I am the carpenter king

Chapter 540 Anger

In Nanjing City, Duke Wei's Mansion is different from Yangzhou, Nanjing City is still prosperous and prosperous.Wei Guogong sat in the hall, on one side was Mu Tianbo who came with him, and next to him was Jin Yiwei Tongzhi Danghan.

Seeing Dang Han's face, Wei Guogong showed a little smile on his face. He had heard of Dang Han before. He was a general beside Luo Sigong, and he was very good at doing things.Emperor Tianqi sent Dang Han over, and Wei Guogong was still very satisfied.

He lowered his head and thought for a while before Wei Guogong said: "Nanjing's military reform involves a lot. Although the court has made full preparations, but now that something like this happened in Hangzhou, the Duke of Wei is also a little worried. The emperor will hand over the errand If you give it to the Duke of the country, the Duke of the country will definitely do his best to do it, what do you two think?"

"My lord, before I left the capital, the emperor had explained that Jinyiwei is my lord's leader in Nanjing matters. But there is one thing, I hope my lord will hand it over to Jinyiwei!" Dang Han respectfully addressed Wei Guogong After saluting, he said with a very respectful attitude.

Nodding his head, Wei Guogong is not surprised by Dang Han's attitude, which is what it should be.However, although Dang Han made a request, his tone was extremely firm.After thinking about it for a while, Duke Wei understood that this must be what Emperor Tianqi meant.

Now that he had figured it out, Wei Guogong smiled indifferently, and said, "You are being polite, the party acquaintance. This time I am on business in Nanjing. I am a co-instructor and deputy imperial envoy. There are some things that cannot be pushed away. Live up to the emperor's trust?" Without giving Dang Han a chance to speak, Wei Guogong then said: "I don't know what Dang Tongzhi has to do? But it's okay! Is there any place that can use the Wei Guogong's mansion. The Duke of the country should do his best to help !"

"Thank you again, my lord. What I want to talk about is the mutiny in Hangzhou! I hope that my lord can let me take people with me, and I must investigate the Hangzhou case. The Duke of the country wants to preside over the military reform. Hangzhou Jin Yiwei will definitely take care of the matter on his behalf, I don’t know what the Duke of the country wants?” Dang Han couldn’t see the slightest strangeness on his face, and said sincerely.

Wei Guogong's expression suddenly froze, and the expression on his face became serious. It really was this matter.In the past, Wei Guogong thought about how to reform the military, and whether the benefits outweigh the harms or the harms outweigh the benefits after the reforms.For the Ming Dynasty.Naturally, the advantages of reform outweigh the disadvantages, but for Wei Guogong, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Wei Guogong's mansion in charge of Nanjing's military governor's mansion.There are too many gray incomes every year, and you don't need to think about it to know that after the modification, these gray incomes will disappear.For Wei Guogong's mansion, which has a big family and a big business, these incomes are also a big part.

But Wei Guogong is not the kind of person who only cares about his own self-interest.He is very clear about Emperor Tianqi's thoughts and practices.Wei Guogong had long planned that no matter who came to Nanjing to preside over the military reform, he would not bother him.But I didn't expect that the matter would fall on my own head. Not only did I make myself the Minister of Military Affairs, but also handed over the matter of the general's reform to myself. Emperor Tianqi's trust in Wei Guogong moved Wei Guogong very much.

As the Duke of Wei, of course he would not do things based on emotion. Now that he is in Nanjing, the military reform must be beautiful.This was planned by Wei Guogong long ago.Regarding the matter in Hangzhou, Wei Guogong actually sent a confidant to take a look.It would be bad if something was involved.

Now that Jin Yiwei is going, Wei Guogong knows without even thinking about it. This must be the meaning of Emperor Tianqi.Although he was a little reluctant, Wei Guogong still smiled and said to Dang Han: "Dang Tongzhi, if this is the case, then Dang Tongzhi will go! The Duke of the country will send you the captain of the personal guard, and you will be your guide. It can also help you do something, after all, you are not familiar with the place."

Although he knew that Wei Guogong was going to send someone in, Dang Han didn't show any signs of disbelief. This time he was investigating a mutiny case. Jin Yiwei was strong, but it might not be a good fight.But Wei Guogong's personal guards are definitely veteran soldiers, and the deterrent power of Wei Guogong's mansion in the southeast is definitely higher than Jinyiwei.

Nodding his head, Dang Han said with a smile: "Thank you again, Mr. Guo, if there is nothing else, I would like to go to Hangzhou now, otherwise things will change!"

Now that you have agreed, Wei Guogong can't do more to stop him, and said with a smile: "In that case, let the party and Zhijiu go out! My country is waiting for you to come back in Nanjing. When the case is solved, my country will give you the money in Nanjing." Congratulations!"

"Don't worry, my lord, my humble position will definitely not disappoint my lord!" Leaving a seemingly ordinary sentence, Dang Han bowed his body and backed out.

When Dang Han left, Wei Guogong turned his eyes to Mu Tianbo who was on the side, and said with a smile, "How is this person?"

"He is very scheming and has his own principles in his actions. It is a blessing in the world to have such a person in Jinyiwei!" Mu Tianbo smiled and said.

