The weather is getting colder and colder, the snow on the ground dazzles people's eyes under the sunlight, and the land of Liaodong is covered in white.This sudden heavy snow caught many people off guard, and both sides in the battle fell into anxiety.

Standing on the top of Tieling City, Sun Chengzong frowned and looked at the countryside. He was wearing a bearskin cloak and a bearskin hat on his head, so as to resist the cold east wind.Looking back at Xiong Tingbi standing beside him, Sun Chengzong sighed softly.

"My lord, why are you sighing?" Xiong Tingbi was very excited. This time, he not only took back Tieling and Kaiyuan, but also blocked Jiannu's retreat.I heard that the northwest side played well, so I can't be ashamed here.

Gently shaking his head, Sun Chengzong pulled the cloak on his body and said, "Feibai, our plan may come to nothing. It may not be easy to fight in such weather!"

Xiong Tingbi's heart was very hot, but unexpectedly, Xiong Tingbi taught himself a basin of cold water, calmed down his mood, and Xiong Tingbi could understand what Sun Chengzong said.

If there hadn't been this heavy snowfall, Jiannu would naturally not be reconciled to failure, and would definitely take Tieling and Kaiyuan back.But the snow was too heavy. Under such weather, Jiannu could not choose to attack the well-defended city of the Ming army. It would be no different from dying.

"Although we have stood at Kaiyuan and Tieling, it is not easy to restore the previous situation. Originally in the north of Kaiyuan, the Haixi Jurchen Yehe tribe was stationed there. They are Ming's staunch allies. In the northeast , and other Jurchen tribes in Haixi, but what about now?" Sun Chengzong didn't show the slightest expression on his face.Staring at the outside of the city, there was an indescribable loss in his tone.

Although Sun Chengzong didn't say anything, Xiong Tingbi could still understand Sun Chengzong's mood, because it was the same as his mood.As the saying goes, one general can kill thousands of troops.In the first battle of Saerhu, the advantage of Ming Dynasty in Liaodong for more than 200 years disappeared.

Haixi Jurchen, Hada and Huifa, who originally stood in the same camp as the Ming Dynasty, were annexed by Jiannu.Many people in the Ula tribe died in battle, and most of them were reorganized as slaves.Now only the Yehe tribe is left, and the Yehe tribe can be preserved because the Yehe tribe surrendered the wild boar skin and became a vassal of the Aixinjueluo family. [

Thinking about one thing.Xiong Tingbi could only sigh helplessly, the situation in Liaodong had deteriorated to this point, and most of the blame should be attributed to the ministers who fought all day long in the court.Vegetarian meal in the body position, can be extremely!This is what Xiong Tingbi said to them.

This is also the reason why Xiong Tingbi scolded them for so many years. In Xiong Tingbi's view, these people ruined the Ming Dynasty.In fact, it was in Xiong Tingbi's mind.It's not like I didn't blame the emperor who didn't go to court for 20 years, but this can only be suppressed in my own psychology.

Seeing that Xiong Tingbi was lost in thought, Sun Chengzong didn't speak.He just stood there quietly, as if he didn't feel the cold wind blowing on his face.The snow-white beard fluttered with the wind, but the body still stood there firmly.

After a long time, Xiong Tingbi let out a foul breath.He smiled and said: "My lord, times have changed, and many things cannot be seen with the same eyes. As the saying goes, don't look at them with admiration for three days!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Sun Chengzong's face, and without turning his head, he said with joy in his tone: "Let's hear it!"

"Since my lord is interested, I'm going to make a fool of myself! Although the current situation is not as good as before. But I feel that this is only on the surface. In fact, the situation is much better than before!" Xiong Tingbi had a smile on his face. The slump was swept away, and there was indeed an unprecedented level of confidence on his body.

Smiling and nodding, Sun Chengzong turned around slowly, looked at Xiong Tingbi with interest, and said, "It's interesting, let's hear it!"

"The battle of Saerhu back then was not so much Yang Hao's mistake as a problem of the entire Ming Dynasty. The court was dominated by traitors, the frontier army was slack, and the combat power was low. The defeat in that battle was inevitable. Although the Ming Dynasty Time is controlling Liaodong, and Haixi Jurchen is helping the battle, but the defeat is also expected!" Xiong Tingbi sighed, although he had already let go, but he still felt a little sad in his heart.

Nodding in satisfaction, Sun Chengzong finally breathed a sigh of relief. When he first came to Liaodong, Sun Chengzong trained Xiong Tingbi as his successor, and now he is finally looking good.

"What about the present? What is the situation in Ming Dynasty now?" It is not worth boasting to be able to see the past clearly, but the most important thing is to be able to see the situation in your heart, Sun Chengzong said in a deep voice.

"Of course it is different now. Since the emperor ascended the throne, he has been close to virtuous ministers and far away from villains. He has clarified the court, reused capable officials, and reorganized the king's teachers. He already has the posture of a holy master. Reuse virtuous ministers like ministers to rectify the Liaodong army. , now that Liaodong has strong soldiers and horses, it is only a matter of time before it can be restored to the original situation. It is also a short-lived achievement to wipe out Liaodong and sweep the Jiannu Liting. " Xiong Tingbi said with a smile, and finally took a picture of Sun Chengzong Flattery.

