I am the carpenter king

Chapter 597 9 Sides

Looking aside Xu Guangqi, the Emperor of Weather said with a smile, "Xu Aiai, how are the firearms factory and the Institute of Social Affairs? Is there anything wrong?"

"Returning to the emperor, everything is fine with the Wuyan Institute and the firearms factory. The new bullet factory has been built again. The completed part can already start making bullets, and the manufacture of broken hair guns has also formed a production line. The first firearms factory produced Part of the batch of fire dragons has been handed over to the navy, and the other part has been handed over to the three major battalions in the capital!" Xu Guangqi said respectfully with a smile on his face.

Nodding his head slowly, Xu Guangqi is naturally relieved of doing things for Emperor Tianqi. Finally, Emperor Tianqi set his sights on Duke Ding, and said with a serious face: "Mr. You are in charge, how is it going now? Is there any problem?"

"Returning to the emperor, the reform of the military system in the six northern provinces can be said to be more than half completed, or it can be said to have just begun." Ding Guogong said with a very calm expression and respect.

"Aiqing agrees with what you said? Just say it bluntly!" Emperor Tianqi knew that Ding Guogong was a rigid person, but he didn't care, but continued to ask.

After pondering for a moment, Ding Guogong said: "Your Majesty, the reform of the military system has been completed in the six northern provinces except the nine sides!"

When Ding Guogong said this, both Emperor Tianqi and the ministers present all understood in their hearts.In terms of the chassis, the remaining nine sides of the six northern provinces are indeed more than half completed.But in terms of military strength alone, that is just the beginning.You must know that Nine Sides is an important military town in the Northwest, where half of the Ming Dynasty's troops are concentrated.

With the collapse of the frontier army's reclamation system, the frontier has reached a point where its combat power is very low.However, when Zhang Juzheng was reforming, he vigorously rectified affairs in the northwest border, and Qi Jiguang went north, so the situation on the nine borders changed for a while.During the Jiajing period, the situation in which the capital was repeatedly attacked and harassed was improved.The northwest is also a succession of stations.

But Emperor Tianqi knew very well in his heart that this was just a temporary improvement, and did not fundamentally solve this problem.Later, the peasant uprising in Shanxi was initially caused by rogue bandits.At that time, there were many frontier soldiers who escaped in the ranks of the bandits, and even those who surrendered directly.

Liaodong, Xuanfu, Jizhou, Datong, Taiyuan, Yansui, Ningxia, Guyuan, Gansu, these are the nine important military towns on the border of Ming Dynasty.It's time to fix it.Emperor Tianqi had this realization long ago, and now naturally he will not hesitate at all, and is fair to Dingguo: "How to carry out the reforms on the Nine Frontiers, have you thought about it? Can the Military Aircraft Department make a discount?"

"Your Majesty, the restructuring of the Nine Frontiers has been planned long before the restructuring of the six northern provinces, and the minister has already detailed it in the booklet!" Embarrassed look.

On the contrary, a look of embarrassment flashed across Emperor Tianqi's face, but Emperor Tianqi was no longer the rookie at the beginning, so he nodded.Said in a deep voice: "I have indeed seen it, but I am afraid that you Ai Qing are not very clear in your heart, Ai Qing should talk about it!"

"Your Majesty, I have discussed with the officers of the Military Aircraft Department. Since it is a reform of the military system, the first thing to determine is the number of troops. The nine border towns are now suffering from starvation. In many places, there are less than five soldiers. Seven or eight is already very good. Not only do most of the money and food go into private pockets every year, but the most serious thing is that the frontier army’s combat power is low and the frontier defense is lax.”

Emperor Tianqi thought about this.But how to determine the number of the garrison, Emperor Tianqi didn't know it at all.I don't know anything about fighting, so I nodded and said, "How did the Military Aircraft Department plan? You can come up with a reasonable plan!"

"Returning to the emperor, after discussion by the Military Aircraft Department, the Tartars in the northwest are already out of control. Liaodong's establishment of slaves is nothing more than the flesh of a sword. A million soldiers on the nine sides is enough. The number of troops can vary depending on the combat area. Appropriate increase or decrease, the total number can be maintained at one million. But in this way, the court's money and food may not be sustainable for a while!" Ding Guogong said very indifferently.He didn't care about the pig liver color on the face of one of the ministers.

A million troops, logically speaking, are not many, and when they are divided into nine sides, each place seems to be even less.However, during Taizu's period, there were only 180 million troops in the entire Ming Dynasty. Although there were more than 200 million troops during Chengzu's period, it was the whole country!After Cheng Zu, although the number of registered military households was three to four million, everyone Xinlin knows that being registered and the world are two different things.

According to Zhang Juzheng's statistics in the Wanli period, the actual military strength of the Ming Dynasty was only 120 million!Among them, there are many vacancies and vacancies. During the Jiajing period, it was the most unbearable.Now there will be a million soldiers on the Nine Sides alone, and they are not stationed troops, but all recruits and battalions. This number has fooled many people!

Emperor Apocalypse nodded in agreement. He had no idea about the million-strong army, but he knew how big the north was.Nine towns are stationed, and each town has only 10 people. There are also small towns among them, and there are not many subdivisions.Of course, this is just a border defense force. If we really want to expand abroad and use troops against the Tartars, we must rely on the three battalions.

