"Young master, you can't! There are officers and soldiers everywhere outside now, young master, if you go out, you will definitely be caught. Master's painstaking efforts will all be in vain, our Fang family cannot live without young master!" Hold Fang Shihong tightly, no matter how hard he struggles, he won't let go.

Kicking Fang Fu to the ground, Fang Shihong hammered and beat Fang Fu's body with red eyes, his face was soon covered with tears.After an unknown amount of time, Fang Shihong suddenly fell backwards, and fell to the ground.His face was extremely pale, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were wide open.

"Master, Master!" Fang Fu got up from the ground and shouted loudly, feeling that Fang Shihong was still breathing, Fang Fu was greatly relieved.

The cave slowly fell into silence, leaving only Fang Fu's painful groans, and Fang Shihong's heart-piercing howls from time to time.

Standing at the gate of the palace gate, Emperor Tianqi looked at the gloomy sky outside, feeling a little heavy.In the past few days, the atmosphere in the entire palace has been very strange, just like the mood of Emperor Tianqi, the mood of Emperor Tianqi controls the mood of the entire palace.

"Your Majesty, it's getting cold, put on this big cloak!" Chen Hong came out from behind, holding a big cloak in his arms, looked at Emperor Tianqi with a little worry, and said cautiously.

When the time came to October, the weather gradually became cooler, and the city of Nanjing already had the breath of winter.The north wind was blowing, and there was already a bone-chilling chill.Putting the cloak on his body, Emperor Tianqi glanced back at Chen Hong, and said in a deep voice, "Did Wei Guogong submit the book again? How many books is this?"

"Go back to the emperor. It's up, this is the third book!" Chen Hong said with a serious expression as the expression on his face gradually faded away.

Slowly nodded, Emperor Tianqi breathed a sigh of relief, seemed to be a little more relaxed, and said: "Bring it to me to see!"

He hurried back, and after a while, Chen Hong came back with a memorial in his hand.He bowed respectfully to Emperor Tianqi and said, "Your Majesty, this is Wei Guogong's memorial. Please take a look at it."

Reaching out to pick up the memorial, Emperor Tianqi slowly opened it, and the content was the same as the previous two times.It seems that Wei Guogong also understood, and his attitude became more and more resolute every time.The words are more earnest each time.Pass the memorial to Chen Hong.Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "Designation! Approve Wei Guogong's memorial. Nanjing's military system reform let him hand over to Sun Chuanting. After assisting Sun Chuanting, Wei Guogong moved to Beijing!"

"Yes. Your Majesty!" Chen Hong was not surprised at all. This day should have come long ago, and everyone was waiting for this day.

"Let the governors and governors of the seven southern provinces come to Nanjing, I want to meet these people!" Emperor Tianqi looked back at Chen Hong, with a faint smile on his face, and said with confidence.

Emperor Tianqi tightened his cloak, turned around and walked into the hall with a faint smile on his face.It was a comfortable smile, like an endless comfortable smile.

"Your Majesty, the Commander of Jinyi Guards envoy Luo Sigong, Lord Luo, begging to see you!" Chen Lin walked in from the outside, seeing Chen Hong nodding to him, he said respectfully.

Frowning slightly, Nanjing has been open for seven days, but Luo Sigong still failed to find Fang Shihong and Zhu Yousong.This made Emperor Tianqi very dissatisfied, wondering what happened to Luo Sigong's visit today.

"Let him in!" After a little thought, Emperor Tianqi ordered Chen Lin.

After a short time, Luo Sigong walked in, lifted his clothes and knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully: "Chen Jinyiwei Commander Luo Sigong, see the emperor!"

After waving his hands to signal Luo Sigong to get up, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice, "I don't know what's going on with Aiqing here? But what happened to Fang Shihong?"

"My Majesty, there is Fang Shihong's whereabouts, but he hasn't been caught yet!" Luo Sigong said in a low voice with a look of shame flashing across his face.

"Really? Listen to me!" Emperor Tianqi didn't have much hope in his heart, so he told Luo Sigong that I am very dissatisfied now.Unexpectedly, Luo Sigong really found out the news, so he hurriedly asked.

Luo Sigong thought about his words, and said, "Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei's spies have tightly blocked the way in and out of Nanjing, but there are not enough people. Even with the cooperation of Mr. Sun, it is still a bit of a drop in the bucket. But Jin Yiwei's spies have heard some news. Fang Shihong sits The boat has gone to sea to find the Japanese pirates!"

"Japanese pirates?" This name is unknown in Daming, and the harm that Japanese pirates caused to Daming back then is still fresh in people's memory.However, Emperor Tianqi knew in his heart that there were no Japanese pirates, only pirates. In Da Ming's words, they were pirates.

