I am the carpenter king

Chapter 371: Court Discussion

There seems to be a lot of snow this year. Since the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, the capital has been full of universities, and it has not stopped until the 29th.It was snowing heavily, Emperor Apocalypse had canceled the early court, but some people still had to go to the palace to work, and that was the cabinet scholar.

Tomorrow will be the Chinese New Year, and today is the last court meeting of this year, and those who are eligible to participate are the six ministers and cabinet scholars.As for the yamen such as ministers of various ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, they are not eligible to participate, because what we are going to discuss today is about the expenditure of the imperial court in the past, and this issue has always caused everyone a headache.

It was snowing heavily, and it was hard to tell what time it was, and a group of proud sons stopped at the gate of the palace.A servant on one side handed over an umbrella, and everyone walked in holding the umbrella.But there was one exception, his favorite son could be carried directly into the palace gate, and he didn't get off the sedan chair until Jinshui Bridge.

"Your Majesty really trusts this Master Xu!" Looking at Xu Guangqi's favored son, Ying Zhen, the official of the Ministry of Punishment, had a meaningful expression on his face, and his tone of voice was quite strange.In fact, he has nothing to do with today's court meeting, but no one who is eligible to participate will not come.

Glancing at Guan Yingzhen, Wu Liangsi, Minister of the Household Department, said playfully, "Are you envious? I don't think you can be envious!"

Looking at Wu Liangsi up and down, a trace of doubt flashed in Guan Yingzhen's eyes, and he said rather strangely: "It's human nature for us to envy. Who doesn't want to be treated like this, everyone thinks so. You are not that kind of hypocrite, today How can you say such a thing?"

Shaking his head and smiling, Wu Liangsi gently patted the snow off his shoulders. Wu Liangsi said in a rather indifferent tone: "Have you not discovered it yet? The current emperor is young, but his mind is not young. To be able to get the emperor There are many people who value it, and the people who are valued by the emperor are given very high courtesy. But people like us can't do it. I don't have that ability!"

Seemingly sensing the sourness in Wu Liangsi's tone, Guan Yingzhen said rather puzzled: "Let's hear it, it's rare to hear your high opinion!"

"Now the No. 1 in the dynasty is none other than Sun Chengzong and His Majesty Sun Chengzong. His family is so prosperous and powerful that there were not many of them in the Ming Dynasty in 200 years. Mr. Sun is not a power eunuch. It is because of Mr. Sun that he can gain the trust of the emperor. Ability. At the beginning of going to Liaodong, they won a big victory. The Zunhua battle wiped out the invading enemy and reversed the decline of Ming Dynasty in the border. What is this? This is ability. Who has this ability? This is impossible The replacement person, so the emperor attaches great importance to it." Wu Liangsi looked at the Forbidden City in front of him, with deep emotion in his tone, and it seemed that there was still some yearning hidden.

Slowly nodded.Guan Yingzhen also quite agreed: "When the emperor reused Mr. Sun, there were a lot of opposition from the government and the public, but now it seems that the emperor's ability to know people is beyond the reach of others."

"Let's talk about Mr. Xu, the biggest difference between him and us is that no one can replace him. To be honest, if the two of us go down, the court will soon find another person to do it. There are many people who can be the minister of the Ministry of punishment and the minister of the household department. Yes, but he can build artillery for the emperor. But there is only one person. He is the one who built the cannon with a range of eight miles. I heard that he is preparing for a new shipyard. It is precisely because of this irreplaceable that the emperor is like this Faith and courtesy." Wu Liangsi sighed regretfully, although there was nothing expressive in his tone, there was deep admiration in his eyes.

Pointing at Wu Liangsi, Guan Yingzhen stomped his feet and said with a big smile, "Conscientious people will always be happy. We can achieve today's position, which is already something that we dare not even think about back then. If the emperor can rejuvenate Daming, We can also go down in history. If we can get a hardworking and competent comment at that time, we will have no regrets in this life!"

Wu Liangsi also stomped his feet lightly.Looking at Guan Yingzhen with a smile, he said with emotion on his face: "The officialdom is ups and downs, and it's not easy for you to keep your heart at this time!"

"Let's go! Let's stop flattering each other, it's not good to make others wait!" Guan Yingzhen glanced inside and said with a smile.

When the two entered, there were several people standing in the hall, some were talking in low voices, and some were resting with their eyes closed.Because of the snowflakes falling outside, even though they turned around the corridor, the temperature in the main hall was still a bit low.

"My lords, the emperor has a decree that today's court meeting will be held in the Nuan Pavilion!" Wang Chengen walked out slowly, shaking the whisk in his hand lightly, and said with a smile on his face.

Several people followed Wang Chengen to the Nuan Pavilion. There were two long tables and a row of brocade piers behind them.There is a charcoal brazier between the tables in the two chapters, and it is much warmer here than in the main hall.Everyone stood there with expressionless faces, waiting for the arrival of Emperor Tianqi.

Accompanied by the sound of stomping footsteps, Emperor Tianqi came out from behind and slowly sat on his chair.

