I am the carpenter king

Chapter 383 Weeping with joy

Looking at the stage with piercing eyes, the body that was trembling due to the north wind stopped moving. Everyone's body was stretched straight, and there was a lot of reverence on their faces.Whether it is an officer or a soldier, facing the figure on the general platform, there is a bit of fanaticism in their eyes.

Looking back at several people, Sun Chengzong nodded solemnly, and when he saw Chen Hong, he smiled slightly.For this old eunuch, Sun Chengzong still has a good impression, and the eunuchs reused by Emperor Tianqi do not seem to be annoying.Such an idea suddenly appeared in Sun Chengzong's mind. Needless to say, Wang An, the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, he was always close to the civil servants, and he was a rare good eunuch.Chen Hong in front of him, although he is usually serious, he is not sloppy at all when it comes to right and wrong.Then there is Eunuch Wei from Dongchang, who is also very humble.

Sighing in his heart, Sun Chengzong was quite emotional, what kind of emperor uses what kind of ministers, my Ming Dynasty is flourishing!The day of restoration of glory is not far away.Looking at the energetic soldiers below, Sun Chengzong nodded in satisfaction. As long as this thing can be done, he will definitely be able to train a strong army.

"My lord, the weather is rather cold, is it starting?" Xiong Tingbi said as he walked to Sun Chengzong's side.

Gently nodding his head, Sun Chengzong said with a serious face: "Read out the emperor's imperial decree first, and let the surrounding guards shout out loudly, and the people I asked you to prepare are all ready?" [

"Master, everything is ready! They are all reliable people!" Xiong Tingbi bowed and said humbly. He respected Sun Chengzong from his heart, not because of Sun Chengzong's status.

"Then let's start!" Chen Hong, who was talking about Sun Chengzong, turned his gaze to one side, and said with a smile: "Eunuch Chen, you should read this edict!"

Chen Hong on the side was slightly taken aback. It was an imperial decree from Emperor Tianqi to Sun Chengzong, and it was appropriate for Sun Chengzong to read it out.But when he saw the smile on Sun Chengzong's face, he understood in his heart that he was borrowing his identity!I am now the eunuch who supervises the army in Liaodong.The eunuch of Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, the whole Liaodong knows that he is the emperor's confidant, and he has the deep trust of the emperor.

If the imperial decree was read out by himself, the credibility would be much higher. Looking at the smiling Sun Chengzong, Chen Hong couldn't help but smile.This old man looks upright and upright, but he has already chewed through this trick in the officialdom!

"Since Mr. Sun said so. Then our family should be respectful rather than obedient!" Holding the imperial decree in his hand with a smile, Chen Hong stood facing south, while he had already prepared the incense table.

"Decree!" Chen Hong yelled loudly, and the guards on the side repeated it loudly. Hundreds of people shouted together, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.Although the north wind is blowing.Tens of thousands of people stood on the teaching field, but they all heard clearly.

He quickly lifted his clothes and knelt down on the ground. Naturally, no one dared to do anything wrong. Sun Chengzong led Xiong Tingbi and others to kneel in front of the incense table.

Chen Hong's face was serious, and he read out the imperial decree of Emperor Tianqi. Naturally, the soldiers could not understand what he was saying, but the generals did.Many people's faces were gloomy.His eyes kept wandering, but his forehead was sweating in the cold weather.

Some people are anxious. Although they don't have any money now, they can earn thousands of taels a year from drinking the blood of soldiers.Compared with corrupt officials, it is naturally a small number, but all the young and old in my family are pointing at this!If the system is changed, I am afraid that such opportunities will be less.

However, some generals also looked disapproving. They originally had a recruiting system, which was different from the officers and soldiers in the guards.To change or not to change has little effect on them.I'm afraid it's none of their business to divide the land.On the contrary, they looked gloatingly at the original guard officers, and some people were still wondering whether these people should make a mutiny or something.

He is arrogant on weekdays, if he really makes trouble, it might be an opportunity for people like himself to make meritorious deeds.

The soldiers were basically at a loss, and they all looked around in a daze after hearing a cloud of mist.

"Gather all the officers together. This commander has something to say!" Sun Chengzong ordered with a serious tone after glancing at Jin Yiwei beside him.

Emperor Tianqi dropped a team of Jinyiwei to follow Sun Chengzong, and now he just uses them, compared to his own soldiers.Jin Yiwei is much more deterrent.

"Yes, my lord!" Naturally, Jin Yiwei would not go against Sun Chengzong's intentions, Luo Sigong made it clear that they came to protect Sun Chengzong, and secondly, they came to solve some inconvenient problems for Sun Chengzong.

