Standing on a high hill outside Nanjing City, listening to the sound of drums from inside the city, Yang Shu sighed softly.Looking back at the well-groomed soldiers, his eyes were full of confidence.

Yang Shu is a general that Sun Chuanting values ​​very much. Not only is he very brave, but he also has a clear understanding of military tactics.From Sun Chuanting to the three major battalions, Yang Shu was the first group of generals to follow Sun Chuanting, and it can be said that he has deep Sun Chuanting's trust.

This time following Emperor Tianqi to the south, Yang Shu was appointed to lead [-] soldiers, marching all the way in a hurry, and finally arrived at Nanjing City.After receiving the news that Nanjing was closed, Yang Shu knew that something big had happened in the city.But Yang Shu didn't force his way into the city, without Emperor Tianqi's will, Yang Shu didn't have the guts.

At this time, listening to the Jujiang drum in Nanjing City, Yang Shu's expression became more dignified.But he still chose to wait and see.

"Master Commander, Commander Shen has arrived!" Captain Chuanling came to Yang Shu's side, saluted respectfully, and said with a serious face.

Commander Shen is referring to Shen Quan, who has the same position as himself, a commander.Before the equalization reform, the commander was the highest officer of the guard.After the equalization reform, the commander can only command 1 horses.However, Yang Shu likes his current position very much, because this is a real commander, not under the control of civil officials, and only obeys the orders of his superiors.

Shen Quan was also Sun Chuanting's confidant. This time he came to Nanjing to lead 5000 troops to accompany the emperor.Among the 5000 people under his command, there are 5000 of Shen Quan's men.Now that Shen Quan has arrived in Nanjing, the emperor must not be far away.

Putting down his chaotic thoughts, Yang Shu looked at the herald and said with a smile: "Commander Shen, please come here!" He has a good relationship with Shen Quan, and he doesn't need to pass the messenger to his home on weekdays.But it's different here, it's a barracks.Without his own handbook, not to mention Shen Quan, even bigger officials couldn't get in.

"Yes, my lord!" Naturally, the orderly didn't dare to neglect, he saluted respectfully, turned around and walked outside.

See the messenger go out.Shen Quan turned his head with a smile and said, "Feng Jianjun, Commander Shen is here, it looks like we don't have to wait here."

Originally, there should have been two supervisors, one from the Inspectorate, and the other should be an eunuch in the palace.However, because he was accompanying Emperor Tianqi out of the city, Eunuch Cao, who supervised the army, was on Emperor Tianqi's boat, and there was only this supervisor Feng, who had a stern face all day long, in the army.

"General Yang, it's your business to lead the troops in battle. I'm just a supervisor. You don't have to tell me about the battle plan. I will be disciplined by the process. That's my job." Supervisor Feng seemed to see Not showing Yang Shu's favor, his face was calm, he stroked the beard on his chin, and said in a deep voice.

Seemingly not aware of Feng Jianjun's alienation, Yang Shu still stood there laughing.He has long been used to Feng Jianjun's expression.But there was one thing he still didn't understand.Why do civil servants always like to stroke their beards?Seeing his big beard all over his face, Yang Shu shook his head slowly.I have read books myself, although I have no fame, but I don't slick my beard!

"Yang Shu, you don't go out to pick me up when I'm here, it's really annoying!" A voice sounded not far away.But his tone was full of smiles.

"You still use me to pick you up, who do you think you are!" Yang Shu's answer was not polite at all, but his laughter was full of joy.

Striding to Yang Shu's side, Shen Quan said with a smile: "I don't have time to argue with you, so give me back my 5000 people. If you let me know that you treat them badly, I'll see how I deal with you."

Yang Shu nodded. Since Shen Quan is here, he will naturally hand over the military power to him.As for the threat in the future, Yang Shu naturally filtered it out, saying: "Does the emperor have a will? Do we want to pick him up?"

"Someone wants to assassinate the emperor on the way, these people are really daring! What we have to do now is to enter the city and arrest people. This is the list, there are two copies in total, we each have one copy, and arrest people according to the list!" Hearing Yang Shu's question , Shen Quan suddenly became serious, took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Yang Shu, and said in a deep voice.

Yang Shu glanced at the result list and nodded. As for the identities of the people on it, Yang Shu didn't consider it at all.This is the emperor's will, arrest people!Just do it yourself.

"How is Nanjing City?" After explaining the matter, Shen Quan turned his gaze to Yang Shu's face and asked seriously.

"The city is closed now, but the jujiang drum in the city has been sounded just now, and the result must be soon!" Yang Shu sighed helplessly. I'm afraid I don't have this chance!

Yang Shu and Shen Quan were very clear about Wei Guogong's status and strength in Nanjing.Now even if I am progressing, I am afraid that I am still eating soup.But soup is better than nothing!Lowering his head and thinking for a while, Shen Quan glanced at Yang Shu with a smile, and said, "Let's go to the city now, don't dawdle here!"

