On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, it is only one day away from the New Year's Eve, and the entire capital is filled with an atmosphere of joy.Occasionally, snowflakes would fall in the sky, fluttering with the north wind. Although the street was very cold, there were still many pedestrians.

The Forbidden City is full of busy maids and eunuchs, so the New Year in the palace is naturally more solemn. Although Emperor Tianqi ordered that the number be reduced a lot, it should not be too shabby.The entire imperial palace was unknowingly arranged more magnificently and full of extravagance.

"Look carefully, what's going on, you guys? What are you looking at? That pillar is being wiped clean." Standing on the steps, Wang Chengen looked at the constant greetings from the chief eunuch, frowning slightly.

Glancing at a young eunuch next to him, Wang Chengen said with a serious face, "Go and call Liu Ji to our house."

The little eunuch replied respectfully, not daring to delay at all, and quickly ran over to the manager who was speaking.He grabbed the steward, spoke to him in a low voice, and motioned him to take a look at Wang Chengen.

"Eunuch Wang, when did you come here? If you have something to tell me, come over!" Liu Ji respectfully gave Wang Chengen his luggage with a flattering smile, not daring to be sloppy at all.

Slowly nodded, Wang Chengen glanced at the people working around, and said in a deep voice: "Liu Ji, you are also an old man in this palace, don't you understand the rules in the palace? You are yelling here. , disturb the emperor's rest, can you bear it?"

Wang Chengen's words were very soft, and his voice was not too loud, but it sounded like a thunderbolt to Liu Ji's ears.Quickly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said: "Grandpa Wang, I know I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Swinging the fuss in his hand, Wang Chengen frowned and said: "Get up! What does it look like to cry, who will show it to the New Year's Eve! Do things well, don't get carried away!" [

"Yes, father-in-law, I understand!" Liu Ji hurriedly got up from the ground.Nodding like pounding garlic.

Ignoring Liu Ji, Wang Chengen turned around and walked towards Emperor Tianqi's warm pavilion. This was nothing more than a trivial matter to him, and that's what he did on weekdays.

"Nubi sees the empress, the empress is a thousand years old!" Not far from the Nuan Pavilion, Wang Chengen saw the Emperor Tianqi walking over, and immediately knelt down on the ground.Salute in a respectful tone.

Nodding to Wang Cheng'en, Empress Zhang looked at Wang Cheng'en with a smile and said, "My lord, next time you don't have to perform such a grand ceremony, you are not an outsider."

Wang Chengen was overjoyed immediately, but he didn't show the slightest expression on his face.He just said respectfully: "Thank you, empress, empress!"

Seeing that Wang Chengen understood what she meant, Empress Zhang didn't say anything, but turned her gaze to the Nuan Pavilion to one side, and said worriedly: "Is the emperor still dealing with state affairs? Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, and I don't know how to rest for a while." rest."

"Back to your mother, Sun Chengzong, the chief minister of the cabinet, is in the warm pavilion. The emperor and Sun are discussing state affairs. The slaves don't dare to disturb. The emperor asked all the servants to come out. It must be discussing something with Sun. Something." Wang Chengen bowed, with a serious expression on his face, he clearly felt that Emperor Tianqi called Sun Chengzong into the palace at this time, something must be unusual.

Nodding her head slowly, Empress Zhang's face also became serious. No one dared to underestimate Sun Chengzong in the Ming Dynasty.Now the emperor has only one son, himself, and Sun Chengzong is the teacher of Emperor Tianqi.It is also the crown prince and grand teacher canonized by the emperor, the importance is self-evident.

Quietly looking at the Nuan Pavilion for a while, Empress Zhang's thoughts kept turning, and finally she slowly regained her composure, and said to Wang Cheng'en, "I'm leaving first, and my father-in-law told the emperor that I have been here!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Nubei understands!" Wang Chengen quickly responded.There was no slight change on her face, and she didn't seem to see the changing face of Queen Zhang.

"My father-in-law can rest assured that I will leave everything to my father-in-law, and I will go back first!" Empress Zhang nodded with a smile.Turned around and walked towards Kunning Palace.

