I am the carpenter king

Chapter 638 The Gap Between Two

For Farley, there was no suspense in this attack, it was just a robbery, and he had done too many things like this.No matter what the situation on the other side is, these ten warships of his own can also face it.

Seeing the Dutch warship through the binoculars, Hua Yingchun burst out laughing, with an unconcealable joy on his face.As a lure to the enemy, Hua Yingchun didn't want to put himself on the line. After confirming that the Dutch saw him, he told everyone: "Brothers, hurry up! The sea is not land, the ship sank None of us can survive, let's go!"

Without limiting the speed, the warship approached the brigade at full speed, drawing the Dutch out, and his mission was considered complete.

Standing on the bow of the battleship, a puzzled look flashed across Farley's face. This was not a battleship he had ever seen.Neither the Spaniards, nor the Portuguese, nor the Englishman as a pirate, have any warships like this.He reached out to greet a person, and Falei said in a deep voice, "Come and see, where is this warship?"

This person is Film, who was left to Farley by Penghu Commander Waite. He is very familiar with the affairs in the Taiwan Strait, so it is most appropriate for him to confirm.

After receiving the binoculars that Farley handed over, Ferlin didn't dare to delay the slightest, and quickly lifted them up to have a look, and his brows also frowned.He lowered his head and pondered for a moment before he said: "Your Excellency, this is the first time I have seen such a warship. It is different from the previous warships. But judging from the style of the ship, it should be a warship of the Ming Dynasty." .”

"Da Ming Kingdom?" He glanced at the film with some surprise, and Falei thought that this film had made a mistake?When did the Ming Dynasty have such a large warship?Although these battleships are different from their own, they are larger than their own, so how could they belong to the Ming Dynasty.

He waved his hand to signal the film to go down. For Farley, he would know whose battleship it was after a while.He glanced at the orderly next to him.He said with a serious face: "Go at full speed, wait a moment and don't sink all the opponent's warships, there are all good things on them."

When seeing the flag hanging high on the enemy warship, everyone smiled. Yu Zigao patted Xu Xinsu on the shoulder and said with a big smile, "Not bad. Really good. I'll give you a credit. "After speaking, Zhang Yukun turned his eyes to the side, and asked respectfully: "Master, please arrange what to do next."

"The semaphore has already been displayed on the enemy fleet. The Dutch have only ten warships. Naturally, the more bully the less. The fleet adopts a semi-circular attack formation, surrounds these Dutch fleets, and encircles them all when they find the opportunity. You can't let them run away!" Zhang Yukun said loudly with joy on his face.

The clear order was quickly passed on, and the fleet changed its formation as quickly as the drill, and surrounded them towards the front.

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is an ambush, we have been fooled!" Seeing this scene, Ferlin's expression changed drastically, and he said to Farley.

Needless to say, Flynn.Farley saw it too, and his face was terribly gloomy.I didn't expect that I would be fooled like this.After thinking for a while, he said: "We can't stop, and we can't turn around. Now the fleet is advancing at full speed. If we turn around, we will be surrounded. Order the fleet to advance at full speed and prepare to rush over!" confident.His own fleet must be able to rush out from the front.

"Filin, do you think this is the fleet of the Ming Dynasty? Isn't it Zheng Zhilong's?" Falei still didn't believe it was the fleet of the Ming Dynasty. After all, the Ming Dynasty had been in decline for so many years, and its sea power was long gone.There are about [-] warships on the opposite side, such a huge home fleet.It is not what the Ming Dynasty should have.

Ferlin's face was already sweating, and after the order was passed on, he always felt unstable.Hearing Fa Lei's question, he quickly shook his head and said, "Your Excellency, this is not Zheng Zhilong's fleet. Although he has such a large number of warships, they are not so big. I can be sure that this is a warship from the Ming Dynasty. They are here to attack Penghu!"

"Attack Penghu? Why?" Although Falei knew that Penghu was the territory of the Dutch, he didn't quite understand how the territory came about.

"This Penghu was originally the territory of the Ming Dynasty, but we occupied it after we came here. The Ming Dynasty has always asked us to withdraw from Penghu, but Commander Waite has never taken it seriously. After all, the Ming Dynasty did not have the strength to seize Penghu by force. But starting this year, the attitude of Daming Kingdom is very tough, and an ultimatum was issued years ago, if we can't withdraw, then Daming will take back by force!" Feilin's face became even uglier, it was obvious that Daming Kingdom was Be prepared.

Nodding slowly, Falei didn't have time to think too much about it. Seeing that the two sides were already surrounded by the navy of the Ming Dynasty, he ordered: "Fire the guns and try the range of the Ming warships!"