Behind Emperor Tianqi are several eunuchs dressed in red serving eunuchs, and the leader is the eunuch Wang An, the palm print eunuch of the ceremonial supervisor.Then there is Wei Chao, the governor of the East Factory, the eunuch Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, and Wang Chengen on one side, who has just been added as the eunuch of the Royal Horse Supervisor by Emperor Apocalypse.

"Your servants are waiting to see the emperor, long live my emperor!" Everyone lifted up their clothes and knelt down on the ground, paying respects to Emperor Tianqi.

After sitting on his dragon chair, Emperor Tianqi looked at the ministers below with a smile, stretched out his hands to help them in the air, and said loudly: "Everyone loves you!" When everyone stood up, Emperor Tianqi said: "Sit down! I don't know how long the discussion will last, so don't get tired!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Several people saluted again, and all sat down on the brocade pier behind the table. On one side were civil officials such as the cabinet scholars and six ministers, and on the other side were the eunuchs who were in charge of rituals.

Although Emperor Tianqi killed many ministers, the ministers all knew in their hearts that as long as you don't go too far, Emperor Tianqi's courtesy to ministers is still very high.Like today, the emperor loves the ministers and let them sit, but in fact they should all stand.

Glancing at Chen Lin who was standing on the side, Emperor Tianqi ordered in a flat voice: "Have someone prepare tea and snacks, and prepare some for me and all my lovers. If you are hungry, eat some. Tomorrow is the New Year, and I can't I'm starving all my lovers!"

When everything was ready, everyone's faces became serious, and Emperor Tianqi said to Chen Lin: "I'll leave you here alone to serve, and let everyone else go out!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Chen Lin immediately beamed with joy, and after driving out all the eunuchs and court ladies, he stood respectfully beside Emperor Tianqi.

"Liu Aiqing, you will preside over this court meeting!" Looking at Liu Yijing, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice.

After being taken aback for a moment, Liu Yijing respectfully said: "Yes, Your Majesty!" Seeing Emperor Tianqi motioning for him to start, Liu Yijing said: "I will first talk about the expense papers handed over by various ministries. 940 million taels, a full 600 million taels overspend compared with the plan at the beginning of the year. This year’s revenue of the imperial court is only 440 million taels. Compared with the income, the deficit of the national treasury this year exceeds 500 million taels. If it is not for the 500 million allocated by the emperor’s internal treasury Two, I'm afraid the imperial court can't open the pot anymore!"

Emperor Tianqi had no expression on his face. In fact, Emperor Tianqi had no interest in today's court meeting.The imperial court's annual revenue is only 440 million taels. If it is not resolved here, it is useless to discuss it.

"All the ministries tell us about their own expenses, and see where they are overspending!" Seeing that Emperor Tianqi didn't speak, Liu Yijing breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice.

"Then let's start with the Ministry of War! At the beginning of the year, the budget of the Ministry of War was 200 million taels, of which 120 million taels were needed for ordnance from various places, and the remaining 80 taels were military pay from various places. The Ministry of War did not overspend on this item, and the total cost was 200 million taels. However, there were several victories at the frontier this year, and several rewards cost 60 taels of silver. Part of it came from the internal treasury, and a part from the Ministry of War, about 40 taels, which is an excess of the cost!" Xiong Wencan picked up his The memorial, said in a calm tone.

Emperor Tianqi sighed in his heart, this is the benefit of the guard system, if the national recruitment system, these annual revenues may not be enough to pay for the army.It seems that this recruitment system cannot be promoted without enough money!

Glancing at Xiong Wencan, no one said a word. The Ministry of War's expenses are understandable, and now they are just waiting for Emperor Tianqi to nod.

"The Ministry of War has done a good job, Xiong Aiqing has put his heart into it!" Looking at Xiong Wencan appreciatively, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment!" Xiong Wencan's face was very calm, obviously he had a deep understanding in his heart.

Everyone looked at the seats of the ministers again. This time it was Zhou Jiamo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials who stood up. As for the Minister of Rites, Sun Shenxing, and the Minister of Punishment, Ying Zhen, these two were the most calm.They didn't have anything to do, although things like Emperor Tianqi's big wedding cost a lot, but they were all accounts of the internal treasury, and no one dared to check this.

"The budget of the Ministry of Officials at the beginning of the year was 100 million taels of silver. By the end of the year, it had spent a total of 320 million taels, a total overrun of 220 million taels. The money was all used to make up for the debts owed by officials at all levels, and the Ministry of Officials has the specific details. It can be investigated!" Zhou Jiamo also looked calm, after the Liaodong incident, Emperor Tianqi issued an order to make up all the officials' debts.At the same time, rewards were given to incorruptible officials, which is an imperial decree.

Nodding in agreement, Emperor Tianqi said with a smile: "The money has been spent on the right way, and the cabinet can also draw up bills for the memorial of the Ministry of Officials, and the Supervisor of Rituals has approved it! Officials are already very satisfied with serving the court." It’s easy, the government’s delay in arranging officials’ salaries is inappropriate, and the money should be spent!”

"Your Majesty is holy!" Several people saluted Emperor Tianqi respectfully. Although they were not short of the salary money, they did.Besides, whether there is lack or not is one aspect, and whether it is given or not is another! (to be continued..)

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