I am the carpenter king

Chapter 523 Silver

Opening Wei Mi's eyes, Emperor Tianqi showed a comfortable smile on his face. Looking at Empress Zhang who was lying beside him like a kitten, the smile on Emperor Tianqi's face became wider.Thinking about what happened last night, Emperor Tianqi felt a little ridiculous, he hadn't lost his composure for a long time.

Looking around, seeing no one, Emperor Tianqi got out of bed slowly.Without disturbing the sleeping Queen Zhang, Emperor Tianqi walked out slowly.Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the outer hall, he saw Wang Chengen. Emperor Tianqi smiled and said: Wait for me to change clothes! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Wang Chengen hurried over and served Emperor Tianqi with a smile, while telling the eunuchs and maids to be careful.

After grooming and having breakfast, Emperor Tianqi began to repeat what he had been doing all along.Although there is a cabinet and a supervisor of ceremonies, Emperor Tianqi still doesn't want to be lazy, and it is more reassuring to see some things by himself.

After looking through several memorials, Emperor Tianqi finally saw a more important memorial on his face, which was written by Zhou Jiamo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials.Gently opened the memorial, and saw that it read: Please pay the official for the letter.

He sighed helplessly, originally he thought he had done a lot of things, but for the first time Emperor Tianqi discovered that he had too many things to do, and there was a long way to go!

After skimming the flattering words in front, Emperor Tianqi's eyes fell directly on the business behind.The above topics are just clichés, the new year is coming soon, the landlord's family has no surplus food, and the life of these officials is not easy.

Emperor Tianqi's mind was very clear. For example, in the Ming Dynasty, many officials could not rely on their salaries, but many people still had to rely on these salaries to eat.In many Qingshui yamen, if the salary is not paid, these people may not be able to survive this year.

In this memorial, Zhou Jiamo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, hoped that Emperor Tianqi would pay the full amount of this year's salary on the basis of this year's salary.It is possible to make up for the salary owed by the court appropriately.Although Zhang Juzheng's reforms in the early years of Wanli reversed the political decline, Emperor Wanli also became a rich emperor.

The Wanli emperor was also a frugal master, and the imperial court did not default on the salaries of officials, but the three major Wanli campaigns cost the treasury countless money.Such a treasury, which was originally full, already owed a lot of money in the hands of Emperor Tianqi.

However, Emperor Tianqi punished corrupt officials.The salt tax has been re-determined. After this year, there are already 200 million taels of silver in the treasury.This year, a total of 800 million taels of silver were obtained by raiding the national treasury, and the rest went into the internal treasury of Emperor Tianqi.As for the salt tax, the national treasury collected a total of 600 million taels in half a year, and the government and the opposition were stunned.

After spending a year in the Ming Dynasty, the treasury still has 200 taels of silver in it. This is something that was never even imagined before.After this incident, the ruling and opposition parties all admired Emperor Tianqi.The praises of Shengming are rampant.

However, things came when there was money, and all the officials of the imperial court fixed their eyes on it, and the official department was no exception.In Zhou Jiamo's memorial, Zhou Jiamo applied for 230 million taels of silver like Emperor Tianqi, which was used to distribute salaries and New Year subsidies to officials at all levels, and the most important thing was to make up for the salaries owed to officials before.

Sighing softly, Emperor Tianqi still thanked Zhang Juzheng very much in his heart, if Zhang Juzheng's reforms had not been done.I will never have such a good situation.Although the three masters have consumed a lot of national power, they are much better than the Jiajing Dynasty.That's when it's tough.

Looking at the proposals of the cabinet below, Emperor Tianqi could only shake his head with a wry smile, and said a lot of useless nonsense, the central idea is just one meaning, sure!

However, Emperor Tianqi knew that the cabinet would not dare to write anything else about such an excerpt, because the treasury had no money in the past.Everyone will not make trouble.If anyone makes trouble, he will be labeled as ignorant of the general situation.But now that the treasury has money, if the salaries of the officials are not paid, I am afraid things will be very troublesome.The cabinet doesn't want to provoke those censors headed by the Inspectorate, for those mad dogs.The cabinet is absolutely respectful of ghosts and gods.

Thinking of those corrupt officials full of brains and intestines, Emperor Tianqi wished he had to pay his salary. At the beginning, Emperor Tianqi himself knew that things couldn't be done like this.Thinking of those officials who couldn't get rid of the pot, Emperor Tianqi glanced back at Wang Chengen, and said: "This memorial will be sent to the Supervisor of Ceremonies to wear red, I will approve it!"

Wang Chengen saluted respectfully immediately, and said with a smile on his face: "Yes, don't worry, Your Majesty, Nubei will do it now!"

Turning his eyes back, Emperor Tianqi continued to flip through the memorials in his hand, many of them were small things, and big things were all related to money.After handling the matter well, Emperor Tianqi rubbed his swollen forehead, and Emperor Tianqi felt that he felt much better.