"Entering the city? The city is sealed now!" Yang Shu was slightly taken aback, looking at Shen Quan in surprise, he never thought that Shen Quan would have such an idea at this time.

"How about shutting it up? We are obeying the emperor's will. Who dare not let us enter the city? If we are not allowed to enter the city, it is a rebellion. If we rebel, we will fight in." Shen Quan seriously flashed a sly light and said with a smile .

Yang Shu immediately shook his head like a rattle, and said helplessly: "That's what you said, but we can really fight? How could we be able to fight with people like us? This is Nanjing City, and it's easy to break through. ? If someone stops us outside, where will we put our face?"

Pointing at Yang Shu, Shen Quan hated iron and steel and said: "You are really smart and confused for a while, we have the emperor's imperial decree, who dares to stop us? Even if they stop us, what they don't give is the emperor's face , How much is our face worth? If the emperor arrives and we haven't entered the city yet, then we will be ashamed and thrown at grandma's house!"

Hearing what Shen Quan said, Yang Shu immediately understood, nodded, and said, "That's the truth. Let's call the door now. I'll see who dares to stop us!"

After the two agreed, they were ready to leave. During the whole process, Feng Jianjun didn't say a word.

At the yamen of the Nanjing Five Armed Forces Governor's Mansion, Wei Guogong sat on a chair in military uniform, with the flag of Wang Ming raised behind him.A herald on the left is holding a scroll of yellow imperial edicts, and the person on the right is holding in his arms the Shangfang Sword bestowed by Emperor Tianqi.

"Report to General Qi, the time is up!" Tongzhi saluted respectfully and said solemnly.

Nodding his head slowly, Wei Guogong said in a deep voice: "Dianmao, whoever does not come, the military law is in charge!"

Wei Guogong's words were very light, but the people below felt a chill.Dianmao is actually a roll call. According to military law, if you don't get one, you will be charged forty!If you don't get it in two minutes, you will be responsible for eighty!If he can't reach it within three years, he will be directly pushed out of the gate and beheaded.Today, Wei Guogong's expression is so serious, and the hall is so empty, I am afraid that many people's heads will fall to the ground.

Many people are confused, they can be regarded as Wei Guogong's confidantes, but they were all replaced by An Xiangbo a few days ago.But seeing Wei Guogong sitting in the lobby today, I can't help but feel a little bit drummed.Isn't it rumored that Wei Guogong was assassinated?It is said that he is already unconscious, why does he seem so energetic now?

After Sanmao nodded, Wei Guogong nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Go back to your respective positions, those who are in charge of the city gate, go and take over the city gate! If anyone resists, the law will be rectified on the spot. The city gate will be in charge Afterwards, open the city gate wide, only allowed to enter but not to exit, if anyone goes out, Li Zhe, you will cut off the heads of the whole family!"

Hearing Wei Guogong's indifferent tone, the faces of the people below twitched. This is true, not a joke.

Li Zhe came out quickly, saluted respectfully, and said loudly, "General, don't worry, I'll go right away!"

When Li Zhe left, Wei Guogong glanced at the military judge on the side, and said: "Take people to arrest people, and I will arrest anyone who can't be dealt with today! If there is any resistance, shoot and kill! Remember to take people with you!" , don’t let someone kill him, I can’t afford to lose that man.” After speaking, he threw the military order in his hand to the military commander.

"Yes, General!" The military commander took the token and strode outside. He was going to follow Wei Guogong's words and bring more people.As for what will happen to those people who are captured, that's not something I should think about.

Picking up a token again, Wei Guogong said in a serious voice: "Hu Zhe, Zhao Cheng, Zhou Wu, Zheng Wang, you four go out of the city and drop your troops into the city. After entering the city, divide the troops into four groups, Clean up the rebels in each yamen, and if there is any resistance, shoot them!" This is actually an insurance measure, An Xiangbo has been captured, and the rest of the people are no longer enough.

"Yes, General!" The four of them stood up quickly. There was a rebellion in the city, and instead of fear, the four of them had joyful expressions on their faces.This is a good opportunity to make meritorious service, you want to be promoted!After receiving the token, the four walked out quickly.

He took out a list from his pocket, and gave it to the fellow acquaintance, took another token, and said: "Take people, arrest all of these people, and seal up the mansion! Remember not to injure people's lives indiscriminately." , do not rape and plunder!"

"Yes, General!" Tongzhi took the list and walked out quickly.

An Xiangbo is an idiot, Wei Guogong has always thought so, although the soldiers are scattered and stationed, but how can there be no soldiers in the five army governor's mansion?He had already transferred people to the Duke's Mansion, and he wanted to arrest him.However, Wei Guogong also has a direct understanding of Jinyiwei's spies. An Xiangbo's confidant, Qianhu Chuqian, is actually a Jinyiwei, which really surprised Wei Guogong.

I don't know how many spies I have here, so before I had time to think about it, Wei Guogong suddenly stood up and said loudly: "The rest follow me to the palace." (To be continued...)

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