After Queen Zhang left, Wang Chengen looked at the gate of the Nuan Pavilion. Although he was curious about what Emperor Tianqi and Sun Chengzong were talking about, Wang Chengen also knew that there were some things beyond his knowledge.

At this time, Emperor Tianqi and Sun Chengzong looked at each other, and Sun Chengzong held a memorial in his hand, and his expression was constantly changing.Long Jiu sighed softly, and said with a complicated expression: "Your Majesty, I think it's the best result to end this matter like this. People are getting old, so let's go home!"

Looking at Sun Chengzong with a smile, Emperor Tianqi said with some amusement: "I have long thought that Mr. would say this, this memorial will wait until the fifteenth day! Things have come to this point, and I have done my best."

"The emperor is magnanimous, but there is one thing I don't want to understand. Han Kuang is a cabinet scholar, how could he collude with the "spies" of Jiannu? That Ning Wan, I was actually in Han Kuang's mansion as a retainer. Is there something hidden here?" Sun Chengzong frowned slightly, stroked his beard lightly, and said hesitantly. [

Emperor Tianqi's face also became serious, and he pondered for a while and said: "Sir, you also know that so many people were involved in the corruption case in Liaodong, but I knew in my heart that I didn't catch everyone. I didn't I dare not, I really can't. At that time, I had just ascended the throne and my foundation was not stable, so it was already out of line to be able to do that."

Looking at the gradually mature Emperor Tianqi, Sun Chengzong's face was full of relief. This young emperor had already begun to transform into a holy emperor.Heaving a sigh of relief, Sun Chengzong said briskly, "Yes! Things have come to this point, and such an ending is naturally the least shocking. With such an ending, the reason is not so important."

Putting down the memorial in his hand, the expression on Sun Chengzong's face was extremely complicated. At the beginning, he was fighting with Jiannu at the front line, but Han Kuang and others were behind him.Whether in public or private, Sun Chengzong will not be happy.

But now that Han Kuang had accepted his resignation, Emperor Tianqi handed over the paper to himself to make a decision, which obviously gave him enough face.Sun Chengzong naturally understood what to do was the best and most beneficial, and the choice would naturally not disappoint Emperor Tianqi.

Nodding his head, Emperor Tianqi's eyes looked like the gate of the Nuan Pavilion, as if he had penetrated the gate, looked into the distance, and said: "Not everything in the world has to be clear, sometimes it's okay to be confused."

"The emperor is holy!" Sun Chengzong's face was very serious, and his eyes were full of relief when he looked at Emperor Tianqi.Emperor Tianqi's work became more and more sophisticated, and his methods became more and more sophisticated. Sun Chengzong finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Withdrew his misty eyes, Emperor Tianqi's face became serious again, with a light of control flashing in his eyes, he said: "Next year, I will approve the memorial of Han Kuang. As for those comrades, I will also check it out carefully. !"

Sun Chengzong naturally understood the meaning of Emperor Tianqi's investigation, but he didn't say anything.Two years have passed, and the status of Emperor Tianqi is already unshakable, so it is natural to start to completely control the court.One emperor and one courtier, this is the rule of the officialdom, there is nothing to say.

It seems that this matter has come to an end.Emperor Tianqi picked up a booklet from one side, handed it to Sun Chengzong, and said, "Let's take a look, sir. This is something I've been thinking about for a long time."

Seeing Emperor Tianqi's serious expression, Sun Chengzong naturally understood the seriousness, nodded vigorously, and reached out to take the booklet.Slowly turned up.

The booklet is not thick, and the binding is very rough. When you open a page, the words inside are not very good-looking, and you can tell it is the words of Emperor Tianqi at a glance.After seeing the opening sentence, Sun Chengzong still felt deeply shocked, because it said: The officials and gentry pay taxes together, and the land is divided into acres.

Although there are only twelve short characters.But Sun Chengzong felt that it was as heavy as a thousand catties, and he couldn't move it no matter what.Staring at the twelve words, Sun Chengzong's face was constantly twitching, and his body trembled slightly.