Seeing Jin Yiwei appearing in front of him, all the generals' faces became serious, and they were all muttering in their hearts.Looking around, he could only follow Jin Yiwei, after all, no one dared to act rashly at this time.These people didn't necessarily have the courage to rebel, and they were probably killed on the spot when they made a mutiny.

Looking back at Xiong Tingbi, Sun Chengzong ordered: "Let's start!"

"Yes, my lord!" Replied respectfully, Xiong Tingbi waved to a guard behind him, and ordered: "Let everyone come out!"

Not long after, four teams of people walked out from the four directions of the school grounds. It didn't look like there were many, and each team only looked like a few hundred people.They are all wearing the armor of personal guards, and each of them has a scroll in their hands, and they can't tell what it is in their hands at this time.However, there is still a gong hanging on the arm, which makes people look a little confused. [

These people walked into the teaching field, and no one stayed, they immediately dispersed, and each found a place where the wind was blowing.

Li Datou is an ordinary guard soldier, a veteran who has participated in the Saarhu. When he saw that the generals were called away, he muttered in his heart.Seeing a person holding a scroll not far away from him, he hurriedly moved over.

I saw that person beckoned to two people, let them drag the scroll, and then opened the scroll.Seeing the densely packed words on it, Li Datou frowned.But the man seemed to have a plan in mind, picked up the gong in his hand and knocked it up, and said while knocking: "Look, take a look, don't miss it when you pass by, if you miss it, you will regret it forever! I want to know what the imperial decree said If you want to know what the emperor wants us to do, come and listen!"

At this time, the entire teaching ground was full of shouts, and the serious teaching ground suddenly became lively, like a noisy market.

"Okay, we're almost done, let's start talking!" Li Datou looked at the man and said impatiently.

The man smiled and nodded, put the gong aside, and said: "The emperor's edict said one thing, that is to change the guard system in Liaodong to a recruiting system. Brothers who have military status in the future, you will not Once you are registered in the military, the imperial court will give you land, and you can live like ordinary people."

After hearing the man's words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, Li Datou couldn't believe it, and his body was trembling.People with military status in this era are not only not a good thing, but they are living at the bottom of society.They have been in the army for generations, and their children and grandchildren are exhausted, and no one can escape.

When it is not a time of war, they have to farm, no different from ordinary people.But there is one difference here, the land is owned by the guards, and all the food they grow must be handed over, and their life is not as good as that of the tenants.That is not enough to eat, not warm enough to wear.

When catching up with the chaos of war, you must go to the battlefield, and most of the men are killed in battle.If you want to die, you can only think about it.

"Remove our military registration? Give us land? You're not lying to us, are you?" Looking at the man, Li Datou asked with disbelief on his face and trembling lips.

"What are you talking about? This is what the emperor said in the imperial decree. False imperial decrees will be copied and executed. What you just read out is this imperial decree, don't talk nonsense!" The man gave Li Datou a fierce look, With a threatening face.

Hastily nodded, Li Datou couldn't believe it, his face was full of joy at this time.

"Then how to divide the land?" Another person asked on the side, obviously he has understood the matter, and now he is concerned about the land.

"From tomorrow, the land will be weighed based on the number of thousands of households. Then according to the amount of land, it will be distributed to each person according to the head, and the land deed will be written in person. From now on, this will be your land. It can be used for generations. Pass it down, and it can be used as a family heirloom for your family." The man said loudly with joy on his face.

The people present cheered immediately. They never thought that they would have land one day.Now that it has been confirmed, they are naturally very happy, and some people are already crying with joy.

"We have all gone to the important place, so who will be the soldier?" Li Datou lowered his head and thought for a while, and asked such a question with a trace of doubt on his face.

Everyone looked at that person again, with a bit of worry on their faces, after all, someone has to be a soldier.There are many people here who want to be soldiers, and they cannot do without the army.

"That's a good question, brother. The emperor's imperial decree also said that after the land is distributed, you are free. Those who want to farm can go back to farm. If they want to be soldiers, you can continue to serve as soldiers. A generous salary will be paid every month, and of course it will not be in arrears. If there are soldiers in the family, they can be exempted from corvee, and I will talk about these in the future. If you make military achievements in the future, you will not only be rewarded, but you can also be promoted. Make the chief general!" With a smile on his face, the man stretched out his hand and gestured continuously.

Li Datou's heart suddenly became hot, and his face showed a light of excitement, he had money to take, and an official to do it.I used to fight wars, and now I still fight wars, but this war is different from war.

At this time, there were thunderous cheers in the teaching army field, some people wanted to go back to farming, and some wanted to fight for a great future.In short, everyone understands that in the future, he will no longer be bound by military status, he can do more things, and his son can justifiably go to school and take the top scorer exam.

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