Although the number of warships of the Ming army is very large, Falei does not believe how far the artillery of the Ming army can shoot.If their artillery range is not as far as my own, I am confident that I will wipe out all these Ming army fleets here.

The baffle of the side string gun had already been lowered, and the fuse of the gun made a burning sound. With a loud noise, a shell flew towards the Ming warship on the right.

boom!When the shell fell into the water, it immediately splashed a few feet high water column, and fell back into the sea with a clatter.Seeing this scene, Qi Jin suddenly laughed. He was very familiar with firearms, and it was obvious that the Dutch were trying.Looking at the shells falling into the water two miles away, Qi Jin knew that these two miles were the key to the absolute victory.

"Send a signal to the left wing army, keep this distance from the Dutch, all the sidestring guns can fire, and send these Dutchmen down to feed the fish. In addition, let the warships in charge of outflanking speed up, and must seal the hole for me !" Qi Jin looked back at the messenger and said with a big smile.

"Yes, General!" The orderly replied quickly, without any hesitation.

The order was quickly passed on, and the right-wing Ming army where Qi Jin was located all lowered the baffles of the side string guns, and the black hole of the [-] cannons of each warship was exposed.

Pulling out his own sword, Qi Jin raised it high, and shouted loudly: "Fire the gun!" Suddenly the gunfire rang out, and countless shells flew towards the Dutch fleet with white smoke.

More than [-] shells fell into a Dutch warship, and the warship was dismembered in an instant. There were boards and bombed torn bodies floating on the sea.Many shells fell into the water, splashing countless waves, and the Dutch warship began to shake from side to side.

"Your Excellency Commander, Your Excellency Commander, their artillery range is farther than ours, quickly think of a way!" Feilin finally settled the ominous omen in his heart, and it really is so, it is so.

Farley was also stunned at this moment. He didn't expect that the artillery of the fleet of the Ming Dynasty was farther than the ones he set up here.Wiping the sea water splashed on his face, Farley said loudly: "Send the order, rush out of the encirclement at full speed, the fleet moves closer to the two sides, bring Daming's fleet into range, and the sidestring guns will fight back!"

This order was not slow to pass on, but the speed of the shells was faster. After two rounds of bombardment, the Dutch fleet had lost five warships.This is still nearly eight layers of artillery shells from the Ming army falling into the water, but two layers of shells are enough for Farley to drink a pot.The remaining five warships were also wounded, and Farley's flagship was also hit by two shells, but fortunately they were all on the deck.

Because of the addition of iron plates, it was only blown out of a large hole, and it was not blown through.Farley kept telling himself that he must escape, not because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, but because he must pass on this news, must pass it on.

Standing on the bow of the warship, Yu Zigao had a smile on his face, turned to Zhang Yukun and said: "Master, this battle seems to be like this, those Spaniards always say that the Dutch fleet is powerful, now look It’s nothing more than that!”

"General Yu, that's wrong!" Before Zhang Yukun could speak, Nan Juyi interjected, "General Yu, these Spaniards' cannons have a very long range and great power. Although they are not as powerful as our navy's The artillery has a long range, but it is much stronger than the artillery of the Fujian Navy!"

Speaking of this, Nan Juyi sighed helplessly, and continued: "I have seen the warships of the Dutch a long time ago. It is really not something that the Fujian Navy can defeat. Otherwise, I will not use other methods. The emperor is far-sighted, It is really a great fortune for the Ming Dynasty to build such a large navy!"

After hearing what the Nanju people said, all the people around nodded thoughtfully, while Zhang Yukun said with a smile: "The emperor established a firearms factory when he ascended the throne. Now it seems that he is definitely far-sighted. Firearms are the country's sharp weapon , enough to decide the outcome of a war!"

Everyone was talking here, the battlefield was filled with gunpowder, and the Dutch warships were sunk one by one, leaving only Farley's flagship in the end.Although the flagship was hit by many shells, it has not been silent until this time, which has to be said to be a miracle.

Seeing the warship rushing towards him in the Zigzag, Yu Zigao suddenly smiled. At this time, the artillery on both sides had stopped firing, and it was really easy to accidentally injure his own people.

"Come here! Bring the bazooka up, the general wants to fire it!" Yu Zigao liked sharp weapons like bazookas very much, even more than cannons.

Zhang Yukun on one side smiled helplessly, but he did not stop Yu Zigao. He just said to the messenger on the other side: "Let the surrounding warships prepare rocket launchers. After General Yu launches, the rest of the fleet will also launch. Send this ship The battleship was sunk, we can't waste too much time." (To be continued...)

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