After an unknown amount of time, Sun Chengzong slowly raised his head, looked at Emperor Tianqi, and said in surprise, "Your Majesty, this!"

"I have studied the content of Zhang Juzheng's reforms, and the most important ones are the one-whip method and the test method. I think the test method is very good, so I didn't write anything else. But I have a lot of ideas about the one-whip method. This It's just some of my thoughts, sir, please show me!" Emperor Tianqi's face was very serious, and the expression on his face was unquestionable.

His mind was in a trance for a while, but Sun Chengzong soon came to his senses. Seeing Emperor Tianqi's expression, Sun Chengzong knew that Emperor Tianqi had already thought about it.What I have to do is not how to stop this matter, but how to help Emperor Tianqi make this matter better.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Sun Chengzong slowly opened the booklet and read it carefully.A strange look kept flashing on his face, his eyes kept changing, sometimes frowning, sometimes bowing his head in thought.

There are not many contents in the pamphlet, but it can be summed up in two points, one is that the officials and gentry pay taxes together, and the other is that the land is divided into acres, and it is Emperor Tianqi who wrote the two points at the very beginning.

It is easy to understand that officials and gentry pay taxes together, and the most important ancestral system is directly banned, that is, the special case that gentry officials and princes and nobles do not have to pay taxes.This alone is enough to shake the world.This is to challenge the ruling class of the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Tianqi wrote in it the necessity of implementing it and how to implement it in great detail.

After reading the first item, Sun Chengzong slowly raised his head, looked at Emperor Tianqi with piercing eyes, and said with excitement, "Your Majesty, this matter is quite difficult, are you thinking about it?"

Sun Chengzong was also worried. If Emperor Tianqi's confidence was not firm and he just thought so for a while, then it would be fine not to do this matter.Looking at the reforms in history, there are many reasons for failure, but the main one is that the rulers regretted it in the end.If Emperor Tianqi's determination is not enough, the matter of reform is not mentioned.

Staring at Sun Chengzong closely, Emperor Tianqi said with unprecedented seriousness and affection, and his voice was firm: "I have made up my mind, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go, even if I want to send troops to put down the rebellion, even if I am forced to ’ Even if I abdicate, I will never back down.”

Standing up abruptly, Sun Chengzong lifted up his clothes and knelt down on the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "The emperor is wise, I am willing to be the pioneer of your majesty, and I will do my best until I die."

Emperor Tianqi walked over to help Sun Chengzong up, and said with a smile: "There are more ministers like Aiqing, so it's my blessing, so there's nothing I can't do at that time."

Even so, Emperor Tianqi knew that as long as he still needed to rely on this class to rule, his reform would inevitably fail, which was fully proved by history.Even if I reform successfully, I am afraid that I will be reformed after my death. This is absolutely unacceptable.If you want to carry on the reform thoroughly, unless you rebel and establish a new country, of course Emperor Tianqi can't do this, so there is only one way to go, and that is to change the foundation of your rule.

After 200 years of development, the officials and gentry of the Ming Dynasty have become the cornerstone of Ming rule.Trying to dig up these people is tantamount to digging their own grave.This is undesirable, but it is an inevitable trend to break the old ones.

After pondering for a while, Emperor Tianqi shook off the thoughts in his mind. If his huge plan is to be implemented, it may take a lot of time.Look at Sun Chengzong.Seeing that he was reading his pamphlet, Emperor Tianqi smiled and waited quietly.

With regard to the second article of equalizing the land into acres, Sun Chengzong's face became more and more happy, and he re-measured the land of the world.Taking the village as a unit, all the world in this village is distributed equally to each commoner, and land trading and mergers are strictly prohibited.Then pay tax according to the land.Abolish the poll tax and other corvees.

In this way, the people do not have to pay other taxes except land taxes, which can minimize the burden on the people.This seems to be a very good policy, but Sun Chengzong knows that it may be more difficult to implement than the first one.However, only when the first article is successfully implemented can the second article be fulfilled.

We must know that in this era, the trend of dedication is very serious.Those who enjoy the tax-free policy, the people are very willing to devote their land to their families.After all, there is no need to pay taxes from the court, and only need to give some rent to those who donate every year. In comparison, the common people get more profits.