"Your Majesty, drink tea!" Seeing that Emperor Tianqi seemed to have almost handled everything, Wang Chengen hurriedly held a bowl of tea in front of Emperor Tianqi, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is the tea prepared by Nubei. Just right!"

After receiving the tea from Wang Chengen, Emperor Tianqi took a sip and said, "Is there anything important in these memorials? You pick them out and read them to me."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Wang Chengen replied respectfully, and slowly flipped through the memorials on one side. These are all memorials brought from the chief of ceremonies, and Wang Chengen had already read them in his heart.

As Emperor Tianqi's personal eunuch, Wang Chengen naturally has advantages that others do not have. Basically, Wang Chengen can give an answer to whatever Emperor Tianqi asks.

"Your Majesty, this memorial was sent by Master Yuan Yingtai, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry. It means that many palaces in the palace have been in disrepair for a long time. Now that the treasury has money, I hope to repair the palaces in the palace! It will cost about 200 million taels of silver. The ticket is approved!" Wang Chengen carefully looked at Emperor Tianqi, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

Emperor Tianqi frowned immediately. Since Yuan Yingtai became Minister of the Ministry of Industry, he has done a very good job whether it is governing the Yellow River or other things.Although he knew that Yuan Yingtai didn't know anything about military affairs, Emperor Tianqi didn't want everyone to be all-rounder.

I have a good impression of Yuan Yingtai, but Emperor Tianqi couldn't figure out why he gave such a flattering memorial.Although Emperor Tianqi traveled over from later generations, he couldn't figure out this matter.

The ministers of the Ming Dynasty knew very well that the treasury has never had money, and when there is money, it is natural to spend it where it should be spent.But the emperor can't ignore it here, otherwise he will be labeled as a father without a monarch.At that time, Emperor Jiajing had a dispute with his ministers because he wanted to build a palace. The ministers hoped to use the money to govern the country, but the rewarding emperor wanted to build the palace he had burned down.

When the incident came to an end, the ministers naturally backed down. Since then, this tradition has remained.Let’s not talk about the lack of money in the national treasury. If there is money, it must be distributed to the emperor. Yuan Yingtai will naturally submit this memorial.

Without thinking clearly, Emperor Tianqi shook his head, glanced at Wang Chengen, and said, "How much silver do I have in my treasury?" Because of his personality, Emperor Tianqi was not like other emperors who cared so much about how much money he had. money.

"Return to the emperor, because at the end of the year, the silver from Longchang has already arrived. The salt alone will make a profit of 600 million taels, and the rest of the income will be about 400 million taels, totaling around 3000 million taels. 600 million taels, originally there were about 400 million taels in the inner treasury, and now the emperor's inner treasury has about 7000 million taels of silver!" Wang Chengen is naturally very familiar with these things, and said it without hesitation .

Emperor Tianqi was stunned for a moment, although he knew that the Ming Dynasty was not without silver, but there was too much silver!After thinking about the information of later generations, Emperor Tianqi knew that it was not because he had too much money, but because he was poor.Shaking his head with a wry smile, he asked with a serious face, "Will Long Chang take so much money, will it not affect the operation of Long Chang?"

"Back to the emperor, Nubei has already asked, they have set aside the money to spend next year, there will be no mistakes!" Wang Chengen bowed without any change in expression.

Nodding his head, since this is the case, Emperor Tianqi is naturally relieved.After pondering for a while, Emperor Tianqi said with a serious face: "Since there is no shortage of money in the inner treasury, don't use the money from the treasury to repair the palace, but use the money from the inner treasury!"

"Your majesty is wise!" Naturally, Wang Cheng'en would not object. Now that there is money in the internal treasury, the 200 million taels is naturally not on his mind.What's more, this is the money for repairing the palace, and no one dares to say anything.

Putting down the memorial in his hand, Wang Chengen picked up another memorial, but this time he did not open it, but respectfully said to Emperor Tianqi: "Your Majesty, this is the secret paper of Luo Sigong, the commander of Jinyiwei Capital!" Respectfully handed it to Emperor Tianqi.

Reaching out to take the memorial, Emperor Tianqi looked at it slowly, but soon Emperor Tianqi sighed softly.This is Luo Sigong's request to punish the White Lotus Sect rebels and the gap between slavery. The case has almost been heard, and Luo Sigong hopes that Emperor Tianqi will make an order.

Luo Sigong's tone was very cautious, for fear of offending Emperor Tianqi, in fact, all these people should be executed immediately, but Luo Sigong didn't dare to take this idea.One must know that there is a saint from the White Lotus Sect, this is where Luo Sigong is undecided.

That delicate face flashed in my mind, Emperor Tianqi was god again, although there were countless women around Emperor Tianqi, but these were all sent in, Emperor Tianqi had no right to choose.The saintess of the White Lotus Sect is different, she is the first woman whom Emperor Tianqi has a crush on since he came to this world, but Emperor Tianqi didn't think too long, and said to Wang Chengen on the side: "Wang Chengen, what do you think of this matter?" Is it suitable?” (To be continued..)

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