Shaking his head, Sun Chengzong said with a little helplessness: "You! I don't know what to say about you! But you are right, your majesty is wise, and the Ming Dynasty is expected to rejuvenate!"

"Report!" Sun Chengzong and Xiong Tingbi were still about to say something, but a voice interrupted their conversation, and a scout ran up from the city.

Seeing the frost on the scout's face, both Sun Chengzong and Xiong Tingbi's faces became serious. This is the scout cavalry that came out, and it seems that something big happened to Lord War God.

"Commander, the Jiannu have already pulled out their camp. They are heading east from the north of Kaiyuan City at a very fast speed. After passing through the territory of the Yehe tribe, if there is no obstruction, they will soon be able to enter the Jurchen's defense line." The scout's face They didn't show the slightest expression. They had all reported the emergency military situation, and it was not up to them to decide what to do. [

After listening to the scout's report, Sun Chengzong waved his hand to signal the scout to go down, turned around and said to Xiong Tingbi: "What do you think is the right thing to do now?"

Xiong Tingbi frowned tightly. He didn't expect that Jianu really didn't call. After thinking for a while, he said: "My lord, the weather is extremely unfavorable for the army to move. What's more, although we have [-] cavalry, the rest are only Pawns, it is very difficult to chase Jiannu in this weather. If you send troops to intercept Jiannu, I am afraid that the gain will not be worth the loss, and if there is a slight omission, all previous efforts will be wasted."

Nodding in agreement, if you pursue now, the possibility of defeat is very high.As the saying goes, put them to death and live later, Jiannu's combat power in the Jedi must be no small matter.What's more, Jiannu has more cavalry, such a snowy day is not good for his side.But such a good opportunity, if let go, is really not reconciled.If someone took the opportunity to participate in a joint book, the charge of delaying the war opportunity would not be so easy to resist.

"My lord, for the current plan, this is what I think. Since I can't wait to build slaves, then it is the best choice to take the initiative. Of course, I can't stop the people who build slaves. I think the best way is to go back Division, went straight to Fushun City. Taking advantage of Jiannu's spare time, Fushun's troops were empty, and took Fushun down. This way, Hetuala can be aggressive. Once Fushun is regained, it is equivalent to nailing Jiannu here, making it Don't worry about Yehe and the Mongolian tribes!" Xiong Tingbi's eyes were shining brightly, Xiong Tingbi thought that Fushun should be attacked at first, but he was persuaded by Sun Chengzong.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, Xiong Tingbi will naturally not let it go. After speaking, Xiong Tingbi looked at Song Chengzong expectantly.

After thinking quietly for a moment, Sun Chengzong nodded slowly. Now that he is fighting Jiannu in the wild, the possibility of his side winning is very small.However, when attacking Fushun City, Sun Chengzong was extremely confident that he would win this battle.

"Okay, then, according to Fei Bai's proposal, pass on the commander-in-chief's order, and set off with the whole army, and go straight to Fushun!" Sun Chengzong gave the order with a serious face, and his words started to move after a day of preparation. Let's go!

At this time, the morale of the Jurchen team was very low, and a heavy snowstorm wiped out the fighting spirit of most of the Eight Banners disciples.When Nurhachi heard that Kaiyuan and Tieling were lost and his son Abai died in battle, he fell on the bed.For the Jurchens who were already low in morale, it was worse.

Under such circumstances, attacking Tieling and Kaiyuan again was nothing but wishful thinking.After everyone's persuasion, Nurhachi gave up his original plan and returned directly to Xingjing by detour.

But at this time, Nurhachi didn't know that the Ming army had already sent troops to attack Fushun, and he didn't know how he would react when he knew the news.

Like Nurhachi, Emperor Tianqi is also very angry now, but he can only lie on the bed.Emperor Tianqi, who was extremely weak, looked a lot better, but still a little blue.

Glancing at Wei Chao and Luo Sigong who were kneeling on the ground, Emperor Tianqi didn't say a word. These two people had been kneeling there for an hour, but Emperor Tianqi, who originally loved his subjects, was uncharacteristically this time.

Greeting Wang Cheng'en who was standing aside, Emperor Tianqi said, "Go and open the door!" Smelling the pungent smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the room, Emperor Tianqi felt that his head was swollen.

"Your majesty, you are very weak now, and it's winter now, how can you open your mouth? Your majesty still puts the dragon's body first!" Wang Chengen was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stopped him.

Taking a deep look at Wang Cheng'en, Emperor Tianqi didn't insist, and said: "Move out all the incense burners in the room, and open the censers. The smell in the room must be released. You choose a few that are farther away from me. , go do it!"

Seeing Emperor Tianqi's resolute attitude, Wang Chengen could only nod his head, and turned around to arrange people to do things.

Emperor Tianqi turned his eyes back to the two kneeling on the ground, with complex expressions in his eyes, and he said softly after a long time: "Get up! You are not young, and the ground is still a bit cold."

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