At the end of the pamphlet, Emperor Apocalypse wrote about the levy of business taxes and the establishment of a government office dedicated to businessmen from all over the world.Only firms registered in the Yamen can do business, and each transaction needs to pay taxes,

Slowly close the booklet in your hand.Sun Chengzong can understand the good intentions of Emperor Tianqi, and can also imagine that if it succeeds, the Ming Dynasty will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.Although he doesn't know what will happen in the end, Sun Chengzong is very clear that the so-called prosperity before the Great Ming Dynasty surpassed the prosperity of all dynasties.

"Your Majesty, I wonder when the Emperor's reform will start?" Sun Chengzong looked at Emperor Tianqi with some concern.This kind of reform has touched too much, and Sun Chengzong has no bottom in his heart.

"Sir, this thing is just for the gentleman to take a look at. It will not be used for the time being. Starting next year. I will prepare for the reform. I plan to spend three or five years laying the foundation. As long as the time is right, I will Since these two reforms will be launched." Emperor Tianqi's face was unusually serious, with eagerness on his face, but restraint in his eyes.

He breathed a sigh of relief. If Emperor Tianqi wanted to reform like this next year, Sun Chengzong would never agree.The "possibility" of success is very small, and the stability has just been achieved, and I am afraid it will be broken in an instant.Emperor Tianqi could have such an idea, and Sun Chengzong's face was full of relief.

"Do you have anything to say, sir? But it's okay!" Seeing Sun Chengzong staring at him, Emperor Tianqi was a little confused, so he asked.

Shaking his head slowly, Sun Chengzong said in a deep voice with admiration in his eyes: "The emperor is calm, and he has his own ideas in doing things. The veteran is very pleased. The revival of the Ming Dynasty is hopeful, and the minister is full of emotion! God gave the emperor to Daming, yes Blessings to Ming Dynasty, blessings to all peoples!"

I have heard a lot of flattering words, and Emperor Tianqi has long been used to it, but the effects of flattering are different for people of different identities.When Sun Chengzong said this, Emperor Tianqi felt very comfortable, and he didn't feel disgusted at all.However, Emperor Tianqi still waved his hand and said, "Sir, you are overrated. I am still young, and I still need your help!"

"The old minister is just telling the truth. After all, the emperor has become a generation of holy masters. The old minister firmly believes in it!" Sun Chengzong still shook his head, his face did not change at all.

After waving his hand, Emperor Tianqi looked at Sun Chengzong with a smile, and said, "Sir, don't say such things. I have one more thing to ask sir!"

"Your Majesty has given you advice, and the minister must know what to say, and what to say!" Sun Chengzong hurriedly bowed and saluted, and said in a deep voice.

Nodding his head, Emperor Tianqi had an incomprehensible expression on his face. After thinking for a while, he said slowly: "Sir, I don't know how to make a decision about the prince! Please teach me, sir!"

Unexpectedly, Emperor Tianqi was talking about this matter, and Sun Chengzong's heart suddenly became aroused. Since ancient times, it has been a tragic comparison to win the heir.However, Emperor Tianqi now only has one son, and he is not very old, so this matter is really difficult to handle.However, Sun Chengzong also knew that someone like Emperor Tianqi had written a letter, and hoped that Emperor Tianqi would establish the country as soon as possible.

Lowering his head and thinking for a while, Sun Chengzong said with a serious face: "The foundation of the country is a major event of the country, so we must not be careless. Since ancient times, the crown prince has no other choice but to establish the elders and the virtuous. The eldest son of the emperor is the eldest son. The name is justified, but as for the person, I can't tell it now. But the veteran thinks that this matter is not urgent, and the emperor is now in the prime of life, so there is no need to be too impatient."

Looking at the secretive Sun Chengzong, Emperor Tianqi sighed softly. Whether in the palace or in the court these days, everyone seems to be paying attention to this matter.Emperor Tianqi didn't have a clue now, after all, the prince is too young now, and he is not yet 20 years old, so it always feels weird to be the crown prince. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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