In the battle of Tumubao, the elite of the three battalions were lost, but Emperor Tianqi believed that the three battalions would recover soon.With a million soldiers in the nine towns, there is no problem with defense, and even the problem of going to war is not a big problem.

"Your Majesty, I have my own performance!" Emperor Tianqi was about to nod his head when Chen Ye, the household servant, stood up. Although his forehead was covered with sweat and his heart was pounding, he still stood up.

"It turned out to be Chen Aiqing. Feel free to tell me what Aiqing has to say!" For such a practical official, even if there were some flaws, Emperor Tianqi would be able to tolerate them appropriately.On the contrary, like Zou Cheng, Emperor Tianqi has very low tolerance.

Chen Ye was actually complaining in his heart, but Guan Yingzhen was no longer in the capital, so he still had to figure it out himself.After saluting Emperor Tianqi, Chen Ye said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, setting up millions of troops on the nine sides will not only ensure that the Tartars will not dare to invade the border, but may also gradually encroach on the territory of the Tartars to the north. When the time is right, we can Organize troops to conquer the Tartars in the north, and have restored the glory of our ancestors."

Nodding his head slowly, Emperor Tianqi naturally had this thought in his heart, and of course he would not be so stupid that a million troops marched northward against the Tartars.Except for Emperor Sui Yang, which idiot would do this, but there are a lot of them called millions.Elite 20 is already the maximum, or 15 is just right.

"Your Majesty, everything needs to be done within our means. Now the court is unable to make ends meet and the treasury is empty. Since the emperor took the throne, he has worked hard to govern. Although there is no silver in the treasury, it can still balance the income and expenditure. I made a rough calculation. To set up an army of one million, 2000 million taels of food, grass, salaries and silver are needed every year. This is not counting the armor, weapons, and firearms of the sergeants, not to mention the cost of building the city. Your Majesty, the treasury can't bear it!" Finally, Chen Ye had already knelt on the ground On the ground, with a look of guilt on his face.

The description above is so beautiful, but when he said that he had no money later, Chen Ye, the servant of the household department, felt hot on his face.The Ming Dynasty was so big, how could the treasury have no money?When Taizu had just ascended the throne, the country was in dire straits and could support 200 million troops.It has been more than 200 years now, and the national treasury can't get out a mere 2000 million taels!

Looking at Chen Ye who was weeping in pain, Emperor Tianqi felt uncomfortable. Chen Ye's cry was very low, and it could be seen that it was completely from the heart.Thinking about the more than 200-year history of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Tianqi was also very moved. How did such a country with such a backbone end up in the end.

Slowly walking down the Longshu case, Emperor Tianqi helped Chen Ye up, and said with a smile: "Aiqing is the heart of the country, I know that Aiqing is the pillar of the country!" Wang Chengen, who turned his head to one side, ordered : "I remember that a few days ago, I paid a tribute to a piece of high-quality jade Ruyi, go take it out and give it to Chen Aiqing last time!"

"Your Majesty, I am ashamed to be rewarded for my lack of merit!" Chen Ye hurriedly said, the meaning of this jade wishful reward is greater than his own!

"Okay, Aiqing don't need to worry too much, the imperial court will have money soon. The treasury has no money now, it doesn't matter, it will be there soon. I will work with Aiqing to find a way for the nine borders. Besides, there is still silver in my inner treasury, which is enough for the time being!" After giving the jade wishfull that Wang Chengen had taken to Chen Ye, Emperor Tianqi also slowly turned around and returned to the dragon chair.

After appeasing Chen Ye, Emperor Tianqi looked at Ding Guogong again, and said in a deep voice, "Aiqing, what do you think should be done in the Nine Sides reform?"

"Return to the emperor, Liaodong has been restructured, and the remaining nine towns can be treated as Liaodong. Starting from Xuanfu, which is the closest to Liaodong, go west in turn!" Duke Ding had already planned this matter, and said naturally and smoothly.

Nodding slowly, Ding Guogong's idea is really good, Emperor Tianqi smiled and said: "Then Ai Qing thinks who is the most suitable person to handle this matter?"

"Qi Zou the emperor, Sun Chengzong, the first assistant minister of the military aircraft department, is well-known in the army and can take care of all the people. I invite you to go to Datong, one east and one west, starting from both sides at the same time, and strive to complete the military system reform in the shortest possible time. !" Ding Guogong had an unusually serious expression on his face, even a little excited.

"Okay, this matter is according to Aiqing's play, and both sides are involved at the same time! This time I have to let Sun Aiqing go to the border again. I really can't bear it!" Emperor Tianqi looked at Sun Chengzong, and a look of reluctance flashed across his face. The old man is really not young.

Sun Chengzong hurried out and said respectfully: "I am honored!"

"Okay, two love ministers, the key point of this nine-sided reform is the employment! I will give the two love ministers the right to dispose of civil officials below the fourth rank and military generals of the third rank. Reorganize the army, select generals, and check the officials. From top to bottom, Let Jiubian change its appearance!" Emperor Tianqi said with a vigorous look on his face. ,

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" Ding Guogong and Sun Chengzong hurriedly bowed to salute. (To be continued..)

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