"Do you know what I admire about the emperor?" Wei Guogong nodded in agreement, and asked in a casual tone. When he was with Mu Tianbo, Wei Guogong acted like an elder.

I can't help but curse in my heart, how do I know what you think!However, Mu Tianbo still looked respectful, and said in a tone of asking for advice: "Please enlighten me, Duke Wei!"

"What I admire the most is the emperor's vision of people. Although he is young, his vision is very vicious. Whether it is Sun Chengzong and Xu Guangqi in the court, or Xu Xianchun and this Danghan in Jinyiwei, they are all promoted by the emperor. This is just a representative, and many people, such as Sun Chuanting, are rare talents. The emperor is so talented, and this ability to know people alone is already beyond the reach of ordinary people!" Wei Guogong sighed, looking It can be seen that he is very concerned about this matter.

Emperor Tianqi, who was highly respected by Duke Wei, was lazily lying in the arms of the beauty, with his face pressed against the woman's chest, looking like Brother Pig.The look of being stunned on weekdays has long since disappeared, and he looks comfortable enjoying the woman's hand gently pinching his head.

"Your majesty, although the state affairs are busy, the emperor must pay attention to his body! The world is so big, but it is all pointing at the emperor!" Empress Zhang picked up the peeled fruit and put it into the mouth of Emperor Tianqi, while advocating for Tianqi. The emperor held his head and said softly.

Sighing lightly, Emperor Tianqi snorted a few more times comfortably, smelling the faint fragrance of Empress Zhang, Emperor Tianqi said: "It's here in Baozhu, I can relax so much. You also said that Daming has so much I don’t worry if I’m not busy. If I can be a foolish king, I’ll turn a blind eye to these things, and just spend all day with my concubine having fun. But I can’t do it. In my opinion, being a foolish king is a waste of time. This hurdle in my heart!"

"How can the emperor be a foolish emperor? After I entered the palace, I heard from many people in the palace that the emperor shocked many people when he ascended the throne. Ever since I knew about that, I knew that the emperor must be a wise emperor. !" There was not much compliment in Queen Zhang's tone, and the topic that was listed as taboo in the palace sounded very pleasant when he said it from his mouth.

Emperor Tianqi sat up slowly, sighed and said, "Wang Chengen, stop sneaking around outside, come in and say something!"

Seeing Emperor Tianqi get up, Empress Zhang thought she had said something wrong, but when she heard what Emperor Tianqi said, Empress Zhang frowned.Seeing Wang Chengen walking in, although Queen Zhang didn't speak, she still gave him a hard look.

Seeing the look in Queen Zhang's eyes, Wang Cheng'en suddenly cried out in his heart, and quickly fell to his knees, saying: "Nubi sees the emperor, my emperor lives forever! Nubei joins the empress, and the empress is a thousand years old!"

Emperor Tianqi waved his hand, frowned and said, "Is there something wrong?" According to Emperor Tianqi's understanding of Wang Chengen, there must be something wrong, and it's not a trivial matter, otherwise Wang Chengen would not come to him at this time.

"Report to the emperor, Zhou Jiamo, a scholar of the cabinet, asked to see him. He said that there was a report from Yangzhou. The matter was so important that the cabinet dared not make a decision!" Although Wang Chengen complained in his heart, he still insisted on speaking out.Fortunately, Empress Zhang is not the kind of person who doesn't know the seriousness, and won't cause trouble for such a thing, otherwise Wang Chengen will really want to cry but have no tears!

Dressed up under the service of Empress Zhang, Emperor Tianqi smiled and said to Empress Zhang: "I will come back at night, and I will wait for you in vain!"

Hearing what Emperor Tianqi said, Empress Zhang suddenly cleared up after the rain, her mouth stopped pouting, and a smile appeared on her face, and she said: "The concubine is waiting for the emperor, and I will give the emperor the dishes to eat in person at night. Let's cook!"

"Okay! I will definitely come!" After coaxing Queen Zhang, Emperor Tianqi brought Wang Chengen to the front and saw Zhou Jiamo!

Waving Zhou Jiamo's excuse, Emperor Tianqi asked in a deep voice, "Zhou Aiqing, what happened in Yangzhou? Aiqing came to the palace to see me in such a hurry?"

"Your Majesty, this is the memorial of Wuyang, the governor of Nanzhili, please preview it!" Zhou Jiamo did not answer Emperor Tianqi's words, but held up the memorial and said respectfully.

"Zhou Aiqing, I won't read it, tell me!" Emperor Tianqi frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"I would like to invite the emperor Longmu to preview, it is really inconvenient for me to say anything!" Zhou Jiamo said with a serious expression, his expression unchanged.

Smiling and shaking his head, the old man became angry again, Emperor Tianqi could only ask Wang Chengen to take over the memorial.Slowly unfolding, Emperor Tianqi looked carefully.However, Emperor Tianqi's face became more and more solemn, with a flash of anger flashing across his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "Zhou Aiqing, as far as I know, this Zhang Qian is your student?"

"Back to the emperor, yes, Zhang Qian is indeed a disciple of the lower official!" Zhou Jiamo said without any concealment, his face still unchanged. (To be continued..)

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