Counting the time, it seems that Zheng Zhilong and others are about to wake up at this time, which is why Emperor Tianqi is so anxious to build a navy.It can be said that we have fallen behind in overseas colonization now. If we don't catch up, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.Fortunately, it's not too late yet, after taking a look at Luo Sigong, Emperor Tianqi said mockingly: "Luo Sigong, do I trust you?"

"Confidentially, replace it with a national scholar!" Luo Sigong said quickly, without the slightest hesitation on this issue, he raised his head and looked at Emperor Tianqi resolutely.

"Then why did you use such words to fool me? Do you really think I'm confused? Fang Shihong went to find Japanese pirates, what do you think I am? You can deceive me like this!" Emperor Tianqi seemed very angry, staring straight at Luo Sigong.

Now Luo Sigong was a little confused, with disbelief on his face, where did Emperor Tianqi say this?However, he still knelt down on the ground and said loudly: "Your Majesty replaces the minister with a national scholar, and I should repay him with a national scholar. I dare not lie to the emperor even if I die, and the sun and the moon can see my loyalty to the emperor!"

"Okay, don't say that these things are useless. You said that Fang Shihong went to find Japanese pirates. I ask you, are there still Japanese pirates along the coast of Daming?" Emperor Tianqi stared at Luo Sigong and said with dissatisfaction on his face.

Hearing Emperor Tianqi's words, Luo Sigong's heart sank, and he immediately understood where the problem was.After thinking for a while, he quickly explained: "Your Majesty, I have lost my word! Fang Shihong didn't go to find Japanese pirates, but went to sea to become a pirate. Fang Shihong and the pirates had colluded for a long time. Now that Daming has no way out, he went to sea to become a pirate." Bandit."

"Let someone escape from under your nose, you Jinyiwei are really idiots!" Emperor Tianqi nodded, he recognized Luo Sigong's words, but he was still dissatisfied with Luo Sigong's ability to handle affairs.

"Your Majesty forgive me, I am incompetent!" This Luo Sigong couldn't evade it no matter what, he quickly and respectfully admitted his mistake.

After waving his hand, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "Okay, the matter has come to this point, it is meaningless to say these words. I have given you Jin Yiwei a task. You can do this well, and I will not hold you accountable. .”

"I thank the emperor for the grace of heaven. No matter what, I will do my best to complete it." Luo Sigong was immediately overjoyed, this is the emperor Tianqi gave him a chance to make up for his mistakes.But Luo Sigong also knew in his heart that if he messed up this time, he would never have another chance.

"Send Jin Yiwei to find out the situation of the pirates. I want to know what forces the pirates have and how strong each force is. The entanglements among these pirates should also be investigated clearly, and which pirate Fang Shihong is in?" Find it for me!" Emperor Tianqi looked at Luo Sigong and asked, "Can it be done?"

This task is not easy, but Luo Sigong knew that he had no choice, but he did not dare to agree to it.Frowning, he thought for a while, and said: "Your Majesty, this matter may not be so easy. Jin Yiwei does not have any spies in this area, so it needs to be deployed and rearranged."

Looking at Luo Sigong with satisfaction, Emperor Tianqi smiled and nodded, and said: "It's like doing business, go! Do this job well, I allow you to recruit people to do this job well. In Jinyiwei, Separately list a thousand overseas households and do it!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will definitely not disappoint your Majesty!" Luo Sigong said respectfully with a happy expression on his face.

"Okay, it's better not to say these words, do something practical!" Emperor Tianqi was really impatient with such words, waved his hand, and signaled Luo Sigong to go out!

Although he was kicked out by Emperor Tianqi, Luo Sigong didn't have a trace of depression on his face, but was more excited.

Xiamen, a city built by Hongwu in 20 years, is known as the gate of the country's building, hence the name Xiamen.Xiamen is under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou Prefecture. After more than 200 years of development, it has already become a big city.Although he has experienced the troubles of Japanese pirates, he has recovered his vitality for so many years.

In the east city of Xiamen, there is a Li Mansion, which at first glance looks like a wealthy local businessman.The mansion occupies a large area and is very prosperously built.Many people know that this is the residence of Li Dan, a rich businessman in Xiamen.

This morning, two young people came to the door of the Li Mansion. The leader was only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he was shrewd and capable that young people rarely see.His eyes are also very deep, without the slightest immaturity of his peers.

The person behind him was older, stout, with dark skin, but sharp eyes.His hands are full of calluses, and his fingers are very wide. Anyone who knows how to do it can definitely tell that this person is a boatman.

Although the imperial court expressly forbids the people to privately build boats and go to sea, but on the seashore, going to sea is not really a secret.

"An official, I don't know if Mr. Li is in the mansion. I hope our visit won't be in vain!" Cheng Yu said with a smile, looking at the gate of Li's mansion in front of him, and then at the young man beside him.

Both of them looked tired. It was not a very comfortable thing to dare to travel for such a long time.Zheng Yiguan said with a smile: "Godfather should be at home, he won't go to Japan at this time! Well, stop talking, let's go in!" (To be continued...)

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