It was obvious that Chengdu City was ready.

When the sun rose, the rebels below the city began to attack, but everything seemed slow.The rebels ran over slowly, and then erected the siege ladder.Climb up the ladder.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Xieyuan once again sighed helplessly.This battle is really too low.But in the face of such an enemy, the Ming army actually lost, how embarrassing is Zhu Xieyuan!

However, Zhu Xieyuan also knew that he should not be careless. The combat effectiveness of the rebels under the city was not very good, but there were too many of them.If it really does not stop attacking, I am afraid things will be very troublesome.

Facts are verifying Zhu Xieyuan's conjecture.After a slow attack, these rebels will suddenly launch a violent attack.It was the first time that the Ming army was almost caught off guard. Fortunately, Zhu Xieyuan had planned well in advance, so nothing went wrong.

The battle began like this, and the rebels who attacked the city changed batch after batch.Apparently they wanted to drag down Mingjun in the city.

"My lord, it's not a way to go on like this. Should some young men come up to the top of the city? Let the soldiers rest for a while?" The boss came to Zhu Xieyuan's side, and he didn't care to wipe off the sweat from his forehead, his face was very serious Said.

Glancing at the general manager, Zhu Xieyuan shook his head lightly, knowing in his heart that it was absolutely impossible.I'm afraid that just after I changed people, the rebels under the city will rush up violently. If that's the case, it may be difficult for the young and strong to resist.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Xieyuan said in a deep voice: "This is not possible. Tell the soldiers on the city that they can be divided into two teams. One pair will stick to it, and the other pair can rest, but it must be on the top of the city. If there is any emergency It’s better to have a care for the situation.”

Giving a salute to Zhu Xieyuan, he said respectfully, "Yes, my lord! I'll make arrangements for the humble job!" After speaking, he turned around and left.

Zhu Xieyuan on the top of the city did not dare to relax for a moment, but She Chongming under the city did not have this awareness. At this time, She Chongming can be said to be full of ambition.As long as Chengdu is taken down, the whole of Sichuan is in his pocket, and it is not impossible for him to become king if he wants to separate himself.

She Chongming was riding on an elephant, which he bought back from the south, and he always thought it was more majestic than riding a horse.Behind him is a tall flagpole with a big Liang character written on it, which is the new country name of Shechongming.

She Chongming, who has a certain understanding of the Ming Dynasty, is already dreaming of being an emperor at this time.He wants to lay down a large territory here, and he himself will be the emperor once.

"Father, if we continue to attack like this, when will we be able to enter Chengdu? Why don't we let the ministers lead the people to rush over, and we must take Chengdu in the shortest possible time." A young man on the side looked at She Chongming, with a look in his eyes Flashing with excitement, he said loudly.

Hearing the young man's words, She Chongming frowned, his son was good everywhere, but he was too arrogant.Glaring fiercely at his son She Yin, She Chongming said in a deep voice: "How many times have I told you, don't be arrogant. The Ming Dynasty has strong national power. Is it so easy to take down this city of Chengdu? This king is the most A good way, this is the only way to fight Chengdu!"

Some are dissatisfied with She Chongming's words, but She Yin didn't say anything, now only his father has the final say here.However, there is something deep hidden in She Yin's eyes, which is obviously something she doesn't want others to see.

As the sun sets, the day is finally over!She Chongming outside the city ordered to withdraw his troops, while the Ming army on the city breathed a sigh of relief.

Sighing lightly, Zhu Xieyuan frowned slightly after receiving the food handed over by the soldiers.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't work. It's definitely possible to stick to it in a short period of time, but I don't know when my reinforcements will arrive.

Before the rebels besieged Chengdu City, Zhu Xieyuan had already sent someone to ask for help, but he didn't know who would come first.

There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, the rebels launched another attack on the city.It is still the same as yesterday, it seems that She Chongming is going to spend so much.

This kind of life lasted for half a month, fighting like this every day. Although the Ming army in the city was tired at this time, there was no serious problem for the time being.After all, there is enough food and grass in the city, and there are still worries for the time being.

One morning after half a month, Zhu Xieyuan had just boarded the top of the wall, as usual, there was no abnormality at all.

Seeing the rebels preparing to attack the city, Zhu Xieyuan could only sigh softly, not knowing how long such days would last.At this moment, the sound of killing suddenly came from afar, and Zhu Xieyuan looked up quickly.

I saw a group of people approaching not far away, their equipment and excellent, Ming Dynasty standard armor gleaming in the sun.Seeing this team of people, Zhu Xieyuan heaved a sigh of relief.The number of this team is very large, it seems that there are about 2 people, and their attack is the direction where Zhu Xieyuan is stationed.

This team was like a tiger entering a herd of sheep. More than 2 people rushed into the rebel camp and rushed left and right to kill.Before the rebels came back to their senses, they were already smashed to pieces!

Zhu Xieyuan looked at this group of people and nodded slowly, only then did he look like a great Ming elite.

Before it came and sighed too much, Zhu Xieyuan saw that the troops had split into two groups, fighting along the two directions of the city wall.The sound of shouting and killing resounded, and countless heads flew up.

Perhaps because of surprise, this team quickly rushed the rebels to pieces, but as time went by, the rebels on both sides gradually pressed up, and the superiority in numbers gradually became prominent.This team seemed to be compressed, and stepped back step by step.

Looking back at President Ba behind him, Zhu Xieyuan said in a deep voice, "Get ready to open the city gate and let the reinforcements in!"

"Yes, my lord!" The fight outside was real, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, no one would think it was fake.After giving a respectful reply to the general manager, he turned around and made arrangements.

However, Zhu Xieyuan's gaze fell on a person, who seemed to be the backbone of the team, wherever he rushed, the rest of the team would follow.This person is very tall. Although he is less than six feet tall, he is also five feet eight inches (1.8 meters six).This man was wearing the armor of a general soldier, a red cloak behind him, and a large iron spear in his hand.

This person seemed to be very good at using a gun. The big gun flew up and down, and every time it was stabbed, someone would come to the end.After observing for a while, as the distance got closer, Zhu Xieyuan finally saw the face of this person clearly, this person was a woman.

Smiling lightly, Zhu Xieyuan really didn't expect her to be the first one to come, it should be said that he didn't expect this person to come.Zhu Xieyuan knew that this person had already gone to Liaodong, why would he appear here now?This person is none other than Qin Liangyu, the envoy of Xuanfu Shizhu who just came back from Liaodong.

Zhu Xieyuan didn't know how he felt about this stone pillar envoy.Logically speaking, he should not like women like Qin Liangyu, but he didn't feel this way in his heart. Zhu Xieyuan probably didn't even know what was going on. (To be continued..)

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